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I need help now!


Smash Lord
Feb 1, 2005
On ya shield 20-fo-7
me vs redhalberd metaknight


me vs redhalberd falco


vs mampam snake



tell what im doing wrong i have a tourny tomorrow. i can fix quick i promise.

point out times in the vids, specific instances/scenarios and such. you can be mean as long as its constructive.

i had trouble with mk being in my face a lot. i felt like i couldn't even space ftilts. plus ALOT of the times i was getting hit i was doing a move and i just got cancelled out (i.e. ledgejumped bair at 3:26 against MK). should fair/retreated fair be used a little more as an approach?

when recovering i was thinking i could upB earlier, maybe even try hitting him...even if i totally whiff the edge and get hit, its probably better to get hit onto the stage anyway, right? he has five jumps to wait for your airdodge and dair, or dair the airdodge and dair again! help!

falco, i think shooting a homing missile just to buy time/stop his lasering was important, but i dont know how to get time to shoot a homing missile.

when they're at a high (above 150%) percent and you get a grab in the middle of the stage, i believe it's better to keep them close with the grab attack release and follow up with...? on less skilled brawlers i do the grab attack release earlier in the game and remember what they do after they get out, then try fsmashing if they try jabbing, turn around dtilt if they roll behind me, or run and grab if they shield or roll away, but nothing reliable on them let alone good players. any developments on that?
in all my matches i got some grabs going on. once i have over 110% (on myself) or so, should grabbing be out of the question?

i used bombs to float towards the edge. Too passive? samus is less vulnerable there and i just wanted to avoid landing complications, but are there any attacking chances if you're hit into the air and pressured while landing?? i freaking got powershielded utilted by the snake. eventually dairing people's shields has to go out the window.


Smash Lord
Aug 2, 2005
San Diego, CA. (619)
From what I see in the first video:

+ Must use your fully charged shot more. Use it at unpredictable times but times where you're sure it'll hit something.

+ Zair more on metaknight. He outprioritizes a lot.

+ DOWN TILT IS A KILLING MOVE. Just be careful, but you really need that and your charge shot

+ You did a very good job of TRYING to keep Metaknight off you. The MK samus matchup I hear is hard because Metaknight can get in our face and there's nothing we can do.

+ Using the MBB to get back on the stage was SMART. Keep that up and stick to the tether grabbing. Try to lure him above you and screw atack to get back on the ledge, he won't be able to dair you out of it most of the time, although he did get that chance around 1:40, that doesn't happen a lot.

+ When hopping back on the ledge with fair, (check around 1:58 - 2:00) it's a very good thing to do, but try not to always follow MK with it. Most of the time they can di out and then hit you while your animation is still going. Try and burn him and then fall back on the ledge, or come up with an up air.

+ 2:34. Another great time to uair immediately off the ledge chain. And then at 2:39 you did what I mentioned above: ledge hopp fair back onto the ledge, because it's hard to punish MK.

+ At over 110%, grabs just aren't useful. IT's charge shot, dtilt, maybe utilt and forward smash.

If snake is far away from you. Start spamming short hop homing missiles. You can outcamp him and it disrupts his grenade/mine setting.

When snake is far, charge up your charge shot!

Check out my topic and look up snake as well: http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=227320

In general:

When they knock you off the ledge shoot one or two homing missiles to disrupt them a little. It goes a long way.


Please edit your post next time.


Smash Lord
Aug 2, 2005
San Diego, CA. (619)
Please be sure to edit your posts next time instead of making a triple post. This is a warning not just to you, but to all of the people here at the Samus board. I'm going to start infracting people. No more of this leniency.


Smash Lord
Feb 1, 2005
On ya shield 20-fo-7
From what I see in the first video:

+ Zair more on metaknight. He outprioritizes a lot.

+ At over 110%, grabs just aren't useful. IT's charge shot, dtilt, maybe utilt and forward smash.

i had barely any room to ftilt let alone zair QQ. MK is so short that you have to wait and delay pressing Z till you're nearly on the ground, giving him to to get close. I hate getting scooped! I feel it's the same problem with homing missiles, he can just run under them and get right out of ftilt distance. or just jump over them http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zofIMt3pLw0

my bad, I was talking about if samus were at a high percent like 110%, if it was worth going for a grab that might miss.

you were a great help thanks for the amount of input! ill try to retreat the ledge hopped fairs. i always thought it shieldstabbed but i guess the other people i played were just letting their shield down too early.


Smash Hero
Apr 28, 2008
questin: how did you get that music for the first video even though its smashville?
That question is irrelevant. You could have simply sent a PM and asked there. The original poster wants a critique of what he should do to improve, not what kind of music he thought worked in his replays.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 15, 2008
Grove, Oklahoma
One thing I noticed right off in your matchup vs Falco - you were giving Falco his space. Dont ever do that, he can outcamp Samus. Samus has very good close combat, especially against Falco, you just need to use them in the right situation. Also, I think you need to mix up your moves a little bit. I was watching expecting you to roll back onto the stage, and 9 out of 10 times you did. And try not to tether when you are above an edgeguarding opponent. It is too easy to punish.


Apr 19, 2002
Miami Beach, FL
That question is irrelevant. You could have simply sent a PM and asked there. The original poster wants a critique of what he should do to improve, not what kind of music he thought worked in his replays.
dawg you gotta lighten up please, i get sad every time i see your post. your post admonishing him and this post in response has now triple the amount of spam necessary in this topic

^ oh and i apologize for that post sorry.

to OP: you gotta camp charge shot, dawg. also, every time you jump or bomb float you will eat fair. idk why you do that.. when you morph ball you're slow, predictable, and vulnerable for gimp.

will watch other vids later


Smash Journeyman
Mar 15, 2008
Grove, Oklahoma
Yeah, that is another thing. The bomb leaves you very vulnerable, so you have to have a very good distance between you and the opponent for you to think about using it in your recovery.

Best thing you can do against MK IMO is to get under him. He may outprioritize in just about every one of his attacks, but his dair is probably his biggest downfall, I think screw attack outdoes that attack. Oh, and try to stay grounded against MK. He is very good in the air.


Smash Lord
Aug 2, 2005
San Diego, CA. (619)
To be honest, a pro MK will beat a pro Samus.

Even a good MK will beat a pro samus. He's that good. You gotta capitalize on any mistakes. Charge shot is your friend.

I was just playing a MK today and he was throwing me all around battlefiel and smashville. It's a tough matchup (I got one stocked every match)


Smash Journeyman
Oct 16, 2006
UP b out of shield is your best friend against mk. aswell as dash to upB especially on MKs that get overconfident on winning. its a good suprise but dont overuse. i found uptilt to be the most realiable on killing MKs, fsmash and dtilt will get spotdodged and punished with a downsmash most of the time but o well, worth a try. when you got him recovering spam him homing missiles thats about the best to do and hopefully let him drop down enough to edgehog.

and the rest is just smart play, play safe and know your enemy if hes agressive dont bother jumping zairing MCing and such. play cool and give him no room. he will think twice and gets uneasy hopefully which is helps you alot by giving you more freedom. thats all i can think of against MK right now

that utilt at 1:27 was pretty neat and would most likely have taken his first stock if you could land another hit on him offstage, i would have done the same

2:14 could have uaired, or probably uair x2 there instead of nair or a utilt <3
2:20 let go and bair or hit with dair or regrab with zair
2:40 could have edgehoged him pretty fine there but **** happens even to the best
3:26 pretty good you predicted his <B getting back to the stage well but unfortunately wasted another chance for a stock there with a grab

I think you noticed throughout the game but missiles aint as good in this matchup, homing ones for sure. sometimes its just enough to eat a few lasers and annoy the **** out of them with zair. it deals 7% damage all the time and lead into good situations. while lasers barely do 2% (i think?). just keep on zairing and annoy those falcos.
Recovering is also a pain if your coming from below your pretty much dead because of his sex kick bair, i died so many times to because it just beats upB, believe me. just dont try to get back with upB from below if possible

Well im not going to say to much to that because thats usually how it goes against MK and i dont wanna look like im knowing anything but heres a few things you could think about.

0:42 could have punished his glide attack, at 2:00 you did it right
0:50 ran into the trap
1:56 again he just kept punishing either your attack from ledge or fair. i know its a **** pain but priorize on getting back save. you lost your first stock to that kind of mistakes. dont play on the edge too much unless your called tudor

well as i said before try to dodge him and avoid his attacks most of the time and counter when your able too thats basicly all you can do against MK and hope to land a killing move. But yeah MK is one gay ***** theres really no helping it but im sure you could have avoided that 3 stock there

Good first stock you dealed a good amount of damage pretty fast
1:59 excellent mindgame
awesome second aswell
3:06 samus nair nullifies his motar remember that all times just kick through it when it comes below

you played more confident and smart in this one and could have won it if it wasnt for the last stock. he just spammed you with grenades and c4 for about 80%? i think your biggest downside is that edge game your trying to pull of and recovering im sure you would play so much better if you wouldnt try to lure the opponent at the edge. you could have won this game

match 2

excellent first stock again

2:40 good prediction and kill. after he returned he charged you very agressive as usual and you could have landed your chargeshot there for some damage

all in all you dominated in this match because the snake was playing too careless and you landed your strike when they should hit. good job

match 3

continuing to rock this guy and an early stock again

5:32 upB right there after downair. like in the falco game the 2nd dair will most likely be sheilded
7:05 could have lead into either a dsmash or an upB again. those 2 are the most reliable followups, remember

good game again, could have won this aswell


Smash Lord
Feb 1, 2005
On ya shield 20-fo-7
thanks guys for all the input!

i pretty much agree with everything you guys said; took more damage than i should have, missed some obvious critical punishes. gonna start working the close combat stuff. and, i'm def. gonna start USING charge shot more like you guys said. I've always saved it to kill but, yeah it doesn't kill till like 150+% lol.


Smash Lord
Jun 27, 2008
Thats a terrible thing to say. Samus takes a lot of skill of her own to do good. You want a challenge, I recommend picking her up.

Nothing wrong with him maining Samus.


Smash Lord
Mar 18, 2006
Winter Park, FL
Watched first video.

Outside of how hard this matchup is, you are being punished for making unprepared attacks. It looked like almost everything you threw he knew you were going to do it ahead of time. I don't know if that's because you and him a play a lot or what, but that's just the impression that I got.

In order for zair to work vs an MK like this you basically need to use it as a punish / zoning move. In other words, if you try to use zair for approach vs him he's just going to abuse that space and scoop you.

What you want to try to do next time you play him is see if you can get him to react to a feigned attack then punish his reaction as best as possible. My favorite vs MK is trying to figure out when they feel "safe" doing dsmash because if you can trigger them to dsmash that's a free dair (just dair while they dsmash and you connect).

From dair you get some options. If you're feeling saucey it can lead to tech chase dairs but safest is probably to upB.

Like others were saying, be far away and use grounded uncharged blasts to mess up ground approach. If you can get MK to start short hopping maybe you can punish with zair. Do standing smash missiles from far away too.


a Strawhat Pirate
Jun 20, 2008
B-town Brown.
Watched first video.Like others were saying, be far away and use grounded uncharged blasts to mess up ground approach. If you can get MK to start short hopping maybe you can punish with zair. Do standing smash missiles from far away too.
lol, nowhere in the sammy boards have i ever seen "do a standing smash missile". haha, its actually a really good idea now that i think about considering the fact that a short hopped smash missile would most likely go over his head. i would imagine it gives you some time to charge the cs. i guess homing missles would work too but they would be to slow to really do any good i would think.


Smash Lord
Feb 1, 2005
On ya shield 20-fo-7
Thats a terrible thing to say. Samus takes a lot of skill of her own to do good. You want a challenge, I recommend picking her up.

Nothing wrong with him maining Samus.
I play masky a lot and I john about my ****ty hitboxes ALL DAI

thanks ric rohinsss
i'll look into some tasty dair bait.

add that FINESSE to the game
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