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IDAHO Smash Thread


Smash Journeyman
Mar 31, 2009
Shaq Fu, the Video Game
That might be possible if people cared enough to learn "competitive" Brawl :D
Pick Metaknight and camp in the middle of the stage for 8 minutes or pick Snake and camp at the edge of the stage until your opponent gets within BOOT! range.


Once you go Brawl+...

You're not going to go back...

Not even for delicious Choco Chip Cookies...

On a side note: Just got Final Fantasy 8 as a Rom (finally got an Emulator to work). It was as good as it was in the demo I played as a kid. In fact, it is better.

Disc 1 Done
Play Time: 19:23

I've cleared Sunday - Next Wednesday.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 7, 2005
The fact that I came in there, even tho I hadnt played brawl AT ALL in like 4 months, and managed to be on par with pretty much everyone there shows that brawl will just even everybody out without regard to technical skill. Itll just stay mind game or whoever gets bored first and loses the will to win. Fun to play, not rly legit enough to compete in.

I'd like to know why some ppl could think Halo sucks tho lol. Cause that just makes no sense to me..

AlCheMisT amari

Smash Journeyman
Dec 11, 2007
Mountain Home, Idaho
i would quote th halo thing but that would be a waste of conversation. felix, u should go to genesis. you have the potential to be really good. i felt it when i played you. it made me want to play you more. i think i still have your number...


Smash Journeyman
Mar 31, 2009
Shaq Fu, the Video Game
Itll just stay mind game or whoever gets bored first and loses the will to win. Fun to play, not rly legit enough to compete in.
Brawl, yes. It has no chance in hell.

Brawl+, maybe no. The potential is there. All we need to do is wait to see what happens when the final code-set is released. That will determine how things advance more then anything else will.

Also, major Lulz points to the makers of Balanced Brawl. They wasted 1000+ hours of their time to do almost nothing at all. If I remember right, they left in tripping... In fact, they did.


Smash Ace
Dec 12, 2007
Mountain Home, Idaho
There was a significant lack of black-awesomeness at the last smashfest as both you and QraQ were absent. It was noticeable.

Also, if you guys get bored over there, come to Mountain Home tomorrow (even if it is the 4th). We have a place to smash with a decent amount of open room. Let me know if you plan to come and I can give you a number and get you directions and ****.

Also, Dan, if you read this sometime today/night/tomorrow and aren't busy, let me know. I want to straighten things out in person (in a good way).


Smash Journeyman
Apr 6, 2009
Nampa, ID
Please note how I said OUT OF STATE, you know, where everyone actually learns the game instead of dissing it =)

mecakoto, I honestly don't see how you could hate brawl, since the only noticable thing I saw being pulled was dash dancing, nairs, dthrow to knee in Brawl+

Felix, did we play?


Smash Journeyman
Mar 31, 2009
Shaq Fu, the Video Game
Please note how I said OUT OF STATE, you know, where everyone actually learns the game instead of dissing it =)

mecakoto, I honestly don't see how you could hate brawl, since the only noticeable thing I saw being pulled was dash dancing, nairs, dthrow to knee in Brawl+

Felix, did we play?
It goes far deeper then that, I'm afraid. A few points off the top of my head:

1) Only an idiot would play Captain Falcon in Brawl. (It's a reason for me. I love Captain)

2) Combos are possible. Not some random U-Air > U-Air > F-Air combo I can sometimes pull off with Luigi. I like the support of being able to do a set combo every time.

Example: D-Throw > U-Air > Knee with Falcon; U-Tilt > U-Air > U-Air > U-Air > Side-B/U-Air/N-Air/D-Air with Kirby; D-Throw > B-Air >*land* B-Air > *land* B-Air > B-Air > Up-B **at low damage** or D-Throw > U-Air for kill for Toon Link. There are many more.

3) What you saw of me playing Brawl+ was me just playing and having fun. Competitive me in Brawl+ will screw with you. Fox usually.

4) Overall faster with less camping and more options for all characters.

5) Better risk vs reward system.

Overall, it is better. I will take every opportunity to point that out. But I don't hate Brawl. It's still fun on a casual level, but on a competitive level it is just... so far from par. I no longer go to tournaments for it because I have no incentive to do well with it. What's the point? Recognition by many for the sub-standard game means far less then recognition by few for the game that people who that don't even own a Wii would watch.

Brawl+ is just better competitively, and that is what I am here for. If I can't find a competitive-based person to play against, then casual it is. Both are just as fun to me. (Casual and competitive gaming)


Smash Apprentice
Apr 30, 2007
That is one reason, in a sense. It is also the fact that people will hack into and edit the base coding of a game in an attempt to change it because they don't like it. I'd ordinarily have no issue with that what-so-ever, but Brawl is still new. After 3-4 years I can understand wanting to change something old and reinvent it to bring some nostalgia back to the game, but Brawl wasn't even close to that point when the Brawl+ project first started.

A scary thought arises from this: what if this can be done with any game? Editing it to the editor's liking? We aren't back in the days where guides for every game existed and tutorials were everywhere, including in the game itself. We had to learn by playing and intuition. Trial and Error was a necessity. Memorisation was required. It was hard unless it was easy. If it was easy, it wasn't worth your time. Now, if you don't like a level, edit the code and change it to make it a cake walk. You don't have the coding experience to do it? Someone already did and you simply have to download the patch.

There is also the point of stubborness to be made. Rather then try to adapt Brawl to the point where it is faster then when it first came and do as much as we can in those 60 frames a second that we are given, people are compelled to just simply change the new to try to fit the old. We all know Brawl has problems. It is undeniable. But what is wrong with simply trying to fix the broken by working around it instead of attempting to cut it out completely or add to it so much that it no longer seems broken.

Yet another point to be made is the split in the community, which is never a good thing. With a split the Metagame of every single character suffers on both ends. Instead of having 2000 advanced players focusing on... let's say Ganondorf... we will have far less. This increases the amount of time it takes to develop the character in question. This could lead to us missing the game-breaking AT that works with Ganon before Brawl's life cycle is over. The one that would make Ganon a god. What's worse is that I've seen massive communities crumble and die for lesser things than a simple hack.

Aside from splitting the community, it lessens tournament sizes quite nicely. Look above you. Look at the past posts. People have been saying Brawl+ > Brawl. I'd like to hear the logic, but I doubt I'll get anything more than an equivalent to "it's fun." Brawl+ takes players from the Brawl community and lessens the number of people that go to Brawl tournaments. Good luck to us if we want to get a major sponsor like MLG. Money is power. If we don't have enough attendance to make them money, we drop from power as a major competitive game. I also dread what will happen if Brawl+ starts to get tournaments going. It is doubtful because of what is required to simply play Brawl+, but I digress.

Now, the mere fact that I'm on this board shows that I don't overly care about original designer's intent. We all know Brawl wasn't MEANT to be a competitive game. I doubt Melee was, either. I wasn't playing Melee when it first came out. But I do respect original designer's intent enough to recognise that a game is more then a game to that designer. The designer put years into the game trying to make it the best they can just to have it edited by someone who didn't like an aspect of it.

I'm designing a hack of Super Mario RPG: Legend of the 7 Stars right now. It will take me months to perfect and complete. I can start true design of it when V1.1 of the editor is released. Once it is done, I don't want someone who is having difficulty on one part of the game to edit that part out. I want them to seek advice or message me with their concerns on difficulty. It is a respect thing.

My final point is what people say to people like me that don't play Brawl+ for whatever our reasons are. I asked previously if there are any Brawl or Melee tournaments going on around Southern Idaho. I mention that I don't want to be told of Brawl+ tournaments and I get a few messages saying Brawl+ is better. I get no answers for my question. I don't even get pointed in a direction that could lead me to the answers I am seeking on my own. I'm sure if I made a new account and did the same thing in a week that I did recently I'd get more answers like I already have gotten: none that are conclusive. It is causing people looking for answers to be shot down by people who play a hacked version of the game you have questions on or about.

It all comes down to this: Brawl+ is fun for you. Ok. I respect that. What I don't respect is the overall harm it is doing.

Now, before anyone responds to me, because at least one person will, (as is the nature of a message board with a massive post) I would like you to read each and every word of the above. I want you to think about it. Try to remove any bias from yourself. I tried, and I failed to a degree. I can only hope it was a small degree. It is to be expected, however, since that is how opinion goes. My opinions of how the community and Metagame grow, and also what respect is and how it should be treated, are all in this.

The original question wanted me to take a game-design point of view. I did near the end. A topic like this, however, can not be looked at purely from a game-design point of view. I hope you understand.
Complete 180 turn around. Just thought I'd point that out :O


Smash Ace
Jul 21, 2005
Beaverton, OR
The people who think that the ability to mod games to one's liking will ruin them apparently don't realize this has been possible for decades on the PC. <_<


Smash Cadet
Oct 14, 2008
Kick'n it in the 208
It goes far deeper then that, I'm afraid. A few points off the top of my head:

1) Only an idiot would play Captain Falcon in Brawl. (It's a reason for me. I love Captain)

2) Combos are possible. Not some random U-Air > U-Air > F-Air combo I can sometimes pull off with Luigi. I like the support of being able to do a set combo every time.

Example: D-Throw > U-Air > Knee with Falcon; U-Tilt > U-Air > U-Air > U-Air > Side-B/U-Air/N-Air/D-Air with Kirby; D-Throw > B-Air >*land* B-Air > *land* B-Air > B-Air > Up-B **at low damage** or D-Throw > U-Air for kill for Toon Link. There are many more.

3) What you saw of me playing Brawl+ was me just playing and having fun. Competitive me in Brawl+ will screw with you. Fox usually.

4) Overall faster with less camping and more options for all characters.

5) Better risk vs reward system.

Overall, it is better. I will take every opportunity to point that out. But I don't hate Brawl. It's still fun on a casual level, but on a competitive level it is just... so far from par. I no longer go to tournaments for it because I have no incentive to do well with it. What's the point? Recognition by many for the sub-standard game means far less then recognition by few for the game that people who that don't even own a Wii would watch.

Brawl+ is just better competitively, and that is what I am here for. If I can't find a competitive-based person to play against, then casual it is. Both are just as fun to me. (Casual and competitive gaming)
Mecakoto. How high are you when you wrights this? I mean excellent writing but, man, get me some sparknotes for this junk. but seriously way too long.

AlCheMisT amari

Smash Journeyman
Dec 11, 2007
Mountain Home, Idaho
wow its midnight. isnt noe's thing tmrw? im working unsurprizingly. i had to switch shifts with someone because i owed it to him during the washington tourny. tmrw nite is it? what is this change of hatred towards me? Churro, noU, scarykid, knuttz, genesis in a week hell yea.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 31, 2009
Shaq Fu, the Video Game
Mecakoto. How high are you when you wrights this? I mean excellent writing but, man, get me some sparknotes for this junk. but seriously way too long.
I like writing. I'm good at it. I enjoy it. =p

I wasn't high, by the way. I hadn't slept the night before because FF8 is just so **** awesome.

Just so you know... those can be considered notes by my standards. I could have written much, much more. =p

Edit: This is my new sig. If you have an issue with it, please feel free to tell me and I'll take it down.

Complete 180 turn around. Just thought I'd point that out :O

Yep. I shouldn't be so judging of something when all I have to go on is speculation and theory. I needed to play it to see why people do. Ignorance is bliss, but it makes an *** out of you in the process.

Besides, someone that can make huge posts with little to nothing to go on is a good someone to have on your side. Imagine if I knew 100% of what I was talking about? :bee:
It is also a reason never to debate with me, but that is another topic altogether. =p


Smash Apprentice
Apr 30, 2007
Debate taught me never to argue the content, but to say why their opinion is 'invalid'.

Anyways, my casual forum that I go to ends up being trolls, (what do I expect from some korean game fan site?), so I am asking you guys;

I'm sort of an RPG collector, and have a lot of games right now. Including the entire good Final Fantasy collection. (10+ sucks IMO, I have 1-9). Anyways I really want to PLAY through these, instead of having them sit on my shelf. So which of these should I start on?

*Final Fantasy 1, #Final Fantasy 2, *Final Fantasy 3, Final Fantasy 4, Final Fantasy 5, Final Fantasy 6, #Final Fantasy 7, #Final Fantasy 8, Final Fantasy 9, #Crono Trigger, #Tales of Symphonia, #Earthbound, Riviera: The Promised Land, *Golden Sun, Golden Sun: The Lost Age, or have one to recommend?

*= Played completely through once
#=Played for a while, but never a complete playthrough


Smash Journeyman
Mar 31, 2009
Shaq Fu, the Video Game

Or, if you want something new, buy Super Mario RPG: Legend of the 7 Stars. It is a rare game that is fun and simple that was one of the final games released for the SNES. If you can't find the cartrage (which can go for $500 bucks if you are unlucky and the seller isn't an idiot) you can get it off of that Wii Shop channle thing.

Having never played it before but being proficient at RPGs (which I imagine you are), it should give you 7-8 hours of play time before you beat it. Another 5-6 to find all the secrets, beat the bonus boss, and achieve 100%, or as close to it as you can in the case that you screw up and do something you shouldn't have done.

Then another 5-6 to achieve 100% in one playthrough.

Then another 3 hours to beat the Boss battle I created with a few hacking programs.

So, let's say 20 hours of play time minimum. (17 without playing my hack) =p

***Level Up!***
***You are now Level 19***
***You have gained the idea to speed-run SMRPG in one sitting at the next Smashfest for the Lulz***


Smash Apprentice
Apr 30, 2007
I did like FF8 more than 7, but I had to restart near the end of disc 1 because I missed all the GFs so its frustrating going back to it.

I always played SMRPG on ROMs when I was young. When it came out, I bought it on wii shop, just because it was awesome.

The fastest speedrun of it was done in 4 hours, and in MULTIPLE segments. Meaning it was a long project. Good luck to speedrunning it at a smashfest.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 31, 2009
Shaq Fu, the Video Game
I can usually do it in a single segment in under 4 1/2 hours so long as things go well. (Bower doesn't spam his nice sleepy arrow thingy/I get the right rooms in Bowser's Castle/etc.) I'd skip trying to get the Super Suit/Attack Scarf because I still can't do it consistently after all this time.


If you do do FF8 and have some time to kill/don't care about spoilers, watch this. I did while downloading FF8 legally (I say that because I can) and I feel I'm better off. His commentary is good and he gets nearly 100% throughout 162 parts (average of 9 minutes each. Like I said: if you have time to kill). His advice is also good. That all pails in comparison to one aspect: HIS ACCENT! It is awesome.


Smash Apprentice
Apr 30, 2007
You should try and beat the SDA time of about 4 hours and in 13 segments. I'm sure you could.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 31, 2009
Shaq Fu, the Video Game
I can guarantee that I could with segments. The only issue is that I don't own a capture card, so I can't do it on a TV. That kills it's legitimacy a bit. =(

No U

Smash Journeyman
Oct 2, 2008
Boise ID
Debate taught me never to argue the content, but to say why their opinion is 'invalid'.

Anyways, my casual forum that I go to ends up being trolls, (what do I expect from some korean game fan site?), so I am asking you guys;

I'm sort of an RPG collector, and have a lot of games right now. Including the entire good Final Fantasy collection. (10+ sucks IMO, I have 1-9). Anyways I really want to PLAY through these, instead of having them sit on my shelf. So which of these should I start on?

*Final Fantasy 1, #Final Fantasy 2, *Final Fantasy 3, Final Fantasy 4, Final Fantasy 5, Final Fantasy 6, #Final Fantasy 7, #Final Fantasy 8, Final Fantasy 9, #Crono Trigger, #Tales of Symphonia, #Earthbound, Riviera: The Promised Land, *Golden Sun, Golden Sun: The Lost Age, or have one to recommend?

*= Played completely through once
#=Played for a while, but never a complete playthrough
This is the order you will play them in.

Earthbound -> Mother 3 -> Chrono Trigger -> FF6 -> Golden Sun -> Golden Sun: TLA -> FF4

After that do as you wish.


Smash Ace
Dec 7, 2007
Boise, ID
Debate taught me to talk in the least amount of words possible. So I agree with Fro, Sparknotes ftw.
If only you'd adhere to what you've been taught lol.

On another note, smashfest today at Brandon's house obviously.
I'd say show up after 2 or so. I'm not heavily into the game anymore but i still play for funsies.


Smash Ace
Dec 12, 2007
Mountain Home, Idaho
Being taught something doesn't mean I listen to it, plus I haven't debated in about a year and a half, so bleh.

Also, Zach wants you to rate his Ganon in the videos I uploaded to my Youtube earlier.


Smash Cadet
Dec 26, 2008
Just buy one of the cheap converters on ebay. $10 and free shipping is fine if you're just trying to capture playthroughs/walkthroughs (I don't know what the **** they're called) or even some Melee matches.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 7, 2005
I'll see if I can make it to knuttz's today.
Genesis is still a maybe but I gotta come up with time and money.
Alch I still think we're even based on the matches we had and I say we should play more :)


Smash Journeyman
Apr 29, 2007
I will be going to the Smashfest. Woot I am so good at making excuses to go places on sundays! :D


Smash Journeyman
Apr 6, 2009
Nampa, ID
I'll go around 5-6, bringing setup as usual.

Guys, I really want your advice/critique, whether it's Brawl, Melee, or Brawl+ (not really Brawl+, but mainly spacing and the usual smash ways) I really wish to have some Brawl matches before Genesis, greatly appreciated, and I'm still debating giving away Melee money at Genesis, knowing I'm horrible/too predictable. I learned a good amount on the way to and from TourneyPlay, and I could use more help like that. Alchemist, QraQ, thanks.

BTW, Turtlehoop, I fell asleep watching your Shiny Gold X walthrough, don't worry, that's a good thing, I stayed up till like 4, watched 9 parts.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 31, 2009
Shaq Fu, the Video Game
I have discovered Brawl+ Peach. She is a beast and the mind games you can play with her... It's just so good.

Captain Falcon, Peach, and Fox are my 3 in + now. Also, sorry for not being able to make the Smashfest. I was a bit busy...


Smash Apprentice
Apr 30, 2007
I prefer IVYSAUR!!!!!!!!!! Just because he has amazing capabilities with his b-air. And he has t3h aw3s0m3 c0mb0ezzzz with his n-air too.
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