Just reached the boss in the mine..Xord or whatever... and, keep in mind, i like this game but this bossfight is so incredibly badly designed and so freaking CHEAP. There is no way to fill up your teamgauge beforehand, so you will most likely fill it by wiping at that boss. Because Sharla always dies, where i ask HOW THE HELL DOES SHE EVEN PULL AGGRO. Well, she does, and then she dies in 2-3 hits. Yay. No use reviving her because you'll simply reset the teamgauge before you wipe. Then if you manage to finish the team gauge... you CAN NOT (and i know somebody posted something along those lines before), i reapeat, NOT even do 1/5th of his health with one team attack. And you need to somehow get him down to half. I guess I'm gonna grind for a few hours to reach level 30 or something, because this boss is a JOKE. One of the worst bosses design-wise i have ever had the questionable honor of fighting. SHEESH, I'm mad.