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I quit Smash Brothers.

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NES n00b

Smash Master
May 19, 2007
Oxford, Mississippi. . . . permanent n00b
Ummm. . . . some people just do not have the mindset or the talent to improve.

I mean. . . .I have improved and beaten people who played for years using Link. I am not saying I am good or anything. I am just saying that some people either make johns and never improve or they just lack natural talent. It is the way of the world.


Smash Ace
Aug 18, 2006
Renegade Marth
XIF (Florida sent us some motivation, thank you)
Isn't this GA's entire smash community besides like gerbil(LOL)?


Smash Lord
May 29, 2006
While I personally believe most of what you said, it's getting old. We're seeing this like every fourth post of yours. Those of us who're gonna get it already do. Those who choose not to understand won't. You've been a big motivation to my smash game because you have risen so fast and you're right, anybody can do it. It's just a matter of dedication.

You rock face in smash. I rock face in smash. Let's just continue to do our thing and get better and let GA proceed as they will. Having said that, I'm coming for you. I've got your number.


Smash Lord
Feb 15, 2006
Dude. Prac. No. Shut up. Stop. I put on the list of people I respected, and you come at me with a post like that?

And sheermadness. Way to jump in with some ******** trash. I sure wish Ga had an attitude of "hell yeah, let's start doing more smashfest" instead I get:

"some of us are just ********. why u be so cocky?"

Jesus christ these forums are lame. I'm not posting anymore on the boards ever again. Go to hell all of you.

The Alpha Gundam

Smash Champion
Jan 2, 2006
Dude. Prac. No. Shut up. Stop. I put on the list of people I respected, and you come at me with a post like that?

And sheermadness. Way to jump in with some ******** trash. I sure wish Ga had an attitude of "hell yeah, let's start doing more smashfest" instead I get:

"some of us are just ********. why u be so cocky?"

Jesus christ these forums are lame. I'm not posting anymore on the boards ever again. Go to hell all of you.
ok i think im getting mindegame.
You say that list shows the peolpe you respect in GA but you called me a traitor??
I miss Wes:(


Smash Lord
May 29, 2006
Dude. Prac. No. Shut up. Stop. I put on the list of people I respected, and you come at me with a post like that?

And sheermadness. Way to jump in with some ******** trash. I sure wish Ga had an attitude of "hell yeah, let's start doing more smashfest" instead I get:

"some of us are just ********. why u be so cocky?"

Jesus christ these forums are lame. I'm not posting anymore on the boards ever again. Go to hell all of you.

I never meant to imply "why u be so cocky?" I hate that people around me are losing interest in smash or don't care to get better. I just don't have high hopes that you'll reach a lot of people based on my own experiences with trying to get others to get better/(want to get better).

Hell yeah! Let's start doing more smashfests!

Maverick's C0CK

Smash Journeyman
Aug 19, 2007
souf florida *****..
Now, let me explain something that's been bothering me for a long time here.

I started Smash in hopes of proving two things:

1. That Georgia has potential as high as every other state in this country.


2. That Ganondorf does not have to lose just because of a tier list.

Upon proving these two things, I also realized something. That instead of proving Georgia was good, all I did was build some semi reputation for myself by accident. This is where it gets tricky.

Georgia: Why do continue to john so much? There's a small list of people in Georgia who still pwn face, and I'll actually include that at the end, but for the rest of you, you're perfectly happy with being scrubs forever. I don't understand it. People wonder why they and their state get no respect, and then they get mad when I show up to a big tournament just in time to enter?

How about bettering yourselves instead of having background discussions about why I'm so angry or pissed off all the time? How about not making excuses all the time and actually trying to let your playing do the talking?

Here's another thing I'm sure will make people mad, but here it is anyway.

I'm not sure any of you realize this, although a select few have. I have, since starting to play Smash Brothers a year and a half ago, almost single handedly flipped the Georgia Smash scene upside down. GaWes and Bobby dominated for YEARS, and then Mike G came down and pwned them. I start playing, and for the first time since this game's release, someone actually increases in skill enough to take them out of tournaments. Now I know some people have done this before, but I also believe myself the only one able to win against high level players consistently in this state with Bobby and Wes out of the scene now (other than Mikey G(he's a pimp)). Why was I the only one getting better, and why did I do it so much faster than it took the rest of our state to do much of anything?

Now I say this, not to talk myself up, although I know for a fact that more than a few morons will come on here to start something, and then realizing they have no argument, proceed to call me angry and report me to the mods. But despite this, you must realize that this is the way it is. Talking myself up or not, you must accept it as truth. So why does our state end up a laughing stock in front of the rest of the country? Because we have about 10-15 players here that don't feel like losing for the rest of their smash careers. But the rest of Georgia is doing something I'd like to take a minute and talk about:


Now, most people don't know what a real john is. A john is an excuse to justify you sucking. It's not the reason you lost, it's not an explanation. It's just something you say after any game of anything in order to try and prove to everyone that you don't suck as badly as was previously displayed on screen. This is why the winners don't make johns. I have heard many many people tell me I was making johns when explaining to someone why I believe I lost to them. This is where a scrub gets his johns confused with my own. Explaining why you lost a game is not a john, especially when you can maintain not losing to that same person in the future. Explaining why you always lose games is a serious john.

Now Georgia loves johns, for some reason. Why are there only a small group of people in this state that actually care about our community? I have proven you can excel past what you thought was a high level of play, so why do so many people assume defeat against me in this state?

Best Ganon in the World? Number 1 in Georgia?

If either of those were true, which we can never say for sure if they are or not, then who the hell cares? Wouldn't that just increase what you have to gain by defeating me? Why are these people:

Renegade Marth
XIF (Florida sent us some motivation, thank you)

The only people that have improved noticeably in the last few YEARS?

You need to step it up Georgia, and stop arguing with me so much about myself and lame venues you'd like to further. I want to see some competition here. Not a giant scrubfest that has to beg other states to come to our tournaments. Step it up, ****it. You want respect? It must be earned like everything else. Get to it.

PS. Alpha I didn't know you were Alpha Gundam you = traitor kthxgg.
No Johns...

Mike G

███████████████ 100%
Oct 3, 2002
The Salt Mines, GA
I understand what ur saying chadd but you don't have to be an old angry black man about it lol even so i'm also a bit dissapointed with some people in this community.

For example, smasher A, B and C are around the same skill, usually smash together since they all live in the same area. Over a certain period of time, A excels at skill level a bit higher than B and C and shows this by defeating them the majority of the time. B and C refuse to understand the real reason A is much better than before and will make ridiculous exuses for losing(A's character is cheap, all A does is one move etc etc) and in some cases, B's and C's will just stop playing with A alltoghter because of this.

another ex is A enters a tournament. Gets placed in the bracket next to B who is top ranked or close to it. Loses then goes on to complain the whole reason they didn't place high in the tourament was because he lost to B even if they had a second chance in the losers bracket.

Mike G

███████████████ 100%
Oct 3, 2002
The Salt Mines, GA

i'd make some more examples of what ive seen but u get the point. but this is not just in GA, it happens anywhere with a competitive game.

the best thing to do is to keep exanding the community by getting better and finding new smashers in the state- atleast this way we'll have a larger number of great players to defend this state and will cause havoc out of state.


Smash Master
Nov 30, 2003
ZOMG Duluth, GA mostly... sometimes Weston, FL
Renegade Marth
XIF (Florida sent us some motivation, thank you)
Thats far too nice a list for the amount of georgia smashers who actually do try and up their game.

Some of the posted people wouldnt even say themselves they seriously try to up their game. Marty's told me he just doesnt have the singles motivation anymore, i dunno about people like Sleepy but Sleepy just seems to enjoy tournaments no so much as getting extremely good. But still sleepy is perfect for the community for his videos so that doesnt even really matter... and well, some of those people are really just stuck in scrub mode.

What i'm trying to say is that there are some people who are bad at the game who are scrubs because they think they are trying to get good at the game but are not, and dont understand that they are not getting good, and then when they lose the either make an excuse along the lines of them playing bad or that they were gonna lose anyway, which is a horrible mindset to have. But some people arent good but they arent scrubs because they arent trying to up their game as seriously as other are, they are there for the experience.

Chaddd, I also like how you are the only recent GA smasher to get to the top GA smasher level, but you still have much more ahead of you. You've still only been to one national tournament which had... lamentable rules at best. I wish you the best of luck at Super Champ Combo. Honestly.


Smash Ace
Jan 17, 2007
*******, Georgia
I try to get better at this game because:

A) I enjoy the competition. I want to ****ing win.
B) I've wanted to beat FullMetal and TBag since I met them. (This list has grown to include Chad, Carter, and recently, XIF.)
C) I don't like the top ten list, because there's only one Samus up there right now. I'd like to change that.

I don't get better as fast as some people because:

A) I don't practice alone. I got into smash because of the social aspect. I lack the attention span to train on my own, if only to improve tech skill. Don't see that changing, actually.
B) Because of the lines at GPC when one person runs the sticks, I don't get as much opportunity to play, and therefor not as much time to improve. (Gonna try and offset this by bringing my own setup.)
C) I don't experiment with new techniques and strategies enough. I don't learn as quickly as it seems I should, either. Trying to fix that. "My eyes are open."

That said, I'm going to keep working until I beat you *****es senseless. <3 Georgia.


Smash Lord
Feb 21, 2004
Minot, ND
I respect you more than many people, chaddd. I've always backed you up when we were talking about people (like when I went to FC/Wisconsin). I try every chance possible to get better, I think the lack of that happening is because I can't go to every tournament because of money or my ride ditches me, or my mom is just being a *****. Sorry if I disappoint

The Alpha Gundam

Smash Champion
Jan 2, 2006
C) I don't like the top ten list, because there's only one Samus up there right now. I'd like to change that.
Its lonely up here Desu hurry up!!!
I remeber my first tourny was MLG ATL and i had to play Wife second round >.< and he beat my *** and i felt like **** but that didnt stop me from playing this ggame and like when i first met Mike G he 4 stock me:laugh: but that didnt stop me from wanting to get better or the NUMEROUS times i play wes and he butt ****ed me but instead of making johns i still just kept trying to improve. I dont pick up on things as quickly as others or have so called natural talent as others and i know i have lots to improve on but believe me im trying my **** hardest to get better and i be **** if someone came in here and said otherwise.


Heir to the Monado
Sep 20, 2005
Amherst, MA
No Johns?

Rats, I have to leave then ;-;

SleepyK has nervousness issues + johns.
I also don't like smashing alone; I prefer smashing with someone.
but like I rarely get to smash with people outside of tournaments, except for 112
and now that school's started and he has work, it's not easy to smash with him.
especially now since his smashfests also involve some 22 year old ID action.

Now that I can drive though, I hope to be smashing a whole lot more.

Ultimately I do want to get better, and I do have motivation to do so, but I enjoy having fun with my friends and doing community stuff as well. But I still try to get better at the game. I still like seeing myself improve. I still want to beat the marths I always end up fighting.
And I love doing well in teams especially.

That's my story, XIF.

I definitely think that GA smashers should try to get better. The game is plenty fun while trying to improve your skill and tournament placings. It's not just a way of meeting up with your friends; it's also a competitive game. That's what attracted many of us initially. Don't lose sight of that either.

chaddd, I respect you immensely. Not just for being numba 1 and all that jazz, but because you can take silly crap from people and still maintain motivation and whatnot. And spread it to other people. I dunno, it's hard to explain. You're freaking hilarious and awesome. Keep posting; you're Ganon Stomping people with cold, hard truths they don't wanna hear. They'll come around eventually.

edit: this sig is awesome.


Smash Ace
Jan 17, 2007
*******, Georgia
Its lonely up here Desu hurry up!!!
I remeber my first tourny was MLG ATL and i had to play Wife second round >.< and he beat my *** and i felt like **** but that didnt stop me from playing this ggame and like when i first met Mike G he 4 stock me:laugh: but that didnt stop me from wanting to get better or the NUMEROUS times i play wes and he butt ****ed me but instead of making johns i still just kept trying to improve. I dont pick up on things as quickly as others or have so called natural talent as others and i know i have lots to improve on but believe me im trying my **** hardest to get better and i be **** if someone came in here and said otherwise.
My first tournament, I played FullMetal round one.
Second tournament, I played GaWES round one.
Third tournament, I played Mike G round one.

I'll never give up.
I'll never surrender.
I'm comin' ta getcha Alpha.
Samus players for the top two spots in Georgia!


Smash Journeyman
Dec 7, 2006
Atlanta, GA (school yr), Miami, Fl (summer)
Samus players for the top two spots in Georgia!
Hey, whatabout me ;).

I mighta fallen behind back home this summer, but I dont see myself backing down. Fortunately, my roommate Elliot and I are about even in skill and trying to improve all the time. I am glad there is so much going on now in GA. I want to go to more tournaments and play more people and learn how to play the game better as a whole. (We gotta play more, XIF :p)

Edit: lol. 112th post right below 112. >.>

GA Peach

Smash Lord
Nov 6, 2005
Thats far too nice a list for the amount of georgia smashers who actually do try and up their game.

Some of the posted people wouldnt even say themselves they seriously try to up their game. Marty's told me he just doesnt have the singles motivation anymore, i dunno about people like Sleepy but Sleepy just seems to enjoy tournaments no so much as getting extremely good. But still sleepy is perfect for the community for his videos so that doesnt even really matter... and well, some of those people are really just stuck in scrub mode.

What i'm trying to say is that there are some people who are bad at the game who are scrubs because they think they are trying to get good at the game but are not, and dont understand that they are not getting good, and then when they lose the either make an excuse along the lines of them playing bad or that they were gonna lose anyway, which is a horrible mindset to have. But some people arent good but they arent scrubs because they arent trying to up their game as seriously as other are, they are there for the experience.

Chaddd, I also like how you are the only recent GA smasher to get to the top GA smasher level, but you still have much more ahead of you. You've still only been to one national tournament which had... lamentable rules at best. I wish you the best of luck at Super Champ Combo. Honestly.
well, it's not that i DON'T have the singles motivation, i just don't like playing Peach in singles for some reason. (Don't ask, I don't even know myself.) The character I enjoy playing in singles is Roy, but sometimes it feels like a waste of money when i enter with him, as it's hard to win ANY matchup with him. Regardless, i WILL be entering singles at FullMetal's tourney, so if anyone wants to witness Roy in his full glory, you'd do yourself a favor to come and watch me play, lol. Plus, GGXX takes a bit of my practice time, too. :chuckle:

PS: FullMetal and Soma, GGXX is gonna happen at the tourney, so be prepared!!

Tato Loco

Smash Rookie
Feb 20, 2007
Kennesaw, GA
umm i jus moved to georgia n im pwning
i feel bad for this community
just because the real competition is in new york
but thnks to mi i got so many ppl to b so much better
watch out pl my crew is gona own in da competitions
i gots new york n GAy *** georgia ppl in da group
i hate georgia but dey have sum talent


Smash Lord
Feb 21, 2004
Minot, ND
umm i jus moved to georgia n im pwning
i feel bad for this community
just because the real competition is in new york
but thnks to mi i got so many ppl to b so much better
watch out pl my crew is gona own in da competitions
i gots new york n GAy *** georgia ppl in da group
i hate georgia but dey have sum talent
That was hard to read


Smash Ace
Jun 15, 2006
I think what's holding me back at this moment is all the bad habits I used to have back when I used to play Smash with all of my scrubby friends. I've gotten over a lot of them, but there are still plenty of times where I'll just do something stupid (fall into some easy trap.. run into someone's attack)

I do have my motivation to get better. I WANT to make myself a top player in this state and around the country. I've only been in the competitive community for a few months now, and I feel I have improved since I first joined. I just hope to keep that improvement going steady. I still lose a lot, and don't place very well in many tournaments I've been to, but all that is doing is making me want to learn what I'm doing wrong so I can not lose again.

I completely agree with you in almost all aspects, chaddd. I can't understand how someone gets pleasure at staying at the level they're at now. Getting better is one of the key aspects to a competitive game such as Smash, and people don't seem to realize that. Sure, people can say that they play "just for fun", but how can it be fun to watch everyone else beat *** while you sit in the back in awe only WISHING you could do half of what everyone else does? It's just senseless.

Smash is the only game I really care to play competitively. I keep playing this game for the sole purpose of improving my ability. I sure hope that I don't disappoint. At the very least, I hope I have gained or can gain the respect of this community.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 17, 2006
Lawrenceville, GA
Georgia, please stop feeling sorry for yourself. Also, don't say "Sorry to disappoint you chaddd." It's not your job to please him.

It's really not that hard to get good. All 112 and I did was play a couple times a week, and we basically only played against each other (aside from the occasional visit by Merc) Just keep up the good work GA. Watch videos, practice mindgames (that's really all you need; tech skill=kind of unnecessary), and play with friends. Personally, I don't feel like Georgia is that bad at smash as a whole. Also, I've never really seen or heard anyone trash talk Georgia (aside from chaddd in this thread and the occasional harmless pokes from Florida) Who gives a **** about respect? Georgia has an amazing, tight community where everyone is essentially happy. I rarely see any arguments at tournaments or anyone frowning in the corner because they're just not good enough. No, everyone plays with everyone, and everyone has fun.

Only recently have I actually started placing in actual tournies. Before that, I would never make it into the money, but I would still pay that entry fee every time I came. Georgia, keep your heads up. Who gives a **** if you're not as good as chaddd, or if we're not getting this so called "respect." Just play the game. Look at GPC. Dear lord, I've never seen so many people so close together, having so much fun playing a video game. It's pretty cool. Don't feel like you owe it to anyone to get respect. If you want to get better, play more. If you're satisfied with your skill level, great job. Play at your own pace and have fun.

GA rules.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 17, 2006
Lawrenceville, GA
Sorry to double post....but....Kingdom of Scrubs?

Great thread name chaddd. Way to show your own state respect. This thread is ridiculous. I can't believe it's still up.

NES n00b

Smash Master
May 19, 2007
Oxford, Mississippi. . . . permanent n00b
Carter, you never seen the old pokes from other states have you? GA has a reputation that I wouldn't say is the best, but who really cares right? You play a couple times a week. . . . . I wish someone was here in Oxford to train with. The best I can do is to play once every two weeks usually. I sometimes get more, but that is the average.

Also, don't know if you remember me, but I have to say that you have a good Fox. XD


Smash Lord
May 29, 2006
Georgia, please stop feeling sorry for yourself. Also, don't say "Sorry to disappoint you chaddd." It's not your job to please him.

It's really not that hard to get good. All 112 and I did was play a couple times a week, and we basically only played against each other (aside from the occasional visit by Merc) Just keep up the good work GA. Watch videos, practice mindgames (that's really all you need; tech skill=kind of unnecessary), and play with friends. Personally, I don't feel like Georgia is that bad at smash as a whole. Also, I've never really seen or heard anyone trash talk Georgia (aside from chaddd in this thread and the occasional harmless pokes from Florida) Who gives a **** about respect? Georgia has an amazing, tight community where everyone is essentially happy. I rarely see any arguments at tournaments or anyone frowning in the corner because they're just not good enough. No, everyone plays with everyone, and everyone has fun.

Only recently have I actually started placing in actual tournies. Before that, I would never make it into the money, but I would still pay that entry fee every time I came. Georgia, keep your heads up. Who gives a **** if you're not as good as chaddd, or if we're not getting this so called "respect." Just play the game. Look at GPC. Dear lord, I've never seen so many people so close together, having so much fun playing a video game. It's pretty cool. Don't feel like you owe it to anyone to get respect. If you want to get better, play more. If you're satisfied with your skill level, great job. Play at your own pace and have fun.

GA rules.
Topic Pwnt!


Smash Journeyman
Dec 7, 2005
umm i jus moved to georgia n im pwning
i feel bad for this community
just because the real competition is in new york
but thnks to mi i got so many ppl to b so much better
watch out pl my crew is gona own in da competitions
i gots new york n GAy *** georgia ppl in da group
i hate georgia but dey have sum talent
who the **** are you? with the way your grammar and typing skills are, you probably have no skill at this game. 2 posts. and claiming to have made people better

i mean, i'm sure it's a joke, but if not, then i'll destroy this guy


Smash Ace
Sep 16, 2006
Columbus, GA
I went ahead and read this thread to see if there was anything good in it, and I'm sorely disappointed. Like Carter said, don't apologize to Chad. That's stupid. Dogy did something dumb like that at LTEC2: He was showing off some of Forward's tricks on Battlefield, Forward saw him and said, "Hey, that's my trick." Dogy apologized. Don't apologize to anyone you haven't wronged. It's pointless.

Chad, I don't know if you're trying to rally the proverbial troops or something, but a thread title like this is not the way to do it. You basically said, "GA sucks so bad at this game. I wish my sucky state had some respect. I'm so good." I know that's a sarcastic, semi-exaggeration, but it's basically what you were saying. It did, for about two pages of posts, make people say they were trying to get better. However, just as many people johned about why they aren't getting better or said they were better. I don't think GA is bad at Smash. Like Carter and Mike both said, we've got a great community. It's growing daily, we're hosting plenty of tournaments, and we're progressing in skill. That drive is diminishing, yes, but so what? If people are happy without challenging themselves that much, let them be happy.

I don't want to inflate anybody's ego too much so I'll keep this part short. I've noticed some players in GA getting a lot better very quickly. That list is much shorter than the one posted in the first post though. Carter, Chad, Keith, and Mike (FullMetal) are the players I've noticed getting a lot better pretty quickly. Congrats to all of you, you've got determination in a videogame. Take that however you want. Non-sarcastically, y'all are getting good.

I disagree with the approach taken with this thread, I disagree with some of its content, and I'm surprised you didn't make this thread sooner Chad. Overall, I think it's something that GA will benefit from reading. As long as they take their "I promise I'll get better." posts to heart and follow through with them.

<3 GA
<3 GA Smashers


Smash Master
Nov 30, 2003
ZOMG Duluth, GA mostly... sometimes Weston, FL
GA is still fairly behind on the times as far as general skill.

Playing against only Alabama, Tennessee, South Carolina, North Carolina, and Mississippi doesnt help much either to get an idea of what its really like at the top level.

top 32 at FCD had 1 player from any of those states and georgia, and that was Nite.

I dont think anyone from this region made it past the second round of brackets at Pound 2 either.

From MD/VA there were like i think 5-8 that made top 32 in both tournaments, and the same for florida.

lack of attendance isnt an excuse, as thats part of the whole point.

and this isnt FL bias talking or anything either. This is straight up tru fax.
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