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How cool would it be if Skull Kid was in SSBB?


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
Ill drop the link later afternoon, but just wanting a character with nothing to back it up is pointless, I would like the have Master chief in brawl, will it happen? no, why? because the facts show it, I showed the facts and skullkids chances are as good as sarias to be playable... ur in denial if u just want him in without seeing it...

ANY character can have a unique moveset, that doesnt help his chances, and I LIKE skullkid, I think hes one of the darkesr character in nintendos arsenal, but I KNOW he wont be in cause his chances are low, and If u wont acept it then ur in denial, thats it for me...


Smash Apprentice
May 16, 2006
Ill drop the link later afternoon, but just wanting a character with nothing to back it up is pointless, I would like the have Master chief in brawl, will it happen? no, why? because the facts show it, I showed the facts and skullkids chances are as good as sarias to be playable... ur in denial if u just want him in without seeing it...

ANY character can have a unique moveset, that doesnt help his chances, and I LIKE skullkid, I think hes one of the darkesr character in nintendos arsenal, but I KNOW he wont be in cause his chances are low, and If u wont acept it then ur in denial, thats it for me...
You should know its taking all my might not to respond to this in any way that would keep this conversation going.


Instead, back to the issue at hand!

If Skull Kid makes it, both fairies have to be used. Well, not have to, but using them add so much in the way of potential move sets.


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
64 ain't retro...

Retro is mostly talking about the NES characters...


Smash Journeyman
May 25, 2005
Fort Woth, Tx 3265-4808-7722
I like Skull kid a lot, I thought he was cool in TP (sorry for spoilers but god who hasnt played that yet.) but I really dont think he will make it as a character. We will probably see him as an AT and I think he would be a really cool one, coming out and playing his music sending those monster things after people.


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
I ask again, where did SAKURAI HIMSELF say what HIS opinion of retro is? IMO retro is any past generation and since we have no idea what Sakurai agrees with you can not say something isn't retro.
He doesn't have to say it's not retro because it ain't retro


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
Oh wow you make such a great argument. Seriously if you have nothing important to add to the disscusion don't post.

Anyway I think that a cool move for Skull Kid would be summoning the four boss remains masks you fight with Majora's three forms.
...your the one stupid enough to believe something is retro unless your told it isn't...

Do you not believe anything unless your told?

Ask a retro gamer...The NES days are retro games

Hell, maybe Super at MOST

Numa Dude

Smash Lord
Nov 28, 2006
America's peni.... I mean Florida
...your the one stupid enough to believe something is retro unless your told it isn't...

Do you not believe anything unless your told?

Ask a retro gamer...The NES days are retro games
Your the stupid one if you don't understand the concept of differing opinions. I have a different opinion of retro than you and since we have no idea which opinion Sakurai has it's idiotic to say that Skull Kid isn't retro.


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
Your the stupid one if you don't understand the concept of differing opinions. I have a different opinion of retro than you and since we have no idea which opinion Sakurai has it's idiotic to say that Skull Kid isn't retro.
The majority opinion is the only one that matters...and the majority is that he is not retro


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
The majority opinion was that Samurai Goroh was going to be playable and he became an AT. The majority isn't always right.
Your talking about Sakurai's decision on that...

Sakurai doesn't decide who is retro...and neither do you

Anyway NES days are THE retro games...that's a fact


Smash Journeyman
May 25, 2005
Fort Woth, Tx 3265-4808-7722
ok, 64 is not retro, maybe after next gen it will be. The other guy needs to grow up. and this thread needs to get back on topic. Skull kid will probably be an AT because it would be the easiest way to include him in the game and he really isnt a signifigant character except in majora's mask. In the others he is just a little side thing thats kinda fun


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
Are you a ******? Sakurai DOES decide what is retro. If someting is retro or not is an OPINION not a fact stupid.
No he's not and it's not an opinion...

When talking about retro games it's REFERING to the NES days...it's almost implied

He also never said anything about retro games in the first place, THAT was just an opinion

Nice flames, is it the only thing you have for arguments?

Numa Dude

Smash Lord
Nov 28, 2006
America's peni.... I mean Florida
No he's not and it's not an opinion...

When talking about retro games it's REFERING to the NES days...it's almost implied

He also never said anything about retro games in the first place, THAT was just an opinion

Nice flames, is it the only thing you have for arguments?
You just won't admit that you're wrong will you? Retro is an OPINION for the last time. I consider retro any past generation, you don't which means this is opinion. You can't just say it's fact and expect me to believe it. Also Sakurai may have never SAID he likes Retros but it's common knowledge that he does, hence characters like IC's and pit being playable. Oh and I never would have flamed had you not been a complete idiot in your posts.


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
You just won't admit that you're wrong will you? Retro is an OPINION for the last time. I consider retro any past generation, you don't which means this is opinion. You can't just say it's fact and expect me to believe it. Also Sakurai may have never SAID he likes Retros but it's common knowledge that he does, hence characters like IC's and pit being playable. Oh and I never would have flamed had you not been a complete idiot in your posts.
You won't admit your wrong, and I think it refers to gamers in a general sense rather than by generation...in which case Atari is even more retro

Quite immature, aren't you?

Numa Dude

Smash Lord
Nov 28, 2006
America's peni.... I mean Florida
You won't admit your wrong, and I think it refers to gamers in a general sense rather than by generation...in which case Atari is even more retro

Quite immature, aren't you?
I'd admit I'm wrong if I was but I'm not so theres nothing to admit. Also, since you conviently didn't try to prove me wrong I can only assume you have no more counter points and therefore are trying to save face. :laugh:

Now that thats over anyone have anything to actually contribute to this disscussion?


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
I'd admit I'm wrong if I was but I'm not so theres nothing to admit. Also, since you conviently didn't try to prove me wrong I can only assume you have no more counter points and therefore are trying to save face. :laugh:

Now that thats over anyone have anything to actually contribute to this disscussion?
And you contributed anything other than your own ignorance?


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
I ask again, where did SAKURAI HIMSELF say what HIS opinion of retro is? IMO retro is any past generation and since we have no idea what Sakurai agrees with you can not say something isn't retro.
OMG Gamecube is retro? PS2? XBOX? OMG dude u have GOT to be kidding...
Retro are the VERY old games, like SM bros, metroid 1, the 1st LoZ, THOSE are retro games, u cant possibly say WW is retro because its from a past gen console, that is THE biggest bull I heard all day...

Pit, GaW, and ICs are retro because they appeared back like what 20 years now? THATS how old they are, compare to WW link where he was in a past gen console, hes like what 5 years old, how the HELL is that retro, ur saying the music we heard back 5 years ago was retro? GTFO...

Skullkid why the hell u dodge my last post, or ignoring it whatever, well fact is skull kid wont be in rbawl, why? he aint retro, popular, and 2 zelda games have come out since MM, in which he has little to no role in the games... then ur telling me u want Happy mask salesma- oh wait...

Numa Dude

Smash Lord
Nov 28, 2006
America's peni.... I mean Florida
And you contributed anything other than your own ignorance?
Why yes, in fact if you look back I contributed an attack idea. :)

OMG Gamecube is retro? PS2? XBOX? OMG dude u have GOT to be kidding...
Retro are the VERY old games, like SM bros, metroid 1, the 1st LoZ, THOSE are retro games, u cant possibly say WW is retro because its from a past gen console, that is THE biggest bull I heard all day...
Wow, if you get this pissed over differing opinions over the internet then I pity the poor S.O.B who dissagrees with you in real life.

Pit, GaW, and ICs are retro because they appeared back like what 20 years now? THATS how old they are, compare to WW link where he was in a past gen console, hes like what 5 years old, how the HELL is that retro, ur saying the music we heard back 5 years ago was retro? GTFO...
You didn't even read my post did you? Retro is an OPINION so saying X thing isn't retro is a false statement. Stop acting as if your opinion of retro is fact because it isn't.

Skullkid why the hell u dodge my last post, or ignoring it whatever, well fact is skull kid wont be in rbawl, why? he aint retro, popular, and 2 zelda games have come out since MM, in which he has little to no role in the games... then ur telling me u want Happy mask salesma- oh wait...
And Stryks makes another cheap shot at HMS that proves he has little to no imagination and must use jokes from a year ago. :laugh: Anyway Stryks, just keep on saying ignorant statements as fact. When all the stupid characters you want (Mii, Midna, Laughing Dog) are confirmed to be AT's and things like that just remember that you will be the biggest idiot on smashboards.


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
Hay guys i her Halo 1 is retro!


U call me ignorant? U and skull kid want skull kid in rbawl, without seeing the facts:

He aint popular
The version we all want (MM) is from a game that came out 10 YEARS AGO, and which LAREADY got rep in melee
He has had only ONE major role, and he BARELY did anything...

retro aint an opinion:
“Retro” can be used to simply mean “old fashioned” or old, functioning much like “timeless” or “classic”.

in other words, in the gaming industry, is those past titles/games that are very old, from atari to the NES, I GET the part that what U believe about retro is opinion, but saying retro IN GENERAL is an opinion is BS, retro are the classic titles in the gaming industry, Kid icarus and the 1st metroids for example are retros, theyr timeless classics, but at the same time very old games, ocarina is a timeless classic, but doesnt have the age to be considered retro in the gaming industry, some consider SNES retro, some dont, but something most if not all agree on is that NES and older systems and titles are indeed retro, and ANYTHING on the N64 AINT retro, maybe classic yes, but retro=/=classic...

Stupid characters? U want HMS in brawl! he has little to no major role in ANY game, u also wanted some clown enemy from warioland or something I mean cmon! Miis are epic in comparison...
miis are being used in almost every 1st-2nd party titles and some 3rd parties, THEY WERE ON MP3 FOR GODS SAKE, WHAT can it take to make them playable? just switch the colors and faces to every corresponding mii and u got a fighter, miis are like the mascot of the Wii (not nintendo so dont bash me for that), and them as a fighter is a no brainer, u dont like them? fine, theres a thin line between not liking a character and not deserving it...

same with midna, midna in ONE game topels ur skull kid and HMS COMBINED in roles, she had by FAR one of THE biggest roles in ANY zelda game, seriously this game was more about her than ganondorf or link himself... shes popular, has the roles, maybe shes not important to the series as a whole, but I ask you: skull kid and HMS are?
IDC much for laughing dog, over the years I see him now better as an AT, but I dont deny the fact that it can happen, if they added a completely unknown retro like GaW, they can add a retro dog as well...[/serious]

Lololololol MAROI SNSH1NE I$ UB3R R3TOR!!1!

Numa Dude

Smash Lord
Nov 28, 2006
America's peni.... I mean Florida


U call me ignorant? U and skull kid want skull kid in rbawl, without seeing the facts:
If people are ignorant for wanting characters with low chances then you are ten times as ignorant as me and SkullKid combined.

He aint popular
The version we all want (MM) is from a game that came out 10 YEARS AGO, and which LAREADY got rep in melee
He has had only ONE major role, and he BARELY did anything...
Do you have any proof to say that Skull Kid's fanbase has diminished? I thought not and besides popularity doesn't mean anything.

retro aint an opinion:
“Retro” can be used to simply mean “old fashioned” or old, functioning much like “timeless” or “classic”.

in other words, in the gaming industry, is those past titles/games that are very old, from atari to the NES, I GET the part that what U believe about retro is opinion, but saying retro IN GENERAL is an opinion is BS, retro are the classic titles in the gaming industry, Kid icarus and the 1st metroids for example are retros, theyr timeless classics, but at the same time very old games, ocarina is a timeless classic, but doesnt have the age to be considered retro in the gaming industry, some consider SNES retro, some dont, but something most if not all agree on is that NES and older systems and titles are indeed retro, and ANYTHING on the N64 AINT retro, maybe classic yes, but retro=/=classic...
You said it yourself, some consider SNES to be retro and others don't. I consider all past generations of gaming to be retro. There is absolutley no difference in what I have been saying all this time and what you just explained. Thanks for PWNing yourself so I don't have to waste my time. :)

Stupid characters? U want HMS in brawl! he has little to no major role in ANY game, u also wanted some clown enemy from warioland or something I mean cmon! Miis are epic in comparison...
Happy mask salesman= The third most important character in MM, he also is the video game manifestation of Shigeru Miyamoto.

Rudy the clown= Retro Wario Villain

Mii's= Avatars that Nintendo keeps adding into games..... AS CAMEOS! If they have been cameo's in almost EVERY SINGLE GAME THEY HAVE BEEN IN what the hell makes you think they will be more in brawl?

miis are being used in almost every 1st-2nd party titles and some 3rd parties, THEY WERE ON MP3 FOR GODS SAKE,

WHAT can it take to make them playable? just switch the colors and faces to every corresponding mii and u got a fighter, miis are like the mascot of the Wii (not nintendo so dont bash me for that), and them as a fighter is a no brainer, u dont like them? fine, theres a thin line between not liking a character and not deserving it...
And yet every character you say has no chance of being in brawl is either a character you don't like or is being supported by someone you don't like.

same with midna, midna in ONE game topels ur skull kid and HMS COMBINED in roles,
She got PWNED by Zant and then hid in Link's shadow as he did everything by himself. WHAT A GIGANTIC ROLE!

she had by FAR one of THE biggest roles in ANY zelda game, seriously this game was more about her than ganondorf or link himself...
Get a clue you fanboy. The entire point of TP was Link's quest to save Hyrule from Ganon and Zant. Midna is just the Navi of this game and she doesn't even perform that role good. (I'LL HURRY UP WHEN I'M **** GOOD AND READY)

shes popular,
And Sakurai said himself that popular characters don't get him excited.

has the roles,
Keep telling yourself that.:laugh:

maybe shes not important to the series as a whole,

but I ask you: skull kid and HMS are?
more so then she is by far. Besides this is a Skull Kid thread not a Midna thread. Lets keep this debate about him.


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
So, instead of actually giving any kind of proof you ask others for proof against and when they don't feel like supplying it you say they are wrong...

Where's your proof?


Smash Apprentice
May 16, 2006
thats it for me...
Skullkid why the hell u dodge my last post, or ignoring it whatever, well fact is skull kid wont be in rbawl, why? he aint retro, popular, and 2 zelda games have come out since MM, in which he has little to no role in the games... then ur telling me u want Happy mask salesma- oh wait...
How do you reconcile these two posts? One minute you're done, the next minute you bring me up again? What a cheap shot. I told you, I'm not entertaining your posts anymore; you are a nuisance and I won't help you derail this thread any further. You don't think Skull Kid will make it. I get it. Now move along, child.

Do not respond to me.


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
Wow and u call me ignorant... u say that HMS and skull kid are mor eimportan that midna... u have got to be kidding...

the story REVOLVED around midna, who IS the TWILIGHT PRINCESS (BTW whats the game called? Not the "LOZ: Mysterious mask salesman" nor the "LOZ: Scarecrow with a mask"), the game revolved around the twilight realm and its people, midna IS part of those people, shes THEIR princess, did u even PLAY the game well? midna hides in links shadow cause she cant be in the light world, only after zelda gave her life (zelda gave her life, id like to see her doing that with any character and then u calling that character minor) she can stay in the light world, but sill stayed in the shadow to not scare the people...

Im nto a midna fanboy, I could care LESS, but the facts are: Midna > skull kid and HMS in chances in getting in brawl, her role is that important and superior to both of them...

ok give me a proof where Skull kids fanbase are as equal or bigger than they were 10 years ago, cmon SHOW me, cant? didnt think so...

Did u COMPLETELY ignored the factors I gave u or just read the 1st line, and decided to bash me for that one only?

POPULARITY IS a factor, but not THE only one, sakurai DID say he wasnt excited by popular ccharacters, but ur ******** to think he wont put ANY in brawl...

the factors are:
their roles in the game
how important they are to the series and nintendo as a whole

Midna fits the bill easily:

-Shes popular, proven by countless of fanbases and being part of the new zelda helps her chances
- Her role in the game is huge, quite possibly biger than any other character in zelda franchise that AINT link, zelda and ganondorf...
- the importance may not be high, since its probable she may never return, but since there are no zelda in the works that is KNOWN to the public, we cant be sure, now if we only consider the known zeldas, she is very important to the last game, and that last game is getting the most rep in brawl...

Now before u say: "yEah kep thiknig she hs a shot!!1", tell me, or in other words, COMPARE me her role against the roles of HMS and skull kid, go ahead...
also just because HMS is the in game form on miyamoto, hes a shoe in, proven for his absance in melee...

while im talking im melee, MM HAD rep in that game, WHY would sakurai rep the game AGAIN after 10 years?

so just because midna got "pwned" by zant she cant get in? BS, zant got pwned at the end, she KILLED him, and skull kid got pwned by a song and 4 giants, HMS got pwned by skull kid himself, he knock him out and took the mask... oh yeah midnas chances are so low [/sarcasm]

Miis represent the player in the videogame, if there is ANYTHING that tides the player with the character, its the mii, the miis are popular, are stars of multiple games, appear in countless of cameos, and are one of the most used characters in history, every single mii is unique, and what better way than to play brawl than being PART of the brawl?

Ok guys its official Numa thinks metroid prime 2, melee, shunshine, MGS, halo 1 and 2 are retros, Twilight is also part retro, having appeared in the GC less than one year ago... cue laughter...

What im saying is that people consider the NES retro, while some agree and disagree about the SNES being retro as well, ANYONE hear will agree NES is retro, and all ts games and characters that appeared there are retros, pit, ICS they are retro, they dont NEED a new game or have multiple games to be in brawl, cause they are retros, they represent the old school days, u cant bash the skull kid wont be in rbawl discussion with saying what about pit and ICs?! F41L!! because skull kid aint retro...


Apple Head
Jun 5, 2003
Newington, CT
Skull Kid in Brawl would be cool. I really like Majora's Mask.

lol @ Stryks

interweb is serious business

Numa Dude

Smash Lord
Nov 28, 2006
America's peni.... I mean Florida
Wow and u call me ignorant... u say that HMS and skull kid are mor eimportan that midna... u have got to be kidding...

the story REVOLVED around midna, who IS the TWILIGHT PRINCESS (BTW whats the game called? Not the "LOZ: Mysterious mask salesman" nor the "LOZ: Scarecrow with a mask"), the game revolved around the twilight realm and its people, midna IS part of those people, shes THEIR princess, did u even PLAY the game well? midna hides in links shadow cause she cant be in the light world, only after zelda gave her life (zelda gave her life, id like to see her doing that with any character and then u calling that character minor) she can stay in the light world, but sill stayed in the shadow to not scare the people...
Actually stupid *** the game revolved around LINK point out one time in the game where Midna could have done something by herself. Didn't think so, there's a reason Link is reffered to as the CHOSEN ONE throughout the game. He was picked by the gods to be the champion of hyrule and the one who fights and defeats the evil. Midna is just the helper character of this game and she is about as important as the king of red lions.

Im nto a midna fanboy, I could care LESS, but the facts are: Midna > skull kid and HMS in chances in getting in brawl, her role is that important and superior to both of them...
That's the fanboy in you talking.

ok give me a proof where Skull kids fanbase are as equal or bigger than they were 10 years ago, cmon SHOW me, cant? didnt think so...
How about the MANY people who still love Skull Kid to this day? Give it up Stryks. Skull Kid is a cult favorite which makes your popularity argument null and void if it was even important in the first place.

Did u COMPLETELY ignored the factors I gave u or just read the 1st line, and decided to bash me for that one only?
Use the god **** quote tags so I can know what the hell you're talking about.

POPULARITY IS a factor, but not THE only one, sakurai DID say he wasnt excited by popular ccharacters, but ur ******** to think he wont put ANY in brawl...
There you go jumping the gun again. I NEVER said that popular characters won't be in. Major characters (characters who actually deserve to be playable) are almost always popular because of their position of importance. What I said was that popularity was a null and void argument that should not be taken seriously because Sakurai doesn't give a rats *** about it.

the factors are:
their roles in the game
how important they are to the series and nintendo as a whole

Midna fits the bill easily:
There goes that fanboy talk again.

-Shes popular, proven by countless of fanbases and being part of the new zelda helps her chances
Popularity doesn't mean ****.

- Her role in the game is huge, quite possibly biger than any other character in zelda franchise that AINT link, zelda and ganondorf...
She makes Link do everything for her. That makes her as important as the king of red lions.

- the importance may not be high, since its probable she may never return, but since there are no zelda in the works that is KNOWN to the public, we cant be sure, now if we only consider the known zeldas, she is very important to the last game, and that last game is getting the most rep in brawl...
So what she HAS to be playable in order to rep TP? She can't be an AT and leave the playable spots to original characters who DESERVE IT?!

Now before u say: "yEah kep thiknig she hs a shot!!1",
yEah kep thiknig she hs a shot!!1

tell me, or in other words, COMPARE me her role against the roles of HMS and skull kid, go ahead...
Okay then.:)

Happy mask salesman= The third most important character in MM. He was the character who was robbed of the mask and therefore is crucial to the story.

Skull Kid= The second most important character in MM. The character who unleased the apocalypse onto Termina and the one who is the villain for most of the game.

Midna= The fairy of TP. The least useful of any Helper character who has a role equal to that of the king of red lions.

also just because HMS is the in game form on miyamoto, hes a shoe in, proven for his absance in melee...
I said he was a shoe in because of being based on Miyamoto when?

while im talking im melee, MM HAD rep in that game, WHY would sakurai rep the game AGAIN after 10 years?
Because all of this fanmade rep crap is bull that needs to be shut down immediatley.

so just because midna got "pwned" by zant she cant get in? BS, zant got pwned at the end, she KILLED him, and skull kid got pwned by a song and 4 giants, HMS got pwned by skull kid himself, he knock him out and took the mask... oh yeah midnas chances are so low [/sarcasm]
So instead of actually trying to prove to me why she is important you respond with an idiotic comment?

Miis represent the player in the videogame, if there is ANYTHING that tides the player with the character, its the mii, the miis are popular, are stars of multiple games, appear in countless of cameos, and are one of the most used characters in history, every single mii is unique, and what better way than to play brawl than being PART of the brawl?
Playing brawl as an actual iconic Nintendo character instead of a stupid passing fad.

Ok guys its official Numa thinks metroid prime 2, melee, shunshine, MGS, halo 1 and 2 are retros, Twilight is also part retro, having appeared in the GC less than one year ago... cue laughter...
Okay guys it's official, Stryks hates everyone with a different opinion than his, cue laughter.

What im saying is that people consider the NES retro, while some agree and disagree about the SNES being retro as well, ANYONE hear will agree NES is retro, and all ts games and characters that appeared there are retros, pit, ICS they are retro, they dont NEED a new game or have multiple games to be in brawl, cause they are retros, they represent the old school days, u cant bash the skull kid wont be in rbawl discussion with saying what about pit and ICs?! F41L!! because skull kid aint retro...
You continue to make hypocritical statements. If people can dissagree about whether SNES is retro or not than I can surley have my opinion of retro. To say otherwise is just idiotic.

Oh my, there are 3 people supporting him, his fanbase is GIGANTIC!.
I love it when idiots use the amount of people on smashboards (which consists of one percent of a fraction of the smash community that consits of mostly people who don't post all the time) as a way to measure someones fanbase.

Even Zant would make it in before SkullKid and Zant sucks!

I find SkullKid to be boss material at best, otherwise AT.

Plus, I think Young Link would have to get confirmed first, and I'm hearing no one wants him back.
Everything in this post fails.
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