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IC infinite


Smash Apprentice
Jun 3, 2008
Long Island
So I'm going to this tournament this month that is now allowing the ice climber's infinite chaingrabs. The main reason they're allowing it is basically because they believe that a good player should learn how to play with good spacing and w/e and not get grabbed, which I can completely understand.

Does anyone have any tips or anything as to what I can do in order to not get grabbed or slim my chances. I would also like to discuss the matchup in general briefly and the techniques you guys use when fighting the IC. Any good CP stages would help a lot also. It seems that majority of diddy's best stages are the flat ones where bananas work best, but that's also the IC's best for chaining. Anything that can help with this matchup is much appreciated.

So what I'm getting from this so far is :

1. RC is the best choice for a cp. Anything with platforms is good
2. Keep them desynched by dash attacking and throwing naners
3. Get nana off the level and always attempt a spike
4. Use peanuts more efficiently
5. Always stay close to your naners so they can't trip you with one and grab
6. Ftilt to push them, utilt when they're above you. Tilts in general are good
7. Dribble and glide toss backwards more often in this matchup
8. Approach from above and throw naners down
9. Spam fsmash all day, with good spacing so it's hard to shieldgrab
Anything else someone wants to add or does this sum it up?


Smash Legend
Apr 27, 2008
Rainbow Cruise
CP Rainbow Cruise if you feel comfortable playing there.

Keep them desynched by throwing bananas at them and dash attacking them in their trips. Usually when I play ICs, I just spam throwing bananas and dash attacks witht Usmashes thrown in, and it seems to work pretty well, even against good ICs, I've only faced 1 IC that found a way around that, and I don't even know what he did exactlly. Nanas is also a ******* so anytimes you can get her off the stage, attempt to spike her or something, she's really easy to read.


Smash Legend
May 8, 2008
This matchup confuses me. Sometimes I think it's easy, sometimes...not. Throwing bananas from a distance doesn't work that much because ICs can just send out Ice Blocks and the bananas will just bounce off of them. Diddy is also really easy to chaingrab. Bananas can go through every single approach ICs can do though and tripping Nana and going for a gimp works wonders as Diddy.

Watch out if they get you to trip with a banana. That leads to grabs and then...you know. :x


Smash Apprentice
Jun 3, 2008
Long Island
Yeah Kawaii, once they grab a banana i feel like I'm gonna be ****ed simply because there's nothing I can do. What if popo grabs one and passes it to pink, and then blue grabs my second one. Now they have both my bananas. They spam squall hammer, blizzard and ice blocks all day until i approach, where they can throw them both and grab.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 29, 2008
Ralph Lauren Store.
well imah ic && diddy main so i think i should know
uhm ?
*puts on thinking cap*
well diddy && ic are kinda .. meh
the thing to do is to try to confuse the to thinking that your gunna throw a naner.
I usually glide toss one then jummp && thow another one in teh air
try to use ur peanut more efficiently too.
If you can manage to get them desync then go in for those dashes but watch out
because when there desyced they can do different moves
get nana off the stage && your good
dont let them punish you by powershielding though your nanerz
because if they do then..... you know...
just play it on the safe side && wen you think they gunna try to rush you
then you start to violate with the nanerz until they keep going for grabs
when you see that then you got them right were you want them
the'll be desprate enough to keep thir guard down and try to grab you
every second they can. Good Luck


Smash Lord
Jan 5, 2009
Montreal, QC

just play it on the safe side && wen you think they gunna try to rush you
then you start to violate with the nanerz until they keep going for grabs
when you see that then you got them right were you want them
the'll be desprate enough to keep thir guard down and try to grab you
every second they can. Good Luck
Actually good ICs will never fall for this
Theyll never let their frustration get to them to the extent that they grab without thinking >_>
You shouldnt really rely on that strategy, especially in higher levels of play
For me, I personally like to just stay close to my bananas so that its harder for them to get close. If they try to grab, its easy to punish (but watch out when theyre desynched one can blizzard and the other grabs it -_-)
Just keep your spacing (watch out for blizzards) until you can separate them with a banana or throw and then follow up. Try to kill Nana whenever you get the chance. Once shes gone, the grab game is less scary and it should be a piece of cake from there


Smash Journeyman
Dec 29, 2008
Ralph Lauren Store.
Actually good ICs will never fall for this
Theyll never let their frustration get to them to the extent that they grab without thinking >_>
what videos ov ic have YOU been watching lately
i usually see most ic's try to get the grab as much as
they can but also try to maintain their focus [ mostly grabs ]
if you think that is so then if you want to see some vids then
ill be more then welcome to show you some


Smash Lord
Jan 5, 2009
Montreal, QC
Yeah of course they try to grab but they wont ever KEEP going for grabs as you say when frustrated. They still keep their cool and use good spacing etc UNTIL they get a grab. At higher levels of play, I see no more than 1 CG per match in a set on average (sometimes they cant get the grab, sometimes they get in more than one)
Lain and Anthers many tourny sets are good examples. At the most, Anther gets CGed once but you still dont see Lain playing stupidly and grabbing a like a lunatic.
I play an average IC and I know what you mean by them getting frustrated by your combos and grabbing a lot to make up for a lost stock. What Im saying is that it wont happen in higher levels of play.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 3, 2008
Long Island
So what I'm getting from this so far is :

1. RC is basically the best choice for a cp
2. Keep them desynched by dash attacking and throwing bananas
3. Get nana off the level and always attempt a spike
4. Use peanuts more efficiently
5. Always stay close to my bananas so they can't trip me with one and take a stock if they grab

Anything else someone wants to add or does this sum it up? Also Yung post some vids


Smash Lord
Mar 11, 2008
South Jersey
Ftilt to push them, and utilt if they are above you. Only go for grabs if you know you won't get punished. Dribble and glidetoss backwards more often as well. If you have to. approach from above and throw nanas down for some shield pressure.


Smash Lord
Nov 12, 2007
Couldn't each Ice Climber grab hold of a banana then space b moves all day? That would be an interesting tactic to see, anyway. And there's still the constant threat of making Diddy trip (x2) into a grab.

Kaptain Kong

Smash Lord
Jul 7, 2008
To the SE of Port Town.. ..send - Seattle, WA
they would both have to be within grabbing range on a naner with out slipping, and diddy would have to be off screen and not punish

but yeah, its possible, just hard to do, and diddy can easily avoid ic's b moves if they dont use the a button

@ Count: i love fsmash in this matchup! :)


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
spam fsmash!! lots of nanas, also.
What this guy said.

You should be constantly barraging IC's with nanerz. NEVER attack IC's without a naner.

Also, once you split them up don't rush to start smashing Nana if it won't kill her. Keep her separated with d-tilts and f-tilts until you can clearly knock her way off the stage with a f-air or d-smash (f-smash on single Nana is risky since she has weird DI and evasion properties).

*edit:* I played Meep's Ice Climbers with Diddy. Grabbed both my bananas with each Climber and just did desyncing blizzards. At this point, just play it smart and keep trying to break them apart with smart dash attacks. If you manage to knock one of the off the stage, you'll get your banana back for sure.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 3, 2008
Long Island
Can't they easily punish the fsmash? I feel like if I spam fsmash it will get predictable and they`ll just start shield grabbing it everytime. Should it only be done after I throw a naner?


Smash Champion
Mar 11, 2008
St. Louis, Missouri
I don't like Fsmash often, honestly I rarely use it, but against the IC it's vital. I feel like they have a hard time shield grabbing it as long as you space it correctly.

Basically: Fsmash is usually not too great, good players will smash DI it, but vs the ice climbers it can help keep you from getting infinited, I think. Chrome should step in and say a few words I think he has some decent experience in this matchup. Obviously most experienced Diddy kongs do but I feel like chrome plays ICs occasionally. AZ also.


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
Definitely do it with a naner but f-smash in general is a really good 2-hit smash that for some reason ***** Popo. Doing it when they're not completely in sync (when Nana is chasing after Popo to get back in sync) is good.

Safest bet is to f-smash when they are directly behind a naner. If they shield, one of them will trip. The key is simply separate as soon as possible and Diddy is awesome at doing it. Create havoc while they're desynced and play it smart with bananas while they are synced.


Smash Ace
Jun 10, 2008
Against IC, at early stock keep at them with the nanerz and when u get the opp throw throw throw. back and foward throw are fast. this seperates them pretty nicely. After wards do wat omni says and use ur tilts to keep them seperated. and if u cant get the gimp then use fsmash to finish them off.

As for stages, just pick anything with a couple of platforms and dont b afraid to throw nana catch it and run around on the platforms. it may be a bit gay to do so but hey they're gay for infinite grabbing you. =P


Smash Apprentice
Jun 3, 2008
Long Island
Ok thanks for the help so far. Does anyone know any other good cp stages incase they ban cruise? I was thinking norfair..,

Just anything with platforms is fine?


Smash Cadet
Apr 29, 2008
Winter Park, Florida
I play ICs all the time. It's aggravating. The guy I play shield grabs my dash attack almost every time as well, so that makes it more difficult, have to play more careful and patient. Main goal is pretty much to separate them, and destroy nana, while still keeping popo away. Popo being the player.... I know it changes around...

I pretty much always approach with a banana. But keep your distance at the same time, ICs smashes come out fast and have good damage and knockback, so if you're right up on them and trip one of them, the other one will probably punish you. Same goes with grabs, if you get a grab, I usually throw back or forwards, then try to quickly grab the other one and throw them the other way. This also obviously applies for a diddy hump, but I go for it when I see an opening, and I rarely get punished if I attack out of it instantly. I don't however use the monkey flip kick very often because of its ending lag.

Tilts... Are really good in this matchup as they should be hard to punish if spaced well. Especially Ftilt.

For smashes... Fsmash is really good like everyone said. Dsmash is good as well but can get punished with ending lag if you mess up, same goes for Usmash so be cautious.

Aerials.... Bair out of shield is awesome. Be cautious of Fair landing lag.... Spike when they're off-stage!!!!!!!

Recovery... If you're forced to up-B be careful because ice blocks knock diddy out of it. Also if they're trying to edgehog you, I'm pretty sure nana has more invincibility frames. Yes?

Their specials are annoying, but you should be able to avoid/punish them once you get the hang of them. If they're spamming ice blocks, snipe with bananas and peanuts while short hopping. :)

Whew... Hope that helped


Smash Rookie
Mar 11, 2008
I've face a really good ic and he lives right by me (chewyy). He usally used nair to catch bannas with either nana or popo, blizzard to keep me from dash attacking him or getting close in general. I think the best thing to do is run around throwing bananas and shooting peanuts untill you see an opening (when either trips on a banana would be the best time). I would say be super agressive off the stage and do everything to gimp them or at lease kill one. But if you get grabed its a chain grab across the stage to a spike, unless he messes up or a banana trips him or it's him infinit chain grabing me back in forth in a very small spot and the only way to get out is if he messes up. So any stage is dangerous but the stages the change the most like rainbow would help a little. But that doesn't really matter in my case bc he mains DDD also, so i'm out of luck.

I'll try to get some videos of me playing him on different stages and see what happens.


Smash Journeyman
May 26, 2008
Blue Blue town, Eagleland
I'd say try to always have both your bananas out, and stay near them at all times, so even if they grab you they will most likely trip and you can get out.


Smash Hero
Aug 14, 2005
Northwest NJ
If you lose do this.

1. Pick up Jiggs as a secondary
2. Cp with Delfino
3. Beat the crap out of those ICs. They're not going to be able to do ANYTHING to you lol.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 3, 2008
Long Island
If you lose do this.

1. Pick up Jiggs as a secondary
2. Cp with Delfino
3. Beat the crap out of those ICs. They're not going to be able to do ANYTHING to you lol.
Or I was thinking I'd just go metaknight and nado nonstop. But I would like to win with diddy the first game and not have to go mk.


Smash Champion
Mar 11, 2008
St. Louis, Missouri
Honestly you shouldn't have a problem with the IC as diddy once you get matchup experience. I know a couple ICs that have picked up alts strictly for diddy.


Smash Lord
May 9, 2008
Socal -> FL
Always have them desync. Makes it easier. approaching them from the front is a meh idea. Behind is more prefered since i also main IC. While there off stage, throw something at them so they fall like the squall hammer recovery, hit them with bananas or w/e and Nana should die and Popo should soon follow after ward. This is stupid matchup imo. Bananas get counters by IC, can get outspaced by blizzard while diddy can peanut, and back glide toss to stay away from there grab range. Just play safe xD
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