Ty, this is why I was hoping to share the fab with all of you~
Sounds good, I'm going to go ahead and work on a 2015 tab to transfer
vids, then add a 2016 tab with some recent stuff, and we can go from there. I'm gonna compile it all in one big post before making a thread, that way you all can take a look at it and let me know what you all think.
Once that is done, I can create a new thread, or I can edit the first three posts of this thread (a post each for singles, doubles, and combo vids/tutorials/etc) - whichever works easier for all of you. I just didn't want to confuse anyone who is already subscribed to this thread, which is why I brought this up. Anyway gonna get to work and I'll post here again to show all of you what it will look like.
Oh and if anyone feels like having a pretty picture/banner thing on the cover, feel free to do so. If no one does, I might try a hand at it myself when I have some more time, we shall see. Ty for the quick responses, sis!
Time to get out the makeup kit.