I love how many people we get coming in here going "OMG I just played Persona 5 after Joker got announced and now it's my number 1/ one of my top 5 games!" I wonder how many other threads here get that so consistently.
Well, when Erdrick was being talked about we had a lot of conversations in the Square Enix thread and tons of people ended up wondering which Dragon Quest games would be good to get into. Some people really liked them, and a few had trouble getting into them. I think most people end up liking them, but it does take to like certain rpgs to enjoy them. Personally I also like the spin-off series quite a lot, and i think people who have trouble getting into the mainline series could try those too.
As for Persona, I really like the sim system, so that would always be something i can enjoy in persona that i cant get in other rpgs, and I really like the persona system, but i would say that im not particularly a fan of the weak spots system. I find that it gives way too much momentum, and I'd prefer a mode where enemies are still weak to certain elements but dont get knocked down. It'd also increase the dificulty which would be fine if things can still be grinded for the better. That could include motivation for confidants and everything. I dont mind a tad bit of grind (so long as it's not too easy to fail the story or something)(
There could possibly be a few other things that could be added to combat to make it more interesting. Maybe they will in the future. And if not i mean it's still ok, I just think it could be better too. Maybe im picky too sometimes
I look forward to what they come up with next.