Alright, I did a background check on dgameman1, looks like hes an amateur Ice Climber main who started hacking brawl back in May and doesn't appear to be a part of a local smash community in Beverly Hills California, however that last bit is not confirmed.
New Info:
Dgameman1 was tagged in a runescape MMORPG gameplay video, the relevence is most probably little to none. Also, Dgameman1 has been a fan of gaming cheating for quite awhile, first known evidence dating back to May 2006. Dgameman1 is definately an ipod fan, no doubt about it. Dgameman1 cares naught for grammar or spelling on the internet. Dgameman1 has extensive knowledge on Internet explorer and windows live messenger. Dgameman1 has a laggy wifi connection on brawl wifi. More to come.