Smash Champion
What these internet pseudo-intellectuals fail to understand is that an insult is not equal to an ad hominem fallacy.
Saying that someone's argument is invalidated because there he throws insults IS AN AD HOMINEM FALLACY. The insult is completely irrelevant to the soundness or cogency of the argument.
Moreover, an ad hominem fallacy can vary from a weak to a strong inductive argument, and we all value strong induction.
Exactly, I don't think most people realize what an ad hominem actually is:
from the wiki (shoutouts to beat)
"An ad hominem (Latin for "to the man"), short for argumentum ad hominem, is an argument made personally against an opponent instead of against their argument"
Examples of ad hominem:
"The Mayoral candidate's proposal about zoning is ridiculous. He was caught cheating on his taxes in 2003."
"What makes you so smart and all-knowing that you can deny God's existence? You haven't even finished school."
"If Dr. Smith is such a skilled heart surgeon, then why was he arrested for gambling?"
"Your fashion opinion isn't valid; you can't even afford new shoes."
In my case, the facts were highly relevant to my argument: and it always is. Strong bad, and Laijin, just use ad hominem, something they don't even understand, to escape answering legit points that everyone else don't use in fear of being to "rude".
edit: also, if a character is "bad" on more stages of the neutrals than he is "good" at, then thats the characters problem. What specific characters benefit from should not be considered (at least not at first) when deeming if a stage is legit or not.