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How cool would it be if Skull Kid was in SSBB?


Smash Cadet
Sep 20, 2007
St-Lazare, Quebec
Actually the Skull Kid we learned to love is mostly the Majora's Mask Skull Kid. A regular skull kid sure is a cool character but isnt technically powerful or a bad guy, and I only really like him for his evilness. The skull kid from Twilight isn't really a villain. He's just a michievous forest being.
There's always the question of : Ok, sheik was confirmed as appearing in the game with «tweaked designs to fit in the smash bros universe», which I suppose mean that her costume has been somewhat Twilight-Princess-ised. So whatever else Zelda character who is right now in the game being played with by some smash-making-god in Japan under Sakurai's orders and is planned to be unlockable PROBABLY HAS had the same treatment.

Also I have to say again that my Zelda instinct tells me that Vaati had more chances, whoever it is that ended up in it. Though I'm not proclaiming that there's any argument or logic to it. Oh and I love to be proven wrong when a game comes out hehehe.


Smash Apprentice
May 16, 2006
Also I have to say again that my Zelda instinct tells me that Vaati had more chances, whoever it is that ended up in it. Though I'm not proclaiming that there's any argument or logic to it. Oh and I love to be proven wrong when a game comes out hehehe.
You aren't alone in thinking Vaati has better chances than Skull Kid. We know where my preference lies, and soon we'll know where Sakurai's preference lies...Even if its with none of them. :laugh:

2 more months, people. 2 more months!


Smash Cadet
Sep 9, 2007
I'm still sticking with the arguement that since the 3 Triforce characters (Link/Zelda/Ganondorf) will be the only ones to use their TP graphics, a 4th TP character would look out of place because it does not belong with the Triforce 3.

This means that if there were a 4th Zelda character, it is more likely to be one of the past.

This is actually the counter-arguement to those who believe that TP characters have more of a chance, when this isn't necessarily the case. Too many people just assume things when it isn't logical.

However, by now, we have long passed suggestion stage and the only thing left is speculation. Who knows what Sakurai has in store for a 4th Zelda rep, if there is one at all?


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
He's a much better choice than Midna or WWLink


Smash Rookie
Oct 6, 2007
Haha, i fully support skull kid. He'd be one of the greatest characters that nintendo could ever add to SSBB.


Smash Apprentice
May 16, 2006
Ganondorf is enough villain.

Huh? Are you saying Gannondorf is such a great villain that there is no need for any other in Brawl? Or that he's so great there is no need for any more Zelda villains?

Either way, thats ridiculous. Gannondorf is cool in a generic, big green meanie who steals princesses much like Bowser sort of way. Skull Kid is far more original, and the things he's done are way(yyy) more impressive.

Also, there just aren't that many villains in Melee.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 12, 2007
Skull Kid Moveset

Skull Kid Moveset

The Skull Kid is what becomes of children getting lost in the Lost Woods, and appears in Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask and Twilight Princess. They first interact with Link in Ocarina of Time, and later a Skull Kid plays a major role in Majora's Mask. Skull Kids dress in a red cloak and hat covering an underlayer of clothing comprised of a straw-like material, and play a flute, which they can also use as a weapon to shoot projectiles.

Strength 2/5
Speed 4/5
Weight 1/5
Jump 5/5

A Moves

Tap a: Slaps the enemy with his left hand
Tap aa: Slaps enemy with his right hand
Tap aaa: Does a Flip kick, rhythmically of course!
<a: Jumps and kicks backwards, then landing on his feet
>a: Clenches his fists together and punches forward
down a: Jumps up and slams down with a shadowy glow around his feet
up a: Head butts straight up while his head has a shadowy purple glow
dash animation: runs forward with his body slanted down hands behind him
dash a: Slaps both his hands together in the front of his body
tilt a: Head butts forward
aerial down a: Shoots a shadowy blast downward about a foot under him
aerial ^a: Same as aerial down a but in an upward direction
aerial </> : Maneuvers his body into a neutral angle and spins, arms out, in either direction

Smash Moves
Neutral b: Shoots a poison dart out of his flute-like instrument/ can be charged, making poison last longer, poison does 5% every 2 seconds for 6 seconds
>b : Deku Scrub: Transform enemy player into a Deku Scrub, Basically same as poison mushroom except makes you weaker and slower, and your only move is deku seed, lasts for 10-15 seconds.
Down b: Summon Puppets: Summons 3 other Puppets, who look the same as the original, and mimic the originals movement exactly, they cause no damage or take any, and is impossible to find which is the real Skull Kid. Lasts 30 Seconds, has a 10 second cooldown after the puppets disappear
^b: Teleport: Teleport in the direction of the control stick.
Final Smash: Moon Crash: Summons the moon and crashes it onto the stage, causes massive damage, and cannot knock a player off the stage, does about 150% damage.

Animation: Jumps on the players head/shoulders and covers their eyes
^ throw: Lifts player from under himself and throws him upward
Down throw: Jumps up and kicks player straight down
< throw: Grabs character from behind his back and throws him forward
> throw: Same as < throw
Grab attack: Punches player in face repeatedly

Taunt: Plays Saria’s Song and dances around for about a second or two.


Smash Hero
May 12, 2007
If they add another Zelda villain... why Skull kid instead of Zant? I dislike both of them but, if Skull kid didn't appear in melee wich was released shortly after Majora's mask, why would he appear in Brawl... like... around 10 years later?


Smash Cadet
Sep 9, 2007
If they add another Zelda villain... why Skull kid instead of Zant? I dislike both of them but, if Skull kid didn't appear in melee wich was released shortly after Majora's mask, why would he appear in Brawl... like... around 10 years later?
1. Adding Zelda and Ganondorf was enough Zelda representatives for Melee's 25 character roster.

2. Skull Kid is a retro, yet reoccuring character in the Zelda series.


Smash Ace
Nov 7, 2001
I don't think they should add another Zelda rep. But if they have too, i wouldn't mind seeing Skull Kid.


Smash Ace
Jan 18, 2007
New York
I always imagined if they put Skull kid in with Majora's mask on, when he not using magic, he'd fight kinda like a drunken boxer, very quirky style, but effective


Smash Hero
May 12, 2007
Skull Kid is a retro, yet reoccuring character in the Zelda series.
No he's not, he has appeared in one game, since i imagine you mean Skull kid with Majora's mask, Skull kid is a generic character, so he has no chance, and Majora's has been in one game. Recurring? nope.


Smash Ace
Aug 6, 2007
Viva Mexico Cabrones!
No he's not, he has appeared in one game, since i imagine you mean Skull kid with Majora's mask, Skull kid is a generic character, so he has no chance, and Majora's has been in one game. Recurring? nope.

actually he has appeared in 3, in OoT, where he was not generic, there were only 3, one of them returns in Majoras Mask (Skull Kid actually says "you remind me of the boy who teached me the song in the woods". what other boy could he be refering to?, Link, so the Skull Kid in Majoras Mask is indeed one of the three Skull Kids in OoT), and in TP, oviously this skull kid is not the OoT and MM one, but neither is Link and Zelda from from OoT and MM.


Smash Hero
May 12, 2007
Ok, even then he has been important in 1 game, and even then both games where released before Melee, and he wasn't playable. So why would he be playable now?


Smash Hero
May 12, 2007
Dedede wasn't in Brawl because Sakurai didn't whant to "overpopulate" the game with his own character, it's called modesty, and it has nothing to do with Majora's.


Smash Cadet
Sep 9, 2007
Back to the roster scaling argument huh?

Brawl is expected to include twice as many characters as there was in Melee. (Melee - clones x 2 = Brawl)

Many assume that King Dedede will be included in Brawl. Counting Metaknight, that is a 2 character jump in the Kirby franchise.

Meanwhile, the Zelda franchise, which is about just as popular as Mario's (4 characters represented) has just 3, so far at least.

Do you really think it will stay just 3?

p.s. I love your other argument: "Oh, well, even though Skull Kid has been the main character of Majora's Mask and has also made an appearance in other titles, that's just not good enough for me."

Meanwhile, there is [character who has an obscured role in a single game] of [so and so game of the past that nobody cares about anymore] who everybody jumps on the bandwagon for.

But of course you could say, "what's the difference?"


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
Brawl won't include 2x Melee's cast...It was already written somewhere that won't happen


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007

You doubt that Pichu, Dr. Mario, Roy, Falco, and Young Link will be cut from Brawl's roster?

Or you doubt that there will be somewhere around 40 characters in the final product?
Are you sure Falco is going to be cut?

and 36-40 does sound good...but I think 40 is a little too optimistic


Smash Cadet
Sep 9, 2007
Are you sure Falco is going to be cut?

and 36-40 does sound good...but I think 40 is a little too optimistic
I'm not sure he would, but I would prefer Falco leaving if his spot would prevent the inclusion of Krystal or Wolf.

And I would've said around 36 characters as well, but that was before the release date was pushed back 2 months.

With that extra time, there is no excuse to make this game any less than it should be.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 12, 2007
Ok people, enough arguing about roster slots, and how many people will be in and who will be cut. This thread is for the amazing Skull Kid!

F.Y.I, No character in Zelda is ever the same, besides the Link from MM and OOT, all the others are reincarnations of each other, chosen by the gods to be intertwined in time forever, they are forever connected by the piece of the tri-force they hold. So saying that skull kid is a different person everythime is not a feasible reason why he should not be in.

He was in 3 games, and 1 he was a guide, another a side-quest, and one a possessed main villain.
He's a better character than Vaati or Zant. Midna has a better chance than him, but only because she is more recent. Other than that, he would be perfect!

Less Bickering, more discussion and supporting!


Smash Hero
May 12, 2007
No he's not, he might be better than Zant, but Midna is better, and that kills his chances since i doubt we're going to see more than 4 Zelda Reps, and if we do, i doubt Skull kid would get in instead of Zant.


Smash Apprentice
May 16, 2006
Ok people, enough arguing about roster slots, and how many people will be in and who will be cut. This thread is for the amazing Skull Kid!

F.Y.I, No character in Zelda is ever the same, besides the Link from MM and OOT, all the others are reincarnations of each other, chosen by the gods to be intertwined in time forever, they are forever connected by the piece of the tri-force they hold. So saying that skull kid is a different person everythime is not a feasible reason why he should not be in.

He was in 3 games, and 1 he was a guide, another a side-quest, and one a possessed main villain.
He's a better character than Vaati or Zant. Midna has a better chance than him, but only because she is more recent. Other than that, he would be perfect!

Less Bickering, more discussion and supporting!
Great post!

I have to agree with, well, everything, except that Midna has a better chance because she's a more recent character. I don't know what kind of standards are used when selecting characters for this series. There always seem to be exeptions. Think characters need to be in a lot of games? Pit has one game. Think characters need a basis for a moveset? Captain Falcon has never Falcon Punched anyone before his arraival in Smash Bros. Think characters need to be recent? Game and Watch. It is impossible to know why certain characters make it into the series while others have not.

The only standard, I believe, should be coolness, and time to fit the character into the game. That is to say, Nintendo should cram as many cool characters into the game as possible before the release date.

Skull Kid definetley meets my coolness requirement (emo-cool, yeah!), and with the delay, they'll have time to add more characters...and I suppose the more characters added, the more Skull Kid's chances (and the chances of any particular character) increase.


Smash Cadet
Sep 9, 2007
Midna and Zant are worthless.

Sometimes it's not always who you assume the developers will choose, but who the developers should choose.

Whatever I don't know why I have to reiterate this, they won't be in Brawl anyways.


Smash Apprentice
May 16, 2006
No he's not, he might be better than Zant, but Midna is better, and that kills his chances since i doubt we're going to see more than 4 Zelda Reps, and if we do, i doubt Skull kid would get in instead of Zant.
I don't under stand this post. You say Skull Kid might be better than Zant, but because you think Midna is better than Skull Kid Zant will make it before Skull Kid? ? :confused:

I'm not even going to try to decipher that.

I would like to know why you think Midna is better than Skull Kid, though. Whats the coolest thing Midna has ever done? My boy Skull Kid has a list a mile long of dirty deeds.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 12, 2007
Skullkid, while I agree with you for the most part, coolness is not the only standard, It's also the level of importance that certain character has to his particular game. Although you may think Midna may not be a better choice, she does, maybe not much better, but slightly she does have a better chance.

Lets look at the facts, Skull Kid was only a main character in one game, but appeared on all official console versions of Zelda, while Midna was only a main character in one game, she was also the only playable character other than Link in, I think, all of the Zelda games, unless you classify the mask forms in MM as *different* characters, which i do not. Also Skull Kid has the villain thing going for him, we all know we desperately need more villains, but also Midna has the the female thing going on for her, and Sakurai said he wants more females

And Shuma, tell me one good reason why Zant instead of Skull Kid? Zant is only partially a main villain and just a weird freak, but then again i never played TP, so correct me if I'm wrong

*EDIT* Un Wall-O-Textifying


Smash Hero
May 12, 2007
Ok, what i meant is that i dislike Zant, but i think he's more important than Skull kid, why?

Skull kid in my opinion was a filler vilain 'cause nintendo tried to make a Zelda game withouth Ganondor, they clearly failed since Majora's mask wasn't as well received as other games and Skull kid has a very small fanbase.

On the other hand, Zant was created not to be a filler villain, but to be Ganondorf's puppet, and unlike Skull kid Zant has more... "essence" skull kid was just rawr i'm possessed by an evil mask of doom, destroy destroy!. Zant has a good back story, and since Sakurai is clearly drawing all the Zelda stuff from TP, if he adds another villain it would come from TP.

Zant IS a weird freak, that's what makes him interesing, and although he isn't the main villain, you don't discover that until the end game.

Midna should tottally be in instead of Skullkid or Zant, she's more important. Since unlike many other "helpers" in the other games, Midna has a very deep backstory and TP revolves around her.


Smash Apprentice
May 16, 2006
Skullkid, ... It's also the level of importance that certain character has to his particular game.
Great post again! But I don't think so... Was Falco important in any of the Star Fox titles? (Actually, I don't really know...lol...seriously, was he important?) How about Jiggly Puff or Pichu? Were they important to any particular games? I dont think so.

But I will say, that you have listed the single most possible requirement for characters entrance into the Smash Bros. series.
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