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Houston Thread - No HOBOs and no WHOBOs. What do we do now??????????????????????????????????????????

What side event should i include in my tournaments?

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Unity Ruleset Committee Member
Aug 25, 2003
C'mon Xyro. Seriously?

I really have nothing against you, or meta knight so dont say this is biased.

But, dude that was a total john. It's always skill dude, sure Meta Knight is better than Samus and Peach. Your right, If I look at this on paper MK > Samus and MK > Peach with the addition of Fox > Samus.

But when you throw in the skill and mindgames there is more to it than character x vs character y. It then becomes player a vs player b. So dude, skill is always a determining factor. Saying skill wasn't an issue is clearly false. Sure their characters were better than yours. But, they obviously outplayed you.

Don't flame me. I'm only giving my insight.
ok well coming from some one who played a game of skill(melee) and has seen examples of skill for over 9 years now, im 110% sure METAKNIGHT has everything to do with our loss and not skill. im not sayin p4 sucks or w/e(hes got alot better over the past 2 months. he went from eating poop to scoopin poop) but that has no effect on a character having obscene priority/6 jumps/2 glide/ KOing at 2%/near lag-less attacks/3 options to your 1 option.

John="i wasnt trying"

Fact= mk won the match


Pinnacle of Projectile Placement.
May 17, 2009
Intergalactic camping with mjg.
C'mon Xyro. Seriously?

I really have nothing against you, or meta knight so dont say this is biased.

But, dude that was a total john. It's always skill dude, sure Meta Knight is better than Samus and Peach. Your right, If I look at this on paper MK > Samus and MK > Peach with the addition of Fox > Samus.

But when you throw in the skill and mindgames there is more to it than character x vs character y. It then becomes player a vs player b. So dude, skill is always a determining factor. Saying skill wasn't an issue is clearly false. Sure their characters were better than yours. But, they obviously outplayed you.

Don't flame me. I'm only giving my insight.
i was at 0 p4 was at 100 and he won with two hits why??? CAUSE HE WAS MK

Kingdom Come

Smash Lord
Mar 8, 2009
Spring, Texas
ok well coming from some one who played a game of skill(melee) and has seen examples of skill for over 9 years now, im 110% sure METAKNIGHT has everything to do with our loss and not skill. im not sayin p4 sucks or w/e(hes got alot better over the past 2 months) but that has no effect on a character having obscene priority/6 jumps/2 glide/ KOing at 2%/near lag-less attacks.

John="i wasnt trying"

Fact= mk won the match.
If it wasn't skill, then there would be no way they would have won. They had to have a level of skill to be able to beat one of the best samus's. You know the matchup I presume. Your clearly better than P4, not tryna knock P4, I'm just calling it from the results of HOBO's. But, he and his partner must have played better than you this set.

Just calling it from how I see it. Samus would play Defense, with a buttload of spam keep him at distance with zair and have the advantage on the ledge game so long as you dont go to off stage fighting, away from the ledge that is. So if that was done, then P4 must've gotten past it and gotten to you. But, that's not accounting for either of your partners. I would guess Nas, and some random dude in yalls clique.

Also, brawl may take less skill to play then melee but, in the end everything comes down to who the better player in that set. M2K is considered to be the best in the world yet, he has lost sets to people.

Just my 2 cents. But, I'm sure you know all of this.


The Assault of Laughter ﷼
Apr 18, 2010
C'mon Xyro. Seriously?

I really have nothing against you, or meta knight so dont say this is biased.

But, dude that was a total john. It's always skill dude, sure Meta Knight is better than Samus and Peach. Your right, If I look at this on paper MK > Samus and MK > Peach with the addition of Fox > Samus.

But when you throw in the skill and mindgames there is more to it than character x vs character y. It then becomes player a vs player b. So dude, skill is always a determining factor. Saying skill wasn't an issue is clearly false. Sure their characters were better than yours. But, they obviously outplayed you.

Don't flame me. I'm only giving my insight.
Do you know how ******** Peach + Samus is versus Fox and Metaknight?
Seriously man? There is literally NO ROOM for mistakes.
We both die at like EASILY 85% from a fresh Fox Upsmash even if we DI EXTREMELY well.
Metakngiht can get us both to like 90% in under like fifteen seconds due to both of our characters being floaty and easily combo'd in the air. Metaknight gimps the **** out of both of us offstage.... we can't even go out there unless Xyro is shooting his charge or I'm floating out for a fair or something. Trying to recover is a pain in the *** to boot.

ok well coming from some one who played a game of skill(melee) and has seen examples of skill for over 9 years now, im 110% sure METAKNIGHT has everything to do with our loss and not skill. im not sayin p4 sucks or w/e(hes got alot better over the past 2 months. he went from eating poop to scoopin poop) but that has no effect on a character having obscene priority/6 jumps/2 glide/ KOing at 2%/near lag-less attacks/3 options to your 1 option.

John="i wasnt trying"

Fact= mk won the match
Eh, I somewhat have to agree on this.
Like I said both of our characters just get completely destroyed by Metaknight on practically any stage. We were putting in like 4x the effort than the character yet we still lost two sets in a row.

If it wasn't skill, then there would be no way they would have won. They had to have a level of skill to be able to beat one of the best samus's. You know the matchup I presume. Your clearly better than P4, not tryna knock P4, I'm just calling it from the results of HOBO's. But, he and his partner must have played better than you this set.

Just calling it from how I see it. Samus would play Defense, with a buttload of spam keep him at distance with zair and have the advantage on the ledge game so long as you dont go to off stage fighting, away from the ledge that is. So if that was done, then P4 must've gotten past it and gotten to you. But, that's not accounting for either of your partners. I would guess Nas, and some random dude in yalls clique.

Also, brawl may take less skill to play then melee but, in the end everything comes down to who the better player in that set. M2K is considered to be the best in the world yet, he has lost sets to people.

Just my 2 cents. But, I'm sure you know all of this.
Honestly...Ozz played evenly with us if not a tad bit better. Metaknight won - its as simple as that.
Player - 4 wasn't to par with us BUT he has shown an EXTREME amount of improvement and I am really proud of him.

mk vs peach isn't really that bad

and in teams each player has a responsibility

also samus is bad in teams, mostly
Your ********. Plain and simple.

"Mk vs Peach isn't really that bad"? What the ****?

Seriously get your facts straight before you start throwing out random accusations like that - Metaknight literally WRECKS Peach in the air. Its like ... if I get hit ONCE I can count on getting hit about three to four more times racking up at least a good 40%. Tornado outprioritizes every one of her moves and she can't do anything about it except sit in shield with a turnip and hope for the best. Have you seen Peach offstage vs a Metaknight? It's sad - really watch how quickly that Shuttle Loop will sweep her into the killzone. On the ground its even IF THAT. But what does Peach rely heavily on? Aerial play - and as perviously stated we can barely do anything effective against Metaknight there. Please I beg of you - if you have something to say about Peach vs Metaknight share it with me - I think its just a match of experience or your own tactics... there is no real way to "play a Metaknight" with Peach its just your playstyle.

Saying Peach vs MK is "close" is like saying Kirby vs Snake is "close" it ain't happening buddy.

Also... Samus is bad in teams?
Watch the replays of Xyro and I racking up about 70% of damage off of missles / dair combos / charge shots to buffered nair etc etc then come back to me with that.

Better yet - play as ANY high tier character except for Snake or Metaknight with another mid tier or lower character and then come play with Xyro and I and try to back that ludacris statement up.


The Assault of Laughter ﷼
Apr 18, 2010
Terrible john.
If you don't care about it then quit Brawl.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 13, 2010
Houston, TX
Illmatic you are way too serious about everything lately. Lighten up. Let's just have some civilized discussion.


The Assault of Laughter ﷼
Apr 18, 2010
I'm trolling.
Thats all I do with people on the internet that I don't know irl.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 13, 2010
Houston, TX
There's a big difference between your trolling and Allan's trolling. Kingdom Come was being very passive and civilized with his comments about what Allan was saying, and then you came in and started insulting and swearing. I have no problem with either when they're used as a joke, but in my opinion your comments were going past that.

Same with your "trolling" of Dark Pch in the Peach board. Now you aren't the only one doing it in there, but cut the guy a break. He obviously has a fragile ego, and when you get to know him he's really not a bad guy. I don't want him to quit Brawl again because he has a swarm of Texas players bashing him on his own character's board. I like to think that the Houston group of players are very cool people, but what I'm seeing in the Peach board is starting to change my opinion. I realize he might have started it, but he stopped retaliating a long time ago (he hasn't even posted in days) but you all are STILL bashing him even when he's not there to back himself up!

Just calm down with all of this... please?

Espy Rose

Dumb horse.
May 31, 2006
Dark Peach apparently doesn't like me at all, even though I barely even know the guy.
Dude's mighty quick to judge others.


Smash Master
Mar 23, 2008
Planking Gnes While He Watches Invincible Youth
Same with your "trolling" of Dark Pch in the Peach board. Now you aren't the only one doing it in there, but cut the guy a break. He obviously has a fragile ego, and when you get to know him he's really not a bad guy. I don't want him to quit Brawl again because he has a swarm of Texas players bashing him on his own character's board. I like to think that the Houston group of players are very cool people, but what I'm seeing in the Peach board is starting to change my opinion. I realize he might have started it, but he stopped retaliating a long time ago (he hasn't even posted in days) but you all are STILL bashing him even when he's not there to back himself up!
Didn't realize Haptic got a man crush on him. Anyways don't want to read Illimatic posts then just ignore or skip them. Ain't that difficult bro. Also Dark Peach started **** with TX WAY WAY WAY long time ago, sometime around the first Apex. Nukka upset that I thought Kosmos was better then him cause I styled on him in bracket.


The Assault of Laughter ﷼
Apr 18, 2010
There's a big difference between your trolling and Allan's trolling. Kingdom Come was being very passive and civilized with his comments about what Allan was saying, and then you came in and started insulting and swearing. I have no problem with either when they're used as a joke, but in my opinion your comments were going past that.

Same with your "trolling" of Dark Pch in the Peach board. Now you aren't the only one doing it in there, but cut the guy a break. He obviously has a fragile ego, and when you get to know him he's really not a bad guy. I don't want him to quit Brawl again because he has a swarm of Texas players bashing him on his own character's board. I like to think that the Houston group of players are very cool people, but what I'm seeing in the Peach board is starting to change my opinion. I realize he might have started it, but he stopped retaliating a long time ago (he hasn't even posted in days) but you all are STILL bashing him even when he's not there to back himself up!

Just calm down with all of this... please?
I wasn't even being mean to Kingdom come I just read what he said and disagreed with it.
Popertop was just making false accusations about the Metaknight matchup against Peach (which obviously he knows nothing about) and I fixed it - I'm not really being mean I'm just stressing how stupid/gay this game can be.

On the other hand I hate Dark Pch, he deserves alot more hate from more people than he gets honestly. He's a ****ing prick and I don't understand how anyone can like him. He's one of the biggest hypocrites I have seen on this site, and his Peach is garbage. I dont care if he has a fragile ego, he talks wayyyy too much **** and he's like twenty something he needs to seriously grow the hell up and get some backbone. PLEASE don't start making accusations on the Houston smashers being "mean" etc etc you most likely don't know Dark Pch's history with TONS of people on this site - and how he keeps nagging on and on about things. For once we have finally halfway caught up with all of his crap. Usually I'm not the one to say two wrongs don't make a right but Dark Pch is a HUGE exception.

But whatever - I'll calm down I guess?


Smash Champion
Jun 6, 2006
Houston (Clear Lake)
Popertop was just making false accusations about the Metaknight matchup against Peach (which obviously he knows nothing about) and I fixed it - I'm not really being mean I'm just stressing how stupid/gay this game can be.
I really wasn't expecting you to respond to my post,
usually I spout nonsense all over these boards and no one seems to care


See you in 25 years
May 16, 2009
Campgrounds, TX
i was at 0 p4 was at 100 and he won with two hits why??? CAUSE HE WAS MK
Yo dawg, you mad?

If it wasn't skill, then there would be no way they would have won. They had to have a level of skill to be able to beat one of the best samus's. You know the matchup I presume. Your clearly better than P4, not tryna knock P4, I'm just calling it from the results of HOBO's. But, he and his partner must have played better than you this set.

Just calling it from how I see it. Samus would play Defense, with a buttload of spam keep him at distance with zair and have the advantage on the ledge game so long as you dont go to off stage fighting, away from the ledge that is. So if that was done, then P4 must've gotten past it and gotten to you. But, that's not accounting for either of your partners. I would guess Nas, and some random dude in yalls clique.

Also, brawl may take less skill to play then melee but, in the end everything comes down to who the better player in that set. M2K is considered to be the best in the world yet, he has lost sets to people.

Just my 2 cents. But, I'm sure you know all of this.
Just watch the videos and then give your 2 cents again. I really think everyone should watch the vids after they get posted and then give their opinions.

mk vs toonlink is 6:35

fox vs toonlink is 60:40

me and zori were double tl
Nah dog those ratios are bull sheee

Besides that, ratios don't even matter rofl


I honestly feel bad that people think it was my character that let me win and not my improvement. Without meat riding myself, I have gone from playing like total garbage to going even and giving good players an actual match. The way I played last night was seriously from a big improvement of skill, not just MK. I was reading like everything and working off of combos Ozz made for me and setting myself up for the right follow ups.

And yes MK does help a lot in that area, but he can only carry you so far.


Unity Ruleset Committee Member
Aug 25, 2003
Yo dawg, you mad?
You should make one of those "yo dawg" but with metaknight.

I honestly feel bad that people think it was my character that let me win and not my improvement. Without meat riding myself, I have gone from playing like total garbage to going even and giving good players an actual match. The way I played last night was seriously from a big improvement of skill, not just MK. I was reading like everything and working off of combos Ozz made for me and setting myself up for the right follow ups.

And yes MK does help a lot in that area, but he can only carry you so far.
I even said u got better. relax


Smash Hero
Aug 16, 2005
To be honest, Xyro did keep hitting Illmatic with full Charge Shots, some matches twice or so. Peach doesn't need extra damage especially when there is a Fox hanging around that can kill her at like 90%, so...yeah.

Ozz's Fox is **** though, no joke. He's the next Samboner, except his grandmother won't die every time a tourney rolls around.

Anyways, just keep that momentum for Quakecon. Hope i can go...

My Marth ***** all, wahahahahahahaha....not really. :(

Kingdom Come

Smash Lord
Mar 8, 2009
Spring, Texas
Wow, so much nonsense.

If somebody can link me the vids, that would be cool.

And, honestly to lose a match where you completely outplayed your opponents would mean that you also made a buttload of mistakes. Ozz is one of the smartest players I've ever seen play/played against. So it would be a discredit to say you lost to MK.

P4 has gotten so much better since I first met him it's almost unbelievable. To say it takes no skill is a lie, I know how to use Meta Knight, But I have no clue how to execute with him. So P4 being able to execute with Meta Knight takes skill. You can't discredit them and say MK won. Either A) go in with a different strategy next time or B) cp characters. It's as simple as that.

Just my opinion.


The Assault of Laughter ﷼
Apr 18, 2010
Just watch every video of Xyro and I vs. Ozz and Player - 4

It did feel a little (one-sided), you'll see what I mean.


See you in 25 years
May 16, 2009
Campgrounds, TX
To be honest, Xyro did keep hitting Illmatic with full Charge Shots, some matches twice or so. Peach doesn't need extra damage especially when there is a Fox hanging around that can kill her at like 90%, so...yeah.

Ozz's Fox is **** though, no joke. He's the next Samboner, except his grandmother won't die every time a tourney rolls around.

Anyways, just keep that momentum for Quakecon. Hope i can go...

My Marth ***** all, wahahahahahahaha....not really. :(
I'm not trying to sound cocky, but I knew when Xyro wanted to hit me with a charge shot as I would fight Illmatic and would put myself in harms way to bait that shot and have it hit Ill. The first couple were mistakes but once I picked up that he really wanted to land a CS on me I would use that to my advantage to put Ill in the way and take the damage.

Can I get a link?
Just waiting on RT to upload them and it'll be good to go, I'm sure he'll post the links to them in here.


Smash Hero
Aug 16, 2005
Oh, you did good some of those matches, no doubt. You were ****** in some matches.

Some of the Charge Shots were clearly accidental though. Like...Xyro shot a Charge Shot and Illmatic just happens to get knocked/rolls into it.

Xyro told me not to upload any of the matches that had him and Illmatic, so...I won't.

Kingdom Come

Smash Lord
Mar 8, 2009
Spring, Texas
I'm not trying to sound cocky, but I knew when Xyro wanted to hit me with a charge shot as I would fight Illmatic and would put myself in harms way to bait that shot and have it hit Ill. The first couple were mistakes but once I picked up that he really wanted to land a CS on me I would use that to my advantage to put Ill in the way and take the damage.

Just waiting on RT to upload them and it'll be good to go, I'm sure he'll post the links to them in here.
This, something like that. That's the skill and mind games I was talking about in my first post of this debate. Player A vs Player B. He found a habit of Xyro's and used it to his advantage.

And, I'll be sure to comment on this again whence I see those vids.

Side note, I'm listening to Illmatic right now. Classic album. Top 3 greatest albums ever.

EDIT: RT Ninja'd. So I guess I'll never see these vids.


See you in 25 years
May 16, 2009
Campgrounds, TX
Xyro told me not to upload any of the matches that had him and Illmatic, so...I won't.
Are you ****ting me? I want those matches up because I actually busted my *** and tried, I want matches up of me doing good since I have ZERO.

This is ****ing stupid >_>


RT just upload them and ONLY let my account see them, I WANT to watch those matches
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