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Houston Thread - No HOBOs and no WHOBOs. What do we do now??????????????????????????????????????????

What side event should i include in my tournaments?

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Unity Ruleset Committee Member
Aug 25, 2003
I have done massive research and watched lots of videos and i have determined that IC chain grabing will be "semi-banned". An IC chain grab can only be extended to 3 grabs only. This INCLUDES nanas grab, if she chooses to grab. Once u get to your 3rd grab, u must let go of them.

This IC chain grab thing is becoming more and more like wobbling. Yes the IC CG is hard to do and it has to differ according to the weight of the foe. this does not change the fact that its rather unfair for a character to go from 0% to 155% from chain grabing.

plz accept this. or dont. either way, i win.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 10, 2008
Houston, TX
Hm... good call I guess Allan. This may have to be enforced a lot at tournaments until people get the rule down though. It won't be an offense to where you lose the match at first will it, being that not everyone will know? I'm not sure there's any other way to do it though. And plus they could stop when you call the judge over, and say they never did it. Hm.... brings many predicaments.


Unity Ruleset Committee Member
Aug 25, 2003
it will be enforced. i will walk a round and i will ask others to watch as well. plus. there arnt too many IC and dededes out there so it wont be hard to keep up with them.

i am updating the 1st page with the rules.


Smash Lord
Apr 27, 2007
I say TGM, you should either bold the updated rule, or make it larger so that people will see the new update somehow.


Unity Ruleset Committee Member
Aug 25, 2003
Thats BULL****

I will never go to Houston again with that rule unless other states start banning it. What research have you done? Not more then I have, I assure you. This is NOTHING like wobbling. How could one person decide something like that? This has already been discussed a ****load by people, and almost everyone agrees that it is not even close to warrenting a ban. I will NOT go to houston again if you seriously enforce that without the community at large accepting it.
Before i begin, this is not meant to OFFEND or degrade you,hylian. You are by far my favorite OOC person in texas so i am not doing this to hurt you or reduce your chances at any of Houstons tournies. So while reading all of this, remember that.

Tell me, how is this FAIR or escape-able? Not even falco/dedede is this gross. http://youtube.com/watch?v=wHfGqpHBZI4

If i read correctly from your(and others) posts, The only way to get out of this is to HOPE the stage(brinstar,nofair,rainbow cruise....ect) saves you or the IC player messes up. Yes, i do agree and have heard/read that the IC CG is VERY HARD to do and combined that it is different for each character you face makes it even more hard, right? Hylian, you know as well as i do that if u sit down for a week or 2 you will get it down. it wont be 100% but u will get it down enough to cause a stock loss.

Ill save the rest for when u respond. Again, this isnt to bash you or hurt you. its an honest OPINION of mine. And to be fair, if Houston likes being GIMPed like that. ill retracked the rule.


Smash Legend
Feb 12, 2006
I personally think that the "3 grab rule" for IC is a bad idea. I do not think that any IC player should be punished for practicing the game. If the chain grabbing is considered "game breaking" or "broken" then why aren't IC universally considered unbeatable or top tier? If I go to Houston and play Hylian or anyone that can do the IC chain grab and lose then that's that. He/she would be the better player out of that match. I personally would wait for a Smash Backroom decision before making/using a ban on this.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 13, 2006
Austin, TX
Holy crap.
What the hell is a "semi-ban"? Thats the silliest thing I've ever heard.

And why on the IC?
Are you guys really thinking of banning that chain throw inf? Or is this some kind of joke/troll? :confused:


Unity Ruleset Committee Member
Aug 25, 2003
Plz explain how the majority of the cast can get out of the CG?

and plz dont say, dont get grabbed....it didnt work with melee and it wont work here.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 13, 2006
Austin, TX
They are serious. :/
Oh wow...
I could've sworn that all the hating from SRK was only myth and the smash community was nothing like they said it was.

The more and more I play smash and the more tournaments I goto, the more I see how much they are right =/

Gah... nah, I refused to believe it.
I'm sure its just a joke dude, chill out.


Unity Ruleset Committee Member
Aug 25, 2003
SRK cant handle that smash is more popular then every one of there fighting games. Thats a fact!


Smash Journeyman
Nov 13, 2006
Austin, TX
LOL, oh wow!! :laugh:
Wait till IC wins a tournament then ban it? Dur, ok? :dizzy:

Wow, is this become another issue like wobbling.
OMG at the people who thought of banning wobbling. So ********.

Without tournament results that demonstrate that the ICs overwhelm all characters, then a ban is premature.
Snake and MK overwhelms most of the cast, might wanna start banning those characters.
But judging from what I've seen from the community, sounds like only a matter of time, lol ;o


Smash Apprentice
Feb 27, 2008
Space City
As of right now, there are many discussions on this in many other forum topics and they are all very heated and in much debate. The final conclusion is as of yet, not formed, because the "people in the back room," as you put it, are waiting to "see" how the Smash community reacts to it before they make a final ruling.

As of right now, though (much like they did with Wobbling) they have stated that they are leaving it up to the tournament organizers themselves to decide weather it gets baned, restricted or not (Wobbling was never universally banned, it was always left up to the organizers to decide). As such, TGM is in full right to do whatever he pleases at his tournaments and enforce any rules he sees fit. I'll fully back him up in this and in any other decisions that HE decides to do at HIS tournaments (unless he goes crazy and wants to flip golden hammers on set to high on Electroplankton, THEN I'll question him). If you don't like it, hold your own tournaments.

Now, he HAS stated that if there is an outcry by the Houston Smash community to UN-restrict the infinite from three grabs back to infinite, then it shall be done. But for now, it's restricted to three grabs.

Houston Smashers are fully welcome to post their opinion on this or other topics, but please give detailed reasons if you agree/disagree on whatever and (PLEASE!) no flaming (laughs at the absurdity of the request knowing Houston Smashers, heh). As always, ya'lls opinion on anything in Smash (no matter how amusingly pointless they may be) will always be considered and weighted and used to determine a final ruling (unless Xyro is being lazy and just feels like ignoring you - which will probably be the case --- All hail The [Mighty] Great Marth! Lol).

Edit: Heck, just make ALL character grabs end at the magic number 3 to be "fair" and be done with it, hahaha. No character will be banned, or ever will be. It's only one move and it's not being banned, it's simply being restricted, that's all.

PS: I LOVE the EVO Smash rules. I'm going to go to EVO with a bag full of popcorn and a lawn chair and just watch ALL the matches! It's gonna be high-larious! Heck, I'll take my laptop and write a IkeXMarth yaoi fanfic while I'm at there and make the Smash Ball appear in the middle of them getting it on and recite it to the players while they're in the middle of their matches, hahahaha!!!............ Ah man.... EVO's gonna be awesome.... Heh, heh.


Unity Ruleset Committee Member
Aug 25, 2003
Before i sound off, i want people to know that i do not control how you run YOUR tournaments. The ones i run or help run with dugfin will most likley ban IC CG. Unless the houston scene WANTS to be gimped a few matches.

Why do the IC's only get 3 grabs? ...is in a wrong way. im not against you. EVER!


Smash Rookie
Apr 22, 2008
All im gonna say is that if your going to make rules make then universal, if it going to be a no more than 3 grabs in a row, do that but dont single out a character, execially on the bases of some chars just wont get played. ya there might not be alot of lucas or ness play but if you see your going to play them why not pick marth its an easy to do infinite with less skill than the IC one.


Smash Cadet
Mar 19, 2008
Don't get Grabbed

Jk, but still I would definitely say give it a while.

Maybe if Hylian(as IC's) wins every tournament for like 2 months you could ban it, but until Hylian is dominating the world and making children cry because their daddy got ***** by a short guy in a blue hood and his lady-friend in pink, then you probably shouldn't.
And also...how the **** is this going to be regulated? Will somebody be watching every TV? Somebody is going to miss something, other person will say it was only 3 grabs, victim says 17, and nobody knows what to do. What does 4 grabs result in? re-match? Or an automatic loss?


Unity Ruleset Committee Member
Aug 25, 2003
All im gonna say is that if your going to make rules make then universal, if it going to be a no more than 3 grabs in a row, do that but dont single out a character, execially on the bases of some chars just wont get played. ya there might not be alot of lucas or ness play but if you see your going to play them why not pick marth its an easy to do infinite with less skill than the IC one.
Wy not make it universal you say? Again, with each character who can CG there is a way out of it(light at the end of the tunnel). But with IC, there isnt. So there is no need to wreck 3-4 characters when only one of them is truly or nearly broke.

And again, marths infinite only applies to 2 characters. In the GRAND scheme of things i would rather it be ness and lucas than 100% of the cast bein chain grabed(take on for the team, if you will).

And the term "less skill" is an opinion. what u call "less skill" may be extremly hard for for me.

and to monitor IC CG is easy. as a TOURNAMENT HOST, you are expected to make sure people are following rules. if u cant be every where at once, you get others to help you out. I have done this many times.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 2, 2006
What are your dreams?
Don't get Grabbed

Jk, but still I would definitely say give it a while.

Maybe if Hylian(as IC's) wins every tournament for like 2 months you could ban it, but until Hylian is dominating the world and making children cry because their daddy got ***** by a short guy in a blue hood and his lady-friend in pink, then you probably shouldn't.
And also...how the **** is this going to be regulated? Will somebody be watching every TV? Somebody is going to miss something, other person will say it was only 3 grabs, victim says 17, and nobody knows what to do. What does 4 grabs result in? re-match? Or an automatic loss?
Considering how many tourneys happen in two months, that's a lot of money being won by a possibly "broken" tactic. Xyro is taking preemptive action towards a highly debated subject. Whether this is just or flawed, we'll find out. I believe this possibly temporary ban will serve the community good. If this turns out to be a mistake, we'll have learned our lesson and the ban will be lifted. I'm sure Xyro would take this action. In my opinion, someone has to pioneer different, mind you REASONABLE, rule sets so that the most balanced rule set can be found. The same thing is happening with the EVO rule set and ISP project in Mesquite. The game's still young, pioneering must be done.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 30, 2008
Victoria, B.C.
I'm here to support the unbanning of IC chain grabs simply because there's no reason to ban something (that is incredibly difficult to do because it's different on every character) that isn't brokenly dominating tourneys. If a day comes where IC chain grabs are winning tourneys left and right then by all means ban it, but right now the class is hardly dominating and fairs mediocre at best in toruneys. Keep it in. GW, snake and MK are still gona win tourneys anyways.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 23, 2007
anyone else think it's weird that all these rules about chain-grabbing just SUDDENLY appeared out of nowhere?

i mean it's not like this is new or anything, i just think it's strange that all of a sudden everyone wants it banned.

I can somewhat understand the IC's

but as far as falco and dedede are concerned, i think they fixed that problem when they ohhhh i don't know, BANNED EVERY STAGE with walls and a walk off ledges lol.

allan where is this coming from?


Smash Legend
Feb 12, 2006
TGM it is hard to look like you are open minded when you say something like "Unless the houston scene WANTS to be gimped a few matches." I could say that I am banning Dedede's infinite chaingrab and follow that statement with "Unless the Waco scene WANTS to be gimped a few matches" and it would look like I am unfairly biased. Honestly I think everyone is on one side or the other, either on the "banning" or "no banning", and not in the middle. Both sides have valid reasons in their arguments

For the Banning side: The IC Chain grab affects every character. That means that you almost always cannot "counter" that particular chain grab by choosing a different character or by picking certain stages. For example, if your opponent plays Dedede and you normally play DK, you could switch to a character that doesn't get infinited or chain grabbed so bad. If you get chain grabbed on a walk off stage or a stage with walls then you could counter that with a stage that has different terrain like platforms or no walls.
Basically it means that certain chain grabs are situational, whether it depends on damage or DI or terrain or whatever.

If your opponent picks IC then there's really not a way to counter the Chain grab. Maybe if you pick a stage with weird terrain or hazards but otherwise there is no way to limit it or to make the chain grab "situational".

One grab from the IC and it can lead to a stock loss. Most chain grabs do not/cannot lead into stock losses.

For the No Banning side: Prematurely Banning a technique/move almost always hurts the development of a game's metagame. If you can show ample evidence of a technique/move being too advantageous or if you can show people evidence that IC can/have dominated many high level tournaments by using this technique and this technique only then that would be a warrant for a ban. Until you can prove exactly how "Game Breaking" this is, then you shouldn't ban it.

The amount of skill needed to perform this technique obviously varies from one person to another. However the learning curve is much higher when compared to other techniques that are similar. For example, it takes less overall technical skill to perform Dedede's infinite on DK than using the IC chain grab. It is unfair to punish a player for being dedicated and skilled at using a character. It is even more unfair to selectively punish only one technique out of a group of similar techniques.

Now it has not been 100% confirmed on whether or not this chain grab is escapable. Until it is proven true or false, it has no weight in either argument.

I think that we should all wait until this is proven either escapable or inescapable and when there is plenty of tournament results that show how Gamebreaking/non Gamebreaking this technique is.


Unity Ruleset Committee Member
Aug 25, 2003
"""""""""""""Hylian said: Do you not understand smash at all? The entire game is based around gimping, and killing at the lowest %'s.

You don't even have your facts straight, yet you go and try to ban things?

DeDeDe can Infinite 5 characters. Samus included. If I play you in tournament again, I will make sure to remember to just pick DeDeDe and infinite you, since you didn't ban it. Also, its MUCH easier then anything the IC's can do.

So you only want IC's to be able to regrab 3 times? Thats what..not even 15%?

Falco can chaingrab you to 35%-50% depending on the weight of the character, and then he can dair, which is another 15% or so. So falco is allowed to do that but not IC's?

DeDeDe can infinite against walls, AND he can chaingrab all the way to the edge and ftilt, so that he is in the position to edgeguard and the opponent cannot do anything about it once they are grabbed. The IC's could do the same thing, Fthrow all the way to the edge to edge guard. It's the exact same thing, yet the IC chaingrab is sooo much harder and it's banned?

Also, Marth and Sonic CAN'T get out unless the Falco messes up. This is a another fact you have wrong.

Also, not getting grabbed is NOT your only option.

1. Keep the IC's seperated. This is not that hard considering nana lags 6 frames behind popo, and often gets hit when you shield.

2. Pick moving stages. They interrupt the chaingrabs. Stages with slopes also do this.

And not getting grabbed IS possible. The ics have a VERY short grab range, they don't have a wavedash to chase with like in melee, their approach is not great, and almost every character can hit their shield without fear of being shieldgrabbed.

Hey look, another thing you are wrong about! 32 of the characters in this game can do this to ness/lucas. Some have to move while doing it, but generally its an infinite with almost anyone. So you are saying ness and lucas should just be completely abandoned and never used in tournaments? Just because they are not as popular? That's horrible.

Also, if people will main IC's to infinite every character...THEN WHY AREN'T THEY? Did you know I am the only IC play to even place top 5 in a brawl tournament? AND I ONLY USED THEM 5 MATCHES THE ENTIRE TOURNAMENT. Maybe it's because, despite the IC's having an infinite grab, they are VERY hard to use and their are many ways to beat them. If this technique was broken then you would see IC players EVERYWHERE. WINNING everything. But you don't. Because it's not broken.

Um, I addressed this above. You are wrong.

Really? So does that mean I am only allowed to grab 3 times the entire match? Can I only grab them once? Do I have to do two attacks again before I can grab? 3? I am pretty sure if I throw them, then I fair them with nana, I just did a grab, and then an attack. I am still not allowed to grab? What if I do Throw, to fair, to iceblock? 2 attacks. Can I grab after that? What about, throw to fair to block lock to jab to grab? Is that considered a chaingrab?

You say I can't grab 3 times in a row. So I can still grab, throw 3 times, hit them with an attack, and then grab again? If that is banned then how many attacks am I allowed to do before I can grab again? Can I throw with popo, then footstool them with nana and grab as they get up off the ground? What if I footstool into Ice block into grab? There are so many things I can do with climbers, that you would basically have to ban every single one of my combos. Why not just ban IC's alltogether? What limits me from doing these things? I can infinite someone while only grabbing them once between like 3 hits. Thats not at all grabs in a row. If you ban this, you are going to have to tell me EXACTLY what I can't do, or I will do it. I have MANY death combos. I don't use them, because I don't need to. They are still there.

See above

That has NEVER Happened. In melee, Wobbling was legal at almost every large scale tournament, and it didn't effect the outcome one bit. The only two good IC's were Wobbles and Chu, and they bothed placed the same when wobbling was banned and when it wasn't. Random scrubs will NEVER beat pros. THIS TACTIC IS NOT BROKEN AND THERE IS NO EVIDENCE FOR IT BEING SO. You have ZERO proof that this will happen. It didn't happen in melee, that's for sure.

There was never a single tournament that was won by wobbling. People thought wobbles only beat caveman at evo south because of wobbling, but he also beat caveman when wobbling was banned. In several tournaments. He still lost to Xelic, even WITH wobbling. So lets see: Wobbles is allowed to wobble and he beats caveman and loses to Xelic. When he isn't allowed to wobble what happens? He beats caveman and loses to Xelic. The exact same thing. IT IS NOT GAMEBREAKING AND HAS NEVER AFFECTED TOURNAMENT RESULTS.

I don't have to compare it. The points addressed above are solid.

I don't like it, and I won't attend tournaments that support banning this, no matter where they are. Be open to change. It seems like you are just banning this because you don't understand it, or how to get around it. But it is by no means broken, and people are not going to start winning tournaments because of it.

I know.

Edit: I didn't even bring up Jab locks, Lazerlocks, Ice Block Locks, Stun Locks..Why are those not all banned?"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""

I never did figure out how to multiquote so give me some slack.

dedede cannot infinite samus. im not gonna argue this. its a fact. I know what im talking about.

Falco should be allowed to do what he does because THERE IS A END IN SIGHT. With IC, there isnt. And again, sethlon vs royr. i have the videos in front of me. at least 3 times at 0% royr UP B out of seth chain grab. U call it a mess up only cause im right., i call it royr found away out of the CG. I saw it done with sonic as well. Its all about timing. This cant be done with IC. If it can, i would like to see it.

Dedede cg to ftilt of ledge is cool and all but if u dont use your second jump or UP+B you will be fine. ive seen it time and time again.

about the ness /lucas thing. U mean to tell me a ike or marth or shiek or falco or wolf or mario or peach or game and watch can chain grab them at 999%(sorry but 32 chars cant do this)? if not then its not an infinite. IC can do it at ANY % to any %(vids on youtube).

Im not gonna say the IC CG is easy cause i KNOW its not but its nothing practice cant fix. You your self said u can do it 100% on some and 50% on others. and its only taken u what 2 months of IC?

And im not worried about IC winning or takin over the world.....i am worried about all the free matches they get due to Infin CG. How many people have lost in melee and brawl from that when they actualy might have had a chance? The world may never know.

i would go into melee and wobbles but i just covered what i needed to in the 3 lines above.

And in houston there have been times were aaron and Dv8 and jake have beaten better people cause of wobbling(i wont hold this against u cause u dont live here in houston, so u wouldnt know). the point is, its not just here in houston, its every were. is it wrecking the game or messing up results. no but it has knocked people out of tournies who shouldnt have been beat.. this is why im against wobbling and the brawl infini CG.

again its not about scrubs beating pros. its about weaker players beating better players due to Ifini CG.

Laser lock is not a threat and u know it.

i understand Infini CG and how gay it is. and as i said at first, im willing to allow it again if the houston people WANT it allowed.

it may seem ike im repeating myself but it seems u dont get me.

OH AND ALSO, i will totaly drop this subject if you can prove to me that the majority(or near majority) of characters can get out of the infini CG.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 13, 2006
Austin, TX
Its not about IC winning tournies. its about them beating people unfairly and knocking out people who could have done better than they did if it wasnt for the IC CG.
Dude, thats called learning your match ups.

Uhhh... I'm WTFing here.
Usually when people host tournaments, the person hosting the tournament actually has an idea on how fighting games work.

If your going to screw one character over for a simple chain throw combo, might as well limit everyone else regardless if there infs or not.

Where is the coming from? I just dislike seeing/hearing about people losing to a person who relies on something that cannot be escaped out of. i saw lots of it from melee and it wasnt stop till the end of the game.
Then tell them to stop crying about it.

Again, it is difficult to do at first. but if you spend 2-3 weeks practicing it will be come much easier. it wont be to where u can do it 100% of the time but it will be enough to where u gimp kills from people who are clearly better.
So you learned it like that, huh?
Alright, how about we money match a good $40?

If its so simple to gimp people with IC with the chain throw inf, then I want to see if you can beat me using IC for $40. You game?


Smash Legend
Feb 12, 2006
"Its not about IC winning tournies. its about them beating people unfairly and knocking out people who could have done better than they did if it wasnt for the IC CG."

If you are a clearly better player than I am and I beat you using Dedede's Infinite Chain grab on your Samus, will you ban that as well? I cannot do that 100% but I am sure that it will be enough to where I gimp kills from people who are clearly better. :)

TGM you just said that "less skill" is an opinion. So your statement that "but if you spend 2-3 weeks practicing it will be come much easier" is an opinion correct? I think that it's unfair that we can't use skill in our arguments yet you can flaunt that word around.


Smash Champion
Apr 20, 2004
Dallas, Texas
Heck, I'll take my laptop and write a IkeXMarth yaoi fanfic while I'm at there and make the Smash Ball appear in the middle of them getting it on and recite it to the players while they're in the middle of their matches, hahahaha!!!
Lol, I could totally see this going on during finals. "Breaking the smash ball open with a fierce jab, Ike erupted with power, screaming 'GREAT AE-RECTION!!', and proceeded to plunge-" and then Evo would catch on fire. 'Cause of how hot it is.

Also, @ hylian: people figured out that ness/lucas can DI away from the breakout, so very few people can do anything to them afterwards.


Unity Ruleset Committee Member
Aug 25, 2003
hylian and pozer: You cant and wont turn this on me. Did i say i learnd it? Dont assume things. i will not use IC ever. i have zero urge to use them. i have nothing to prove wth them. so plz stop thinking that a challege will make your case look better.

Hylian: im sorry u lost to rob. u should have infini CG him.

Pozer: it doesnt matter how well u know a match up, an infinite will get you. dont do drugs

dr mario: practicing the infini CG for 2-3 weeks WILL make it easier. thats a fact. to what degree of easy will it reach? i dont know. again, nice try. Your dedede wont infinite me.


Unity Ruleset Committee Member
Aug 25, 2003
Also, @ hylian: people figured out that ness/lucas can DI away from the breakout, so very few people can do anything to them afterwards.
HOLY F. another 3 stock by sethlon.

ok guys im off to bed. As a reminder, i am not angry or dislike any of you. Hylian and pozer are still very cool in my book. Wether we agree or disagree on things, i like both of you. good night.


All this over a chain grab!!! lets just ban ic , That seems just as reasonable. Since my vote counts sooooo much , Im with keeping it around, Its hard enough for ic to win as it is.

respect the skill level, i cant do it

C@sH Mooney

Smash Master
Apr 4, 2007
Probably playing TF2.
Woah Woah Woah!

TGM, your banning CG's? I'm supprised. That doesn't seem like you. :/

Just find a way around the chaingrab lol ;;>_>

The fact Texas in general is banning changrabs is just ********. See what Brawl did to the smash community? Yeah, ****ed it up lol.

edit: TGM, show me a video of this "Infinite" Chaingrab plz.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 10, 2008
Houston, TX
Quoted from Sethlon:
Lol, I could totally see this going on during finals. "Breaking the smash ball open with a fierce jab, Ike erupted with power, screaming 'GREAT AE-RECTION!!', and proceeded to plunge-" and then Evo would catch on fire. 'Cause of how hot it is.
Ahahaha Seth that was... genius.

Quoted from C@sH Mooney:
TGM, show me a video of this "Infinite" Chaingrab plz.
He posted one I think, 2 pages back? It's called Snowstorm.


Quoted from liverymen:
I'm here to support the unbanning of IC chain grabs simply because there's no reason to ban something (that is incredibly difficult to do because it's different on every character) that isn't brokenly dominating tourneys. If a day comes where IC chain grabs are winning tourneys left and right then by all means ban it, but right now the class is hardly dominating and fairs mediocre at best in toruneys. Keep it in. GW, snake and MK are still gona win tourneys anyways.
Allan, after reading all of these posts, I'm going to change my say. Do not ban the Ice Climbers infinite chaingrab at HOBO 5. Let the tournament run as usual. You'll be watching most of the important matches, so see how Hylian's matches go. If Hylian wins the tournament only because of chaingrabs, reconsider banning it. But I've seen some valid points in these posts since I went to sleep. It is very hard to do, so you will rarely have it pulled off perfectly, it's different on each character (because of weight), and you can easily counterpick against it so it doesn't work if you lose one match because of it.

Short version: Don't ban the infinite this tournament. Wait to see results from HOBO 5.


TB12 TB12 TB12
Jan 30, 2007
Sickboi in the 401
East and West coast haven't banned infinites so have fun being chain grabbed at all major tournaments brah :D

Seriously though it's not broken, and saying don't get grabbed in Melee worked plenty fine, even without wobbling ICs still had 0-deaths with proper chain grabs and they were easier to do then the ones in brawl. I remember picking ICs up in tourney at VLS and chainthrowing the ever living hell out of people in MMs.
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