if we had the smashfest next weekend, who all would be able to come? (not guaranteed, i have to see if i can get off at work)
edit: also, i have to say something...
HOBO20 is coming up and of course there's gonna be melee again
we keep saying that melee isn't a dead game, and plenty of people still play it obviously. well, if it's not a dead game, THEN WHY CAN'T WE GET 8 TEAMS FOR DOUBLES? or ever even a decent amount of people to enter singles? i'm sick of coming to melee tournies, expecting a good solid tourney like old times, and seeing everybody backing out of doubles or even singles because they "know they'll lose". whatever happened to competition? i started out being beyond horrible (emergency tourney lol), getting ***** by bear, oscar, tgm, gabe, sethlon, side effect, everybody, and i can now say with confidence i'm one of the best melee players here. this is because i entered tournies, i strived to figure out why i was sucking, and i fixed it. this didn't come with practice really, it came with playing at the tournies and smashfests, working on my game when i could. i don't have melee.
so basically what i'm trying to say is, if we REALLY think melee isn't dead, then let's ****ing show up to hobo20 and have a great melee tournie, doubles and singles, and show everybody what's up with houston smash. cmon guys...there are PLENTY of melee players in houston, good melee players at that, the only problem is it seems like most of the people here aren't very competitive and unmotivated. step it up houston. NOW.