*In My Pit Vioce* Here we go!
Fighting games don't feature four players fighting eachother at once.
Power Stone, Tekken Tag 1 and 2, Street Fighter x Tekken, Guitly Gear Isuka/Dust Strikers, Bleach, Naruto, Wu-Tang: Shaolin Style, Def Jam: Vendetta, Thrill Kills, Rave Master, etc... Point is, there are plenty of fighting games that allow four player combat.
Fighting games don't include randomness such as items, smash balls, tripping, random stage hazards
Injustice: God's Among Us, Jo Jo's Bizarre Adventure, Mortal Kombat Deception, Armagedon, Dead or Alive 4 and 5 all have stage hazards. Tekken has items you can equip and use in battle.
Fighting games have a health bar
Smash Bros can be played with a health bar
Fighting games have matches decided by dropping that health bar to 0, not using invincibility to ledgehog or knocking eachother off the stage (sometimes with little to no damage on them)
Again, Smash can be one by reducing health to Zero.
Fighting games have actual combos and inputs.
Z ---> A -> A -> A is a real combo input as much as Ibuki's SF3/4 Lp Mp Hp is a real combo input.
In fact, define "real combos" for me. I know Tekken has combos that only work on certain characters of a certain weight. I know street fighter has combos that only work with characters in a certain mode or set up. And I know Smash has combos that only work at a certain percent. So how are these variations so different that one is not "real"?
Explain to me why Smash IS a fighting game again? Turning off items and choosing only stages with no randomness? Sure that makes it more skill based, and I mostly play that way. Doesn't make it a fighting game at all. Makes it a party game with all the random junk turned off.
Explain to me what makes it a party game? I don't remember Mario Party requiring frame execution prowess and mind games to knock out your opponents enough times to win a match/reduce his stocks to Zero. If Smash was a "Party Game" then there would be no "Party Game" like it. I don't remember Jepordy or Wheel of Fortune require matchup knowledge or frame data.
Make a stage with walls and a bottom, put it on stamina mode with no items on, that's the closest smash gets to a fighting game.
And I can play Tekken 6 with a baseball bat equiped to my character and play the Moonlight Meadow stage. Does that make Tekken a party game because I can use items on an infinite stage?
I love smash, all of em. I'm not bashing it.
But whatever... I guess being the only party game to appear in Evo multiple time and beating out other fighting games for spots as a main tournament game is something to be proud of, right? LoL