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Heroes, a reason to watch NBC this fall


Young Link Extraordinaire
Jul 21, 2005
This new episode felt really short for some reason.


Sep 21, 2001
Viridian City
That's because it was actually good.

The only thing I would suggest for the next episode is a scene or conversation that indicates this is happening all over. The way they set it up made it seem as though this was the only plane carrying people with abilities. Hiro ,being taken from Japan, realistically would not have been on this plane.

@Pikamon, I'm not sure that Peter can only have one ability at a time. It looks like they may have changed it so that he must touch someone to gain their ability instead of getting it just from being near them.


Jul 1, 2004
Washington, DC
I miss President Worfbama already. Yes we Klingon!

When will Peter learn not to hug his family? Seriously, he's one of the dumbest people on TV. It's good he's pretty.

What's up with Hayden's trannilicious lipstick and wig? Was she going to work the corners later? Can't she just have her real short hair?

My new favorite character is Tracy, because she's the only smart one of the bunch and the only one who actually resisted and when she was cornered didn't back down. Matt is clearly ******** and I don't really like the whole prophet thing, and I hope Daphne hooks up with Ando and ditches Matt because they are lame and a total mismatch. I thought the plague of "fat guy/skinny wife" ended with King of Queens.

I'm thinking those are some of the most inept guards ever on the plane. I'm fairly certain the hatch Claire crawls out of made noise as she creaked out of it, but they still didn't notice.

does anyone speculate that Arthur is possessing Nathan with Future Peter's body insertion power? It makes sense due to the shift in Nathan so rapidly...but I'm fairly certain Arthur died before he could do anything like that. Unless he poured his essence into the catalyst and when it dissipated it turned into a Voldemort fog.


Smash Ace
Oct 15, 2001
So far this season (only two episodes in), it's going well. Episode 1 was a nice start, and episode 2 was also fine, but I can't help but have doubts about the show now. Season 3 just killed it for me so maybe I'll never really enjoy it like I did in Season 1, but hey, that could change I suppose.

BEWARE OF SPOILERS (only my thoughts on the first two eps, so if you've seen them, no worries):

Pros so far in Volume 4:
-Sylar is actually interesting again, and now...what's this? He has a sidekick! I thought this was pretty funny, but it could end up interesting, especially if the kid is really his brother.
-Peter is fixed! They finally made it so that Peter isn't a god! This is both good and bad though, because the first season was great for having Peter the way he was, but then he just became too powerful, especially since they were introducing so many new characters. The good part, however, is that now he can actually do something instead of taking a backseat to everyone else.
-Hiro is acting more mature, but still boyish enough that we can have fun watching him. He just needs some powers now...

Middle ground stuff that I'm torn between:
-Matt Parkman developing a new power out of nowhere. This had better be explained, and quick. I don't like how they're making him capable of seeing the future with no explanation whatsoever. All I can say is that it had better be a good one. On the other hand, it's a cool twist, but it had better serve a purpose.
-Nathan is the bad guy? I don't know. It's just so...overdone. They did this in season 1 already, except last time he was trying to blow up the world with his mom. I know they had to do this in order to allow this volume to exist, and I'm sure he'll see the light eventually, but it's just annoying, given the character's history. It's also a bit predictable. Nathan gets misled, then realizes he's in the wrong, then saves the day at the end with his superpowered friends. I'd bet a 2 bucks that this is the ending.
-HRG (Noah/Claire's Dad). All I can say about this guy is that he had better figure out what he's doing soon, because right now he is just riding the fence and it's annoying.

-Ando running around saying stupid things like "Hiro has to be alive because I kill him in the future!" Wtf? How? You all already changed the future. Primatech is gone, so the formula doesn't exist anymore, which is why you killed him to begin with, so how would you kill him? ARGH! I hate you, Ando! You're dumb.
-Daphne dying like every other secondary new character they introduce to the show. You know, I actually liked Elle and Kensei, but they killed them too. Don't get me wrong, I don't really care about Daphne, but it's just out of nowhere, y'know? What purpose did it even serve? We are pretty much left to assume that every new character is going to die for no reason in the end (either that, or just leave), so why get invested? Also, didn't Matt see them in the future together all married and crap, and if Ando is actually right and he does kill Hiro, then Daphne has to live, doesn't she? ARGH! Contradictions!
-Hiro has no powers, which is fine in a way because his heroism shines through even more, but still, Hiro is awesome and when you take away his ability, he becomes nothing but a body that runs around and can't do anything. Hopefully they give him and Ando some interesting material because (even in season 2), they were always my favorite characters. I really liked Hiro traveling through time, discovering himself and becoming more of a man everytime he saw his friends. It really helped the audience to understand how he was becoming that guy with the ponytale that we saw in the future. I want to see more of THAT again.
-What happened to the other survivors of the crash? Why do we only see like five people? There were at least 10 on the flight in orange clothes. I want to see more of them. Also, where's Worf (yes, I mean the Klingon! He was in the last part of Volume 3 at the end talking to Nathan)? I want to see more of him!
-The show likes to forget things and I hate that about it (more than anything else). For example, Matt can make a group of people do what he wants, so why does he wait until AFTER his girlfriend is killed before he takes control of one of the soldiers? And why just one? It's just annoying when the viewers can obviously remember things and point out holes ASAP when we're not even the ones writing the show. I mean, these guys are the ones who made the show, so why don't they know their characters better? It's just dumb.

So all in all, a mixed feeling so far. I really hope they develop this into something watchable again (though I will no doubt watch it anyway), because I really do love the show (or at least, the first season and most of the second). So far I like where it's going. Sylar is interesting again, and that's great. I hated the "good" version of him (waste of time, imo), so to see him back in the place he belongs is great. I also like seeing Peter doing something practical for a change, and with an ability that isn't God-like, but who knows if that will come back. I liked the first episode more than the second, but it was still good.


Jul 1, 2004
Washington, DC
Claire probably saved Daphne with her blood. No, it doesn't make sense, but when has this show ever made sense?

Does anyone else think that it's Hana Gitelman who's the mystery texter?


Smash Ace
May 4, 2008
the creators have said that volume 3 and 4 together make season three.
Pretty messed up, huh?:p
Also, west was in season 2 not three.
They really should, and i really hope they do but they probably wont explain or give a reason for matts new ability, which sucks.

GI Josh

Smash Journeyman
May 11, 2008
Mt. Ara
They really should, and i really hope they do but they probably wont explain or give a reason for matts new ability, which sucks.
Theory time!

I think that eating that weird paste stuff that Usutu made gives you some type of ability which involves seeing different periods of time, in this case, Matt seeing the future, and the affects are permanent.

This is probably a better explanation than the one the writers will ocme up with...


Smash Ace
May 4, 2008
Theory time!

I think that eating that weird paste stuff that Usutu made gives you some type of ability which involves seeing different periods of time, in this case, Matt seeing the future, and the affects are permanent.

This is probably a better explanation than the one the writers will ocme up with...
i hate to say it, but i think wed be better writers then the ccurrent ones for this show:p


Smash Ace
Oct 15, 2001
I have to agree with you there, Muzga, and since they fired the two in charge of Volumes 2 and 3 (replaced by the lead guy from season 1), it looks like they got the message.

And about MAtt eating the paste, wouldn't Hiro then technically have those powers too? I mean, he ate the paste too. I think they're just going to say that Matt's ability has evolved another step (i.e. the writers don't know where else to take his character).


Smash Ace
May 4, 2008
Since im assuming theyre not gonna bring micah or wireless girl back im gonna assume that rebel is angela petrelli
any thoughts?


Sep 21, 2001
Viridian City
I don't know, I think it might be a new character. As long as it's not Barbara I'm fine with it. :p

How do you figure?

Volume 4 -- Fugitives
All fall shows break for a brief period before continuing with the rest of the season. Volume 4 is still season 3. It's just the second half.

Also, I think it's hilarious that "aquaman" is not only a instantly more likeable character than West but he has better chemistry with Claire. Who get's the credit? The actor or the writers?

GI Josh

Smash Journeyman
May 11, 2008
Mt. Ara
I don't know, I think it might be a new character. As long as it's not Barbara I'm fine with it. :p

All fall shows break for a brief period before continuing with the rest of the season. Volume 4 is still season 3. It's just the second half.

Also, I think it's hilarious that "aquaman" is not only a instantly more likeable character than West but he has better chemistry with Claire. Who get's the credit? The actor or the writers?

Can't it be both?

About Matt/Hiro eating the paste. Although I feel like I'm making a dumb step like the Volume 3 writers did, I think since Papa Petrelli took Hiro's abilities, it also took away the precognition that he gained from eating the paste.


Jul 1, 2004
Washington, DC
Hiro's off on a sidequest to learn how to be involved with the main plot.

Whenever Sylar had Lukewarm pinned up against the wall and Lukewarm suggested they runaway to Canada, did anyone else scream "so you can marry him!" at their TV?


Smash Champion
Dec 29, 2005
Memphis, TN
Hiro's off on a sidequest to learn how to be involved with the main plot.

Whenever Sylar had Lukewarm pinned up against the wall and Lukewarm suggested they runaway to Canada, did anyone else scream "so you can marry him!" at their TV?
That's only you, buddy. <3

I need a new avatar. Someone make me a good av.


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
1st season was Awsome!

2nd Season Discrace, absolutely horrible. I dont even know why they even tried the Miya(sp?) story, her story wasted too much of the show and it seemed like they were just dragging it on like they couldnt think of anything to do with her. Thank god they finally decided just to make her lose her powers..

3rd Season is alright. Could be better and its very predictable... And The City/World blowing up thing is getting old...REALLY old. But overall the show is doing pretty good. I like the last episode that came on.
Peter and Matt were awsome with the mind control thing. =] And I think we will be seeing Myka(sp?lol) pretty soon;). I cant believe Nathan doesnt realize who Rebel is, expecially since he helped him cheat to win an election by a landslide.

Also Anyone notice there isnt a single black person in the show anymore? Unless they show the Hacian(Sp?) more and bring back Myka and his cousin, copycat.

Also on the last episode when Syler(Sp?) was thinking about his past he looked kind of old to not have remembered about his past and all that, unless someone took away his memory...

And Im wondering how the thing with Matt turns out. I already know they arnt going to take out any major characters, people come back way to much in this show. Syler Should be dead!. I dont know why people would think Matt is a terrorist if he screams out that he was put there against his will and that he needs help....I guess they will come up with something

GI Josh

Smash Journeyman
May 11, 2008
Mt. Ara
I totaly LOVED this weeks episode, and I'm glad that Sylar's flying solo now, but I don't think we've seen the last of Luke.


Did anyone else notice how quickly Samson was able to slice Sylar's mom's head? I'm now worried for Sylar here.

Yet another ending that I'm not so sure of. What with the whole thing with Matt being a set up suicide bomber and Puppetmaster man making his return...


Young Link Extraordinaire
Jul 21, 2005
My wife and I totally called Micah. He is the only one who could have accomplished all those digital feats unless the writers decided to randomly introduce some new character.


Sep 21, 2001
Viridian City
I think it was obvious it was Micah...

I liked the episode but I was worried for a second that Tracy would be dead. I'm glad to see she survived. Poor Daphne, though.

I thought it was kind of lame of our "heroes" to not save anyone else. I realize they don't have much time but they least they could do is get everyone unhooked.

I also thought it was strange/dumb of Peter to fly to the Statue of Liberty. If you're on the run isn't it a good idea to get out of New York?
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