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IDAHO Smash Thread

No U

Smash Journeyman
Oct 2, 2008
Boise ID
Yeah Felix I live in Chaffee just text me if you ever want to do anything I'm almost always down for smash. Number is 869 7758.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 7, 2005
Ok I don't know where Chaffee is but I live in the Iconic Village apartments so. Yea ill keep your number and msg ya if I can do something.


Smash Ace
Dec 12, 2007
Mountain Home, Idaho
It actually wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, ledgeguarding was just a lot more cautious because I couldn't just wavedash and grab the ledge. I didn't play any characters where waveshining mattered.

And yea...I know. I'm fat and don't win much, I was excited lol :(

Also, were there videos recorded during the finals? I know someone had a camera behind me, but I don't know if it was just pictures or a video. I wanna see how bad I am lol D:


Smash Apprentice
Jul 7, 2007
Good games and thanks again for coming. I don't know what you were so catious about. Basically what I say goes for the rules so if I said you can wavedash, then do it. Lot didn't understand what was going on though so that was probably the conflict.

Uh as far as results go, Hoopy for first in Melee followed by Daniel(?) in second and yours truly in third. Ando got first for Brawl, followed by Dan's bro Andrew for seconds and third was me again.

I was the one recording behind you, Hoops. I got both games you and Dan played. My hand was a bit shakey and it's still being uploaded so I'll post when it's done.



Smash Journeyman
Sep 25, 2007
boi Z Idaho
good job thoop. I don't know how anyone could play without wavedashing anymore. Im almost to the point where most of my sideways movement with falco is wavedashing without thinking.

we gotta smash, we gotta smash, felix im right by the mcdonalds on broadway for most of the week if ya get time to smash before i leave again.


Smash Ace
Dec 12, 2007
Mountain Home, Idaho
Aldo was first in brawl.

And yea.. I argued with I think Craig or whatever his name was that worked there and was also playing. Either way, I think it improved my game not wavedashing and I had to play well as oppossed to just wavedashing around a lot. I'm probably going to cut wavedashing down in my actual gameplay, but it was really really hard not to wavedash onto the ledge...


Smash Ace
Nov 22, 2005
Boise, ID
I maybe could have won both tournies. :( GOOD JOB TH...did you not play brawl though? whats upw it that? TH, some characters wavedash more than others. i.e. Ice climbers and luigi....But Qraq and I won the team tourney with no wavedashing..jiggz and gannon ftw. :) and wait...aido...was that an olimar player?

BTW...i'm playing tails of symphonia for the wii...anyone else think the game reminds you of FF7? The main character is a winy *****...the other main chick is mad in love with him...he blows her of because his balls haven't dropped...there is some talking cat dog thing...and the planet has a life force...(i'm only a few hours into it..)

And we need to organize smashfest better....this last one was epic fail. I need input. When do people want one next.

Actually I've decided Satruday at 7:00PM my place, a tournament. There is no possible time to do this sooner for me if i host. Is this too soon for people? If it is, then i will make this i two weeks. Lets do Teams AND Singles for brawl and melee. We will call this a RanBat like the brits do. This is a rankings tournament. Bring your A Game guys. If you enter, you have to enter All of them. $4 entry for all. $1 each. Find a partner. Lets get this done fast, and efficently. I need setups. If you drive more than 3 people, please bring a setup. :)

Who can bring what? who needs a ride. Lets get this taken care of by wednesday.

MT home, ask qraq. he may give a ride. Ask others for staying there for the weekend.
Skarykid, you have no excuse its saturday tell your friends.
Kaleo, get active again. quit being a *****.
tate...you may or may not be here. you have a real excuse.
lol...some people...Notify people on allisbrawl.
poor people...Its 4 bucks...I'm not going to make a free tourney. Free tournies give you no incentive to get better.
Lemon, you need to come, and bring your brother too....
peeeooople...i will call you tommorow evening. don't think i won't. If i don't call you that means you need to PM me with your number.

MT home needs rides.
BC and No U and felix need rides.
Start discussing. This is happening.

Also, I'll $1 MM Anyone
with Jiggz,Samus, CF in Melee
or Samus, Olimar, MK in Brawl.
Make a call, and I'll do it.


Smash Lord
Jul 7, 2005
Idaho Falls, Idaho
If it's on the 28th i can't go.

20 dollars TH don't be a ***** with all your big talk about how your falco is better than mine. Either do the MM or admit mine is better because i don't like it when people make up bull**** about their skills.


Smash Ace
Dec 12, 2007
Mountain Home, Idaho
Ryan, shut the **** up. You started the **** talk, not me. I don't money match arrogant people you know this. I've already told you I could care less if yours is better than mine, because I don't care. The only thing I even said last night after texting was that I had gotten better too and that you probably wouldn't beat mine as badly as you think you could.

So no, stop being a douchebag.

And this Saturday is good. I'll be home and possibly be able to drive, not sure.

AlCheMisT amari

Smash Journeyman
Dec 11, 2007
Mountain Home, Idaho
i'll catch a ride with a mtn homie, but i'm broke and in debt, so no 4 dollars from me. If Noe is partnered up with BC in the tourny then i'll bring my F game, F for ****youandyourethics. and then i'll just bs my way through all my matches for the weekend in protest, and give a **** about where i am in the rankings. other than that let's play some smash. BYOB.


Smash Rookie
Mar 15, 2009
I'll give some people rides if I have the day off. Noe's with me Dan, not BC.

Oh and Knuttz I'll mm your metaknight lol. Or your samus, it doesn't matter. We never got to really 1on1 at Anime Oasis, so I think it'd be fun.


Smash Ace
Dec 7, 2007
Boise, ID
I maybe could have won both tournies. :( GOOD JOB TH...did you not play brawl though? whats upw it that? TH, some characters wavedash more than others. i.e. Ice climbers and luigi....But Qraq and I won the team tourney with no wavedashing..jiggz and gannon ftw. :) and wait...aido...was that an olimar player?

BTW...i'm playing tails of symphonia for the wii...anyone else think the game reminds you of FF7? The main character is a winy *****...the other main chick is mad in love with him...he blows her of because his balls haven't dropped...there is some talking cat dog thing...and the planet has a life force...(i'm only a few hours into it..)

And we need to organize smashfest better....this last one was epic fail. I need input. When do people want one next.

Actually I've decided Satruday at 7:00PM my place, a tournament. There is no possible time to do this sooner for me if i host. Is this too soon for people? If it is, then i will make this i two weeks. Lets do Teams AND Singles for brawl and melee. We will call this a RanBat like the brits do. This is a rankings tournament. Bring your A Game guys. If you enter, you have to enter All of them. $4 entry for all. $1 each. Find a partner. Lets get this done fast, and efficently. I need setups. If you drive more than 3 people, please bring a setup. :)

Who can bring what? who needs a ride. Lets get this taken care of by wednesday.

MT home, ask qraq. he may give a ride. Ask others for staying there for the weekend.
Skarykid, you have no excuse its saturday tell your friends.
Kaleo, get active again. quit being a *****.
tate...you may or may not be here. you have a real excuse.
lol...some people...Notify people on allisbrawl.
poor people...Its 4 bucks...I'm not going to make a free tourney. Free tournies give you no incentive to get better.
Lemon, you need to come, and bring your brother too....
peeeooople...i will call you tommorow evening. don't think i won't. If i don't call you that means you need to PM me with your number.

MT home needs rides.
BC and No U and felix need rides.
Start discussing. This is happening.

Also, I'll $1 MM Anyone
with Jiggz,Samus, CF in Melee
or Samus, Olimar, MK in Brawl.
Make a call, and I'll do it.
LOL @:

TAILS of symphonia. Wasn't aware Symphonia had tails...and it's NOTHING like FF7. If anything the first one is cause random battles happen sometimes.

Organized smashfest in Idaho...the words don't go well together

Saturday 7pm



"Free tournies give you no incentive to get better." Neither does $4 entry fees or tournies with a 10- turnout lol.

And SERIOUSLY "I'll $1 MM Anyone Samus in melee MK in brawl" All I heard was "Fail Fail". I can see the use of MK is now unbanned when Knuttz wants to mm. Real class act lol.


Smash Lord
Jul 7, 2005
Idaho Falls, Idaho
Ryan, shut the **** up. You started the **** talk, not me. I don't money match arrogant people you know this. I've already told you I could care less if yours is better than mine, because I don't care. The only thing I even said last night after texting was that I had gotten better too and that you probably wouldn't beat mine as badly as you think you could.

So no, stop being a douchebag.

And this Saturday is good. I'll be home and possibly be able to drive, not sure.
Don't get so butt hurt you're the one that said your falco was better than mine, probably don't tell me that if you can't back it up.


Smash Ace
Dec 12, 2007
Mountain Home, Idaho
It wasn't allowed, even though there was maybe 3-4 of us that knew what it was/could do it.

And no, I'm not butt hurt about anything. You're the one that's crying about it, because I HAVE beat you in the past and you can't seem to admit it. As I told you before, you may have gotten better, but so have I, so don't go making accusations that I have "no skill", because I'll be the first to tell you I'm terrible. If I cared, I would have already money matched you, but I haven't, so that should probably tell you something.


Smash Lord
Jul 7, 2005
Idaho Falls, Idaho
It wasn't allowed, even though there was maybe 3-4 of us that knew what it was/could do it.

And no, I'm not butt hurt about anything. You're the one that's crying about it, because I HAVE beat you in the past and you can't seem to admit it. As I told you before, you may have gotten better, but so have I, so don't go making accusations that I have "no skill", because I'll be the first to tell you I'm terrible. If I cared, I would have already money matched you, but I haven't, so that should probably tell you something.
It tells me that you know you're going to lose.


Smash Ace
Nov 22, 2005
Boise, ID
a no-wavedashing tournament?

sounds like a recipe for success
scrub mentality
You should have been there for the team tourney with no team attack, no wavedashing, no banned stages, laggy tvs. As I recall, BC had to REDO a match he won, because his teammate accidentally wavedashed....lol...

I may or may not have alot of push with the MK thing as well. We already had this argument, so I'm not going to say anymore...

but lets all talk about the ban....

how many real tourneys have we had since MK's been banned?

MAYBE ONE...and that was a free tourney...PNT tourneys don't count...and that was the first tourney all 30 people either agreed or Didn't care if MK was banned...NO ONE fought it...

We can't tell if the MK ban was a success or not. We haven't had ample tournaments to see the difference. So if we banned him or unbanned him, honestly most people wouldn't really notice huh?

I've been to as many tourneys in England than in Idaho in the past 6 months...Need I say more?

"Neither does $4 entry fees or tournies with a 10- turnout lol. "
:( so should I make a $5 entry fee for each tourney? Are we ever going to be able to have a real tourney with real entry fees, or am I dreaming? Is everything going to be free forever and people won't care if they get better because they have nothing to lose? How can we get the community better and how can we get more involvement? Please tell me. Do i need to throw monthlies?

But you are right:

Idaho + Tournament + GAME = Fail....

MM accepted.

Tate No U, this is for you:
The difference between computers and people?

With computers, software goes into hardware.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 25, 2007
boi Z Idaho
Tate No U, this is for you:
The difference between computers and people?

With computers, software goes into hardware.
Ya i have no idea whether that is supposed to be funny or not. what are you trying to say here, with humans hardware goes into software?!?


Smash Ace
Dec 12, 2007
Mountain Home, Idaho
And if I had cared about losing, I would be accepting the money match, which I'm not. Obviously you don't know what "I don't care" means.
Drop it and grow up. Nobody cares anyway.


Smash Ace
Nov 22, 2005
Boise, ID
To Tate:
ding ding ding ding ding...we have a winner!!!!!!!!!
...its supposed to be...oh...that's kinds funny....well not really...actually thats quite stupid....
basically a knuttz joke...


Smash Apprentice
Nov 7, 2005
I get it tho :D Yes very clever indeed.

Still undecided about tournament. Would need to set up transportation plans with someone. Will inform of my likely attendance soon.

And that's how you speak Rorscach.


Smash Lord
Jul 7, 2005
Idaho Falls, Idaho
And if I had cared about losing, I would be accepting the money match, which I'm not. Obviously you don't know what "I don't care" means.
Drop it and grow up. Nobody cares anyway.
If you don't care why are you still arguing. My point was don't talk with all that big game if you're not going to back your **** up.


Smash Ace
Dec 12, 2007
Mountain Home, Idaho
And my point was I never talked any big game, just said what happened in the past because YOU'RE the one who cares way too much about a game when nobody else gives a flying **** about how arrogant or good you are at video games.

Obviously if you knew how to read or argue, you'd realize I already said I didn't care, I could care less if your Falco is better than mine, and that I've still beaten you in the past and you can't admit it. At least I'm willing to say you're probably better now, yet you can't get that through your head.


Smash Lord
Jul 7, 2005
Idaho Falls, Idaho
And my point was I never talked any big game, just said what happened in the past because YOU'RE the one who cares way too much about a game when nobody else gives a flying **** about how arrogant or good you are at video games.

Obviously if you knew how to read or argue, you'd realize I already said I didn't care, I could care less if your Falco is better than mine, and that I've still beaten you in the past and you can't admit it. At least I'm willing to say you're probably better now, yet you can't get that through your head.
I think you meant "you have always been better" not "you're probably better now". There is this thing called luck and thats why anyone can win a match once in a while. If you remember when you were texting me you said that your falco would beat mine because it was better than mine. I don't see why now that you're not talking to me in private suddenly you say you never said it maybe you can explain that to me.


Smash Ace
Dec 12, 2007
Mountain Home, Idaho
Because I said my Falco had beaten yours in the past. Obviously it's not "luck", especially when one night you took one match out of 5 or 6, and I JV 4 stocked you one of them. I guess that's your way of feeling butt hurt about losing to someone who's not as good as you. Sorry, but there's no johns, you know that.

No, you haven't always been better. If you've ALWAYS been better, I would have never taken a match from you, ever, with any character, any stage, any situation. The fact that I HAVE taken matches off of you at all means you haven't always been better, and that I am good enough to know that I CAN beat you.

I'll even quote the texts.

Bryan: "My Falco beats yours"
Bryan: "Always"

Referring to that, everytime we HAVE ditto'd, my percentage of winning vs yours has been higher, which it actually has. The rest of my texts are just saying that I've gotten better as well, when you said you've gotten a lot better, and that for all we know the skill level would be the same as before (being I take more matches) or you've gotten better, because I know I'm not a ton better than you. I've admitted this.
All of your texts to me are just "stop lieing" and "i'd **** you, ask anyone"
Nobody likes cocky people. Pretty sure people enjoyed you more when you were claiming all of Idaho sucked and that being good didn't even matter. I DID say it in "private", and I've also admitted to what I've said here. I'll let people READ the texts on Saturday if you think I'm making something up or denying it, because I defend what I've said, as I've done this entire time you've been crying because I won't play you in a video game for money because of your ego.
The fact still remains. I don't care, you can't grow up and are crying because I beat you in the past and you're mad I won't money match you, and you're making **** up. Just stop making yourself look bad, instead of every post of yours saying "Stop saying you're good and making **** up, you're bad" etc etc, because I've already admitted to it.

On another note;
Espy, are those videos up yet?


the Ascended One
May 20, 2008
The Wash: Lake City
Ha ha I dont kno why hes still arguing if u said that he is better. Its not really much of a prize to always be better than someone. The important thing is that you keep gettin better and that x>y currently not always been.

But just cuz someone is better doesnt mean that they wont ever lose to you or whatever. Even if u did really well in 5 or 6 matches thats not definitive of anything.

Since you dont care tho u should just say hes better one last time and say that its a matter of your opinion that he hasnt always been better and then there cant actually be an argument.

Also did you guys ban Metaknight in tourneys?

and what kind of tourney has no wd lol. Why would they ban that. Thats like saying play melee brawl style lol.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 7, 2007
The wavedashing thing was a mix up. I told him that it was allowed and he didn't understand what I was saying or what it was. PNT always want as many people to come as possible so that they can get money (small profit), advertise a bit more, and to give more than about 85% back to the winners. If MK was banned, then it probably wouldn't go over so well with turn out around here.

I doubt they'll ever do another Melee tourney here because of the turn out. I convinced them to do the double and now they're going to be all over me about it but that's just the way the wind blows. I'll definitely keep you updated with what'll be going on around here.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 7, 2007
I've been uploading the video since Saturday night and it's still uploading! I know I put it in a working format because it worked just the day before. (.wmv)


Smash Lord
Jul 7, 2005
Idaho Falls, Idaho
Your falco was better than mine when mine wasn't a usable character but now that mine is my main i know for a fact that i will beat you. I also don't think im good i just know you're bad and that im not as bad as you.

The no wavedashing tournament was not run by the Idaho smash community it was run by a game store so they made the rules. No one from the Idaho smash community would ban wavedashing in a real tournament.
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