Oh, you guys are talking about ZSS? Oh, in that case....
The reason ZSS players are upset about her changes is:
Sorry for yelling, but I want to get that out of the way as clearly as possible. We are upset because they removed everything that made her fun and interesting, as well as drastically alter her playstyle.
New Grab: Her new grab is the BIGGEST problem for two main reasons. The primary is that it does NOT fit her character. In 3.02, she was primarily compromised of low risk, lowish reward moves (generally kicks, exception is nair) and high risk high reward moves (generally whip). The new grab was supposedly added to "fit her character," but it makes as much sense as giving falco a glide because he's a bird. The secondary reason is that it broke the rest of her kit, thanks for the former reason. With her new grab, that means no dash cancel paralyzer, no more good throws, no more DI mixups etc.
Dash Cancel Paralyzer: This isn't a viability thing, this is a fun and playstyle thing. Being able to throw out a projectile without sacrificing much mobility was fun, and allowed her to apply a lot of pressure. Was it too strong in 3.02? Not really. Would it be too strong in 3.5? yes. Does that mean it needed to be completely removed? Absolutely not. There were more options to tone it down than I'd care to count, such as increasing speed, making it a special dash, delaying the dash cancel, making it non-electric, being able to hit through it (like snake dart) and on and on. Instead, they chose to just remove it entirely as an option. Mewtwo acting out of teleport was toned down, but left in, and ZSS blaster cancel was outright removed?
Nair: Her nair change was a buff and a nerf. The changed knockback keeps it from comboing at low %s, but it combos like it did before at higher%s. This means you can link upairs at low%s for a slightly weaker combo game, but you can link nair into fair (which was buffed to have the two kicks link better). That means she can finally kill out of combos (not well, but it works), something that doesn't really fit her character. With her new nair, being able to link it out of throws would make her able to kill out of throws. That means she now cannot be allowed to have combos out of throws. As for the lower range, it means you cannot pressure shield with it, without using risky frame traps. So, you have to pressure entirely with bairs, mixups, or just DD camp instead.
In the end, how has this changed the character? Well, she was changed from a hyper aggressive character that never played on defense, and had a bag full of tricks at her disposal, available only to players her mastered her. Now, we have a generic speedster with a defense dash-dance camp style and limited ways to apply pressure outside of poking. Her combo game, while still being good, is no longer unique because they strings are shorter, but they actually can end in a kill now rather than being purely to rack up damage. I believe the down-b nerf was intended to nerf her recovery, not burst movement, but I could be wrong. It's not a big deal, but it is another nerf to her fun
Soft Serve
Serve No offense, but you are way off the mark. Her new throws aren't tech chases and DI mixups. She has zero potential for DI mixups and the tech chases only work at lower %s unless they are semifast or fast fallers. They aren't good tech chases either, because with the incredible endlag on downthrow, they are in their tech roll before you can move. She now has the single worst set of throws in the game.
As for her aerials, only nair and dair got changed, but it was more than tweaks. Dair got changed from a silly, but not very good move, to a silly but useless move. You can no longer link dair off of it on grounded targets, and it's hard to even get one aerial as follow up anyway. If you dair a shield, you are vunerable to almost anyone's upair (of whatever) oos. Nair's combo game was repurpsed entirely and went from being her bread and butter in neutral, to "only use this in combos."
As for blasters... what? I've never seen a single ZSS player use pivot blasters. Blaster wavedash back into blaster was what you saw, if you saw it. Also, full charged laser was NOWHERE NEAR as fast as falco lasers. Falco can get two lasers off before the fully charged laser even finished charging. it was frame 40 last patch. Uncharged was the only one used. Not saying laser would be fine as is in 3.5, just that it could have been tweaked rather than outright removed. You could remove the dumb from blaster cancel EASILY without outright scrapping it.
As for her recovery nerf, no one really cares about it too much. It was probably for the best. Maybe it's a little too much, but you still have options. It's the OTHER up-b tethers that are screwed.