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I want to move to California to become a professional Brawler...I need serious help!

Erik McLennan

Smash Cadet
Feb 3, 2008
Port Colborne, Ontario
Okay, so to begin with, I'm a 21 year old Canadian guy who's been playing video games his whole life. I've gotten into competitive gaming before when I was younger, and took it less seriously, but now I believe I'm ready to become a truly excellent gamer.

For months now I've been thinking about Brawl, and how this would be the perfect opportunity to really hone my skills, and let them shine for the world to see. Online is going to make the competitive community even more massive than Melee, but for me, that's not enough.

I live in a small town in Southern Ontario, where very few people will be playing Brawl, and even though I know I'll find great competition online, I know that in order to truly be the greatest Brawler I can be, I'm going to have to put myself right in the middle of the action: California.

I've read about how many highly skilled players are in Cali, how many tournaments there are, and just how intense the gaming attitude there is in general, and I want more than anything to be able to move there, work to pay my bills, and spend the rest of my time practicing Brawl, playing with a crew, going to tournaments, and making a name for myself in the video game world. In fact, I'd like to make friends with all of the great players on this message board, and hopefully strike up a friendship great enough that I would be able to split an apartment with one or two other dedicated Brawl players, to ensure that I'm in the best environment for practicing my skills as possible.

However, I've got a problem. From what I've been reading, getting American Citizenship, or a Work Visa is going to be exceedingly difficult. In fact, from what I've read so far on the internet, I am really getting a sickly sinking feeling in my stomach that it may not be possible at all. There isn't any way that I could live in California without working and hope to sustain myself, and so I need the help of the players here!

How can I gain the ability to work legally in American, within a period of say......3-6 months? I would honestly come within weeks if it were possible, but I can't see how. I haven't got any skilled trade, or a university/college degree, and I don't believe I've got any direct family members living in the USA.

I think that's about all I can say for now, I'm really looking forward to discussing this with you guys, because I know that things can all work out if I try hard enough to find a solution. Thanks very much for reading my plight!

AIM - Erik McL
MSN - funkytoad69@hotmail.com


Smash Cadet
Jul 18, 2007
Claremont, CA
Although I had a similar situation (was Canadian and got my American citizenship), I don't know that I can help you too much. This is because I came with my parents and was able to get a green card. I did live in Indiana first before I came here, don't know if that matters. Whatever you do, don't come here illegally, that could get you in real trouble (but I'm sure you already knew that). I wish I could help you more but anyways, good luck, and maybe someone else will know more than I do.


Live for the applause
Nov 13, 2006
Wait a second, you want to move to CA solely to become a professional smasher?

You are right, you do need serious help.


Smash Ace
Jun 11, 2006
Riverside, CA
Be nice to the guy, he's pretty much living the American Dream right there. Wish I can help, but I've been in USA for my whole life =(


Smash Master
Jul 19, 2007
Austin, Tx
But the U.S. loves Canada.:[
We Do???????????

Not according to the old school south park movie haha

but seriously moving to cali to be a smasher is a lil crazy but then again it would be one hell of an experience!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Smash Ace
Dec 4, 2007
This is some M2K bull**** LOL
Even if we take smashing/gaming seriously, we [the smash community] realize that it is still just a game. Moving to another country solely for the sake of a single video game sounds absurd. Never mind, it IS absurd!

No trade skill? No college degree? Come on, what is wrong with you?
I mean, I don't want to sound like a jerk, but... you seriously need a life (sorry, I had to say it).


Treat Yo' Self
Jul 30, 2007
Kouryuu for worst power rankings!!! just kidding but yeah, Erik, don't take this game tooo seriously

The Game II

Smash Champion
Mar 5, 2004
Northern California
If you were to move to Cali to become pro, that's not a problem, but you're probably picking the wrong game. Other games have much bigger payouts, most notably Madden.

I'd look into winning one of the CGS' ladder competitions, that gives you a shot at getting drafted and if you get picked, that's $30G right there. But you have to sign up (I think) by tomorrow morning.



Smash Champion
May 25, 2005
San Diego, CA
Woah woah, to each his own. Who are you guys to judge his life and they he wants to live it? The man's got a passion for games, it's what he loves to do.

If someone loved cooking would it be so outlandish for them to dream of moving to Paris to become a world class cook?

More relevantly, what if he loved the surfing: sun, waves, competitions, and other surfers that share your same passion. Would it really that odd for the guy to aspire moving to California?

We've got a similar thing going in our smash scene as well. Highly com skilled competition, an awesome/friendly community, a very active scene, and it's freakin' California. This place is amazing.

Sure it may seem ridiculous at first that he wants to move to become better at a video game, but think of all the experiences you guys have had, all the people you've met. He even mentioned that he looked forward to meeting all the pros here and building friendships, maybe even getting an apartment.

So before you guys point your fingers think about what you would love to do, and how exactly you plan on getting there. Many of us don't even know that yet. This guy does, and shame to you guys who would try and deny him this. C'mon we're better than that, don't give him the impression that we're all *******s and don't want him here. That's a really fast way to crush someone's dreams.

Props to anyone who's throwing out some advice to help the Erik.


Smash Master
Jul 14, 2006
Los Angeles (818 Panorama City!)
Maybe Erik was being a bit dramatic. If u want to make a living out of Brawl tournaments, it is best to wait a couple of months after the games debut and see where the game is going. Or if you want to make cash out of games, I would take Glens advice and go all out in Madden since there is so much more money involved.

However, Lep has a good point bringing up all the good times you can have when you come down to Cali. I recommend having something bigger on the side for a career and have smash as a hobby.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 30, 2007
I applaud you for wanting to follow your dream, but we (smashboards) are probably not the best place to come to for the technical ins and outs of immigration. I'd say hit up a consulate or state dept office or whatever it's called over there. Even if you don't make it in competitive gaming, CA's got a lot of other good **** going for it. You can't go wrong here!


Smash Hero
Jul 24, 2006
Woah woah, to each his own. Who are you guys to judge his life and they he wants to live it? The man's got a passion for games, it's what he loves to do.

If someone loved cooking would it be so outlandish for them to dream of moving to Paris to become a world class cook?

More relevantly, what if he loved the surfing: sun, waves, competitions, and other surfers that share your same passion. Would it really that odd for the guy to aspire moving to California?

We've got a similar thing going in our smash scene as well. Highly com skilled competition, an awesome/friendly community, a very active scene, and it's freakin' California. This place is amazing.

Sure it may seem ridiculous at first that he wants to move to become better at a video game, but think of all the experiences you guys have had, all the people you've met. He even mentioned that he looked forward to meeting all the pros here and building friendships, maybe even getting an apartment.

So before you guys point your fingers think about what you would love to do, and how exactly you plan on getting there. Many of us don't even know that yet. This guy does, and shame to you guys who would try and deny him this. C'mon we're better than that, don't give him the impression that we're all *******s and don't want him here. That's a really fast way to crush someone's dreams.

Props to anyone who's throwing out some advice to help the Erik.
Seriously, stop judging this guy. I doubt very many of you can relate because I doubt you come close to seriously loving this game.

SoCal is not the best place to move because, well at least for Melee, not very many people are dedicated to this game. Just a lot of people happen to be decent or better. Go to MD/VA, that'll help you a lot more.

Taco Head

Smash Ace
Oct 31, 2005
Long Beach, CA
This is some M2K bull**** LOL
Even if we take smashing/gaming seriously, we [the smash community] realize that it is still just a game. Moving to another country solely for the sake of a single video game sounds absurd. Never mind, it IS absurd!

No trade skill? No college degree? Come on, what is wrong with you?
I mean, I don't want to sound like a jerk, but... you seriously need a life (sorry, I had to say it).
what does that mean?

The Game II

Smash Champion
Mar 5, 2004
Northern California
To the OP: Looks like the CGS online tourney started already, so you're out of luck there.

I only bring up Madden because the payouts, many tournaments are now $1,000 to the winner, and the Majors are at least $4,000 minimum (Mega Bowl will be $10G). That's the common console game that you can pick up and spend time learning right away. You might not even need the game (there was a guy who won a Madden Challenge circuit and he doesn't own a 360, he just comes up with a personal playbook the night before). The best part is that there's a dedicated community here that's really good and travels all over, and the best player in the nation lives in West Covina.

I believe several people have moved to California to compete professionally in Counter-Strike, but it looks like that was brought on because of the CGS and CPL. There's a guy from the L.A. area that is just waiting to get put on a roster, meanwhile he's destroying the local competitions.

You have to find a location where you will compete AND be successful on a very frequent basis. You can't move to Cali just because it's a cool place. Few tournaments means few chances to make money.

I would say wait to see how the Brawl communities throughout the nation develop, and then either go to the place where you'll always win and pocket money (lol) or go to a place where tournaments happen frequently, like 3 times a week minimum. You could even do something where you spend the summer competing; that would give you 9-10 months saving money and practicing.



Smash Master
Sep 9, 2006
Marysville, Washington
Well.. uh.. WA has a good halo scene >_>
The best Halo team, Final Boss, makes over a million a year, due to their 250,000+ contracts from MLG, and since they're sponsored by NBA superstar Gilbert Arenas. MLG and ESPN are now alliances as of a month or two ago also, so you cant ignore that gaming is a thing you can do for a living, cause I'm sure they dont complain about getting a mil + a year.


Smash Legend
Jul 21, 2006
San Francisco, CA
guys, california does have more to offer than a good smash scene =)... it's a great place to live overall, and there's no reason not to move here - if smash doesn't work out, at least you're out of stinky canada


Smash Ace
Dec 19, 2007
guys, california does have more to offer than a good smash scene =)... it's a great place to live overall, and there's no reason not to move here - if smash doesn't work out, at least you're out of stinky canada

I'd honestly rather be in Canada lol. Americans are just loud, fat, and stupid. That's a big generalization of course, but live where you want and let video games be a secondary thing.


Live for the applause
Nov 13, 2006
California is too ****ing expensive to live at. And Socal has too much smog.

Erik McLennan

Smash Cadet
Feb 3, 2008
Port Colborne, Ontario
I appreciate all of the people who've taken me seriously...yeah, this is definitely not the place to go for to get immigration advice, but I figured I'd give it a shot anyhow.

If I can't find some major loophole, I think I'll probably just end up moving to Vancouver. It looks like BC is the biggest smash area in Canada.

For the record, I never said I wanted to make a living out of Smash, I said I wanted to work a part time job to pay my bills, and play Smash because I love video games. A lot of you probably won't understand this, especially because I'm only 21 years old, but I've seen a LOT of things in this world. I've had some high highs, and some LOW lows, and the only thing that's really remained consistent in my life is my love for playing video games. People keep saying "take care of your life first, play games as a hobby", but moving somewhere that I'm going to be able to be part of a great community of people my age who all love video games IS taking care of my life.

Again, thanks everyone who's being supportive of my ideas, it's appreciated.


Smash Hero
Sep 16, 2005
Combo Status Island
MD/VA is better to move to for Melee. Although there's no guarantee they'll be that good in Brawl.
LoL too bad most of them are unhospitable *****.

West coast is definitely where the heart of smash is. Everyone on the west coast is crazy friendly.

Everyone on the east coast still calls eachother by their tags n **** LOL **** that.

Moving to BC would be a good idea. NW is the next best thing for friendly competitive smash. We're ****.

The Game II

Smash Champion
Mar 5, 2004
Northern California
For the record, I never said I wanted to make a living out of Smash, I said I wanted to work a part time job to pay my bills, and play Smash because I love video games. A lot of you probably won't understand this, especially because I'm only 21 years old, but I've seen a LOT of things in this world. I've had some high highs, and some LOW lows, and the only thing that's really remained consistent in my life is my love for playing video games. People keep saying "take care of your life first, play games as a hobby", but moving somewhere that I'm going to be able to be part of a great community of people my age who all love video games IS taking care of my life.
A lot of people make tournaments a second job, per se. But it's when they really get successful is when they ask "should I go full time?"

Kind of related to me, but I spent 6 months building Get Your Tournament until I decided to go full-time with it because I realized it could either work or lead to better things. Residents in my hometown thought I was crazy when I moved to do Get Your Tournament, so I do understand where you're coming from.



Smash Ace
Jul 17, 2004
Los Angeles (310)
It's very close minded/egocentrical to say that he doesn't have a life, he likes what he likes and has a passion for it that right there is respectable. The norms you are taught to follow don't exactly give you a life, matter fact, it's the opposite.


Smash Bros Before Hos
Mar 15, 2004
confirmed, sending supplies.
You can marry a citizen, you'll get rights to stay here forever. Don't know how you can go about that without first living here though. Well, if you're that desperate to move..there are a lot of women who are desperate to get married..but they are 10 years older than you and not very sightly.


Smash Legend
Jul 21, 2006
San Francisco, CA
i'm actually pretty certain that Canadians DO get special treatment relative to other immigrants (Asia, etc)

not sure what that entails, but it IS worth looking into

i'm also pretty sure that due to weird NAFTA rules, there are ways for Canadians to stay in America for extended periods of time with visas and whatnot

Jack Lavender

Smash Cadet
Jul 8, 2006
San Diego, CA
That's inspirational. We need more people like you, who are more willing to participate in the community and help make us better and closer.

I say i want to put more time into this, but i always get lazy and sad.

I hope you figure something out. Good luck


Treat Yo' Self
Jul 30, 2007
It's very close minded/egocentrical to say that he doesn't have a life, he likes what he likes and has a passion for it that right there is respectable. The norms you are taught to follow don't exactly give you a life, matter fact, it's the opposite.
Tell that to a guy I know who considers all gamers to be "no lifers"

The Game II

Smash Champion
Mar 5, 2004
Northern California
i'm actually pretty certain that Canadians DO get special treatment relative to other immigrants (Asia, etc)

not sure what that entails, but it IS worth looking into

i'm also pretty sure that due to weird NAFTA rules, there are ways for Canadians to stay in America for extended periods of time with visas and whatnot
NAFTA? I just lol'ed, hard.

Pro players have been denied visas in the past, even though they've listed their work as something along the lines of playing video games competitively. The CGS worked with the Chinese government in trying to give a Chinese team (12 people) visas to get over here and compete, but the government said no (ironically, Chinese reporters were given the OK).

There were two Canadians denied visas as they tried to get into the U.S. to compete in the CGS. Sadly, the team they were on won the title and an extra couple thousand each.

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