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IDAHO Smash Thread


Smash Ace
Dec 7, 2007
Boise, ID
family guy is LOL SO RANDUM XD

while south park is actually funny and usually has somewhat of a point.

Also, whoever left the brown jacket and the volcom hat over here like 3 months ago should come pick them up and smash.
Obviously me...Im all about brown


Smash Ace
Nov 22, 2005
Boise, ID
quad core make me bust a nut lol.

but family guy just makes me laugh. Thats the point! <-----see there it is
....you should hear his work computer specs....

Family guy>>>> southpark > simpsons >>>>>Fat chicks...Turtlehoop...why are you backwards about everything???

Also tatemz...i guess its a mother board problem or a pci card problem...so dell is replacing BOTH..along with some rubbers...screws, joints, hinges, charger, already a keyboard, speakers...,i also did a FULL reinstall of XP...and am reinstalling everything from scratch vs. restoring a backup.... so basically...in a couple more days..i have a new computer.....you need to HELP me get mac os on a VMWare tate...so i can do some iphone development...and the 3.0 sdk lets you connect through bluetooth and the 30 pin connector...which means we can find someone to make a gamecube emulator...connect a controller through the 30 pin connector...(maybe...i dont know how the controller stuff works...with sensitivity and ****...)

I love this warm weather..i need to have a bbq...AND...i want to float the river so bad...i got sunburned yesterday....weeding for like an hour...**** me being white...


Smash Journeyman
Sep 25, 2007
boi Z Idaho
Heh, idaho plan something. KoaStar you haven't payed enough attention to idaho. Anything we even try to plan turns to epic fail. An earthquake dumping cali in the ocean is much more worrysome.


Smash Apprentice
May 25, 2008
Eagle, Idaho
Captain Falcon sits down at a computer screen. He's gained weight since Melee... 5000 pounds to be exact. He sits at the computer playing World of Warcraft. His nipples are gone. They are covered by layers of fat tissue. His other muscle have deteriorated too. They are also now just fat. Captain Falcon's suit still fits though and it's tighter on him than ever... but that's not really a good thing now. Captain Falcon suddenly get's an IM. Sakurai: Falcon! Get off your ***! It's time for the Brawl! This is what Falcon was waiting for! He cancelled his quest party and logged out of WoW.
It was time for a comeback.

Captain Falcon starts going through a tough training style. He does 1,000,000 Falcon Sit ups, the same amount of Falcon Push ups, and he runs a Falcon Lap around his Falcon House. He opens the fridge and determines he doesn't have enough eggs. So he goes to the source. Captain Falcon runs all the way to a farm in Alabama (He lives on Hawaii). On the farm he forces the chickens with his mind to lay over 9000 eggs and to go get more eggs for him. Falcon gets the eggs and a giant bowl and makes the biggest protein shake the world has ever seen. He drinks the shake with his feet and it flows through his body replacing his blood.

This protein blood becomes powerful enough to blow all of his fat leftover off and it flies into a meteor in space. Captain Falcon becomes his good old self! The meteor aligns with Earth for a crash landing to destroy it. This is Falcon's true test to see if he's ready. Captain Falcon jumps up, throught the atmoshere and into space. He prepares his fist. It's time... Falcon... P... p... p...... PAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWWNNNNNNCHHHH!!! Captain Falcon makes the meteor evaporate in a single punch. The massive explosion makes him descend towards Earth.

The camera shows Captain Falcon many miles above the stage, falling at a rapid speed, while playing a flaming guitar with his teeth. He gets bored and throws the guitar at a nearby mountain, causing the mountain to explode. Only instead of debris, pornography comes flying out of the explosion, which Captain Falcon looks at while eating raw meat, drinking beer, and flexing his biceps. He gets bored with the pornography, so he destroys it all with his chest hair, which he can grow at will. He finishes his raw meat and beer, so he eats the beer glass, like a real man.

He still has quite a long way to go before he crashes into the stage, so he starts striking manly poses, while shooting bullets out of his iron nipples. These bullets explode upon impact with the ground, launching a flaming truck into the air, straight towards Captain Falcon, who slices it in half before it can reach him with the force created by him flexing his pecks. As he passes the gas tank, which became detached, he falcon punches it causing it to explode with the force of a nuclear warhead. This propels Captain Falcon towards the stage at an incredible speed.

Captain Falcon crashes into the stage with a pelvic thrust, done at near the speed of light. He climbs out of the crater he created, and flexes every muscle in his body at the same time. The incredible force created by this kills everyone within a 500 mile radius, and every female in the universe climaxes.


the Ascended One
May 20, 2008
The Wash: Lake City
I hope u didnt waste your time writing that and some other idiot did

if you did, then I guess its kinda funny.

if not, go tell that idiot hes an idiot.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 29, 2007
I'm beginning to lose faith that Knuttz will ever change rankings or even post that tournaments results. :/


Smash Journeyman
Sep 25, 2007
boi Z Idaho
scarykid, the reason knuttz hasn't posted the results is because he doesn't have the internets at his house, thus he would have to do it at work which he can't go to anymore. its lose lose.


Smash Lord
Sep 25, 2006
Princeton, NJ
I'm a criminal so it's hard for me to leave the state lol.
Dam I came into the Idaho thread to try and see if they still played Melee and see if B.C. was still around but I come to find ****in Kaos ramblin uppin that post count.

Haha Joe in here too. Anyways Ryan you should come to the Utah May 23rd tourney, all Melee. I'm gonna be there :) MM's all day with anybody from Idaho.


Smash Ace
Nov 22, 2005
Boise, ID
I'm beginning to lose faith that Knuttz will ever change rankings or even post that tournaments results. :/
I will, personal life comes first before smash. :) I've got tons of yard work....2-3 hours A DAY this week...each..i keep getting sunburned...and having to fix my computer...which is FIXED!!! so i'm reinstalling everything right know, tio should be installed soon....don't worry....
Melee Teams:
1: Turtle Christ(M) (TH + BC)
2: KnuttQraqer(M) (Knuttz + Qraq)
3: team hospital(MB) (NOU + Fro)
4: EMOS(MB) (Tcow + Lemon)
5: Mack(M) (Mike + jack)
5: Talchomest(M) (Tate + Alchmest)
7: Schlatter + WestBestin (MB) (Schlatter + WestinBestin)
7: sk and fry(M) (SK + Fyre)
9: Churro + Alex(MB) (Churro + MikeNampa)

Melee Singles:
1: BattleChrist(M)
2: Knuttz(M)
3: Alchmest (M)
4: Zach(M)
5: No U(M)
5: Qraq(M)
7: Fro(M)
7: L_eM0_N(M)
9: CrazTad(M)
9: ScaryKid(M)
9: TurtleHoop(M)
9: Fyr3(M)
13: RabidJackal(M)
13: Alex(M)
13: Reverend(M)
13: Evan(M)
17: WestinBestin(M)
17: Churro(M)

NOTE: Singles Qraq Left and had two straight losses:
Brawl Doubles:
1: Team Bananus(B) (BC + Knuttz) snake + Marth
2: Low Tier Win(B) (Skarykid + RabidJackal) wolf + dk
3: Churro + Alex(MB) (Churro + MikeNampa) peach + ??
4: TurtleTears (Zach + TH)
5: Tate and himself (Tate + Lvl 9 ?)
5: Impossible Tech Skill(B) (Westbestinson + Alch)
7: team hospital(MB) (NOU + Fro)

Brawl Singles:
1: RabidJackal(B) DK
2: Knuttz(B) Samus
3: ScaryKid(B) Wolf
4: BattleChrist(B) Snake
5: WestinBestin(B) fox?
5: Churro(B) Peach
7: TurtleHoop(B)
7: Alex(B)
9: CrazTad(B)
9: Reverend(B)
9: Zach(B)
9: Alchmest(B)
13: Evan(B)
13: Fro(B)
13: L_eMo_N(B)
13: Qraq(B)
17: No U(B)
17: Fyr3(B)

There you guys go...th and sk bugging the crap out of me!!!!!! Discuss new rankings.....FOr melee, I'll stilll uphold what we already have....

brawl...we need to discuss...
rabid jackal

results? i'm ok with it..

No U

Smash Journeyman
Oct 2, 2008
Boise ID
One correction, mine and Fro's team name for Brawl is actually "Team Mario Kart". Team Hospital doesn't make a whole lot of sense without Doc + green Kirby.
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