How can you hate Pokemon? It has the greatest plot elements of any game ever!
Take Red and Blue for example.
Red is forced to detour around the entire ****ing country because some jack*** has quarantined Saffron City and blocked off all access to it, effectively shutting down the biggest major crossroad of Kanto, simply because he's thirsty.
It is Red's responsibility as Pokemon Master to bring this man a nice refreshing drink, but little does he know, Kanto doesn't have any drinkable liquids anywhere in the entire region other than one place.
The top floor of the Celadon department store.
Will Red make it to the top floor? Will he free Saffron from the evil tyranny of the thirsty man? Will he figure out the conspiracy behind the hoarding of refreshments in the Celadon department store?
Find out next time... on POKEMON.