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I want to move to California to become a professional Brawler...I need serious help!

Taco Head

Smash Ace
Oct 31, 2005
Long Beach, CA
It's very close minded/egocentrical to say that he doesn't have a life, he likes what he likes and has a passion for it that right there is respectable. The norms you are taught to follow don't exactly give you a life, matter fact, it's the opposite.
explain :confused:


Smash Ace
Dec 4, 2007
For the record, I never said I wanted to make a living out of Smash, I said I wanted to work a part time job to pay my bills, and play Smash because I love video games. A lot of you probably won't understand this, especially because I'm only 21 years old, but I've seen a LOT of things in this world. I've had some high highs, and some LOW lows, and the only thing that's really remained consistent in my life is my love for playing video games. People keep saying "take care of your life first, play games as a hobby", but moving somewhere that I'm going to be able to be part of a great community of people my age who all love video games IS taking care of my life.
I know I came off as a jerk in my first post but I just want to clarify that I was doing so for your own sake. From what you were saying, I felt that if you want to come to Cali with video games being your only reason, you would end up with a world of problems later on (financially and so on). The purpose of my bluntness was so you can think twice about your decision and think twice about how important video games really are in your life.

But if you are really that serious and so sure that everything would work out for you then fine. I won't judge you.

The Game II

Smash Champion
Mar 5, 2004
Northern California
I know I came off as a jerk in my first post but I just want to clarify that I was doing so for your own sake. From what you were saying, I felt that if you want to come to Cali with video games being your only reason, you would end up with a world of problems later on (financially and so on). The purpose of my bluntness was so you can think twice about your decision and think twice about how important video games really are in your life.
Funny how, in the two weeks before I left for LB to start Get Your Tournament, people were telling me something very similar to this.



Smash Apprentice
Jan 10, 2008
Santa Clarita, CA
hey man, i cant help you become a citizen, but i can tell you my organizaiton plans on doing big things in so cal for brawl.

i hear guys talking about low payouts, etc. without going into too much detail, since our business plan is still being written, we hope to bring a lot more infrastructure to the california brawl community and expand from there. if you are serious, so cal will definitely be the place for you.

aim = zzzfilesk1



Smash Lord
Aug 28, 2005
Santa Clara, California
why tell them you're coming here to play video games? just tell them you're coming to do something else
Well then these steps should be followed
Come to CA for a better Education such as going to well known college or university ect
Play and practice Brawl in your spare time.

Seriously, if you really want to say your coming for a better education then in your spare time play brawl. If you dont make it as a gamer, you atleast make it in life by having a good education which means a good job. So yeah...Killing 2 birds with 1 stone...Though I probably dont know what Im talking about since I havent slept yet...@_@

Thee Che-Ko

Smash Rookie
Feb 23, 2008
San Jose, CA
go 2 college. get a fortifiable education, and then maybe consider doing brawl like a pro. but u need a backup plan. and a life (eeekkkk XD)


Smash Apprentice
Dec 13, 2007
Carbondale, IL
If u want a fresh start, check out Gamebattles.com dude... they have plenty of things dealin with online..
Plus the Top ranked guy is garbage so u have a great shot at gettin a start, but i wouldnt suggest u move to Cali for SSBB -.- a good game to go pro and win good cash would be gears of war or COD4


Live for the applause
Nov 13, 2006
If u want a fresh start, check out Gamebattles.com dude... they have plenty of things dealin with online..
Plus the Top ranked guy is garbage so u have a great shot at gettin a start, but i wouldnt suggest u move to Cali for SSBB -.- a good game to go pro and win good cash would be gears of war or COD4
Top ranked guy is going to be Azen in a couple days.
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