The past few weeks I've been going down memory lane and reading the entire Erdrick support thread again. Not too closely, mind you, it's 144 pages of posts, but I was skimming it in my free time.
It was very turbulent in terms of how other users would treat us, but overall pleasant amongst each other discussing the possibility. After tons of moveset concepts, humoring of the rumors about Dragon Quest in Smash, discussion of the games we'd played, and playthroughs of the games we hadn't gotten around to yet, we finally got Erdrick in Smash at E3 2019, along with the protagonists of Dragon Quest IV, VIII, and XI. Their moveset was everything we could have dreamed of, great sword normals combined with a magic menu to select tons of different special moves, and an MP gauge gimmick to balance it all. Their trailer was grandiose and epic, and I still rewatch it daily, as well as the Nintendo World Store reaction to see that not all westerners are as apathetic toward The Hero as others are.
The only real disappointment, and this was a big one for some of us, was the lack of Sofia from Dragon Quest IV (as they went to the trouble of including her male counterpart Solo) and the female version of Erdrick. As Dragon Quest III and IV were significant games, in part, because they were some of the earliest mainstream games to let players choose their gender, it was a big missed opportunity that deflated a few of us' excitement by a lot. This was even more ironic considering that, when we thought it would only be Erdrick, that we were sure they would include both genders, as well as when we discussed the possibility of Erdrick getting the Koopalings treatment, we still felt that four out of eight color slots would go to both genders of the Dragon Quest III and IV protagonists. We didn't see the possibility of only four unique heroes with one recolor each, and for only the male versions to be playable.
So I'm still holding out hope that the demonstration tomorrow can address this issue. Like I said yesterday, it would make The Hero 100% perfect in my eyes as a representation of all things Dragon Quest.