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How cool would it be if Skull Kid was in SSBB?


Smash Cadet
Sep 9, 2007
I wasn't reasoning about Skullkid in my one sentence post, he's comparing Mr G&W's inclusion to SkullKid's which is a stupid example of what he's trying to say, and it doesn't take an expert or to be Sakurai to know there are by far more potential Zelda characters than Skullkid, and if you are only going to be a wannabe moderator and add nothing to the debate you're the one who should click away of this thread.
If you want to be an ******* and create unnecessary arguments, then YOU can leave this thread, create one called "How cool would it be if Skull Kid wasn't in SSBB?", and you and your buddies can go high-five eachother in there.


Smash Hero
Dec 20, 2006
New Pork City, Colonel Mains: Ness, Luc
If you want to be an ******* and create unnecessary arguments, then YOU can leave this thread, create one called "How cool would it be if Skull Kid wasn't in SSBB?", and you and your buddies can go high-five eachother in there.
and how is it saying that people should leave if they don't like the character not create unnecessary confrontation?


Smash Hero
May 12, 2007
Darn it, i hate when i miss the party.

If you want to be an ******* and create unnecessary arguments, then YOU can leave this thread, create one called "How cool would it be if Skull Kid wasn't in SSBB?", and you and your buddies can go high-five eachother in there.
You do know a Forum is to have a debate or a Discussion right? we have every god dammed right to be here saying that Skullkid shouldn't be in Brawl, so either debate, or shut up.

Also, if this thread is for "I think Skullkid would be awesome, but i know he whont make it" then it should be closed, it's not a support X character thread, is just an "think X character would be awesome lol" thread.

Numa Dude

Smash Lord
Nov 28, 2006
America's peni.... I mean Florida
Hei Numa since ur so confident retro means paste gens, how about showing US where sakurai says past consoles are retro? until then STFU about wanting proof if u cant provide the contrary urself, also look retro at wiki...
You are all complete idiots. I NEVER SAID I KNOW WHAT SAKURAI'S OPINION OF RETRO IS! I said we don't know what his opinion is so we can't just assume SK isn't retro. LEARN TO READ!


And midna just freed Link while he was a wolf in order to get what she wants, now lets compare:

MM gives skull kid power
Midna gives link freedom

In exchange Skull kid use the power to bring down the moon, MMs plan all along
In exchange midna asked link to help her to get the fused shadows to save her people

ur point?
My point is that SK getting the mask was crucial to the story. Midna could have been killed and the overall story would be no different.

the only diference is midna has more depth as a character, u see her switch personalities from a brat to a princess who cares for both worlds, she has more story than skul lkid had, and shes more than just a helper, without her the game wouldnt make sense, shes one if not THE most importatn character in the story...
Everything you just said is false. Midna has a generic personality that is almost identical to Tatl's while Skull Kid has an original personality that to this day has not been reused in Zelda. Midna wasn't nearly as important as you think. She could have died and it would have made no difference to the story. You just wouldn't have a stupid imp in your shadow telling you to hurry up.

So u completely ignored what I proved that popularity is indeed a factor and now say its a diferent thing JUST BECAUSE Ike has one more game...
I didn't ignore your popularity argument at all, you're just to stupid to see it. You said Ike was in one game and therefore got in through popularity and I said why that was false.

Ok look at shiek, she had a minor role (considering shes a seperate character even tough shes zelda), only there to tell u abit about the 7 years that passed and show u a few songs, and was in one game...

midna has a bigger role than shiek in TP and is as well in one game... ur point? ganondorf (not ganon, ganonDORF, the human form) only had one appearance before that, and hes playable...
I have destroyed this point millions of times on the total Zelda thread and you NEVER even attempted to counter it.

Without midna zant would have been the one to become prince/king whatever at the throne, they gave it to midna, cue zants madness, ganondorfs sees the oportunity and gave him power, after that midna was the one that freed link, something he couldnt done by himself, she helped him in parts link couldnt beat on his own and so on... without midna the game couldnt have taked placed either...
Zant would have been skipped over withought Midna. Zant was power hungry and Midna said herself they would have never given him the throne anyway. This is a video game. If there was no Midna all the stuff she did to help you (teleporting, long jumps) would have beem given to some other helper or tool.

Ok show me were sakurai mention character who manipulate others cant be in but those controlled by evil can...
:confused: What?

Again you show me were sakurai said past consoles are retro,
Awnsered at top.

also midna is a favorite as well, some consider TP to be the best one in the series, even Reggie, she has the moveset potential shown in my previos posts, she can use the twili spider as a final, and has the personality to boot, not to mention one of the greatest roles in the series... ur point?
My point is that you are a biased fanboy who thinks because you like them your favorite characters have to be in. Her personality is generic, she's too new and her moveset potential is dwarved by SK.

again everything u say backfire so why dont u for once acept that midna has a the best shot for a newcomer...
Except that Midna is so obviously going to be an AT it's painful. She seems made for an AT and by making her one we can save room for characters who really deserve it (not talking about just Zelda).

I don't need a written statement nor poll to prove the obvious, SkullKid is not more popular than Pit nor most retro characters, because he is NOT retro!
So you need me to provide a bunch of evidence yet you can make this biased *** statement?

Well then you probably didn't play TP til the end, anyone who has played the game would totally disagree with you and again stop saying SkullKid can have a better moveset than Midna, you just don't know how to dispel the fact that Midna is more original, charismatic and unique than SkullKid.
Anyone who isn't biased can see how ridiculously unoriginal Midna is. She is basically a bunch of traits from older Zelda characters in one.

Only you have that mentality, only an idiot would think N64 is retro, and we shall end the retro discussion until you can counter with proof that Sakurai feels that way cause you know you can't.
You are a ****ing *******. I have never stated that I know for fact what Sakurai's opinion of retro is. I have stated that since we don't know what Sakurai's opinion of retro is so you can't say SK isn't retro like fact. You need to grow up and realize that opinions exist.


Smash Hero
May 12, 2007
No, you're an idiot for thinking Retro is an Opinion when it's a definition of old school games...


Smash Hero
Dec 20, 2006
New Pork City, Colonel Mains: Ness, Luc
So you need me to provide a bunch of evidence yet you can make this biased *** statement?
Is not biased, again SkullKid is NOT retro, period end of this discussion.

Anyone who isn't biased can see how ridiculously unoriginal Midna is. She is basically a bunch of traits from older Zelda characters in one.
You don't even say which characters because you know what you have just written is a bunch of bull****.

You are a ****ing *******. I have never stated that I know for fact what Sakurai's opinion of retro is. I have stated that since we don't know what Sakurai's opinion of retro is so you can't say SK isn't retro like fact. You need to grow up and realize that opinions exist.
a character from a 2000 game is never gonna be called retro, deal with it and stop being a idiot!


Smash Apprentice
May 16, 2006
Also, if this thread is for "I think Skullkid would be awesome, but i know he whont make it" then it should be closed, it's not a support X character thread, is just an "think X character would be awesome lol" thread.
I think most Skull Kid supporters fall into the "I think Skull Kid would be awesome but I don't know if he is going to make it or not" category. At least thats the way I feel.

But honestly, if you're going to start knocking characters, you're going to start with SKULL KID?! Are you serious?!

I mean, there so many worse character choices, why bother here? Take a look at the character list thread and tell me Skull Kid deserves the negative attention.


Smash Cadet
Sep 9, 2007
and how is it saying that people should leave if they don't like the character not create unnecessary confrontation? **** off!
Because it doesn't belong in here in the first place. I realize that you, as well as others, don't like Skull Kid. But your redundancy is extremely annoying. Trust me. You gave us your input, we heard you the first time, now move on.

Staying in here is only making things worse, and it's downright sickening to see how inconsiderate and ignorant you act to those of us who genuinely support this character.


Smash Hero
May 12, 2007
Dude, you obviously didn't visit the Waluigi thread when it was created? also other characters have been deconfirmed already, and i'm tired of arguing with Xianfeng about Tom Nook's deconfirmation. I just saw this thread and though "WTF... Skull kid?".



So we can only come here if we support Skullkid? ha, funny.


Smash Hero
Dec 20, 2006
New Pork City, Colonel Mains: Ness, Luc
Because it doesn't belong in here in the first place. I realize that you, as well as others, don't like Skull Kid. But your redundancy is extremely annoying. Trust me. You gave us your input, we heard you the first time, now move on.

Staying in here is only making things worse, and it's downright sickening to see how inconsiderate and ignorant you act to those of us who genuinely support this character.
I'm not giving you any input, you're the one sneaking into the discussion when in fact you're not even talking about SkullKid, and don't talk in plural when it is only Numa the one who I'm arguing with, now STFU and GTFO!


Smash Apprentice
May 16, 2006
It wouldnt be cool at all actually.
Dude, you obviously didn't visit the Waluigi thread when it was created? also other characters have been deconfirmed already, and i'm tired of arguing with Xianfeng about Tom Nook's deconfirmation. I just saw this thread and though "WTF... Skull kid?".
I didn't visit the Waluigi thread; I'm not interested in the character. If I did visit the thread, I'd probably make the reasons for my disinterest known, and keep it moving. I wouldn't spend numerous posts arguing with his supporters because I don't think it'll do any good. The supporters will still want him, and Nintendo will still decide whether or not to put him in.


Smash Cadet
Sep 9, 2007
I think most Skull Kid supporters fall into the "I think Skull Kid would be awesome but I don't know if he is going to make it or not" category. At least thats the way I feel.

But honestly, if you're going to start knocking characters, you're going to start with SKULL KID?! Are you serious?!

I mean, there so many worse character choices, why bother here? Take a look at the character list thread and tell me Skull Kid deserves the negative attention.
Quoted for truth. Please read this and understand the reasoning in this post. This is exactly how I feel.

If you want to create and continue to fuel hate against characters who you don't think will make it, there are plenty of others who can fill that void in your heart.

And yes, as much as I would enjoy getting this thread back on track and talk about Skull Kid, it's not going to happen while biased pricks remain.


Ok so now that you're done making your rounds through the Waluigi, Tom Nook, and Skull Kid threads, I think it's time for you to move on and find another thread to troll in.

p.s. My definition of a retro character:

A character who starred in a past game who, with enough potential, image and individuality, is given the opportunity to stand in the spotlight again and play amongst even the most recent ones of today.


Smash Hero
Dec 20, 2006
New Pork City, Colonel Mains: Ness, Luc
THATS IT! The mods have been informed of this spam fest and I refuse to continue this farse with some nOOB who doesn't understand that people can have different defenitions of the same word.
Oops! I didn't know one could run out of arguments so easily and yet go to the mods and complain about it, you're not worth anyone's time, Oh I'm so afraid the mods are coming! hahaha! You're such a crybaby.


Smash Hero
May 12, 2007
Yeah... but this is a forum. We're allowed to support and hate whatever we whant, hence why we're having this debate.


You're the only n00b here. how can something that it's around 7 years old be Retro... that's incredibly stupid in so many levels.


No one's trolling this thread god damm it, you're definition of Troll is "he dislikes the character i love and whant in Brawl, hence he is a troll". yeah right.

Numa Dude

Smash Lord
Nov 28, 2006
America's peni.... I mean Florida
Oh what a surprise the trolls continue to flame after someone has stoped arguing with them. You know what Shuma? I was starting to think you where a cool guy but now your just as big of a worthless troll as gypsy was on the Pico thread.

Deathborne, if some guy was flaming the crap out of mach rider and no matter how much you proved them wrong they continued to troll what would you do? There is a reason there is a report post button.


Smash Hero
May 12, 2007
No Numa, you're really acting like an Idiot, your behavior on the Pico thread was perfectly acceptable, this is not. Retro is a Definition, a set definition, it's not an opinion.

Numa Dude

Smash Lord
Nov 28, 2006
America's peni.... I mean Florida
PEOPLE CAN HAVE DIFFERENT DEFINITIONS OF THE SAME WORD! I consider a nerd a person who loves things such as anime and video games. Other people consider nerds those skinny guys who get straight A's and join the science club. Both are opinions of what the particular term means and neither are right or wrong.


Smash Hero
Dec 20, 2006
New Pork City, Colonel Mains: Ness, Luc
PEOPLE CAN HAVE DIFFERENT DEFINITIONS OF THE SAME WORD! I consider a nerd a person who loves things such as anime and video games. Other people consider nerds those skinny guys who get straight A's and join the science club. Both are opinions of what the particular term means and neither are right or wrong.
a racial slur is not the same as an established word like retro.


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
dear god are u for real? I cant believe all im hearing...

Shiek is the same person as zelda, but yet both have a diferent role in the game, shiek = give u tips, zelda = was at the beggining and at the end telling ur about the triforce and such, my point stil lstands, just because a character has one and one appearance only doesnt mean the character cant get in, Ike provces that, because sakurai must have chosen the final roster early in the development in the game, and by then Ike only had one appearance and it was until a few months back ike total game apperances has gone up to 2...

"This is a video game. If there was no Midna all the stuff she did to help you (teleporting, long jumps) would have beem given to some other helper or tool."

Thats stupid, ok I can play that game:

Skull kid aint important, they could have given the mask to some other person or the mask be himself and everything would have continued fine...
the mask keeper could have been some random guy and not necesarly HMS, it could have been some kid who bought the mask and turned evil...

see? by ur logic we could have lost ANY character and the game could have continued, oint is, without Midna, zant COULD have been chosen, and wouldnt be power hungy since he would be already the king and so on... but BECAUSE of midna, zant went evil, twilight fell, link became wolf, midna saving link, together facing evil, and so on...

How is midna AT material? SHE FACED GANONDORF HAND TO HAND, shes the twilight princess she has more kick *** abilities than MM, who just grows tentacles, fire some beam, becomes a fliying disc and moonwalks...

Personality means nothing, the ROLE is what matters, personality is just a plus...

Skull kids role is generic, he wants power, obtains it and almost destroys his friend yada yada yada, midnas role is that she only wants to saver her people without carring for the ligt world, after she sees what zelda did for her, she sees that both worlds must exist in order for there to be balance, and thus a switch or heart later shes off saving her people and the world she once didnt care for...

You said: Midna manipulates link and thus her role is lame, I said: what about skull kid, wanst he manipulated by the mask to do his wishes, and then u go theres a diference between being manipulated and being controled...

and im like so? does it matter, its almost the same, but skull kid CAN be in brawl cause he was being controlled, but not midna because she was manipulating link...

again just because a character has 2 games, doesnt mean he can get without being popular (what u said about Ike), if one if popular and has a big role, he/she can get in, even tough they appeared in one game...


Shes more than a helper, shes like the zelda of the twilight realm, she fights for her people, but becomes ur friend in the process, she helps you, and u help her, together u take down the forces of evil that threaten both their worlds... saying shes just a helper is stupid and bias, fact is she was the main plot in the storyline and nothing u say will change the fact that witout midna TP wouldnt make sense...

MM was ALREADY REPPED in melee, if SK would have entered in melee, it would have fit, he was new, and had that big role, now 10 YEARS LATER, his popularity has gone down, just like with ANYTHING in this world, u cant say something from 10 years ago is equally popular today, TV, Music, Movies prove this, entertainment as a whole prove this, and that counts games... skull kid AINT as popular as when meee came out, there was MM rep in melee, yet no skull kid, WHY in gods NAME would he be in smash NOW 10 years later AFTER his game was released?!


Smash Champion
May 19, 2006
Setting you up the bomb.
Oh what a surprise the trolls continue to flame after someone has stoped arguing with them. You know what Shuma? I was starting to think you where a cool guy but now your just as big of a worthless troll as gypsy was on the Pico thread.

Deathborne, if some guy was flaming the crap out of mach rider and no matter how much you proved them wrong they continued to troll what would you do? There is a reason there is a report post button.
I've had my suggestions flamed on multiple occasions, and while I admittedly could have approached it better myself, I didn't resort to reporting the opposition... I'm not siding with your flamers now, but reporting to the mods and advertising it only gives them more fuel to burn you with...

Anyways, as far as the definition of 'retro' is concerned, it could mean anything really. Granted most of us here, myself included, identify 'retro' as NES era or before, some include SNES within that category and some only include really old consoles like the Atari 2600. It's all in the eye of the beholder, but at the same time a game that is only 7 years old is a bit too recent for what most would consider 'retro'...

Numa Dude

Smash Lord
Nov 28, 2006
America's peni.... I mean Florida
Stryks I am done arguing with you. Your points make no sense and are barely legible because you refuse to spell out words and instead just use letters to take their place. No matter how many times I shoot down your points you come back again and repeat yourself in a different way and quite frankly I'm tired of it. **** you. I refuse to debate with someone who can't see past his own argument.

Deathborne I know that reporting them was a little much but they asked for it. They refused to even ackwoledge any points made by any SK supporters and flamed me for my opinion.


Skia Oura
Aug 20, 2001
Numa: Just because someone disagrees with you, doesn't mean his spamming or trolling. Vesperview is voicing his opinion on why Skull Kid should not make it in. and that's better than okay - that's what creates discussion in these kind of threads! A character thread should not just be for people who support that character to say "Yeah he'd be totally awesome let's think of movesets for him!" No, a good character thread will have multiple proponents and opponents, locked in discussion over why or why not said character deserves to be in.

Now, with that being said...

vesperview, you could be less harsh on the way you pass on your criticism. You don't need to throw out insults to get your point across.

That is all.


Smash Hero
May 12, 2007

Actually... Stryks shot down ALL of your points, you just refuse to keep debating 'cause you know you have no REAL points to argue, get out of here.


Thanks Kokichi.


Smash Champion
Mar 28, 2007
Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada (Proud
Okaaaayy.... I sense much hostility in this thread. Well, to answer the question posed in the thread's title: pretty darn cool.

I really like Skull Kid. He would be a really cool playable character as either the ultra awesome mask-wearing villian or the ultra awesome scarecrow-summoning support character. However, my gut instinct says he'll be really cool assist trophy.


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
Um hello everything u say is bias, Midnas role is big, so is skull kids, midna is popular, skull kid WAS popular... its fact... nothing from 10 years ago is as popular as it is today...

now u calling the mods for help? EPIC FAIL... besides were doing normal discussion, thats what thread and forums are arent they? why would we be warned, where here to debate on a subject and we are, UR the one cursing, calling uf son of a ***** and stuff like that, check my past posts, no cursing, I may call u a ******, but thats hardly cursing...

now u bash me about my grammer, uhh Mexican? ingles no es mi idioma nativo wei, like i just said, english aint my native language, if I must get shot for improper grammar so be it, I dont care bash me if u want, but ignoring a discussion just to pummel me of bad grammar is low, immature and equals failness...

edit after kokichis post: PWNED


Smash Apprentice
Oct 14, 2007
I didn't visit the Waluigi thread; I'm not interested in the character. If I did visit the thread, I'd probably make the reasons for my disinterest known, and keep it moving. I wouldn't spend numerous posts arguing with his supporters because I don't think it'll do any good. The supporters will still want him, and Nintendo will still decide whether or not to put him in.

whats skull kid gonna realy do... steal ****? play a flute? id rather not.

Numa Dude

Smash Lord
Nov 28, 2006
America's peni.... I mean Florida
Shuma, I have had many debates with Stryks and never has he ever won one of them. All he has ever done is reword his same arguments over and over again no matter how many times I beat them. The total zelda character thread (which is dead now) was born from one of our arguments and half of that thread was one big debate between us in which most of the people on that thread noticed how stupid stryks is. Stryks can't debate for **** and just complains until the other person gives up on explaining why he is wrong which is exactly what just happened. Anyone who thinks Zelda and Shiek are seperate characters is a plain and simple idiot who doesn't even deserve to be ackknowleged.

Stryks, english being a second language is no excuse for using u instead of you and other such idiotic things so stop using it as an excuse. I called the mods due to you and the others trolling, plain and simple. You continually insulted my intelligence even though I had a legitemite point and you fail to explain why Midna is likely because you are plain and simple biased. GTFO of this thread if you can't value others opinions.


Smash Cadet
Sep 9, 2007

Ok, i think Halo 3 is Retro, it is Soooooo last month....
You just don't get it do you?

You are really that thick-headed that you don't understand what I mean by retro. Since I brought the term up way early in this debate, using it to support Skull Kid, I'll explain.

There is no set time when a character is determined retro, so here, I'll break it down for you:

Most recent Zelda game
Twilight Princess = released in 2006
Previous Zelda game
Majora's Mask = released in 2000

2000 < 2006

therefore, MM character = less recent than a TP character
thus Skull Kid = more retro than a TP character

Simple. What is there to argue? There is no denying that Majora's Mask Skull Kid is a retro character in reference to the Zelda franchise.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 12, 2007
I could use the same argument as to why Ridley wasn't in Melee, Time Constraints!


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
Oh ok, hei mods numa thinks u guys are idiots for placing shiek and zelda diferently on the tier list!

One: I cant say the same thing back, u havent wont anything and everyone HERE ALONE sees ur immature and dum...

see I win nothing, let the PEOPLE decide whose the victor and who gave out the best arguements what u say?

also numa, u got pwned, I saw it, totalyl pwned [/rvb episode 40]

Numa Dude

Smash Lord
Nov 28, 2006
America's peni.... I mean Florida
Oh ok, hei mods numa thinks u guys are idiots for placing shiek and zelda diferently on the tier list!

One: I cant say the same thing back, u havent wont anything and everyone HERE ALONE sees ur immature and dum...

see I win nothing, let the PEOPLE decide whose the victor and who gave out the best arguements what u say?

also numa, u got pwned, I saw it, totalyl pwned [/rvb episode 40]
Stryks you simply don't get it. Shiek and zelda= different forms of the same character. If you don't understand this point than you obviously are lying about your age because a 7 year old could understand this. You are unable of pwning anything. You continually use the same biased arguments over and over even when they are defeated which makes you nothing more than a sore loser. GTFO of this thread if you are unable to repress you stupidity.


Smash Hero
Dec 20, 2006
New Pork City, Colonel Mains: Ness, Luc
You just don't get it do you?

You are really that thick-headed that you don't understand what I mean by retro. Since I brought the term up way early in this debate, using it to support Skull Kid, I'll explain.

There is no set time when a character is determined retro, so here, I'll break it down for you:

Most recent Zelda game
Twilight Princess = released in 2006
Previous Zelda game
Majora's Mask = released in 2000

2000 < 2006

therefore, MM character = less recent than a TP character
thus Skull Kid = more retro than a TP character

Simple. What is there to argue? There is no denying that Majora's Mask Skull Kid is a retro character in reference to the Zelda franchise.
Being oldest or newest is not basis enough to call MM retro, the original Zeldas in NES are retro, not the N64 ones.

@ Numa:

Didn't kokichi say any of us shouldn't use insults to get our point across? you may have won discussions in other threads but here you were thoroughly pwned!
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