Just a little feedback from grandpa:
- I've taught you much joel. We've learned a lot together. You're like the son I never had. You've gotten much better, but sometimes you play too much like your father (me btw) and I punish you for it. Don't worry son, your mother and I still love you. Also get out of your own head ya ****in jabroni
- Get a wii u verm, 3ds holds you back. However your patience and precision is quite developed, and you cover options very well. You're like my older haggard looking ginger brother. like the kind of brother who stays in his room playing runescape while im having a party. like the kind of brother who complains to mom that my room is bigger. mom loves me more and you're adopted
- Oh raymond. what am i gonna do with you... you're really good ray. you're one of the best. but ray,,, ray ray charles... I know you love wizkicking. I love wizkicking too ray its so good but man ray im tellin ya buddy, you need to dial it back a bit. the only reason I'm not really gonna tear into you is because you have this way of wizkicking when i dont expect it.... but once in awhile I figure out your pattern and just shield it and fsmash you ray...or shield it at the ledge and stomp you ray... but you are smart the way you use them, you know when people normally use it and you specifically never use it at those times and just manage to pepper them in unexpectedly. **** you ray

jk ilu
- Nice corrin ya corrin lovin corrin usin jabroni. play more ganon zachary. i want to give you ganon feedback but i cant remember the last time we had a session of dittos, you're using all these other characters lately and its sort of got me feelin down buddy. however i did notice you're toning your aggression back and thinking more before you act, you're a smart man zach and im sure you're quite pleasant irl
@mgleed- mitchell sometimes you play really well and take me for a ride. other times i take you for a ride (winkyface). you have improved alot though, I think you could easily manage b tier. (haha not jman though he suuuuuuckkss)
P.S.- your prowess in smash brothers is only outclassed by your prowess in video making. you are a saint mitchell. I know you wanted to get your name changed to just Gleed but I think you should change it to St. Mitchell.
@Sykkamorre- Oh fergus you filthy ****. where are you? i cant even remember the last time we talked son its been so long. and i know you're scared of edgeguarding papa kosk but im telling you ferg using utilt at the ledge will work 1/100 times maybe, otherwise im gonna just ledgejump fair you. it sort of hurts me on the inside that you would even try such a thing, you must really think your father (me btw) is some sort of buffoon. But i miss you. call your mother and I once in awhile too ya ungreatful ****
@Garioshi- play a new game
- get better internet. i literally purchased more expensive internet so we could play. i did that for you Uli. a man ive never even met, I picked up my phone. sat on hold for 20 minutes. added 30$ a month of bills. for some **** named Uli. Its time you repayed the favour. .......gj at beast...cuz ur my cinnamon girl..
- We havent played in awhile but its always stressful. either one of us gets destroyed or its last stock each final hit. you're patience is too good. its like armada class patience. your punishes in the ditto are filthy as well. I feel like you arent far from getting good results with ganon unless you're pulling a zachary and switching to top tier. seriously opana i hear you're switching characters atleast once a week. but a2 i cant really tell you what to improve on because i cant exactly beat you consistently so... keep it up david