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"I need a weapon" - Master Chief


Too Majestic for Gender
Aug 21, 2014
Switch FC
"Though I'd shoot my way out, mix things up a little"
"Who is this guy? Why does he look like Halo?"
The Master Chief is the lead character in the Halo franchise that revolutionized shooters and helped usher in the online age for consoles with Xbox Live. The franchise itself spans across multiple forms of media from best-selling novels and comics to animated shorts, films and even tabletop games.

Abducted at the age of six to participate in the SPARTAN-II program by Dr Halsey, John was neither the strongest nor the fastest of his generation. He did however possess tremendous luck. A child soldier by the age of 14 after intensive training, he underwent the augmentations that would help make him the soldier he is today.

The Chief's career has many highlights starting from when he single handedly fought off a group of ODSTs to blowing up a Halo ring and saving all life in the galaxy on multiple occasions. He is now one of few remaining SPARTAN-II's still in active duty alongside the other members of Blue team as well as others whose adventures are featured in the novels.

"But he doesn't have a Nintendo appearance?"
That is indeed the biggest mark against Chief potentially getting in to the Smash Bros franchise. Whilst Sakurai has not outright said a Nintendo appearance is required (it would be a courtesy and he might have had misgivings if Cloud wasn't on a Nintendo system) it is very possible he's being professional about it and the current third party roster has characters who have all had games released on a Nintendo system (No Halo DS does not count, that was cancelled unfortunately). Whilst he does now have a Minecraft skin on the Nintendo Wii U and Switch versions of the game it is shaky at best.

Even with the "Nintendo problem" aside Chief faces competition from other Microsoft owned characters who now have their foot in the door thanks to Banjo. Namely Steve from Minecraft. Beyond him there is also Fulgore who would be considered too.

For now it is best to assume that Chief essentially has a near 0% chance of getting in to Smash due to his lack of a Nintendo appearance in spite of his gaming credentials.

"Wouldn't his weaponry prove problematic too?"
His weaponry wouldn't prove problematic as there are many work arounds and alternatives to consider. Of course he could focus entirely on heavy weaponry like the Rocket Launcher and Spartan Laser or focus on Covenant or Promethean Weaponry. However there is no need for that. Halo 5 introduced a form of weapon attachments in its Warzone mode, one of which is the Kinetic Bolts attachment making the weapon shoot Hardlight instead. Chief is now more than capable of using his trusty Assault Rifle without having to worry about using ballistics.

With the recent addition of Joker, the weapons excuse also becomes more flimsy as Joker primarily uses Pistols and Knives to attack outside of his Persona.

Weight: Same weight as Samus (Heavyweight - 108)
Speed: Walk = Chrom/Roy (1.208) Dash = Bowser (1.971)
Jump Height: Same as Captain Falcon
Chief also has a tough guy mechanic to reflect how he has Shields.

Entrance animation: Jumps out of a Pelican.

Dodge Animations:
  • Chief uses his thrusters to push himself out of the way
  • He just sidesteps.

Get up animation:
Chief sweeps his legs around (7%)

Edge clamber:
Clamber animation from Halo 5

Edge attack:
Chief clambers and swings his Assault rifle (13%).

Neutral stance:

Crouching Stance:


Neutral A combo: Left Hook (4%) followed by backhanding with the left hand (4%) and then a thrust (5%). Decent knockback horizontally on the last hit.
Up tilt: Chief fires a burst of 5 shots from his Assault rifle. Each shot does 2% each and has little knockback.
Forward Tilt: Chief swings his Assault Rifle at the opponent (13%). Kill move.
Down tilt: Chief punches his fist to the ground (12%). Can Meteor Smash an opponent hanging on the ledge.
Dash Attack: Spartan Charge. Does 16% and has some decent knockback. Kills at high percents.

Neutral Air: Chief fires a burst from his Assault Rifle. Same as Up Tilt.
Forward Air: Chief swings his Assault Rifle forward but lunges slightly. Same as Forward tilt.
Up air: Chief swings his Assault Rifle upwards in an Arc and fires. A hit from the Rifle does 9% damage whilst the shots do 2%.
Down Air: Chief charges towards the ground. An opponent caught in the Air will be Meteor Smashed and takes 16%. If Chief hits the ground the shockwave caused does 10% with slight knockback.
back air: Chief swings around. Same as forward air.

Smash Attacks:
Forward Smash: Chief does a melee hit with the SPNKr Rocket Launcher. Much stronger than forward tilt. Does 16-22.4% damage and has strong knockback.
Down Smash: Chief fires a Rocket straight at the ground (20-28%). Strong knockback but does slight damage to Chief (7%).
Up Smash: Chief fires a Rocket Straight up. Impact in the air does 24-33.6% whilst a hit on the ground does 17-23.8%

Chief grabs the opponent by their arm.
Pummel: Chief knees them in the torso (2%)
Back throw: Chief slams the opponent behind him (14%).
Forward Throw: Chief unloads a quick 3 shot burst into the opponent then melees them away (19%). Kill move.
Down throw: Back Breaker assassination from Halo 5 (20%)
Up throw: Liftoff assassination sans the knife (21%)

Neutral: Chief fires his Assault Rifle. The Rifle can fire up to 36 bullets rapidly depending on how long the Button is held. The longer the button is held the more sporadic the aim becomes. Shots will only deal 2% per 3 shot burst. Enemies won't flinch either.
Side Special: Chief firesa Rocket from the SPNKr like Samus' Super Missiles. He can fire a second one if the button is pressed quickly (24% each).
Up Special: Chief uses his thrusters to shoot him in a direction. Does no damage.
Down Special: Chief throws down a Trip Mine (Halo 3). The explosion has great knockback and does 26%.

Up Taunt: "Let's finish this fight" Holds Assault Rifle to the side with it pointing to the air.
Side taunt: "Stay out of my way" Reloads the Assault Rifle
Down taunt: "Maybe I am a Demon" Switches to SPNKr and back quickly

Final Smash:
Chief calls the Infinity which proceeds to fire 4 MAC rounds onto the battlefield which are indicated by red areas showing the blast zone. Each shot does about 40% damage with extremely high knockback.

Mjolnir MK VI armour.
Mjolnir MK V armour.

Victory animations:
  • Holsters his Assault Rifle on his back and says "Mission Complete"
  • Chief checks his flanks and then aims at the camera and says "All clear"
  • Chief fires a burst from the Assault Rifle into the air and says "I told you to stay out of my way"

Losing animation:
Chief stands to attention and salutes

Victory fanfare:
This part of Finish the Fight

Halo also possesses many different locales to explore from the Battlefields of Reach to the Flood infested Covenant Holy City of High Charity to the Tombs on Sangheilios. Here are just three examples:
UNSC Infinity - The UNSC's flagship home to the SPARTAN-IVs. The ship comes with a War Games simulator allowing for it to create multiple different arenas to fight in.

Long Night of Solace - A Covenant CSO-class Supercarrier that was present in the early days of the Fall of Reach. The hanger makes for a great battle ground with Spirit and Phantom dropships landing and leaving with elevated platforms on the side.

Requiem - The Forerunner shield world where the Ur-Didact was imprisoned before it's destruction. It supports a wide variety of locales allowing for a stage that transitions between these locales and their respective battles.

Composer's Forge:
The Halo franchise boasts an extremely impressive soundtrack throughout its history courtesy of talented composers like Martin O'Donnel (no relation to Wolf), Michael Salvitori, Stephen Rippy, Neil Davidge, Gareth Coker, Curtis Schweitzer, Joe Corelitz and Kazuma Jinnouchi. Here are a few samples:​

Do ensure you've read the updated rules here by the way and please don't turn this into a toxic cesspit.​
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Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
I do want to note that they also wouldn't allow the Halo Mash-Up Pack on any systems beyond the PC and Xbox ones. That suggests that they don't want Halo on other consoles overall(Microsoft more or less dominates PC Gaming, so...). I think that should be noted as something against him.

That said, I do support him overall. I'd love for him to get in. The hardest part is finding proper weapons that fit Smash and aren't overly violent in a way that Sakurai wouldn't allow(or whoever the Director would be).


Sith Archivist
Aug 4, 2009
The Farthest Shore
The hardest part is finding proper weapons that fit Smash and aren't overly violent in a way that Sakurai wouldn't allow(or whoever the Director would be).
I mean, Snake had plenty of violent tools in his arsenal. I'd be more interested in MC's defensive capabilities. His suit has some pretty nifty power ups. Active camo, jet pack, shields, etc. would be fun to see implemented.


Too Majestic for Gender
Aug 21, 2014
Switch FC
I do want to note that they also wouldn't allow the Halo Mash-Up Pack on any systems beyond the PC and Xbox ones. That suggests that they don't want Halo on other consoles overall(Microsoft more or less dominates PC Gaming, so...). I think that should be noted as something against him.
There is this (granted it is from September) from a member of the Minecraft team though

There was a problem fetching the tweet

I don't recall anything since then about that being reversed. If a source can be found for that then I'll update as appropriate.

The hardest part is finding proper weapons that fit Smash and aren't overly violent in a way that Sakurai wouldn't allow(or whoever the Director would be).
I mentioned that and how it isn't much of an issue.

Jul 12, 2014
An elevator
Halo 1 and 2 are basically the main reason that I became such a hardcore gamer. So yeah they ruined my life. Anyway, Master Chief is in those games and he's awesome. Seeing him in smash would blow away pretty much any other possible 3rd party reveal for me. Support



V Has Come To
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Feb 12, 2014
Mother Base
This here would be that one "Holy ****" character if there ever was a Holy **** character. Talking this would blow all previous 3rd party surprises outta the water.


Smash Master
Sep 17, 2017
I would love to support Master Chief in this game! I mean, Halo 3 was pretty popular in Japan and if Cloud makes it into the next game, we could have a real Nintendo (Mario) vs. Sony (With Cloud since FF7 is often associated with PlayStation) vs. Microsoft (Master Chief).

Also: am I the only one who thinks he should have his energy shield as a unique mechanic? Here's how I think that would work:

- Super Armor that only works against projectiles. (RIP Mega Man mains)
- Has a bar that shows how much energy he has left.
- Is super weak to physical attacks.
- Can regenerate if Master Chief doesn't take damage for a set period of time.

And before you ask, I'm basing some of its functions off Arbiter's Energy Shield from Killer Instinct.
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Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
Huh, I didn't realize the Halo Mash-Up Pack was on non-Microsoft stuff(PC practically is Microsoft, so not counting that). That said, them refusing to put that on the Nintendo Minecraft version is still a factor to take into account.

I still think Master Chief could get in, but it depends if Microsoft is willing to play ball.

Weapon-wise, making sure he has his signature weapon and working it into Smash well is going to take some work. I more meant how the Director of the game will feel about his weapon choices. I do think it won't be a major issue, but it may stop a few options from being viable.


Stage Overflowing with Starlight
Aug 30, 2007
Well, to make Master Chief fit in Smash, I think they'd stick to all his Sci-Fi weapons, which allows them to keep an E10 rating, since using realistic fire arms would bring up the rating issues, which Snake probably did back in Brawl. And I think Bayonetta's guns were able to dodge a rating issue, since they don't act like real guns, unlike how Snake's firearms and explosives did in Brawl.


Smash Hero
May 12, 2014
Planet Urtraghus
Master Chief will appear on Nintendo Switch... sort of...

Edit: By the way, though I can't see him happening, I'd support Master Chief for Smash.

Though I'd prefer the Arbiter, but maybe that's just me =P
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Proteus Geoform
Sep 18, 2007
Switch FC
Far as the shooter mascots I’d kinda prefer the Doom Marine from a moveset perspective, but with how much Halo I’ve played over the years too, would obviously be fine with Chief as well as this point, though it helps for the former that Doom 2016 is already on Switch...


Smash Ace
May 12, 2006
Master Chief will appear on Nintendo Switch... sort of...

Edit: By the way, though I can't see him happening, I'd support Master Chief for Smash.

Though I'd prefer the Arbiter, but maybe that's just me =P
Well Cloud got in by technicalities too.

Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
Well Cloud got in by technicalities too.
Uh, no he didn't. The outdated rules stated they need to make a Nintendo appearance. Not "have their game on Nintendo". Completely different things. Cloud had actual cameos in Nintendo games, mostly Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts.

If Master Chief did get in, this is more of a technicality, since he himself has no appearance, just a costume based upon himself in a different designed format(Minecraft's unique block style characters).


Too Majestic for Gender
Aug 21, 2014
Switch FC
All the skin shows is that Microsoft are willing to put aspects of their IPs onto other systems, in their own games.
A Master Chief skin is just that, a skin to put over Steve.

This doesn't really do much at all but it is nice to see Microsoft playing nice with their IPs, even if only over small things in a game they own.

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Creator of Lego Theory
May 22, 2012
Switch FC
Tell you what, that'd be a hell of a reveal for Smash 5/6 (depends on how you count 3DS/WiiU)'s 1st 3rd party character. Then you could have an official Samus vs Master Chief fight.

The difference between 0% chance and 0.00000000000000000000000000000000001% chance is the biggest in the mind.


Banned via Administration
Dec 3, 2007
Yes, I would absolutely love Master Chief in this game and have been a silent supporter of his since Brawl. However he has a seemingly insurmountable hill to climb if he were to get in Smash.

Even disregarding the fact that he hasn't had a single Nintendo console release (even though Halo DS was in development at one point, I am only counting released games), and the fact that he's the mascot character of a direct competitor, there is the fact that he is a western-designed character, and Nintendo seems rather reluctant to put such a character in their game. I'm not entirely sure why but so far it seems they haven't even considered any the western characters they could add to Smash, and I'd think there would be several such characters in front of him, like Crash Bandicoot, Rayman and Banjo.

But anyways you can absolutely put me on his list of supporters. I loved picturing how he would play, and I even thought of a partial moveset consisting of tools from Halo 3 and Reach (I know he didn't appear in Reach until the very end, but I still think he would use armor equipment from it).

I picture Chief to be a very heavy, VERY explosive zoning character, with lots of highly powerful moves. His weakness is that he is quite slow, and his moves are kind of telegraphed when he's up close.

Up+B: Jump Jet (Halo Reach) - The jetpack from Halo Reach. Functions the same way as it does in that game, and he can still perform aerial attacks while using the move.

B: Spartan Laser (Halo 3) - He hunkers down and kneels in place, aiming his spartan laser forward. This attack will only fire once the beam is fully charged, but if it is allowed to fire, it will shoot a massive stage-sweeping beam that does 30% damage from any range and has insane killing power, especially up close. Sniping people offstage with it could be the best feeling in the world.

Down+B: Gravity Hammer (Halo 3) - Pulls out the Gravity Hammer used by the brute enemies in Halo 3. This powers up his A moves, making him hit much harder and adding armor to his smash attacks. However, strong attacks will make him drop the hammer, and it will disappear. It will be a while before he can pull another one out.

Forward+B: Energy Sword Lunge (Halo 2) - Pulls out a Covenant energy sword and does a high speed lunge towards the opponent. A bit similar to Fox Illusion, except Chief stops in the air wherever he makes contact with an opponent. Normally a very damaging wide slash with significant knockback, but does even better damage if it manages to hit an opponent from behind (similar to how melee attacks were an instant kill in Halo if done from behind). Initially I thought of making the energy sword a separate item that can be dropped on stage at random, but since the Smash-brand beam sword already exists, it would be rather redundant.


Smash Ace
Mar 26, 2013
I see Master Chief having more of a chance at getting in than Banjo, like it or not. The guy's iconic nevermind their own main mascot.
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Creator of Lego Theory
May 22, 2012
Switch FC
I see Master Chief having more of a chance at getting in than Banjo, like it or not. The guy's iconic nevermind their own main mascot.
Well in this case I see Banjo as equivelent to Mega Man was to Capcom whereas Halo is closer to Resident Evil or Street Fighter.


Smash Champion
May 10, 2008
Master chief is not a third party. He’s owned by Microsoft.

There has never been a “halo ds” or any halo game in development for Nintendo systems.

That video of a “halo ds game “, was just a video of a modded version of Golden eye rogue agent. Look at the video closely and you’ll notice it is the same interface, same game areas, all with just different skins.

So what I’m getting at is master chief has zero chance of being in smash, right up there with goku, shrek, and popeye.

Seriously what is it with people wanting some ridiculous characters in smash? Stop trying to turn smash into mugen. We’ve had more than enough guest characters over the years, (all of which are third parties, not characters owned by another console maker.) , it’s time to cut back on them and focus on Nintendo characters again.
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Creator of Lego Theory
May 22, 2012
Switch FC
Master chief is not a third party. He’s owned by Microsoft.

There has never been a “halo ds” or any halo game in development for Nintendo systems.

That video of a “halo ds game “, was just a video of a modded version of Golden eye rogue agent. Look at the video closely and you’ll notice it is the same interface, same game areas, all with just different skins.

So what I’m getting at is master chief has zero chance of being in smash, right up there with goku, shrek, and popeye.

Seriously what is it with people wanting some ridiculous characters in smash? Stop trying to turn smash into mugen. We’ve had more than enough guest characters over the years, (all of which are third parties, not characters owned by another console maker.) , it’s time to cut back on them and focus on Nintendo characters again.

By definition, Microsoft, in this scenario, is a 3rd party. 3rd party doesn't mean "company that makes games without making consoles"

We live in the post-Cloud era where out assumptions got kicked all over place so the lightest hint that Microsoft is shifting directions to sell it's properties on all available platforms is one that everyone will jump on.

It's hecka unlikley but, the important part, it's not longer impossible.

Mr. Shoe

Smash Rookie
Jan 22, 2018
I mean I guess MC wouldn't be the most out of place character. He and Samus just have similar roles as space people in metal suits with a bunch of gadgets. Sure Chief would probably have a more melee heavy style but to really showcase his personality he would have to use lots of weapons from Halo which means guns which means he'd be more of a zoner and therefore just a little too similar to Samus. Throw Snake into the mix and that's essentially 3 characters that all have a pretty similar archetype as far as "soldier/bounty hunter/mercenary that's uses their weapons/gadgets in fights to space opponents until you go in for the kill"/"heavy weapons characters" it would be kool to see MC in Smash but I feel like if he became a playable character it would only hurt Snake's chances of coming back to the series and ultimately all I want is Snake back in Smash :sadeyes:

TLDR; Master Chief as a Smash character concept is essentially just Snake in Samus' armor and I'd rather just have Snake back.
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Smash Ace
Mar 26, 2013
Well in this case I see Banjo as equivelent to Mega Man was to Capcom whereas Halo is closer to Resident Evil or Street Fighter.
That’s nowhere near a fair comparison, especially considering how Halo is practically Microsoft’s “baby” at this point.

Mega Man was Capcom’s Mario, Master Chief is Microsoft’s Mario essentially as well, Halo is why the Xbox sold. They originally didn’t want Chief as their mascot, with Blinx existing but sadly ended up failing and they dropped the trademark altogether back in 2015.

It’s like expecting Sega to put someone else over Sonic or Namco to put someone else in before Pac-Man.


Too Majestic for Gender
Aug 21, 2014
Switch FC
I mean I guess MC wouldn't be the most out of place character. He and Samus just have similar roles as space people in metal suits with a bunch of gadgets. Sure Chief would probably have a more melee heavy style but to really showcase his personality he would have to use lots of weapons from Halo which means guns which means he'd be more of a zoner and therefore just a little too similar to Samus. Throw Snake into the mix and that's essentially 3 characters that all have a pretty similar archetype as far as "soldier/bounty hunter/mercenary that's uses their weapons/gadgets in fights to space opponents until you go in for the kill"/"heavy weapons characters" it would be kool to see MC in Smash but I feel like if he became a playable character it would only hurt Snake's chances of coming back to the series and ultimately all I want is Snake back in Smash :sadeyes:

TLDR; Master Chief as a Smash character concept is essentially just Snake in Samus' armor and I'd rather just have Snake back.
Chief has nothing to do with Snake at all. They'd barely even be similar. He wouldn't be all that similar to Samus either.

Jul 12, 2014
An elevator
MC is the same as Snake in the sense that Mega Man is the same as Samus.

Snake is mostly CQC with some chokeholds. Then explosives. Master Chief on the other hand, because of the "no guns rule" that would probably be a lot of energy weapons. Add the energy sword and there you go.

None of the specials or smashes would be the same since Snakes are explosive and MC's mine is so obscure it would never show up. maybe a few normals would be similar in the same way Marth and Link have "similar" moves since they are both swords but that really doesn't mean anything. Unless people want to say everyone but Link is pointless.


Banned via Administration
Dec 3, 2007
Uh oh.

You guys.

I think we may be seeing the beginning of another Cloud loophole.

Master chief is not a third party. He’s owned by Microsoft.

There has never been a “halo ds” or any halo game in development for Nintendo systems.

That video of a “halo ds game “, was just a video of a modded version of Golden eye rogue agent. Look at the video closely and you’ll notice it is the same interface, same game areas, all with just different skins.

So what I’m getting at is master chief has zero chance of being in smash, right up there with goku, shrek, and popeye.

Seriously what is it with people wanting some ridiculous characters in smash? Stop trying to turn smash into mugen. We’ve had more than enough guest characters over the years, (all of which are third parties, not characters owned by another console maker.) , it’s time to cut back on them and focus on Nintendo characters again.
This is the most ridiculous and ignorant post I've read in a long time. You don't have the slightest clue what you're talking about.

About Halo DS not being in development, you are simply wrong. Halo DS WAS in development and had a huge team behind it, and it was not a modded version of Goldeneye Rogue Agent whatsoever. It was not a small modding project, it was confirmed to have a large team behind it, and the interface is not similar to Goldeneye in any way whatsoever. Yes, they both use the touch screen to aim/look, and the interface on the touch screen is also a circle, but that's literally where the similarities end.

You can quite clearly see in this video that they have several vehicles, special weapons with Halo sound and lighting effects, and even a wholesale recreation of the Zanzibar map from Halo 2 (which, since you don't recognize it, I'm going to go ahead and assume you've never played Halo 2). The dual wielding is even similar to the mechanic in Halo 2 where each gun could be fired individually rather than both at the same time.

The Zanzibar map is a full-scale recreation of the map from Halo 2, complete with vehicle and weapon spawn locations and a fully articulated mid-map dynamo. Fan modding projects do not typically reach this level of fidelity, there were definitely professionals behind this project.

About Chief "turning Smash into MUGEN" and being as likely as "Goku or Shrek"... get real. Goku and Shrek are not video game characters. Master Chief IS a video game character, he originates from one of the most popular game series of the post-2000s. Smash has always been a celebration of video games, so there is no reason he cannot at least be a candidate. He is nowhere near as unreasonable as Spongebob or Goku or any of the other non-game characters you're posting about. He is first and foremost a video game character.

Nintendo can keep adding Fire Emblem and Mario characters until the end of time but even you have to realize there's only so much they can give before the hype for Smash games starts to dwindle. I mean yes, they will appease a few fans of their more obscure games, and I'm all for that as well, but denying the value of guest characters is completely absurd. Guest characters are not only exciting, but also keep the game fresh in everyone's minds, and open up an enormous amount of possibilities. There is no reason for them to stop adding them, and if you think otherwise, you're insane.
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Proteus Geoform
Sep 18, 2007
Switch FC
More than anything, just hope Halo starts to gain back its identity (that it started losing in Halo 5 at the very least) in either Halo 6 or a possible belated Halo 3 remaster. Bring back the old ranking system which there was nothing wrong with and other such things... Like what I’ve been hearing on 6 so far regarding rumors or whatnot, but just hope it delivers. The microtransactions/loot system of 5 might still be there unfortunately, but if it’s good enough improvement in other areas I’ll still likely be happy.


Banned via Administration
Dec 3, 2007
I always thought Halo 2 was better.

Way more interesting multiplayer maps and game modes, and also it wasn't possible to kill-trade.
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Creator of Lego Theory
May 22, 2012
Switch FC
Uh oh.

You guys.

I think we may be seeing the beginning of another Cloud loophole.

Nintendo's official Twitter account tweeted out a picture of Master Chief. Is this the start of something, or just a trivia bullet point on a wiki?


Banned via Administration
Dec 3, 2007
User was warned for this post
Nintendo's official Twitter account tweeted out a picture of Master Chief. Is this the start of something, or just a trivia bullet point on a wiki?
This could really be all he needs. This is how Cloud got in, after all. Not through any main game appearances but just as a cameo in a Kingdom Hearts game on the GBA.

Banjo has more going for him in this regard because he originated on a Nintendo system, but now Chief can safely throw his helmet into the ring of candidates.

So, Chief needs a stage.

I propose that he gets another large stage, similar in scale to Hyrule Temple or Palutena's Temple.

I'm not sure which particular Halo level it would be based on (I'm currently thinking Silent Cartographer), but the reaason it'd be a huge stage is for one particular aspect it has.

Drivable vehicles.

All the Smash characters would be able to drive Ghosts and Warthogs in the level. Tag team with your teammate and use the gauss gun while driving around! Hit an explosive barrel to be sent flying! Grab onto the wing of a ghost and steal it from your opponent!

I think it could be extremely fun in a Power Stone sense. That game had usable gun turrets and things of that nature.
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Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
Reminder about double posts; If you're bumping a topic that is on the first page, just edit your post instead. It's more acceptable if it's on a later page, as nobody has posted in it in a long time, so nobody would see your post any time soon. The other is that if you're going to tag/quote someone, they won't get the alert from an edited post. In cases like this, just report your post(or say it in the post) to ask for a Mod to merge.

That said, honestly loving the Stage idea, Psycho Josh.


Smash Master
Sep 17, 2017
PsychoJosh PsychoJosh

I like your stage idea! Driveable vehicles in a stage sounds awesome!

BTW, I actually had another idea for a Halo stage: the original Blood Gulch map. It would be your typical two-fortresses map where the characters can go inside the forts.

And this might be a stretch, but occasionally, the cast of the RoosterTeeth series Red vs. Blue would appear in the background and make some comments on some of the fighters. Examples would include Grif angrily yelling at Peach’s opponent to make her pay for all the times she’s been in another castle, Doc complimenting Wii Fit Trainer’s peak physical health and Tucker making some flirty remarks about Zero Suit Samus and/or Bayonetta.


Banned via Administration
Dec 3, 2007
I think that's a bit too much. Red vs. Blue isn't canon or owned by either of the parent companies.

I'd be okay with there being a multiplayer match or a UNSC vs. Covenant battle going on in the background, but I'm more of the mind that the stage should be based on a campaign level instead of a multiplayer map.
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Smash Master
Sep 17, 2017
I think that's a bit too much. Red vs. Blue isn't canon or owned by either of the parent companies.

I'd be okay with there being a multiplayer match or a UNSC vs. Covenant battle going on in the background, but I'm more of the mind that the stage should be based on a campaign level instead of a multiplayer map.
I honestly don’t care which Halo stage makes it in, even though I lent my two cents on this.

But like I said, the Red vs. Blue thing would be a bit of a stretch (Now that you mention it, TOO much of a stretch), but with or without them, I’d be fine.
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Smash Master
Jul 9, 2009
A warrior's grave...
I'm down with the thought of Master Chief being playable! Halo is a big part of console gaming's history and it'd be great to have SSB acknowledging it.

Years ago I used to think MC wouldn't get past the "No Realistic Guns" rule but he can easily get around that, not only with Covenant weapons but also Promethean/Forerunner guns and now UNSC types too! His Side Special alone has soo many possibilities, Such as:
-Spartan Laser: Hold the input to charge it and unleash a long-range laser beam that can span the length of any stage. It's powerful, the beam appears at max length instantly after fired and vanishes quickly, but the insane charge time and target reticle give foes plenty of warning and enough time to prevent Chief from using it. Charge can't be stored for later use either, and the cooldown is also lengthy. Can be Reflected, Collected and Absorbed.
-Railgun: Basically a much more efficient Spartan Laser. Operates the same way but the charge time is MUCH shorter. While the S. Laser has a lengthy cooldown, the Railgun has to reload after each shot which means you MUST make the shot count. Can be Reflected, Collected and Absorbed.
-Grenade Launcher: From Halo Reach and Halo 5. You use a pistol-sized launcher to fire frag-like grenades. The reach is often exceptional, and the grenades are stronger than your standard variants. Always ricochets once before exploding; use that knowledge to trick foes, but remember that MC automatically reloads after firing, which gives opponents time to react before he uses it again. Can be Reflected and Collected.

-Plasma Caster: The Covenant's Grenade Launcher, but BETTER. Instead of firing a frag-like explosive 1 at a time, the Caster can fire up to 5 Plasma Grenades before needing to reload, and EACH of those 5 shots can be charged to fire a larger ball of plasma that not only becomes sticky, but explodes into smaller plasma bombs that also detonate. Obviously charging it takes time, but the results pay off, as the plasma becomes sticky and allows you to adhere it onto foes. Individual, non-charged plasmas don't stick, but they ricochet and are somewhat weaker than a single grenade from the UNSC rival. Charge can't be stored either. But with all the options the Caster provides you'll find it more practical than its rival, especially for a hectic scene like Smash. Can be Reflected, Collected and Absorbed.
-Beam Rifle: The Covenant Sniper Rifle; it fires a narrow burst of plasma that is high on damage and knockback. Great for long distance shots and KOs. Can be Reflected, Collected and Absorbed.

-Sentinel Beam: A Forerunner laser beam that shoots straight ahead over long distances as soon as the input's pressed, but the laser is far weaker than the rest and is sustained longer as well. This can be used to maintain constant damage from a distance, but extended use will cause it to overheat and trigger a cooldown for a few seconds, which in addition to its weak damage gives foes plenty of time to outmaneuver this. Unlike the other guns mentioned thus far, this pushes foes back instead of blasting them away. Can be Reflected and Absorbed. Not Collected.
-Light Rifle: A Promethean laser rifle. It's a "Pew-Pew-Pew" type of gun that shoots strips of light which travel quickly despite its slow rate of fire, doing respectable chunks of damage with each shot. Not good for knockback but reliable for damage. Can be Reflected, Collected and Absorbed.
-Binary Rifle: The Promethean Sniper. A rifle that unleashes a thin, scalding stream of light that's sustained for about 2 seconds. It doesn't blast foes away like the S. Laser or Railgun on contact, but it does rack up your damage considerably and creates a bit of hitstun so that you can endure its entire duration. Great for long distances of course, but once that shot is fired you'll be unable to do anything else until the shot ends, leaving you vulnerable for 2 seconds. You get 2 shots before needing to reload. Great with damage. Can be Reflected, Collected and Absorbed.
-Incineration Cannon: The Promethean "Rocket" Launcher. A large shoulder-mounted gun that shoots heated light when pressed, but if charged you can unleash a large cluster of cascading light that kills on contact. Perfect for KOs, as the damage and knockback is outstanding, but firing a charged shot will trigger a cooldown, and while it can be charged indefinitely, you'll start to take damage from it overheating. Can be Reflected, Collected and Absorbed.
-Hardlight Shield: Unlike ALL the other options listed, this one is purely defensive. MC constructs a shield made of light that protects his front from all sorts of damage. As it takes punishment it goes from blue to a bright red, before shattering and leaving Chief unable to use it for a bit.

And that's just options for his Side B. Imagine what people could cook up for his other Specials :D
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Banned via Administration
Dec 3, 2007
I think some of these should be items.

Would be neat to see Mario wielding a UNSC rocket launcher or a Covenant fuel rod gun.

I don't agree with making Spartan laser reflectable, but I suppose Game & Watch and Ness should be able to absorb its power since their moves make them projectile invincible.


Smash Master
Jul 9, 2009
A warrior's grave...
I think some of these should be items.

Would be neat to see Mario wielding a UNSC rocket launcher or a Covenant fuel rod gun.

I don't agree with making Spartan laser reflectable, but I suppose Game & Watch and Ness should be able to absorb its power since their moves make them projectile invincible.
Y'know what, I'd take it a step further and make the Super Fiesta and high-REQ versions of those guns items, leaving Chief with the "basic" versions of whichever option for Side B I choose while literally everyone gets the chance to run around with the High Five, Pool of Radiance, Beam Rifle Delta and River of Light, etc. Picture Dedede with the Grinder or Mega Man running around with the Endgame...or Samus wielding the Arclight. The chaos would be Mythic LMAO.

So about the S. Laser being reflected, now that you mention it I think I'd base it on whether or not SSB4 Suicune's Hyper Beam can be reflected, since it'd basically be that move but with insane charge time preceding it. If (in this hypothetical scenario that allows us to get MC) it isn't reflectable, I think it should only apply to certain reflectors like say Ness and Lucas (requiring them to count on absorption instead, which would be better for them cuz they'd get some strong health boosts), whereas Mario, Fox and Zelda are able to send it back. Mario's cape is weird in that it doesn't just reflect projectiles so I can see him returning this laser cannon with ease, and since Fox and Zelda have a full-body reflector that can be used indefinitely in Fox's case and long enough for Zelda to outlast the duration of the blast, I think they'd be safe too. R.O.B. is a different case in that while he can reflect energy-based projectiles, he's simply spinning fast enough to pull it off and I'm not sure that'd work for a laser as strong as this. Mario, Zelda and Fox as well as fighters like them have the convenient handwave of magic and advanced tech, whereas this bot is simply spinning so sadly he'd be out of luck here.

Brother AJ

Smash Lord
Jan 28, 2014
Fort Worth, Tx
You can count me as supporter. Master Chief makes we wonder about where the line is for one's eligibility for Smash, and whether there should be a line at all. I mean, do we just want to eventually place everyone in Play-Station All-Stars into the game? I honestly feel like Master Chief is an exception though because he's such a huge icon. I just don't want this game to be TOO jam packed with random third party characters. I don't see it as likely, but really I just want to see the collective shock of the gaming world if it does happen. Especially if Crash gets added too. Holy crap, wouldn't that be something?
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Smash Lord
Feb 24, 2015
Brisbane, Australia
He's a gaming icon and I spent a lot of my highschool years playing a lot of Halo. It'd be amazing to see him in Smash but it's definitely not going to happen.


Smash Ace
Mar 8, 2018
I'd much rather have Xbox have it's own version of Smash.

That way it can have all the best Xbox characters fighting each other.

Master Chief
Marcus Fenix
Banjo & Kazooie
Jack of Blades
Voodoo Vince

It could be amazing!

*Incidentally I have have thread about this very topic. If you want to see the full list head to the Forum page then scroll down to Smasher's Hangout and head to the Light House section.* (Shameless self promotion :p)

At any rate I'd say Banjo & Kazooie have a far more high chance than Master Chief.
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