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I finally realized something about myself--Debra continuation


Disney Film Director
Oct 4, 2008
Burbank, CA
Link to original post: [drupal=5076]I finally realized something about myself--Debra continuation[/drupal]

So I just got back from something I've been looking forward to for a very long time: Going to a Debra Romer concert in LA and meeting her. (For those of you who haven't read the original blog, check it out.) It was a really small venue. Nice and cozy, with not even 20 people tops. Those of you who know me probably have heard of my plan: Go to a concert in LA, tell her I'm Chris Hewitt and wrote her a letter a while back, and if things seem to going well, ask her to lunch at DreamWorks Animation. I even convinced a good friend of mine to come with me and wingman just in case.

I got there about 10 minutes early and waited for the concert to start. My friend texted me saying he was gonna get there around 8 PM, when the concert was scheduled to start. I had my phone out on the round table I was sitting at so I could tell when he got there--he needed $8 to get in the room, and I told him I would spot him. I was sitting second row and center from the stage.

Shortly into the second song, Debra looked right at me as she sang. Soon my phone lit up. But I didn't dare look away at the phone. I realized then that I had never looked right into someone else's eyes as they sang. It was especially notable to me because a lot of singers like to close their eyes during their performances, but Debra kept her gaze right on me. My friend came up, and I zapped back out to spot him some cash.

The concert was over in about 30 minutes. My friend started asking me for a gameplan to meet her. I figured there would be some kind of line, but no one was moving from their seats. Another act was getting ready to perform at 9. We both knew I had a limited amount of time to put my plan into action. We moved out to the bar on the side of the (small) room. My friend kept pushing me to walk up and introduce myself, but I insisted on waiting. Debra seemed to be going from group to group. Just when my friend, being the great wingman he is, was about to say something embarrassing to stop Debra, she came up to us.

I introduced myself, but only by first name. I tried to think of something to follow up with, but all I could think of was complimenting how well she did. My wingman tried to jump in and help as my mind tried to think of something to say, but literally nothing came out. I stood there totally flabbergasted at myself, for I wasn't nervous in the least. In fact, I hadn't been nervous all day long. I just didn't feel anything, and I wasn't sure why. My friend kept trying to keep the conversation going, and Debra even asked something, but whenever I said anything, it was always something short and to the point. I stood there completely confused with myself. This wasn't me. I'm not the shy quiet type, but here I was looking like I was actually nervous. And I could tell things were getting awkward. The background music got so loud to me that I literally couldn't hear anything Debra was saying. I strained as much as I could and cursed my subpar hearing. And still I couldn't think of anything to do or say.

Soon Debra left. My friend was shocked. He said this wasn't me at all. He pointed out plenty of other opportunities to talk to Debra for the next 10 minutes, but I just didn't do anything. It was like an out-of-body experience: My mind knew exactly what to do, yet my body didn't do anything. I didn't feel nervous, yet I didn't act like my normal confident self. Yet I didn't even feel unconfident. Soon I blew all my chances, and Debra left with her friend and brother. When my friend asked what happened, I told him I wasn't sure. I've literally never experienced this before. I was totally confused and disappointed in myself.

As I drove 20 minutes back home, all I could think about was for a logical reason for my reaction. Why would I clam up yet not be nervous? Why would I just go on autopilot?

I started reaching deep, and I suddenly came face-to-face with my single greatest fear: Getting into a relationship. I haven't been in a meaningful one in almost 7 years now, and I always figured it was because I just hadn't met the right person. I had either tried getting with different girls over the years or gone on a few dates, but nothing ever stuck or went deep in the least. I remembered I had told a friend a few months ago that I had built armor to keep girls from getting too close to me.

It was then that it all completely hit for me: I've become cold to the idea of letting a girl get that close to me. I worry that I'll be inadequate. I'm normally someone who wears his heart on his sleeve, but after getting burned badly seven years ago, I gave less and less of myself to girls to the point that I keep it surface-level.

What really scares me though isn't the full realization of this fear. It's the fact that I wasn't scared meeting Debra at all. I've subconsciously accepted the fact that I won't let girls in to get to know me, and the mere possibility of Debra reacting to me saying "I'm Chris Hewitt, and I wrote you a letter" made me instinctively react in the surest way to not let her even come close to getting to know me: Doing absolutely nothing.

Instead, I looked like a creeper. Yet I'm not depressed. And that really disturbs me. It bothers me that I'm such a personable guy who loves to be around people--and someone who other people love being around--yet I, without even thinking about it, close myself off to girls like it's nothing. I've seen the looks on peoples' faces when I tell them the story of Debra and the letter. I've truly never seen people so gripped by a story before. I wanted to deliver a happy ending.

But the main character in this story is tragically flawed, and he doesn't know how to fix himself.

Deleted member

I'm really sorry to hear that, man. I've never been in a relationship myself, and maybe that's because I'm afraid of one as well, despite wanting it so badly. In my case, it's mostly inexperience and a little bit of insecurity.


Disney Film Director
Oct 4, 2008
Burbank, CA
I'm Methodist but admittedly prefer sleeping in to going to church on Sundays.


I'm goin' for it!
Jul 16, 2008
Austin, TX
Do you plan on meeting her again and telling her that you're the Chris Hewitt?


Disney Film Director
Oct 4, 2008
Burbank, CA
Do you plan on meeting her again and telling her that you're the Chris Hewitt?
I think I should, but I need to wake the **** up first. I think I need time to think.


Smash Master
Jun 16, 2005
Houston, Texas
I think you're overthinking things. You're putting too much weight on this. On everything. Stop being such a bowser main and waiting to up B OOS. Relax and approach.

Mr. game and watch

Smash Master
Sep 10, 2010
Tyler, Texas
I'm Methodist but admittedly prefer sleeping in to going to church on Sundays.
<3 John Wesley.

Love has many attributes(found in 1 Corinthians) that are very hard to find in oneself.

Patient, kind, denies all things, etc. etc.
It's takes a lot of sacrifice to find love. You have to get out of your comfort zone, and be willing to open yourself up to pain in order to find love. You have to deny all things[/s], meaning, ignore the flaws in the girl so you can find her true beauty. It takes sacrifice, you have to be prepared to get hurt, so before hand, you have to set boundaries.

What me and all my youth pastors do is "front door dating."
Just straight up "I want to date you to see if you're the one I want to marry.
So let's set ground rules."

Typically what we do is
"no sex, unless we get married.
No saying 'I love you' until we know we're going to be together forever.
No kissing for X amount of times.
Lets not be alone for extended periods of time so we dot break these rules."

The reason for these is so you don't get too attached. 100% of dating relationships end. 99% in break up, 1% in marriage.
The odds of breaking up are huge, so why set yourself up for pain? Breaking still hurts afterwards, but not as bad as when you physically declare you love them, then it rips you open, and puts you in bad posisitions like now.

Love is a slow game, play campier, and be willing to stale some kill moves so you can get the last shot on your target.

Also, in the words of John Wesley, founder of the Methodist church, "God does nothing but in answer to prayer."
Gods intrested in your love life.

Love you zig, hope this helps!

For the record, I'm non-denominational, but still a Christian :)



Smash Legend
May 23, 2009
The Chris Hewitt freezing up? You're not me, don't let that happen :<


Disney Film Director
Oct 4, 2008
Burbank, CA
I think you're overthinking things. You're putting too much weight on this. On everything. Stop being such a bowser main and waiting to up B OOS. Relax and approach.

Thanks to you too, Gdubs.

Holder of the Heel

Fiat justitia, pereat mundus
Dec 3, 2011
Switch FC
I almost thought Mr. Game and Watch was going to spill the Atheist User Blog thread into this, I'm glad he was genuine. Almost lost all hope for a minute there. XD

But to the point, there is something that you can be proud of here. Since you aren't depressed, and yet desire a relationship, that means that you actually have a strong personality that can handle being single and enjoy it but also know the joys of love and being with someone. By far the most mentally fit and fulfilling way to go about life. I wouldn't let this get to you, just whip it all out there next time around (if there is going to be one) knowing you have that dormant strength. As long as you know it is there, you shouldn't be guarded at all about what is going to happen.

Either way, being single is awesome and... *looks up Debra Romer due to lack of knowledge* ...and so is she! Win win situation.


Smash Ace
Mar 20, 2010
Austin, TX
Yea that's not you, man. Honestly I think you might have put to much pressure on yourself to find the right thing to say. Just let it roll. Go to another concert, talk to her, and make sure you invite her to lunch. :) just spit it out. Don't over think it.



I'm goin' for it!
Jul 16, 2008
Austin, TX
Chris, if Poltergust can get the ladies, there's definitely no reason you can't.


I'm goin' for it!
Jul 16, 2008
Austin, TX
Yes, he is. He serenades them with his personal collection of Japanese love songs.

Mr. game and watch

Smash Master
Sep 10, 2010
Tyler, Texas
I almost thought Mr. Game and Watch was going to spill the Atheist User Blog thread into this, I'm glad he was genuine. Almost lost all hope for a minute there. XD

Also zig, there's another good point.
Sorry, I'm a big bible guy :3
In Ecclesiastes 3 I think, Solomon writes a poem about how there's a time for everything.
To be born, to die, to work, to play, to laugh, to cry, to be with others, to be alone.

None are better than the next. With the "appointed time for everything" mentality, then just simply:
Enjoy being single, you have more freedom and less responsibility. When you find love/a wife, enjoy that, enjoy having a woman no other man has a claim to, enjoy having the closest relationship you'll have on earth.

Enjoy crazy sexy-times. It's all just as good as being single. Enjoy what's on your table, ignore what's on your buddies.



The Assault of Laughter ﷼
Apr 18, 2010
lmfao, you ****ed up but at least you recognized it and there is definitely a quick fix

just go talk to her again

Sapphire Dragon

Smash Master
May 17, 2009
Let go of the scars that define you.
Switch FC
Patient, kind, denies all things, etc. etc.
It's takes a lot of sacrifice to find love. You have to get out of your comfort zone, and be willing to open yourself up to pain in order to find love. You have to deny all things[/s], meaning, ignore the flaws in the girl so you can find her true beauty. It takes sacrifice, you have to be prepared to get hurt, so before hand, you have to set boundaries.

For the record, I'm non-denominational, but still a Christian :)

This is all so true. :) I'm also a non denominational Christian.

Basically, the best thing you can do is twofold- pray sincerely to God about this, and have a conversation with yourself. By a conversation with yourself I mean a genuine, one on one understanding between you and your heart. If you've ever read The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho, you'll understand. This is a link to an excerpt of it, and it will show you what I mean. http://paulocoelhoblog.com/2012/02/14/our-hear/

We have to truly know our hearts and their fears, and understand why they fear what they do. Then we need to bring a reason for change- understanding what it is you're doing to yourself that is making you miserable, realizing this, and allowing yourself to change for the better. Your heart could have several deep fears for not wanting to open up for girls. It may go deeper than you just being burned, it may relate to what it is that was burned and why it was burned. It's really something you should set some quiet time alone for.

I hope the best comes out of everything you experience. And God bless.

The MC Clusky

Smash Lord
Jul 18, 2007
San Antonio, TX
Seriously man? After all that incredible build up?

Although I feel you about not wanting to get close to someone. I've been burned too. But you've come too far with this thing to leave it at that. Bide your time, wait your chance, and remember this post when you try again.

Love hurts, but even though my last relationship crashed and burned like the Hindenburg, I enjoyed it while it last, and even have good memories out of it. So don't think of the negative that may happen, just enjoy the positive.


Smash Cadet
Nov 9, 2009
San Marvelous, TX
SEVEN years Chris? That means you were 15 when your heart got trampled. Dude, 15 years old. You've changed. You're not even close to the same person. You're a better person with more experience and worldliness (for lack of a better word), and you really shouldn't let something that happened almost a third of your life ago keep you from something that you've been looking forward to for so long.

Even if something terrible happened--which I have no doubt it did--you were a COMPLETELY different person. Maybe that Chris was inadequate or whatever word you want to describe yourself as (which I doubt very much, by the way), but you certainly are not. You're THE Chris Hewitt. You're the guy that I'm going to be bragging about knowing years from now when you win your first Oscar. Come on man, don't let this kind of **** happen, it doesn't look good! I know you better than that man. I'm not saying get up and go talk to her--since that ship sailed for a while I'm sure--but you should at least realize the point I'm trying to make... 7 years man... That's just such a ridiculously long time ago. I know I had absolutely no idea who I was at 15. Cheer up man, you're amazing.


Feb 10, 2005
Atlanta, GA
Check it out--

I hadn't read the previous blog about Debra prior to reading this, and I was going to give you my spiel about how you're fearing a potential that is much different from what you're used to. I think I'll still do that.

You've come to expect something that is much more negative and hurtful than it ends up being. There are things that might go sour in a relationship, but you have reasons to be confident as a person, and so the last thing on your mind should be feeling inadequate. You have a lot going for you, as evidenced by your work, your interests, your personality. You're generally happy with what you have going on, right? There's plenty to respect and appreciate; hell, there's plenty to be envious of. As far as the situation seven years ago goes, you have to understand that people are incredibly fickle in those years, and people's priorities improve significantly (partly because there are legitimately-important priorities to have later on). People learn what they want, and people grow up (well, most of them do). You can't let bad experiences during a time where people are still struggling to find identity keep you from pursuing what you want. Things change.

I suppose there is the possibility of the both of you being -very- different in terms of interests and personality, but, if that's the case, I don't think you'd want to be in a relationship with that person, either. At worst, I imagine you'd make a new friend, which would be a good thing. Rejection is the last thing you should be concerned with. Regardless, having lunch with someone is hardly a commitment--You're worrying about things that haven't even happened yet. You want to get to know her as a person before it really goes anywhere, so, take it at face value and enjoy yourself. Remember, regardless of how hyped you are to meet her, remember that she's a person, just like you are. You're a pleasant person to be around, so be a pleasant person to be around. You're putting way too much worry into what is lunch with someone you'd like to get to know better. I know you can do that.

Now, I read the previous blog about it, and I have to say, she quite clearly digs you. It doesn't mean that you have any great commitment to her in trying to pursue her, but, it does mean that you shouldn't stress about actually meeting her. She has reason to like you even before the both of you have a good time at lunch...and she does like you, but, that doesn't mean that a relationship is feasible, or that you'll want to continue talking to her after that meeting (in all fairness, maybe she's not pleasant to be around on a casual basis; you'll only know after you spend time with her). As such, approach it as what it is: a chance to get to know someone new. Whatever comes of it will happen on its own time. All you can do is be honest with yourself and honest with her, and if you can do that, I'm sure whatever comes of it will be for the best.

Feel free to get in touch if you have any more doubts. You have a great opportunity here, and I'd hate for it to slip away because of second-guessing.


Smash Hero
Jun 30, 2007
It's all good Chris. It's sometimes really hard to overcome matters of the heart. I think we tend to push aside the whole matter of getting into another true relationship until we are standing at the foot of that bridge. We are stopped dead in our tracks and frozen stiff in fear. There's nothing wrong with just asking someone out to lunch and getting to know someone first and then building on the relationship. It's best to take things slow which I'm sure it's hard for just about everyone, take it from me, I know. Try not to worry about it too much. Eventually, the desire for companionship with overwhelm your fear. :)


Smash Champion
Feb 7, 2007
Time Chamber, Texas
Good read. I want to see a 3rd installment where you get the girl and become a millionaire.

Real talk, that does suck man... I can relate to what you're feeling. A lot of people have already shared some good thoughts about the subject here, but I'm always down to talk about it personally if you need it man. You have plenty of ways to get a hold of me. You got this. <3

[FBC] Papa Mink

Smash Legend
Feb 15, 2010
Orlando, FL
Chris, I'm just gonna be straight up with ya.

I pick up girls alot and the biggest thing is not to have fear. Remind yourself that the worst case scenario, is that you're back to where you were initially. You just need to take that plunge.

You're not going to have this opportunity forever. The opportunity you were given, for alot of people, would have been a once in a life time.

Why don't you mail her again if thats easier for you?

Don't view it as a relationship, or a commitment. Just invite her out for a nice lunch because you want to get to know her. Who knows, maybe she's scared of commitment too.


Smash Master
Feb 15, 2008
Talking **** in Cali
Protip: Care less.

Once you stop actually getting worked up, you'll seem confident. Once you seem confident, your penis seems magical to women. Or something.

But seriously this entire blog post could be summed up with "I choked because I'm not as amazing with women as I'd like to believe" and can just as easily be answered with "chill the **** out".

So, holy ****, Zigsta, chill. >:[


Smash Rookie
Oct 6, 2008
Slidell, LA
Wow, Chris. I can almost kind of relate to some of the feelings that you have felt...
typically a confident person and then not really feeling a complete lack of confidence, but just kind of feeling nothing (and being self-aware of what is happening as it is happening). I guess that I too was very afraid to allow myself to get close to another guy after certain things happened in my life. So, when I met David, even though I felt that it was love at first sight, I almost didn't want to let myself become TOO close...I know that feeling well. BUT look what would have never happened if I hadn't allowed myself to become close to David. My whole life changed. David is my future and my whole world now...we're married and we are beginning a beautiful life together.

Trust me, Chris, you should at least give it a chance, so that you're at least not gonna wreck your brains out later wondering what would have happened.

And then, some time later on down the road, who knows...the two of you might wind up tying the knot too! And then you can tell her all about this story of how you were feeling "back then."
(It's fun...I've done that plenty of times with David and shared what I was REALLY thinking in our earlier days.)

Love you, Chris! Just hang in there...you can do it.
And if you ever need advice or need to talk about anything, you know that David & I are always here for you. :)


Smash Hero
Jul 19, 2010
Grieving No Longer
1. Read your own sig
2. ???
3. Profit!

I have full faith that you, being Zigsta, can pull this off too.

And frankly, I'm kind of the same way. But with everyone. I think you wrote a blog about that phase and it helped me, by the way. So thanks.

No. Fear.


Smash Champion
Sep 21, 2008
The greater the adversity, the greater the tale.
that or it comes to an abrupt end
Anyhoo you play brawl it's only natural you have commitment issues XD I think the best to do is to idd just not overthink it.


Let's rock, baby!
Apr 11, 2008
Fort Worth, TX
Zigsta, I know what you mean. What you're doing right now is letting the experience from the past control you. You have to learn to let that go and move forward. Go ahead, move on, and get that girl you're interested in. Remember this: Inner Peace. Hope that helps, and good luck, Zigsta.

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