F. Stein
DI everything away at low%, especially near center stage. Just straight away is normally fine, any form of away DI will prevent 2 hits.
When you're about to get uair'd, or uair scooped near ledge, don't survival DI until mid%. Up and away DI gets you out of double uair combos and gives you extra recovery options offstage (as opposed to away DI or down and away). Generally, when you're at mid% or in a situation where the best DI will depend on what move you get hit by, if you're good, you can hold up and away, and be ready to switch to survival DI if you see the fair coming or see him turn (bair incoming).
When you get stomped, DI towards center stage then survival DI the incoming fair. If you're stomped at center, DI behind him and at least force him to pivot if he wants the fair.
When you're recovering from far offstage, space your dj as precisely as possible to make your down-b safe from his punishment options. He can jump out and aerial, dj aerial, or even dj and up-B you (not many people do this). Sometimes the only way to be safe is to dj backwards before you down-b. Sometimes, you want more height to either give you more options or make a second WF possible, so down-b at the absolute peak of your dj. And other times, you just need to get close to stage, so you can wait a half second after its peak. MORAL: pay close attention to your dj so that you can space down-b's as precisely and safely as possible.
When you're recovering from below, you can reverse up-b semi-sweetspot the ledge, which makes the accuracy of landing a reverse uair a tiny bit more demanding. People just miss more often when you do this. Basically, always try to walltech into bair against the Tipman spike or techable bairs. It's hard to tech the tippy but it's definitely possible. Learn the delay (hitlag) for meteor cancelling Ganon's stomp.
Recovery is like a game of chicken. First person to commit (either the edgeguarder or the person recovering) usually fails. Don't allow for all options to be covered (example: don't get within range of ledgedrop uair aka spiderDrop, up-b before you allow yourself to drop that far). When you're close to the ledge, you can often space a fair as you're dropping to keep them at bay and then dj to ledge. You want to space the fair well enough so that he doesn't see the situation as a good uair opportunity. And always be ready to survival DI in case of a trade. Airdodge onstage when you can and it makes sense.
Uair scoops and pivot bairs are INSANELY GOOD. Fair is much better as a follow up than a neutral tool, although it can be used well in neutral when used wisely. Space the other Ganon out completely. And become extremely aggressive when you land the first hit.
From grab, always dthrow unless you can fthrow or bthrow them offstage at mid percent. Chaingrab into aerial and try to create an edgeguard opportunity.
Abuse uair and bair.