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How do you fight Ike?


Smash Ace
Mar 12, 2006
Pembroke, Ontario, Canada
Hello, this is a thread designed to collect up-to-date info on Match-ups for the Ike boards, which is always in desperate need of good info.

I come to you today with a simple set of questions, attempting to get the "other side" of ideas pertaining to the Matchups against Ike. Its just a few simple questions I'm hoping to get answered;

1. What is your general opinion of Ike as a character?
2. What moves do you fear from Ike?
3. Which moves do not trouble you at all?
4. Which moves/techniques do you use against Ike to gain the advantage?
5. What specific edgeguards do you employ versus Ike?

Feel free to add anything else that doesn't fit into the questions criteria. The goal is to collect information, so anything s useful.

On a side note, I may feel the need to quote this info. If you don't wished to be quoted, please tell me in your posts, and I will not quote you.

Thanks in advance. ^^


Smash Hero
Sep 12, 2005
Middle of nowhere. Myrtle Beach
1. What is your general opinion of Ike as a character?
Decent character. His recovery could be better but its better than some characters. COUGHHACKLINKCOUGHHACK
He has good range and priority though his strongest moves are a bit too slow for my liking. Rarely can you set someone up for and Fsmash so it means you'll ahve to stick to using the Dsmash in order to get your opponent in the air.
Once you have done so this is where I think Ike can get most of his kills. Eruption is good sice it prevents agro opponents from knocking you away and the slight delay can screw up those who think of airdodging.
He has a poor approach game and while his side B can be used to quickly get to an opponent he is left vulnerable.
Aether is a good move but can't be abused due to the cooldown time.
Counter is awesome but I find some characters can bypass it.
His aerial ability is pretty good but only for offensive and pressuring. he can't go toe to toe with some characters since their speed can murder him.
I find he needs to play a bit more defensively in order to force his opponent close and his biggest weakness is anyone with a decent projectile. It makes Link one of his worst matchups,

2. What moves do you fear from Ike?
Mainly the Dsmash/Bair/Nair/Uair/Ftilt/Eruption/counter/jab's/
Mainly since they come out quickly and while they don't have as great a KO potential they can force you into a defensive position which is among Ike is good at taking advantage of, if the opponent is overly agressive or in a position of forced defense he can make use of it though it can turn the other way around if he isn't careful.

3. Which moves do not trouble you at all?
Fsmash, Usmash, Fair, Dair, Dtilt, his overall approach game.

4. Which moves/techniques do you use against Ike to gain the advantage?
Abuse of speed and repetoire of approach moves.
Spin shotting makes it easy to approach Ike and can often sucker him into making a mistake.
Pressuring also works well since his slow moves can often make it difficult for him to escape.
CLose quarter combat is a definte no no at least when on the ground. His jabs and Ftilt can kill Sonic due to his light weight and the lack of priority in Sonic's moves mean that if he starts being predictable Ike WILL kill him.
I also like taking Ike to the air where he is most vulnerable. Uair can easily kill Ike and Ike does not like getting Faired or Baired since it leaves him vulnerable. If he knocks Sonic away Sonic can Dair back to the ground and keep up the pressure. Aether is a bit of a problem so it means that as a sonic User I must try to keep him as far from the edge as possible and make use of edge hogging constantly.
Spring gimping works well but if Ike is in the air its a bit more difficult since he isn't as vulnerable and could possibly kill me.
I can easily kill Ike if I use a down grab on him since it semi spikes him at the edge and makes it easier for edge guarding him since if he attacks or tries to dodge he will most likely die. Aether is his best bet but the down grab knocks him away a good amount so he MUST use his double jump which would palce him in range for my attacks.
once he isoff the edge even at low percentages from 40-50% Ike can get edge guarded to death.
Aether cide is also a poor idea since Sonic's spring has a massive vertical recovery and the homing attack can be used to bounce off the stage and climb up vertically until Sonic is in range with his spring.
That and Ike falls faster than his opponent so its a poor option.

5. What specific edgeguards do you employ versus Ike?
Springs, homing attack, Fair, Bair, Uair, Nair nearly all of Sonic's aerial abilities are meant to keep the opponent off the edge. The Bair is most powerful and doubles as both a KO move and an edgeguarding move. The Dair is useful too since it can semi-spike something that Ike has problems against due to his lack of horizontal recovery. Granted his side B remedies this but if edgehogged he is more often than not going to die.

Blargh I need to get to class.
I find he is one of Sonic's better matchs ups 6:4 but Ike can pull of a win if he is careful. Ike would need to control spacing something he is not adept at doing and what Sonic does best.
If Sonic starts playing defensively Ike will be hard pressed to force Sonic out of it and Ike could get harmed more often than not.


Smash Champion
Mar 18, 2008
Switch FC
1. What is your general opinion of Ike as a character?
Ike is pretty **** good, my favorite heavyweight not only in Brawl, but in Smash in general (except Smash64 DK. He was the king of beasts)

2. What moves do you fear from Ike?
I fear all of Ike's tilts. The range and the quickness (well, quickness compared to the slower attacks) make them very dangerous. And I can't stand getting hit in his A,A,A combo. It's one of the few that can actually eliminate people at high damage.

3. Which moves do not trouble you at all?
His smash attacks do not trouble me. In one on ones, I hardly ever get hit by them because you can see them coming a mile away. And then you can counter accordingly. Piece of cake.

4. Which moves/techniques do you use against Ike to gain the advantage?
Grabs after missed attacks own Ike. Anything owns Ike after a missed attack, actually. If you let Ike play aggressively, he's easy to own because he's always trying to attack, and speed against him means success for me.

5. What specific edgeguards do you employ versus Ike?
I hardly edgeguard, but when I do, I use springs, fair, and bair. Another thing that I've been known to do against Ike is get in the way of his forward+b move as he tries to recover. Yeah, he'll hit me, but he's guaranteed to not make it back on stage.

I don't know what people talk about when they say Ike owns Sonic because I think it's the other way around. This is not to say that a good Ike can't beat a good Sonic, but Sonic's speed gives him a hell of advantage.


Smash Hero
Apr 3, 2008
1. What is your general opinion of Ike as a character?
He's decent- punishes the dodge/reflex-challenged hard, while gets punished hard himself ._.;
His slowness is overstated sometimes.

2. What moves do you fear from Ike?
Jab/n-air/b-air/d-smash/f-smash (out of caution)/Aether/u-tilt

3. Which moves do not trouble you at all?
d-tilt (rarely used)/quick-draw/counter/f-air/Dash attack/U-smash (specifically, out of Dash)

4. Which moves/techniques do you use against Ike to gain the advantage?
Baiting him into attacks. Grabs and juggles that keep you below Ike- since Ike doesn't have any quick attacks that hit under him, save Eruption. That's for damaging, anyway. Gimping is Sonic's strength, and I think a good gimp is an Ike's weakness.

5. What specific edgeguards do you employ versus Ike?
Anything that sends him low horizontally off the edge - Sonic's d-throw, d-air. For Ikes- you don't want to be off the level without your double jump. If you're fighting a good Sonic, you're basically screwed - double f-air KO, Homing Attack gimp, d-air semi-spike... Sonic has alot of off-level kill options.

Also, dropping springs on an Ike about to do Aether, knocking him under the level = lol

On a random note, Sonic's un-stale killing moves (b-air, fsmash, dsmash) can start becoming guaranteed kills starting at around 140-150% for Ike.

On another random note: I think it's funny seeing "How do you fight Ike?" as the first thread in 7 character boards at once.


Smash Ace
Mar 19, 2008
1. What is your general opinion of Ike as a character?
I love ike mecause he is in some ways the new roy. But in comparison to roy, i hate ike because he is so different. In terms of playing as him, i don't mind but he dies easily. I would liek him more if he was a more stylish character, like if his model was Cloud strife, or Zack fair.. but thats all irrellivant i guess. *he was my frist main in SBB tho*

2. What moves do you fear from Ike?
taking damage from him, because its like... 2-3 hits and i die (especially if im sonic)

3. Which moves do not trouble you at all?
Most of his moves, because they are too slow. being that i know how ike feels, i can tell where the other players are in delay.. its pretty easy for me to kill ike with sonic.. but sonic does generally have an advantage over slower, heavier characters.

4. Which moves/techniques do you use against Ike to gain the advantage? Either spin dashes are good because there is no solid way for him to *beat* them. he can only stop it, and its just easy to catch ike off gaurd with it.

The easiest way to beat ike is to catch him off gaurd and continue pummeling him, and also gimp kills are the way to go.

5. What specific edgeguards do you employ versus Ike?
Any and all i could, i would just rush off the edge after him. str8 away. back airs, up b's neutral airs, farward airs, homing attacks and possibly even spin dashes.

My own advice to ike's vs sonic:
Avoid sonics attacks by dodging.... you can counter as well, but if u counter a spindash it most of the time wont do anything, but will stop the damage for you.

If sonic is near you, feel free to punch with jabs, and dsmash... it may be deceiving but ike can actually out speed sonic in close range melee combat.

i think dodging tha spin dashes, and predicting sonics movements would be the most important thing in this fight tho... also, if sonic jumps at you backwards, expect a back air. so avoid it, or out class it with one of your own bigger attacks.. but time it well.

*EDIT* feel free to quote


Smash Champion
Apr 7, 2005
Aurora, Colorado
1. What is your general opinion of Ike as a character?

Cool concept, decent execution, going to be low tier later on, once people learn to fight him.

2. What moves do you fear from Ike?

Nair. It's the only one quick enough to trick me. Sometimes ftilt or dsmash.

3. Which moves do not trouble you at all?

fsmash, usmash, fair, bair, uair, dair, dtilt, utilt, jab combo, grabs, >b, vB, ^b, b... any I'm forgetting?

4. Which moves/techniques do you use against Ike to gain the advantage?

Gimp gimp gimp gimp gimp gimp gimp.

Bthrow full jump bair, or bthrow fsmash, or bthrow bthrow (on edge), bair bair bair, spring, fair, homing attack, dair, dsmash... Sonic has so many ways to mess Ike up.

5. What specific edgeguards do you employ versus Ike?

See above. Get him off the edge, and rack up the damage. Ike gets owned for free by a good Sonic.


Smash Master
Jul 17, 2007
1. What is your general opinion of Ike as a character?
He was good in the early stages of the game, but that was only because no-one really knew how to fight under the new physics engine, ergo "strong one hitters " where what defined good characters a month ago.

2. What moves do you fear from Ike?
I dont really fear any. I know his moveset pretty well, seeing as I used Ike before. If I had to choose, it would probably be his Nair or AAA.

3. Which moves do not trouble you at all?

4. Which moves/techniques do you use against Ike to gain the advantage?
Ike's recovery sucks. So if he's any where off stage(in the lowerhalf of the screen), he's f***ed. So any form of gimping will get you the ko. The only problem is actually getting them off the stage.

5. What specific edgeguards do you employ versus Ike?
Footstool to spring is pretty priceless.


Smash Cadet
Apr 28, 2008
1. What is your general opinion of Ike as a character?
Hes stupidly powerful and very deadly, not so good in the recovery department. Extremely fun for 4man matches when you can spam Fsmash. I'd say in the hands of an experienced Ike player, hes very good. Someone who picks him up for his low kill percentage and smashes is dead where they stand.

2. What moves do you fear from Ike?
Front Smash, back air, front air and Front Smash. (emphasis on the Fsmash!)

3. Which moves do not trouble you at all?
QuickDraw sideB, eruption, downsmash, counter

4. Which moves/techniques do you use against Ike to gain the advantage?
run lol. spring and running shield garb, homing is nice too when timed correctly

5. What specific edgeguards do you employ versus Ike?
Fair, spring, Bair, Nair. sometimes a well placed Front or Down Smash if you get lucky.

Ike is mean, powerful but easy to play hit and run or the range/wait game. I like fighting him with sonic because it's usually a good match and tends to end with a Fsmash and cries of "NOOOOOO I AIR DODGED THAT!!!!"
Mar 15, 2008
1.He a good *** character,and has good power,and protiry to back it up.Wha tI don't liek it that he predictable and him being super slow(not like Godof,but slow).

2.I only got two moves,that piss me off from ike.It Fsmash and his uptilt.

3.Most of his moves are pretty easy to get out of the way,but he can kill me in a few hits.

4.Well,I use speed,and grab a lot to keep an Ike out of place in match.I try to make them get confuse,and I also try grimping them a lot with the Spring and Bair.And I try t omake them stay in the air with Ike,becasue I like to **** a good with Sonic's air game.Fair when he trying to recover or jsut hit him with the spring before he get back on to the stage.

5.Well,I just expalin it on the question,so that your answer.


Smash Hater
Mar 22, 2008
Video Games
how do i fight ike?

first, kill his friends

once theyre dealt with, lots and lots of running shield grabs. Ike is just tooooo slow to do anything about it. once hes above about 70%, get him off the stage with dthrow, bthrow or any other very easy to land throw (smashes are just too difficult due to the ftilts range). when hes off, run into QD or edgehog aether. it really is too easy to keep him off the stage for good, especially since dthrow has knockback that sends enemies below the stage (remember this when against ness/lucas, snake, olimar, diddy and others) and bthrow is pretty much horizontal.

.... i cbf putting into the template since everyone else has said what i was thinking anyway

Terios the Hedgehog

Smash Hero
Jun 25, 2006
Shenandoah, PA
1. What is your general opinion of Ike as a character?
He's TOO SLOW!. Seriously.

He's cool. Soren's better. XD

He's also slow.

2. What moves do you fear from Ike?
Jab screws me up more than I would like to admit. Uptilt has thrown me off on occasion. Fsmash is scary but WAY too avoidable for me to care. Nair is pretty annoying too.

3. Which moves do not trouble you at all?
The rest of them.

4. Which moves/techniques do you use against Ike to gain the advantage?
Shield grab, Running Shield grab, Hyphen smash. Run into a spot dodge/roll. Any approach into a combo really.

5. What specific edgeguards do you employ versus Ike?
We're Sonic players. If you're off the edge as Ike you lose. Fair probably. Dashing edgehog is good in a pinch. You shouldn't be IN a pinch though.

I don't think any Sonic players fear Ike really. I have to play more of them to give GOOD answers since all I play are Nooby Ikes.

Espy Rose

Dumb horse.
May 31, 2006
how do i fight ike?

first, kill his friends

once theyre dealt with, lots and lots of running shield grabs. Ike is just tooooo slow to do anything about it. once hes above about 70%, get him off the stage with dthrow, bthrow or any other very easy to land throw (smashes are just too difficult due to the ftilts range). when hes off, run into QD or edgehog aether. it really is too easy to keep him off the stage for good, especially since dthrow has knockback that sends enemies below the stage (remember this when against ness/lucas, snake, olimar, diddy and others) and bthrow is pretty much horizontal.

.... i cbf putting into the template since everyone else has said what i was thinking anyway
... i think sonic's side taunt describes ike pretty well =P
These pretty much win the thread. There's nothing else to it.

Ike's just way too slow for Sonic, and way too gimp-able.


Smash Hero
Apr 3, 2008
Most of his slow moves are usually used as bait, and some of his faster moves can actually be used to force certain dodges/rolls that, if you do the tech that they're preparing for, will land you in a bad situation. I've fought a few good Ikes, and like when you're vs a good Ganondorf player, you don't want to be caught rolling (dodge) around a good Ike player.

Also, most good Ikes won't use side-B to recover, since, in the time that he's charging a side-B, he could be floating toward the level and use Aether to get back up.


Smash Journeyman
May 22, 2008
NJ, Northern
My first wall of text here :D

Heh, my bro's an Ike main, so I think I can add some input.

1. What is your general opinion of Ike as a character?

One of those power over speed stereotypes. He's slow, laggy, and predictable a lot of the time, but a single hit could send you quite a distance. His F-smash is deadly if he can get it, even though he can never get it. Aether can get annoying if used for it's invincibility, but otherwise easy to see, counter, and gimp. Eruption has accidentally killed me when I probably should have seen it coming, but once again its predictable. Though it has made a nice edge-guarding technique when I mess up recovering (Yeah, I mess up a lot. So sue me.) QD is easy to see and dodge as an approach, easy to gimp as a recovery. Good tilts, bad air game, below average recovery, and powerful, predictable smashes. Counter is worse than the rest, and not much to worry about besides the usual counter worries. HE'S TOO SLOW for me personally. Also, I hate his range sometimes.

2. What moves do you fear from Ike?

Eruption (when timed well), Ftilt, Counter (I hate counter. I just hate it. Though this is coming from a person who has a Marth main brother as well.) Up-smash, and up-tilt can be annoying when I try not to use my spring / try to d-air. Jab combo too.

3. Which moves do not trouble you at all?

Basically everything else.

4. Which moves/techniques do you use against Ike to gain the advantage?

Speed. Speed is everything. Ike is punishable, and Sonic is good at punishing. Mind-game him a bit to throw him off balance, rack up some damage, then get him into the air. Hit him back out once he's used his second jump, and you're guaranteed a kill. If he uses QD, gimp it. If he uses Aether, figure out if he could recover, then edge-guard if necessary. Never let him get into a good rhythm since he hits far, and out-prioritizes. Spin-dashing should have some caution, due to his sword's range and disjointed hitbox, and possibly some of that invincibility frame abuse.

Overall, Sonic is at the advantage to start anyway.

5. What specific edgeguards do you employ versus Ike?

I'll have to go with Terios on this this one. Once Ike is off the stage, he's dead.

Yeah, this is most of what I've learned from my bro playing Ike, and he's been playing Ike since brawl came out, mostly due to the removal of Roy. He can win sometimes too, so he's not a bad player (compared to me at least). As a good story, I once almost f-aired Ike off of the side Bridge of Eldin from the center of it, at a nice low percent. Probably could have done it too had I not missed the fourth f-air. Putting this to a stage like FD, The first f-air can be executed on stage, then the next to f-airs can be executed after landing to reset the jumps and still leave Sonic with more than enough opportunity to recover.

All in all, Ike has to work for this match-up. Sonic is at a good advantage.

Any facts I got completely wrong here?


Smash Champion
Apr 7, 2005
Aurora, Colorado
Most of his slow moves are usually used as bait, and some of his faster moves can actually be used to force certain dodges/rolls that, if you do the tech that they're preparing for, will land you in a bad situation. I've fought a few good Ikes, and like when you're vs a good Ganondorf player, you don't want to be caught rolling (dodge) around a good Ike player.

Also, most good Ikes won't use side-B to recover, since, in the time that he's charging a side-B, he could be floating toward the level and use Aether to get back up.
I find it even easier to gimp the Aether, personally. Drop a spring on him, dair him, whatever you want, really.


Smash Rookie
Jun 9, 2008
Bethlehem, Pennsylvania
1. He is too slow for his own good with Sonic he is easily overcome

2. I don't really fear any as you can see them coming except maybe his AAA

3. His smashes and his recovery

4. I definitely take advantage of Sonic's speed, it's his greatest weapon especially against Ike and other slow characters.

5. Basically when fighting Ike you can knock him far from the stage and he's pretty much screwed unless he uses his side b
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