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How to beat a dair spamming peach


Smash Hero
Feb 18, 2008
New Jersey
This peach knows the matchup and spams dair to beat the peanuts while approaching in the air, I can't get her the **** on the ground and is super aggressive. It wasn't a big deal though, I felt I had the winning edge but it just pissed me off alot.


Smash Hero
Feb 18, 2008
New Jersey
chuck a nanner at her and follow up with a f-air?
Idk, it was really hard to track the floating it wasn't recklesslly done. I didn't know whether to go aggressive back or not, but it seemed that she was doing the best when I was camping. Her spacing was good as well so I was a little cautious on fair'ing her. I think I may have found out that the uair can hit her through the kicks of her dair.


Smash Hero
Feb 18, 2008
New Jersey
Idk maybe i'm taking this too seriously it's just I didn't feel control and that's scary if you're a diddy player. night everyone

Saki Zatoichi

Smash Ace
Jul 7, 2008
Laurel, MD
Well, I played kirbstir's Peach (**** good Peach) at CH4.5 and what I'd usually do is Peanut Gun > Monkey Flip. Just because he'd always grab the peanuts.

And I know you said the Peach you face knows how to fight Diddy real well, but Dashdancing is the bread-and-butter of mindgames.


Smash Rookie
Dec 12, 2008
Try throwing a banaynay up in the air and roll backwards--use it as a sneaky distraction

Luigi player

Smash Master
Jul 29, 2004
- throw a peanut
- quickly jump at her and use fair (I love this and it works REALLY well)
- throw a banana peel at her (of course you need to jump first because she's most likely to high to hit her from the ground)
- side B kick at her?

Always shoot peanuts at her, because then it will be difficult for her to even start flying.
I love to just jump at her and fair her. This works surprisingly well!
You could also just throw a banana peel and move away from her if you want to play save.
Personally, I haven't tried to side B kick to her if she approaches with a dair. I think the dair would have more priority, but maybe it works, idk. I guess it would be a good follow up if you've hit her with any of the previous attacks or just to surprise her when the dair ends?


Smash Champion
Oct 21, 2007
st catharines, ontario
ok so i think u should watch the match of ninjalink vs darkpch from liek august. Its really good and i learned a tun on how to fite peachs from watching it.


Smash Hero
Feb 18, 2008
New Jersey
ok so i think u should watch the match of ninjalink vs darkpch from liek august. Its really good and i learned a tun on how to fite peachs from watching it.
Yes but dark peach had no idea how to fight diddy's back then :dizzy:


Smash Apprentice
Jun 17, 2006
SUNY Binghamton / Suffolk County, New York
Though peach can break peanuts with her d-air, she can't do this if you short hop-> peanut. Also, short hop-> kickflip, or short hop -> banana seem to work sometimes. But each has a problem:

With the kickflip, a good peach can avoid this attack and just float backwards + dair to punish. Recomendation: Learn how long peach can stay in air, and wait until several seconds before this point to act. This way, she will not be able to punish as easily. She may b-air as she falls (assuming she is facing you), but with the trajectory that a shorthop->kickflip has, you will most likely be too far for her to retaliate. Just make sure she doesn't get a chance to get back into the air after landing.

The banana is a little trickier. The best situation is the banana hits her, and she falls. This, of course, will not work against a decent peach. A good thing to keep in mind is that peanuts fly slowly, and opponents catch items thrown with attacks only at the beginning of the attack. Knowing this, if the peach isn't too close, start firing peanuts. The peach will begin d-airing to counter, and when you get the chance, short hop + cstick in peach's direction.

One last thing I can think of is to turn away from peach-> jump-> smashbanana. It could work if you had a banana in hand. If she is close enough, she won't be able to retreat unless she REALLY makes the effort while you pull the banana out. While still in the air, you have the option of throwing the banana down (if she is above you) or pressing z to drop it (possibly cutting her off in front of her) and then fast falling for a f-air. Some options the peach has at this point are:

1) To drop to the ground, which you can punish by f-airing her into the banana you dropped w/ z button. (Remember you are turned from the peach)

2) Catch the banana. (If you threw down) If this happens, the peach has to quickly get rid of it, or else Diddy comes from above to punish. Peach's aerials have a fairly long intermittent time between attacks, as in, not quickly spammable. So if the banana is caught, you have a decent window of time before she can get rid of it.

3) Get hit by the banana. Drop to ground.

4.) Avoid the whole setup all together. I doubt that the Peach would have enough time in the air to continue the offensive if you time when to start this whole things correctly.

Peach cannot air-dodge while floating, meaning that she cannot catch/avoid a banana or attack thru air dodging unless she gets out of the float. Capitalize on this.

I know the last idea seems a little farfetched, but if you do this, you can get yourself a lot of openings. And the worst thing that can happen is you escape with 2 bananas on the field, one of them in your hand.
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