Coast - It seems like you need to CC dtilt more, this sheik really wasn't on point with her grabs, but unfortunately the same goes for you. Once you grab her you need to stick her **** in the dirt. You never really grabbed the ledge whenever you had her off the stage. The bairs by the stage is good, but you were a bit too far for her to be scared. You can even double jump out of her grab at lower percents (albeit it is a bit risky) Also, make sure you try to go for tomahawk grabs whenever you see her shielding. Also, whenever sheik dash attacks you WAIT for her animation to finish to grab her, even if she's behind you. Other than that, I liked the use of the platforms, but you have to make them afraid to go stand there so try to get your uairs to come out quicker (up on the control stick with A) Whenever she does fair you, your best option is to smash/asdi away from her as close as you can to ground.