Hi, I'm Cup from StL, MO. I've been playing for 7 months, and I've been struggling with the fox matchup, mainly covering the horizontal Firefox recovery directly at Ganon and the let go of ledge shine stall > waveland onto stage. I love edgeguarding space animals, but I still get caught up in their tricks and burned. Can I get some critique for game 1 on battlefield or the rest if possible? I'm also under-utilizing instant u-air for the moment fox decides to approach with an aerial.
Edit: video link
Many things I do already notice:
1.Throwing wizards foot in neutral
2.Throwing unsafe dairs as an approach/when I'm falling down from getting his by aerials
3.Overcommitting to an edgeguard option
4.Not mixing up with tomahawk grabs
5.Continuously jumping from ledge when I'm nervous (90% of my match)
6.Not confident in RLD+fair/dair mixup from ledge or waveland + roll to center stage to safety