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Heart of the Cards: Demise OTK


Smash Chump
Nov 7, 2004
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Heart of the Cards: Demise OTK

This deck is a build I've worked on for about two months and it has done wonders for me and has greatly changed how I view the game of Yu-Gi-Oh!. After my introduction to Cloudians, I had exposure to several "pre-made" decks like Crystal Beasts and Gladiator Beasts. During the summer of 2008, I spent the entirety of it building my very first deck: a plant-insect hybrid that wasn't too shabby for my first go. Once the notion of joining tournaments rose up inside me, however, I was determined to break out of the happy-go-lucky shell I was in and make an actual tournament deck.

Anybody who actually plays Yu-Gi-Oh! knows that, on a tournament level, it's a rich man's game. Fortunately for those of us who do not wish to spend absurd amounts of money on cards, several decks can be created at a layman's budget that are available for tournament use. When perusing through deck ideas, I wanted to use something that was unique. I wanted something with lots of destruction and power and speed and efficiency and safety. Asking for all of these things out of one type of deck is trying, however. I began looking at individual monster cards (at this time, I was still using specific monsters as "Deck Leaders" for building my decks--monsters which I would base my decks around). I began looking at types of monsters, different levels and effects, when something occured to me. I had used regular monsters. I had used tributes. I had used contact fusion-based monsters. I had experience with everything except ritual monsters. Upon eyeing the rituals that weren't banned, I figured they were a lost cause--until I found Demise.

He's the ultimate "Cool Kid's" card. Demise is straight baller. The card name reads: Demise, King of Armageddon. Is that not enough? His wife, who is exceptionally hot (yes, some of the cards can get pretty nice looking), is named Ruin, Queen of Oblivion! You need more?! The ritual spell card to summon them is called End of the World!! What more do you want from that! I had to make a deck using these two...the very thought of such badassery compelled me to do so.

Here's the thing about ritual monsters, though. They slow down a deck. A lot. If I wanted all the things I wanted out of this deck, I would need an angle. It was with a little research that I was introduced to a lovely little acronym: OTK (one turn K.O.). The idea is simple. Bide your time. Find an opportunity. Clear the field. Strike for game (or as hard as you can and hope that your opponent cannot recover within the next two turns). The raw power combined with intuition and calculation excited me and I began to work on my first tournament deck.

Without further ado, the deck:

Demise OTK: 41

Monsters: 22
Demise, King of Armageddon [2]
Ruin, Queen of Oblivion [2]
Montage Dragon [2]
Blue-Eyes White Dragon [2]
Metal Armored Bug [2]
Doom Dozer [2]
Great Maju Garzett [2]
Insect Knight [1]
Neo Bug [1]
Senju of the Thousand Hands [2]
Manju of the Ten Thousand Hands [3]
Sangan [1]

Spells: 12
Monster Reborn [1]
Heavy Storm [1]
Mystical Space Typhoon [1]
Giant Trunade [1]
Advanced Ritual Art [1]
End of the World [2]
Trade-In [2]
Pot of Avarice [1]
Allure of Darkness [2]

Traps: 7
Torrential Tribute [1]
Common Charity [2]
Malevolent Catastrophe [1]
Birthright [1]
Mirror Force [1]
Dimensional Prison [1]

The side deck can be lots of the usual: Royal Oppression, Royal Decree, D.D. Crow (I make sure to side this). My other side options include Chain Destruction and Karma Cut as a combination (amazing against Gladiator Beasts and Krebons) and Cursed Seal of the Forbidden Spell. The discard cost isn't very high, either, since Manju can get any of the ritual spell cards (he should always be getting spells unless you absolutely need a ritual monster right away). One of my other favorite side deck options is Herald of Orange Light. It works very well with Ruin, Manju, and Senju and absolutely poops all over Gyzarus. Great clutch card.

As for the main deck, Sangan is a good card in most decks, but here he is absolutely essential since he can get you any card you need to finish off the OTK combo of your choice (Montage Dragon and Garzett, especially). And this deck, I think, can OTK in plenty of ways. If the way you have the cards in hand for isn't getting there fast enough, it's got plenty of ways to draw into more. I used to main deck Burial from the Different Dimension, but I forgot why I took it out...go figure. I like it for this deck, but you may not agree. It's great with Common Charity to recycle insects for Doom Dozer. Or to even summon two Doom Dozers.

The main point of this deck is to hunt for any OTK combo that is the most convenient (considering cards in hand), with Montage Dragon being the fastest. I do not run Megamorph since it is destructible and not easy to pull out of the deck like the monster cards are. Patience is key and I find I have to just take some turns and eat up some damage if I want to really go for the OTK sometimes. The traps here are mostly to slow your opponent down as much as possible until you draw into what you need. The one real problem this deck has is that it is very poor when the controller does not try for the OTK. The cards are very vulnerable on the field on their own (since the big thing these days is field destruction and not battle) and usually have some manner of hand cost to get them there...it's very easy to find your hand burned after three turns or so if you aren't going for an OTK and you keep summoning monsters.

OTKs with this deck work best when you draw into both Heavy Storm and Giant Trunade. You can blow Heavy Storm first, baiting Solemn Judgments and such to make your life a little easier and then Trunade everything else away. You can then ritual and special summon your eyes out. The OTK turn obviously works best when you don't normal summon that turn (so Senju might have to take a beating, unfortunately). It makes using Garzett possible if you are using him to OTK.

As for consistency, I would say this deck is straight 50/50 against most deck types, but Exodia (oddly enough) with all its deck searching, deck drawing, and attack stopping, is one of the hardest decks to play against if you're willing to believe it. Gladiator Beasts, as usual, are pretty deadly...especially with that War Chariot. Once that's out of the way, however, you can usually get a clear shot since they don't hit very hard. Baiting Bestiari out onto the field is very clutch to blow up Torrentials and Common Charities that you can chain to his effect. Dark Armed depends mostly on luck, I'll be honest. If they get Stardust out before you can set up, it will be tough and you might have to stretch your attack plan over two or three turns. Running over Stardust Dragon isn't a problem, but having their back row untouched in the battle phase is something I don't like, so Trunade is in here to alleviate my fears of their back row when I begin to summon things. Siding Neo-Spacian Grand Mole or Compulsory Evacuation Device may be good ideas depending on how many synchro heavy decks you face, however. I also have Cursed Seal of the Forbidden Spell sided just for Dark Armed (even though it helps against Lightsworns, too). Cursing an Allure or a Teleport is absolutely magical and is great for slowing them down enough for you to wreck face. Lightsworns are tough since if you let them stay out for two or more turns, the damage can get pretty unbearable. It's basically a race to the finish against them and hopefully your trap lineup can stop whatever they're up to. Finally, speaking of races, I find that this deck OTKs much faster than other OTK decks I've faced, including Batterymen. In general, though, against other decks that need field presence to set up, don't be afraid to send Ruin or Blue-Eyes out early to keep the enemy occupied. It's not a big deal if you can hold them off for a few turns in return.

This is my take on Demise so far. It's not the best or most popular way to run him, but I feel its effectiveness is unmatched by the other Demise builds that I have personally seen. A third Allure and Cosmo Queens instead of Blue-Eyes would speed this up a bit as well, but I think this came out nominally, considering my budget. Thanks for reading, and if you leave any comments, please make sure they're comprehensible and polite. Until next time~


Smash Chump
Nov 7, 2004
:yoshi: Yeah, I figured the older players may not know all the cards, which is why I've linked them.

I love this deck so much. It can get boring from time to time, but it's usually really exciting to try and fend off the opponent while setting up over 8000 LP damage. It can get frustrating sometimes, but that's just the nature of the deck.

I just want my three Advanced Ritual Arts back. >_>


Smash Lord
May 23, 2008
Planking the ledge 185 times over.
Very interesting, in that one of my smash friends had recently built a demise otk deck that had been improving over time, and I'm wondering if he netdecked your deck card for card lol. The only other difference I can tell is that he had dropped the blue eyes entirely, in favor of more of the 4 star insects that he can remove to bring out doomdozer.
I like the 8 star insect trade-in target though, as it allows for turbo while providing food for doomdozer. Definitely seems more balanced than my friend's version maybe I can link him to give him a few tips.
I specialize in counter fairies myself, and have created a deck build centered around countering the meta, though it is true, even doing that is very expensive lol. I look forward to visiting WNY to play you in yu-gi-oh and brawl sometime soon =)


Smash Lord
Nov 24, 2008
Tele dad is still going to beat this deck. And also you should use chainable for the format, for there is much danger in Lyla, celesitia , gyzuras and the ever brutal king of the format: Dark Armed Dragon D.A.D

Hey, why don't you use trade-in and phantom of chaos, for a ritualess OTK deck. Or you could just use sky scourage norelas, who's not that hard to get. use dark factory of mass production with your lv8 monsters to retain hand so you can still keep going after montage dragon's summon. By the way, a montage dragon mat would be Cool for a deck with the monster on the mat. thats up to you.


Smash Champion
Oct 17, 2007
Decatur, Tennessee.
Whew! Wish I had the money to make a deck as impressive-looking as this. Too bad there isn't a Yu-Gi-Oh section on this site, but it's not the biggest TCG...


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
Wasn't Monster Reborn banned from tournaments and stuff?


Smash Champion
Nov 19, 2007
Man, all my cards got stolen... :(
Mine did too. Someone broke into my grandmother's house a few years ago, and ONLY took the cards.... <_< I have an idea of who did it, but we didn't necessarily had any proof.

What really sucks is the fact that I had gotten over a $1000 value in cards. I originally only spent a couple hundred dollars on them (ordering a bunch of individual rares and "grab bags"). A bunch the rares I owned have now doubled in price. D:

I ended up making a few new decks though, mostly built from booster packs and a few specific cards online... xD

Now I feel like playing again.
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