Man, haven't been here in a while... last time was some weeks ago. Now there seem to be a bunch of new posters, and a lot of old ones seem to be gone... Things certainly have changed...
And speaking of sudden changes... Shulk confirmed for smash?! Didn't see that coming, at least not this way... But I am, of course, psyched, moreso than words can say.

Congrats to all my fellow bronados, and may we all enjoy the all-Shulk online matches we will certainly be holding in the future!
Also, on his moveset, I am digging it. Not sure why the hate/mixed reactions... Sure, the upB looks like Marth's, but it's freaking Shulk using it! That's awesome! and it's only one move... I very much like the up tilt and Dsmash, and I'm sure his aerials will be interesting. And I think I like the idea of the neutral B incorporating attacks like Monado Buster better that just applying buffs. It'd feel more like the original game that way.
Regardless of how he turns out though, all I care about is that he's there.

My roster hopes are now only one character away... Time to get excited!