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How cool would it be if Skull Kid was in SSBB?


Smash Apprentice
Oct 12, 2007
Ok... I see what your getting at, but Skull Kid does have a backstory indeed, and why he decided to do evil things. He's not just lol i Have mask lez me Killz you loL! He does have a backstory, though not as long and illustrious as Ganondorf's as a villain.

Also i did say that Midna has higher chances, did i not? So no arguing by me on that point.

Majora's Mask is a clearly under-rated game, and at least needs some representation. and Skull Kid would be great for that


Smash Hero
May 12, 2007
Nope, it's not underrated, it was a good game, not a good Zelda game, and it already got representation, Marina bay in Melee(or whatever was the name of that stage).

And i don't really remember Skull kid's backstory, all i remember is that he steals the mask from the happy mask salesman in the forest and attacks link, and steals epona.


Smash Apprentice
May 16, 2006
Ok, what i meant is that i dislike Zant, but i think he's more important than Skull kid, why?

Skull kid in my opinion was a filler vilain 'cause nintendo tried to make a Zelda game withouth Ganondor, they clearly failed since Majora's mask wasn't as well received as other games and Skull kid has a very small fanbase.

On the other hand, Zant was created not to be a filler villain, but to be Ganondorf's puppet, and unlike Skull kid Zant has more... "essence" skull kid was just rawr i'm possessed by an evil mask of doom, destroy destroy!.
Wow...Skull Kid a filler villain? He's the only Zelda villain who can stand on his own without the in my opinion over used, Gannondorf pulling his strings or even appearing in his game.

And I really think you over simplified Skull Kid with the whole rawr mask of doom thing. Skull Kid was abandoned, depressed, sad, confused and angry. Majora's Mask amplified these feelings, and gave him the power to exact his will (and that meant, among other things, suicide-COOL!) until the mask itself had enough of Skull Kid's life force to act on its own.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 12, 2007
While i won't delve into the backstory of Skull Kid, you can look it up on wiki or something, I'm sure you'll find it.

I hardly call a moon trophy and a level representation in a game, also considering how under played Termina bay was, it was even banned in pro-games...... It was a good Zelda game, and my personal favorite, it added flavor to the OOT game, with new elements added in. OOT is considered greatest because it was the first of the 3-d versions of Zelda. This always makes a game seem better than it really is. Look at FF7.... That game is incredibly over rated, and the game right after it was under rated as well, and FF8 was my favorite all-time FF game. This is the curse of game coming after first-time franchise 3-d games, they are always completely under-rated because the first 3-d of its game was considered "revolutionary".

Warning, I am in no way dissing OOT of time, that was one of the greatest games of all time, but i do think MM needs more rep


Smash Hero
May 12, 2007
Even if he wasn't a filler villain, the point still stands, if he didn't appear in Melee, he whont be a PC in Brawl.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 12, 2007
Even if he wasn't a filler villain, the point still stands, if he didn't appear in Melee, he whont be a PC in Brawl.
Wow.... just wow. That is probably the most idiotic comment I've ever seen. I guess that means Snake, Sonic, Ike, Metaknight, DeDeDe, Diddy Kong, ZSS, Ridley, Wario and all of them have no chance either? Am I right? They weren't in Melee and most all of them are either confirmed or have a VERY VERY high chance of getting in......


Smash Apprentice
May 16, 2006
Even if he wasn't a filler villain, the point still stands, if he didn't appear in Melee, he whont be a PC in Brawl.
Thats not the standard either.

Pit was created before Melee, didn't make it, but made it in Brawl. So why can't Skull Kid who was created before Melee, didn't make it, make it into Brawl?

No one knows who'll make it except the people making the game.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 12, 2007
I guess he's been beaten =P, Anyways wanna rate my moveset, i believe its 2 or 3 pages back


Smash Cadet
Jul 16, 2006
As much as I would really like skull kid or" Majoria" as a Playble charater saying that for ages Majoria's mask was my favorite Zelda game even with Twlight princess for me they are tied. But if a new zelda Charater gets in I think it will be midna and would like it if it was midna/Twlight midna!


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
Wow.... just wow. That is probably the most idiotic comment I've ever seen. I guess that means Snake, Sonic, Ike, Metaknight, DeDeDe, Diddy Kong, ZSS, Ridley, Wario and all of them have no chance either? Am I right? They weren't in Melee and most all of them are either confirmed or have a VERY VERY high chance of getting in......
Try using some logic will ya numnuts?
OoT and MM came out before melee, they got rep, from stages to characters, now years later u see Brawl, with link in TP clothes, theyre NOT gonna add a MM character NOW after nearly 10 or so years, it wouldnt make sense, it got repped in melee, but if the character didnt appear WHY should he appear NOW, nearly 10 years after his game was released? he aint retro, so dont bring up "wha abuot pti?! ZOMG F417!!1!1one"

if anything they'll add TP and WW characters only, thos ebeing the ones that didnt get rep in previous games, being newer, so even tough I LIKE skull kid, I see the facts, he has as much chance as Saria being playable...


Smash Hero
May 12, 2007
Anyone with half a brain would understand what i meant to say... First than all Wario, Snake, Dedede and Ridley where left out of melee because of time constrains. Secondly, Majora's is not popular, and if Sakurai didn't decide to add him in Melee when he was well known and popular, why would he add him now, now when Midna and Zant have a much larger fanbase?


Smash Apprentice
May 16, 2006
Skull Kid Moveset

The Skull Kid is what becomes of children getting lost in the Lost Woods, and appears in Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask and Twilight Princess. They first interact with Link in Ocarina of Time, and later a Skull Kid plays a major role in Majora's Mask. Skull Kids dress in a red cloak and hat covering an underlayer of clothing comprised of a straw-like material, and play a flute, which they can also use as a weapon to shoot projectiles.

Strength 2/5
Speed 4/5
Weight 1/5
Jump 5/5

A Moves

Tap a: Slaps the enemy with his left hand
Tap aa: Slaps enemy with his right hand
Tap aaa: Does a Flip kick, rhythmically of course!
<a: Jumps and kicks backwards, then landing on his feet
>a: Clenches his fists together and punches forward
down a: Jumps up and slams down with a shadowy glow around his feet
up a: Head butts straight up while his head has a shadowy purple glow
dash animation: runs forward with his body slanted down hands behind him
dash a: Slaps both his hands together in the front of his body
tilt a: Head butts forward
aerial down a: Shoots a shadowy blast downward about a foot under him
aerial ^a: Same as aerial down a but in an upward direction
aerial </> : Maneuvers his body into a neutral angle and spins, arms out, in either direction

Smash Moves
Neutral b: Shoots a poison dart out of his flute-like instrument/ can be charged, making poison last longer, poison does 5% every 2 seconds for 6 seconds
>b : Deku Scrub: Transform enemy player into a Deku Scrub, Basically same as poison mushroom except makes you weaker and slower, and your only move is deku seed, lasts for 10-15 seconds.
Down b: Summon Puppets: Summons 3 other Puppets, who look the same as the original, and mimic the originals movement exactly, they cause no damage or take any, and is impossible to find which is the real Skull Kid. Lasts 30 Seconds, has a 10 second cooldown after the puppets disappear
^b: Teleport: Teleport in the direction of the control stick.
Final Smash: Moon Crash: Summons the moon and crashes it onto the stage, causes massive damage, and cannot knock a player off the stage, does about 150% damage.

Animation: Jumps on the players head/shoulders and covers their eyes
^ throw: Lifts player from under himself and throws him upward
Down throw: Jumps up and kicks player straight down
< throw: Grabs character from behind his back and throws him forward
> throw: Same as < throw
Grab attack: Punches player in face repeatedly

Taunt: Plays Saria’s Song and dances around for about a second or two.
He's too powerful, lol! The darts were fine, and the teleport is great, but deku shrub is too powerful, and lasts too long. The puppets are probably too strong too.


Smash Apprentice
May 16, 2006
Try using some logic will ya numnuts?
OoT and MM came out before melee, they got rep, from stages to characters, now years later u see Brawl, with link in TP clothes, theyre NOT gonna add a MM character NOW after nearly 10 or so years, it wouldnt make sense, it got repped in melee, but if the character didnt appear WHY should he appear NOW, nearly 10 years after his game was released? he aint retro, so dont bring up "wha abuot pti?! ZOMG F417!!1!1one"

if anything they'll add TP and WW characters only, thos ebeing the ones that didnt get rep in previous games, being newer, so even tough I LIKE skull kid, I see the facts, he has as much chance as Saria being playable...
Right, there are no old characters in Melee...

Anyone with half a brain would understand what i meant to say... First than all Wario, Snake, Dedede and Ridley where left out of melee because of time constrains. Secondly, Majora's is not popular, and if Sakurai didn't decide to add him in Melee when he was well known and popular, why would he add him now, now when Midna and Zant have a much larger fanbase?
Snake was supposed to be in Melee? Dedede too? Link please.


Smash Apprentice
May 16, 2006
Ris747, I meant to add this when I commented about your move set, but I couldn't edit for some reason:

I think you nailed the stats, except for weight. He'd weigh at least 2/5. I'd guess...I dont know, lol...


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
dude even if u cant edit (which I think is BS) dont triple post...

BTW skul lkid wont be in brawl, everything points to dat...


Smash Apprentice
May 16, 2006
dude even if u cant edit (which I think is BS) dont triple post...

BTW skul lkid wont be in brawl, everything points to dat...
If you cant spell "Skull Kid" in a thread about him, don't enter the thread. Oh, and :laugh: @ everything pointing to him not making Brawl, when I've shot down every single reason why not.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 12, 2007
dude even if u cant edit (which I think is BS) dont triple post...

BTW skul lkid wont be in brawl, everything points to dat...
Nothing points to anything, especially with Sakurai's unpredictable style of choosing characters. Now tell em 1 person who expected G&W for Melee, He was such a WTF, this justt shows how nothing points to anything


Smash Cadet
Sep 9, 2007
Hey while you're rating movesets, please take a look at mine. I put quite a bit of thought and effort into it so check it out on page 23.

Perhaps it's not the best, and it's not entirely finished either, but I bet if you combined mine with Ris747's and maybe others it would turn out much better.


Smash Rookie
Oct 6, 2007
I got the moves! :p

Final Smash- Moon comes crashing down
B Shadowball
B> Shakes mask powder comes off and makes you fall asleep
B^ Basically a straight up jump going mask first! :p ooohhh... >.>
BV Makes a skull appear in his hand Like Link bomb except on bang! XD

How's that! :D

But seriously I think Vaati has WAY more reason to be in Brawl than Skull Kid.... Majora's Mask is pretty old and it only appeaed once whereas Vatti was in four (or five) games which all came out not too long ago... (even though they were created by capcom. >.> ) But hey! Sonic and Snake are in it so...! :D


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
If you cant spell "Skull Kid" in a thread about him, don't enter the thread. Oh, and :laugh: @ everything pointing to him not making Brawl, when I've shot down every single reason why not.
Wow sorry for doing a space to early, im an insult to grammar everywhere >.>, oh btw english aint my native language so suck it...

anyway what points? u havent said anything...

Skull kid had the shot to be in melee when he was POPULAR and didnt get it, WHY would he get the shot NOW after nearly 10 years after MM, and now that his popularity has gone down, and has to compete against the fan bases of midna, zant, ww link, ganondorf and vaati??

Show me ur points and ill bash them to oblivion, im that confident that MM skullkid wont be in brawl...


Smash Journeyman
Mar 9, 2006
Majoras Mask has been top 5 game in my books since its release, I would love to see this
I would prefer the older skull kid to, not the new one from TP
... who runs away and summons those dancing things
bluh, old ones from OOT and MM are wayyy better


Smash Apprentice
May 16, 2006
Wow sorry for doing a space to early, im an insult to grammar everywhere >.>, oh btw english aint my native language so suck it...

anyway what points? u havent said anything...

Skull kid had the shot to be in melee when he was POPULAR and didnt get it, WHY would he get the shot NOW after nearly 10 years after MM, and now that his popularity has gone down, and has to compete against the fan bases of midna, zant, ww link, ganondorf and vaati??

Show me ur points and ill bash them to oblivion, im that confident that MM skullkid wont be in brawl...
I have to agree with, well, everything, except that Midna has a better chance because she's a more recent character. I don't know what kind of standards are used when selecting characters for this series. There always seem to be exceptions. Think characters need to be in a lot of games? Pit has one game. Think characters need a basis for a move set? Captain Falcon has never Falcon Punched anyone before his arrival in Smash Bros. Think characters need to be recent? Game and Watch. It is impossible to know why certain characters make it into the series while others have not.

The only standard, I believe, should be coolness, and time to fit the character into the game. That is to say, Nintendo should cram as many cool characters into the game as possible before the release date.

Skull Kid definitely meets my coolness requirement (emo-cool, yeah!), and with the delay, they'll have time to add more characters...and I suppose the more characters added, the more Skull Kid's chances (and the chances of any particular character) increase.
As for popularity, well, lets just say the Ice Climbers aren't winning any (popularity) contests...

Now, I want to do a move set.

"B" Dart. Works exactly like Ris747's poison. If not, then like Sheik's darts.

"<B>" Steal/Hinder. Tatle and Tael (Who accompany my ideal Skull Kid) steal an item from an opponent. If the opponent has no item, Tatle and Tael each take a leg and weigh the opponent down. Slowing his movements and making it difficult to jump for up to 10 seconds or until they are shaken free.

"^B" Teleport. 'Nuff said.

"VB" (Down B) Return Fairies/Fairies spin. Fairies return to Skull Kid if hindering opponent. If fairies are already in Skull Kid's possession, they spin around him real fast in a relatively close proximity causing damage to nearby opponents. Say, 3% per hit. This can be held for 5 seconds at a time but after that, the fairies get "tired" and have to rest. No move that requires the fairies can be used for 5 seconds.

Final Smash: Deku All! turn everyone into a Deku for 10 seconds. Nah! lol...Of course, the Final Smash has to be Final Hour. The Moon crashes down on opponents causing all of them to fall down and take 100% damage.


Smash Hero
May 12, 2007
Just ignore them Stryks, they whont accept the facts, but when Skull kid is deconfirmed or he doesn't appear as a PC, i will remember this thread... and it's 2 supporters.


Smash Apprentice
May 16, 2006
Just ignore them Stryks, they whont accept the facts, but when Skull kid is deconfirmed or he doesn't appear as a PC, i will remember this thread... and it's 2 supporters.
You really do misunderstand me or this thread. I am not saying Skull Kid will be in Brawl. I am saying I think he should be. I am also saying no one knows what characters will make it into Brawl except the people making the game because there doesn't seem to be any single standard for entrance into the series.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 12, 2007
Just ignore them Stryks, they whont accept the facts, but when Skull kid is deconfirmed or he doesn't appear as a PC, i will remember this thread... and it's 2 supporters.
And I wil remember you, when Geno will never be playable in any form


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
And I wil remember you, when Geno will never be playable in any form
He's not really a Geno supporter but I am...and Skull Kid just lost my support if it's filled with people such as yourself as his fans

Numa Dude

Smash Lord
Nov 28, 2006
America's peni.... I mean Florida
Wow sorry for doing a space to early, im an insult to grammar everywhere >.>, oh btw english aint my native language so suck it...

anyway what points? u havent said anything...

Skull kid had the shot to be in melee when he was POPULAR and didnt get it, WHY would he get the shot NOW after nearly 10 years after MM, and now that his popularity has gone down, and has to compete against the fan bases of midna, zant, ww link, ganondorf and vaati??

Show me ur points and ill bash them to oblivion, im that confident that MM skullkid wont be in brawl...
Skull Kid has retro appeal and that is something none of the characters you listed have. Popularity makes no difference at all and if you can't see that then you need to get some glasses.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 16, 2007
On the Moon
but i do think MM needs more rep
Quoted for truth. MM is one of the best gcn games ever and now that link and zelda are going TP we need SOMETHING from MM and skullkid would be perfect.

skull kid is like the only possible choice from MM too. I doubt nintendo is gonna put in tingle or a goron or something.


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
Skullkid said:
I have to agree with, well, everything, except that Midna has a better chance because she's a more recent character. I don't know what kind of standards are used when selecting characters for this series. There always seem to be exceptions. Think characters need to be in a lot of games? Pit has one game. Think characters need a basis for a move set? Captain Falcon has never Falcon Punched anyone before his arrival in Smash Bros. Think characters need to be recent? Game and Watch. It is impossible to know why certain characters make it into the series while others have not.

The only standard, I believe, should be coolness, and time to fit the character into the game. That is to say, Nintendo should cram as many cool characters into the game as possible before the release date.

Skull Kid definitely meets my coolness requirement (emo-cool, yeah!), and with the delay, they'll have time to add more characters...and I suppose the more characters added, the more Skull Kid's chances (and the chances of any particular character) increase.
Cpt. falcon if the main character of the Fzero series, is skull kid the main character of his series? effin no!

GaW and Pit are retros, like Ics, Skullkid (mm form) AINT retro, he only has what 10 years? great lets just wait for him to get older to actually be called retro, besides all the retro PCs were the stars of their own games...

Coolness a factor? GTFO...

Its popularity
the characters role in the game
and how big he is in the nintendo family...

coolness aint a factor and if u think it is then ur some small minded kid running around in a cape pretending to be flash (flash doesnt have a cape, so that makes u dummer)...

They WONT add more characters because of the delay! GOD, sakurai said in the add ur name update in game modes, he said: "The FINAL roster is stil la secret", get that caps part? good, if not it means he already HAS his roster complete, the delay is presumably to make the online better, and hinted by a interview with some woman working for nintendo...

face the facts, skull kid wont be a PC... so stop hoping...


Smash Apprentice
May 16, 2006
It never really was there to begin with.
For real.

I wonder if all the other support threads are this controversial. I mean, there are characters I want in Brawl, but no characters I do not want to be in Brawl. You know what I mean? The more the merrier is what I say.


Smash Ace
May 4, 2007
The Netherlands, Noord-Brabant, Aarle Rixtel
I support skull kid to he's my favorite character with boo I don't really think skull kid is going to be a PC but he's at least worthy enough for a boss for young link also my move set

up b:he jumps up a little moon and fly's up
side b:he curses anyone who's in his reach which gives them slowly a little damage till they hit majora's mask three times
down b: his fairies form a protective shield around him
regular b: this can be charged he starts screaming and dancing and in the background a little moon forms which becomes bigger when you charge it the moon crashes into your enemy
final smash: he calls forth his puppet thingies from TP and they mimic all of majora's moves just like nana they each have 50 hp
taunt:when you look at him at the clock tower he does his taunt


Smash Apprentice
May 16, 2006
Cpt. falcon if the main character of the Fzero series, is skull kid the main character of his series? effin no!

GaW and Pit are retros, like Ics, Skullkid (mm form) AINT retro, he only has what 10 years? great lets just wait for him to get older to actually be called retro, besides all the retro PCs were the stars of their own games...

Coolness a factor? GTFO...

Its popularity
the characters role in the game
and how big he is in the nintendo family...

coolness aint a factor and if u think it is then ur some small minded kid running around in a cape pretending to be flash (flash doesnt have a cape, so that makes u dummer)...

They WONT add more characters because of the delay! GOD, sakurai said in the add ur name update in game modes, he said: "The FINAL roster is stil la secret", get that caps part? good, if not it means he already HAS his roster complete, the delay is presumably to make the online better, and hinted by a interview with some woman working for nintendo...

face the facts, skull kid wont be a PC... so stop hoping...
:laugh: @ this kid. I don't know how I missed this post, but I'm glad I saw it. I never said Skull Kid would be in Brawl. I never said coolness was a factor in Smash Bros. character selection. I said Skull Kid should be in Brawl, and coolness should be a factor. Reading really is fundamental.

:laugh::laugh: Whats this cape nonsense you're talking about? You really do have quite the imagination.

Now, where can I find this interview that says the delay won't be used to add characters?


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
Well so far ur reasoning on WHY skull kid SHOULD be in brawl is pure bias, how about actually DEBATING on the subject?

The delay article thing is on ign, cant give u a direct link since I cant enter ign for some reason on this comp...

and if coolness would be a factor, kirby, pikachu, diddy, and other wouldnt be in brawl, woops guess ur coolness factor is busted...


Smash Apprentice
May 16, 2006
Well so far ur reasoning on WHY skull kid SHOULD be in brawl is pure bias, how about actually DEBATING on the subject?

The delay article thing is on ign, cant give u a direct link since I cant enter ign for some reason on this comp...
*Smacks forehead*

Come on, if you don't think I'm debating, you're not reading my posts.

I advocate for Skull Kid's entrance into Brawl because I think he's an interesting character, with a great potential move set. Biased? Well, yeah. Everyone is biased if they advocate any particular character.

Would you like me to support characters I don't like?

This really is ridiculous. If you don't support Skull Kid, fine. But why campaign against ANY character?

I know I'm talking with a lot of young people, and probably expect too much civility, so I'll leave it at that.

Oh, and drop that ign link when you get a chance.


and if coolness would be a factor, kirby, pikachu, diddy, and other wouldnt be in brawl, woops guess ur coolness factor is busted...
I said coolness should be the only factor, not that it was or is the only factor. Nintendo should shoot for as many cool characters as possible given their time constraints. Who could possibly disagree with that?

I honestly think you, and a few others are looking for a fight. And I won't be party to it.

You've made your position clear, there is nothing more for you to say here.
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