In my experience, going with certain tones of fighting hard often goes hand in hand with not able to be convinced. The mind just keeps finding reasons and excuses as to why the belief is right, overlooking everything that goes against it.
At some points, debates become slug fests and the point of speculation and sharing ideas becomes lost. We certainly dont know the truth, and we can base ourselves on some things, though we'll find out soon anyway in this case. It'd be much easier to give your predictions and stop there rather than taking them on as beliefs. We may have leanings based on our past experiences, but to make a prediction into a conviction that you'd even try to push or convince others is ... well only you can know why it matters to you that much. To me it feels like a compulsive belief.
Beliefs themselves can be imposing sometimes. It's like saying that something is the truth and everyone else's thoughts on it can't be right.
The tone of how we share our thoughts, and even beliefs, can make a big difference with that.
The question is, why is it so important for you to express your point so long as there's room to do so? And does the point need to be shared in an adamantly assertive way? (if so, then why, and if not, then s'all good