GloomyVic, thank you for doing this. I have two quick Reflet/Robin questions, if it's okay.
1: How long does it take for the magic sword (sometimes called Thunder Sword or Levin Sword) to return once Reflet/Robin loses it?
2: Does the magic sword lose 'durability' (number of uses remaining) every time it is swung, or only when it actually hits someone? To put it another way, can you lose the sword without hitting the enemy?
I've just experimented with Robin/Reflet again.
I'm just a casual player so i could be wrong.
IMO very fun character, pretty strong, sword range similar to Marth.
How the attack works are,
Tilts - normal sword/iron sword? (doesn't appear to get destroyed)
Smashes - thunder sword
after some use around 5 full charged smash attacks/ 7~9 uncharged, it gets destroyed.
it will flash when it's almost used up.
Then the smashes uses normal sword/iron sword? (without thunder element)
around 8 seconds cooldown
Specials - work the same as above mentioned. During the cooldown time no attack comes out. only the animation.
N-special - El/Arc/Giga~thunder after 5 full charged the book gets destroyed (around 10 second cooldown)
Down-special - Black fog? holds the opponent and dmgs, slight % recovery
Side-special - Giga fire, similar to PK fire and has knockback
Up-special - El Wind, this one is interesting if the book is used up you can't recover.
He/She doesn't jump at all, so no recovery move/momentum.
Further testing is needed for the exact cooldown times and # of uses.