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I have met the enemy and she has captives.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 8, 2008
Link to original post: I have met the enemy and she has captives.

It's Friday night, and I haven't seen my friends in person for a week. I get the idea to get everyone together for a good night out, two of which are free to do so.

Friday night, that old beloved period of reprieve, is the night we settle on. One of them - we'll call him Steven - recommended a pub, and when we went there on the night we all appreciated the choice. They both brought along their girlfriends, who both proved to be good company. I was hoping to talk about the protests in Iran with them, too (it never happened: I accidentally mentioned Michael Jackson's name and thus locked the conversation in that tangent). The conversation was lively and flexible, the beer was fine, the music was pleasant, everyone was friendly with each other, and I didn't have to pay for a thing all night. 'Good job’, I think to myself.

Then, one single word cast storm clouds over the entire city. I could hear the birds fleeing in terror for shelter, as far away from our location as their wings could take them.


It came from Steven's girlfriend. I try to shrug it off. Nah. She couldn't be. My friend is dating her. Maybe she said it in a different sense: just bashing it. Or more likely, I misheard. Or, y'know, she could be like a genuine person who finds this normal appeal about the opposite sex, and isn't wound up on it. Maybe. Either way, I get back to my drink and wait for the next window of opportunity to talk about Iran.

To those of you asking "What the hell is 'yaoi'?", firstly, it's not pronounced 'yay', it's appropriately pronounced 'yeowie'. I encourage you who are unaware to leave now and never come back; you really, really don't want to know where this is headed. But if you insist on being that little bit more internet savvy, a brief summary hidden for the convenience of minors.

'Yaoi' is a Japanese term which equivocates to English as 'Boy's love'. Rather than a genuine take at a romance between two men (I believe that’s the category of shonen-ai, which I haven’t a problem with), this tends to be simply gay porn. Very pornographic gay porn, usually veiled by the plot premise you’d usually find in a bad romantic novel. It caters, needless to say, to a female audience, and employs erotic aspects in their interests. Most prominent to my knowledge being the character type duo of the 'seme' and 'uke', wherein the former is dominant and aggressive - in behaviour both abusive and aggressive - over the latter, who is feeble, insecure, and is supposed to find comfort in the seme's behaviour. Yes, this can easily be linked to weeaboos and other otaku-affiliated activities.

"So it's porn, big deal. Why are you getting so worked up about it?" Before you hit the reply button to express your extreme disgust at how conservatively homophobic and prejudiced I am, read a bit further and you might get my point.

Time passes. We leave the pub and walk to her place, which happens to be just around the corner. At the top of the apartment block, she shows us around her room. As we pull up seats and I try to get a joke in, she feels compelled to give us a tour guide of her room.

It all sticks out.

The three katanas in the corner.

The multiple Sephiroth figurines. She takes each one in hand and spends several long seconds stroking the pelvis of each. Tenderly.

The book shelf filled to the brim with manga. "...And the yaoi is on the bottom shelves." She is very eager to point out.

Funeral For A Friend is playing in the background (okay, that isn’t quite in the same vein as the rest, but still).

May god help me, she is going to shout "kawaii desu bishonen" any second now.

'Change the subject, quickly!' I go to mock Irish politics with my other friend (it's very easy to do, you should try it sometime). He's laughing for a while. Now if only I can keep this up long enough for someone else to jump in, we're in the clear.

No wait, Full Metal Alchemist is brought up. Then she sighs wistfully "Ed and Roy" like a teenage superstar she's infatuated with. I have never been more grateful for not following that series beyond the first episode in my life, but I am unfortunate enough to know that the relationship in that (if there is one) is completely heterosexual. At least she hasn't brought up anything like Death Note or Naruto.

Ten minutes later, and she's discussing Edward Scissorshand's ending with the group. My mind recoils in relief as things get a bit more universally pleasant; so they can talk about other things too. Please, let me take this moment to rant:

This wasn't my first ever encounter with the dreaded gay porn yaoi fangirl, as you may have realised, but it was my first in real life. I had hoped they'd keep to deviantart, fanfiction.net, livejournal and what other places they've contaminated, but they seem to get all over the place. More in-your-face than their original content, however, is their presence in fandom, wherein most of the mindrape will ensue. Anime, certain video games and even books are the most noteworthy genres they target. Even Super Smash Bros. is a victim to this (thanks, Marth, we owe you one), and Kingdom Hearts is absolutely FUBAR from its original premise. The single greatest argument in favour of homophobia isn’t the natural order or anything as trivial as that – it’s Calvin & Hobbes mpreg.

My problem isn't so much with the material itself, no. The internet is for porn, after all, and everyone has their guilty pleasures which they don't necessarily bring up. That's fine, as long as we keep it out of each other's noses. But porn can be a force for evil too, great evil, and if Japan's produce is anything to go by, then the more extreme porn doesn't just create perverts, it goes one step farther. Yaoi and the like produce the worst kind of pervert - the vocal one.

Who acts as if all everyone wants to do is listen to every single facet of their nauseating pleasures.

So you're a guy who likes to imagine lesbians getting it on, or a girl eager to picture guys doing the same thing. Hey, good for you, I'm glad you know the things you enjoy in life. But I'm not into the same thing, and it's quite probable that most of your company in life isn't as interested as you are. With your hyperactive obsession over two people behaving completely unrealistically or unhealthily for your entertainment, chances are you're the black sheep amongst a white flock. Go flock to a website dedicated to it if you're really desperate, heavens knows there aren't in short supply.

Case in point, right after the nice discussion with Edward Scissorshands, she tells us of how a fellow yaoi fangirl has written porn not of two fictional creations, but of my two friends there in the room. And then called it good.

Urge to kill...Rising...

She goes back to her Sephiroth figure, now accompanied with Vincent, dubbing them 'bishie' whenever it isn't Sephie. 'My bishie' being a term she then turns on Steven, who has spent the night quietly in a corner since we came to her place.
It is only then that I realise this is the fifth time tonight she's called him that. And he's done nothing except indulge in it.


And I'll leave it at that for now. Steven is in serious danger and cannot make it to safety alone. Retreat is not an option, even for my own sake: I'm his friend, I can't just leave him hanging. If I don't act soon, he might not have a weener in four months' time. Those of you already aware know what I'm talking about. I can see hundreds upon hundreds of Japanese-themed comics being drawn about him right now; in fact, they're probably half-way to that number already.
Logically I should do something, but if he likes it then there isn't anything I can do without being an ***, save to ask if we can leave out the squick next time we group up. Then again, common sense is thrown out the window whenever testosterone and oestrogen come into play - I'm inclined to just trap him in a life-and-death training regiment, preferably in an environmentally challenging location like an alpine mountain range or a warzone. Whatever it takes to man him up. My arsenal to this end is under heavy consideration - at the moment I’m preparing explosions, robots, Chuck Norris movies, training montages, video games, and, for when he's ready, a one-on-one with whatever monstrous animal I can find.

Any advice? Suggestions? Killer bears that I could borrow for a month or two? Cool story bro?


Through Fire, Justice is Served
Super Moderator
Oct 23, 2008
Beastector HQ
So yeah your blog was chopped off so I did the liberty if editing it into the thread.

I'll read it later, and it does seem like a cool story.

Just a reminder, anyone who posts cool story bro as their response is getting murdered.


Smash Master
Apr 27, 2008
Kawaii Hawaii
Case in point, right after the nice discussion with Edward Scissorshands, she tells us of how a fellow yaoi fangirl has written porn not of two fictional creations, but of my two friends there in the room. And then called it good.
I dont even know...
I guess "yeah that would creep me out" fits.


Bird Law Aficionado
Dec 14, 2008
The single greatest argument in favour of homophobia isn’t the natural order or anything as trivial as that – it’s Calvin & Hobbes mpreg.
The second I read this, I already bought plane tickets to Ireland. I'm on my way to the airport in a taxi and I'm planning a suicide bombing of this woman's secret Yaoi headquarters. Rest assured, by noon tomorrow, she'll be out of your life. (and her's, too.)

Jokes aside, it sounds like you need to straight up tell her that you aren't interested in her fantasies, and you would much rather converse about more appropriate things. Like sports, weather, politics, the standard small-talk. To be fair, you should at least let her talk about it until she pauses. Then, explain why you're not interested, and politely ask that you change the subject. If she's offended, tell her that you were kind enough to listen, and allow her to show you all the things you dislike without a single complaint. If she doesn't listen, she's not worth your time.

I don't think you would be a very good friend if you tried to convince him to stop dating her just because she's into anime-esque men performing sin on one another.
Jul 13, 2009
What one can come upon while surfing the Internet can be truly sickening, yes?
This might be like the time I found out about a group of people called 'furries', in which I was shocked to find out about, yet after that I just did not care what those people like, they are humans, after all.

...But the people that you are talking about are beyond twisted, beyond mental.
Pornography? Homosexual? In Anime?
I must say, now I am nauseated. Although I strive to accept others, these are beyond my acceptance limits. It is disgusting, and according to your story, this girl likes to degrade Final Fantasy VII characters as well, blasphemous!

I am not fully clear on how to approach your friend about this. If he gets drawn into it, I would try and reason with him at least, asking why he likes it.
Is 'Steven' heterosexual? You might want to bring up the question of his whole sexuality if he becomes attached to it. Although that is most likely a bad idea.

That is all I can suggest, for one becoming a victim of such a sickening and degrading fad.


Wise Hermit
Dec 20, 2006
Teaneck, North Bergen County, NJ, USA
It's easy. If you're not interest, say so. I mean, you have to grow a pair before you can worry about her relieving you of them. If she's going to presume to be so inconsiderate as to impose such a generally uncomfortable situation upon you, than you should mimic such bluntness and let her know you are not interested. You don't have to worry about damaging your relationship with straightforward words and actions; SHE'S ALREADY DONE THAT.

Just say it like it is.

Jim Morrison

Smash Authority
Aug 28, 2008
The Netherlands
bro, that was a cool story
OUCH! I know exactly what kind of girl you mean, I saw one who was one MTV's "made" I couldn't stand her and I felt sorry for her male friends. Being a boyfriend of a yaoi... 'artist', is plain silly because they don't want you, they want fictional homo's.

You should probably save him and talk about the subject with him, especially when he had just been in some sort of argument with him. You have to mindgame and manipulate him. Don't give up on his soul.

Also, Pierce is correct as well.


Smash Lord
Dec 14, 2008
Laughing while sayin' "idunno" with heav
"Yaoi" is just another fetish in the sea of fetishes. The only difference is that this particular one has more material for the audience. But when they reach the level of being comfortable DISCUSSING it with average people, then that's when she's in deep which can be appalling to anyone listening. The majority of people do NOT wanna listen to someone's perverse fantasies in detail or even be shown where she gets it from.

Also, this reminds me of guys who obsess over anime girls to the point where they think they're hotter than the real deal. But those kinda guys are like hermits. This is completely different. This girl likes to share which is bad in this case.

Link to original post: I have met the enemy and she has captives.
Case in point, right after the nice discussion with Edward Scissorshands, she tells us of how a fellow yaoi fangirl has written porn not of two fictional creations, but of my two friends there in the room. And then called it good.
Ooooookaaaaay . . . . . . . awkward . . . . . .


Smash Lord
Apr 24, 2009
The Cold
+1 person to my "i want to kill" list

seriously you actually do have to save your friend

and i highly suggest chuck norris movies and a 1on1 with a bee hive


Through Fire, Justice is Served
Super Moderator
Oct 23, 2008
Beastector HQ
I'm watching this thread with a hawkeye.
I'm going out on a limb here and giving you guys a chance to go about this sensibly.
No dirty talk, gaybashing, and arguments.
Basically, if I see the discussion get inappropriate, get flamey/trolly/spammy, I'm going to lock this immediately, and I'll be very, very annoyed.

Trust me, you don't want me to get annoyed.


Smash Master
Feb 1, 2008
Strangereal Equestria
Well I know a Yaoi Fangirl at my school, and she's pretty cool. Its this case which is REALLY severe. I mean 7 "Bishie" figures which she strokes?

Ohhh boy.

I'm not used to dealing with this stuff, so I have no pro tips. If any thing, has your friend read any yaoi fanfiction?


Bird Law Aficionado
Dec 14, 2008
Well if Ed and Roy isn't your cuppa tea, try Hughes/Roy.

j/k j/k
Did you have anything serious to say about this blog, or were you only posting for that silly joke?


All I want is a custom title
Aug 9, 2008
San Diego
LOL. I didn't know people actually went this far over it. And are so open to discuss it with whoever the **** enters her house.
I don't know, people like this kill stuff for me.

But I don't know what you can do besides be straight up and tell your friend/her/both that you aren't comfortable or you know, willing to discuss that stuff.

But I find the whole situation hilarious, no offense to the OP.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 8, 2008
Thanks for the great posts, all of you.

The second I read this, I already bought plane tickets to Ireland. I'm on my way to the airport in a taxi and I'm planning a suicide bombing of this woman's secret Yaoi headquarters. Rest assured, by noon tomorrow, she'll be out of your life. (and her's, too.)

Jokes aside, it sounds like you need to straight up tell her that you aren't interested in her fantasies, and you would much rather converse about more appropriate things. Like sports, weather, politics, the standard small-talk. To be fair, you should at least let her talk about it until she pauses. Then, explain why you're not interested, and politely ask that you change the subject. If she's offended, tell her that you were kind enough to listen, and allow her to show you all the things you dislike without a single complaint. If she doesn't listen, she's not worth your time.

I don't think you would be a very good friend if you tried to convince him to stop dating her just because she's into anime-esque men performing sin on one another.
PM me in three days' time and I'll have the address for you.

Jokes and incidents aside, I definitely believe she'd be understanding and reasonable about it. She was so in the pub before the storm clouds started gathering. But if I have to bring my unease to her attention, it'll either be by mentioning it to Steven or the other friend before we head out, or if she herself brings it up again. But if she really insists on telling us this, then I'll have little choice other than to take Pierce's approach. Though I have no intent of messing up the relationship, don't worry on that; I can tell Steven likes her.

It's easy. If you're not interest, say so. I mean, you have to grow a pair before you can worry about her relieving you of them. If she's going to presume to be so inconsiderate as to impose such a generally uncomfortable situation upon you, than you should mimic such bluntness and let her know you are not interested. You don't have to worry about damaging your relationship with straightforward words and actions; SHE'S ALREADY DONE THAT.

Just say it like it is.
The problem with this is that Steven will easily get offended if I attempt any other method than extremely polite. I am not willing to harm my friendship with him, and he's known about this for longer than I have (recent discussion reveals that the yaoi community have already featured him in perhaps more than 60% of their comics). He's nice, he's pleasant, and can get arrogantly determined when he feels self-obliged to, but as someone who knows the guy (I introduced him to the internet, I'm ashamed to say, and that was just for Orly owl pics when we were 12) I find it very hard to imagine him appreciating this.

I'm watching this thread with a hawkeye.
I'm going out on a limb here and giving you guys a chance to go about this sensibly.
No dirty talk, gaybashing, and arguments.
Basically, if I see the discussion get inappropriate, get flamey/trolly/spammy, I'm going to lock this immediately, and I'll be very, very annoyed.

Trust me, you don't want me to get annoyed.
I'd like to add to this that my intent with the opening post was not for discussion on homosexuality itself in general. Discussion on that topic should be saved for another blog or thread.

Maybe your friend is bi himself?
I'm very much certain he is.

This would not make his situation any easier.

Barge said:
But I find the whole situation hilarious, no offense to the OP.
It is hilarious. At the expense of a good night out, yes, but very much hilarious. Have your laughs now, I'll catch up in 20 years.

Nnoilalala said:
Well if Ed and Roy isn't your cuppa tea, try Hughes/Roy.

Ed/Cornelio, that or nothing.


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
Oh gawd, I know exactly how you must of felt. You wouldn't believe how many people are like that. It Efin makes Japan look bad. It's not yaoi itself, but the people...=/

I love Anime/Manga. I don't have a problem with Shonen-Ai either. If you enjoy hentai good for you. Yaoi umm ok. But really there is a line. There are so many people who are just absolutely addicted and obsessed with it and feel they need to share that with Everybody Else. Theres no reason you need to share so much of your ~inner desires~ with your aqaintances or even your friends like that.

My school had an anime club. After 3 meetings I just straight up left. The majority of the people there were really sick in the head. There was this one girl who went around to everyone saying "Let me **** you @_@" Like she was:psycho: . They would bring yaoi++, I don't even know how they got away with it. There was also this one boy who dressed up in a different female anime outfit everytime! (The outfits were actually pretty cute...but that's not the point...). And every little thing that was said turned into something perverted. They didn't even know how to use "that's what she said" correctly Ex: "Hey do you want some pocky" ..."That's what SHE said!!!" *giggle giggle*lolwut?...

So yeah I left that. It was a real big disappointment... Great way to screw up the Japanese culture guys =/

As far as your situation goes, do what straked and Peirce said. You need to let them know how you feel about it. At least tell your friend.


Through Fire, Justice is Served
Super Moderator
Oct 23, 2008
Beastector HQ
Straked and Nnoilalala, can it, both of you.
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