Did alright. He was very good about always fighting from an advantageous position, and mixed up neutral options very well.Good luck tm and bizz! And schminkledorf? Guessing he's a Ganon lol.
tm how was the zgetto set? I saw the set count but that doesn't tell any stories lol
first 2 games were pretty close, but 3 wasn't. He adapted pretty hardtm got 49th, lost 2-1 to kira. wonder if it was close.
Kira is fox nowVERY impressed tm took a game off of kira. Dude has that sheik matchup DOWN. Bizz vs duck was hilarious, nice job bizzy. Was DJ vs bizz recorded? I'd like to compare bizz and kage vs dj to see what they did differently.
not streamed or recordedI can't wait to see tm vs kira I must have been watching the wrong stream
Yeah I actually didn't do **** lol.Just saw he got a free win vs Cyrain via DQ before kira. That would've been hard.
No it won't give you options to attack out of shield, but it will physically move you farther away from the opponents attacks (so you could maybe wavedash OoS when you would usually get stuffed, or roll away OoS more safely)So... with light shield what options would that give you to people that are crossing you up or giving you pillar/shine/waveshine pressure? I'd be down to implement it right away... could it hypothtically make D-smash or Uair or Dair out of shield hit more often? It may at least disrupt the perfect spacing that certain matchups rely on against Ganon.
haha of course. Thanks for the kind words dude ^.^reverse uair for everything.
Pound was sick. Got to hang with some really cool people, and got a very generous number next to my name lol (fraudulent as fk)
See you guys at CEO / Smash Con / Big House