man, i dont even know where this is coming from
lmfao for real
all i see is a bunch of
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but everyone in norcal knows that i think that i suck at melee and i'm just having a good time
i don't even have a problem with adam lol but i'm not trying to troll him so i'll just leave him alone
but a big ROFL @ kouryuu
let me share with you a true story, which you may share with your young ones once the time has come.
this little narrative brings us back to march 2009, the high-point of hype for genesis, which would take place later that year in antioch california.
a man who goes by kouryuu was fabled to be a peach main from the depths of somewhere in socal. while posting on Smash World Forums, he began to troll an overconfident young captain falcon player named scar.
kouryuu would type things that led scar to believe that in a few months time he would be faced with a well-oiled falcon-destroying machine. to make matters worse, you all know uncle scar:
he is worse than actionb@sterd vs peach
knowing the odds were against him, perhaps in order to maintain his reputation as a fearless knight of justice, scar accepted a $40 moneymatch vs kouryuu
but beneath the facade of confidence, scar was budgeting his meals considering the very real possibility that he might be returning from california with $40 less than he arrived.
scar was scared
the moral of the story is to never sleep on anyone in super smash brothers
i will admit that i was caught sleeping vs F-Zero in the first round of genesis earlier that day, and 3-stocked him instead of the 4-stock that i had anticipated
there is only one exception to this rule
i wish i had slept on him harder.