Yup. My Eddietipmans were off that entire day, actually. I missed like 3 vs ORLY... who plays falcon LOL. Light shield is decent, too. I just don't like it at certain percents because the ledge hop grab doesn't automatically lead to bair- sometimes they land on the platform and you have to tech chase. It's a good position for ganon, but I like the guaranteed stuff. Maybe waveland ftilt. Idk.
You'll never get away with something 100%. As I said, the special moves here were more of a player thing than a matchup thing. I do use side b and down b too much (when I'm nervous / desperate), but these were all almost perfectly calculated. The ratio of landed : missed side b's was pretty high. Also, I got grabbed out of it a decent amount, which means my reads were on point, but the execution needs work.
Did you see how many times I WD OOS into jab? Lol, I had an answer. But you're right and I did notice that. If you care, you can watch our set the week before. He would nair out of grab range and then fsmash, so I couldn't jump or wavedash. Again, that's more of a player thing than a character thing. Good eye, though. I don't think shield DI is necessary here unless you want to grab, but I could be wrong.
Not too sure about Emilio going tbh, but more than likely you'll see me out there.

Come to SFL one day Joe.
Lol I don't know what I was thinking, I had so much time. Might have been able to fair / stomp here. Good call.
Thanks man! And thanks for your analysis, I appreciate it. Looking forward to seeing how you've progressed as well at BH5 (assuming you'll be there).
Duuuuuude, tell me you and Emilio are going! BH4 was a ganon-fest, hope to see you again and meet the great Linguini. Practice up