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Hatsune Miku Faces the Music


Smash Journeyman
Sep 3, 2018
Hatsune Miku for Smash Ultimate


Hatsune Miku

Who is she and why is she important?
Hatsune Miku is a virtual Idol used to promote a Vocaloid album using the software's second main release. Since then she's gained a massive following and has become a recognizable icon in Japan and even overseas. Due to the growing popularity of the character and Vocaloid albums, Sega licensed the rights to use Vocaloids in their own video game series titled "Project Diva". What started out as an arcade game eventually came to consoles, and over time found its way overseas. Since then it has only grown in popularity and continues to be one of the most successful Japanese arcade games.

Is she actually eligible for Smash?
It's debatable if she technically counts as a "video game" character considering the origins of the Vocaloid program. While Project Diva helped many become aware of the series and contributes to its growing popularity, she technically debuted as art to promote an album. Although this is the case, Project Diva could also be considered an "interpretation" of the existing character, similar to Dracula from Castlevania, as she was made to be a blank slate so she could fit in a variety of different music videos utilizing any genre the creator wanted. Project Diva has given her a unique design and had an entry establishing their own version of her character for a use in a "story mode". Regardless, it's hard to say for certain, as we're not entirely sure what Sakurai's mindset would be in this scenario.

Moveset concept made by Pillow
General Playstyle
Tricky lightweight floaty trapper/zoner that sacrifices some range for versatility and defensive options

Weight - 78 (Same as Sheik)
Air Speed - 1208 (Same as Mario)
Fall Speed - 1019 (Same as WFT)
Fast Fall - 2400 (Same as Mario)
Dash - 2035 (Same as Palu)
Run Speed - 2080 (between Palu and Metaknight, she glides similar to them as her run animation)

Neutral B - "VOC@LOID"
Miku shoots a laser projectile horizontally. Holding the button lets you ricochet the projectile at an angle up to 2 times (think of it like a projectile version of Pikachu's Up B)

Side B - "That One Second Slow Motion"
Miku dashes forward horizontally leaving an afterimage behind her and dealing damage to anyone she strikes in her path. This move functions similarly to Fox's Side B. If she presses B again at any time before the move is completed she will teleport back to her starting location when she initially used the move. This move will dash past shields but has a decent amount of end lag.

Up B - "Far Away"
Miku does a dancy spin surrounded by a swirl of colorful musical notes. This is a teleport move similar to Zelda's up B. If used on the ground the there will be a hitbox where Miku starts the move but not where she lands. If used in the air the reverse will happen where she'll have a hitbox where she lands but not when she uses the move.

Down B - "Sweet Drops After the Rain"
Activate to have a colorful musical note appear, which will float beside Miku for a bit then rapidly home in on the nearest enemy. This move can be held to have multiple notes appear (up to 3). The damage isn't much, this move is meant to be more of an approach tool than anything else kind of like Villager Side B.

Jab: Miku extends her arm with her finger pointed forward for the initial jab, repeatedly tapping causes small musical notes to appear from the tip of her finger which deal additional damage
Ftilt: Miku strikes an idol pose with a peace sign which has short range but hits both sides of her similar to WFT
Dtilt: A simple low kick in front of her
Utilt: Miku does a sort of dancy upward motion with her arms which sweeps from in front of her to above her (does not hit behind her)
Dash Attack: Miku continues floating forward while being enveloped in bluish energy. Functions similarly to Kirby dash attack.

Nair - Miku strikes a pose in midair and emits a quick burst of electrical energy from her body. Works similarly to Greninja or Sephiroth Nairs.
Uair - Miku does a floaty backflip, looks similar to Rosalina's nair but is slightly faster with less range
Bair - Miku rotates her waste with her arms in front of her in a dancey pose
Fair - Miku creates a colorful musical note which appears in front of her then slowly falls to the ground (similar to G&W's fair but has a larger hitbox when it spawns and descends much slower

Smash Attacks
Fsmash: Miku creates a wave of green energy which travels a short distance in front of her (it's meant to look like a DJ synthesizer).Functionally it's sort of similar to Megaman's forward smash but it travels along the ground instead
Usmash: Miku strikes a pose creating a heart symbol with both hands and an electric heart appears above her striking enemies above with electrical damage. Decent kill move but it's slow and punishable.
Dsmash: Miku creates 2 waves of green energy which travel a short distance on either side of her. It's similar to the Fsmash but each wave travels a shorter distance and deals less damage/knockback

Miku's grab is slow and has short range

Pummel: A simple slap
Dthrow: Miku pushes the opponent to the ground, a musical note appears and falls on top of them dealing electrical damage and knocking them upward
Fthrow: The opponent hovers in a circle around Miku alongside some lines (supposed to look like a musical sheet) before being launched forward
Bthrow: Same as Fthrow but the opposite direction and some musical notes follow the opponent hitting them (similar to Mewtwo's fthrow with shadow balls)
Uthrow: Miku creates a musical note than drops the opponent on it, it shocks them then launches them upward


Seeing as the Project Diva games star more than just Miku who dance, it's possible that the other Vocaloids could be alts for her, like the koopalings, a hero scenario with three of the other female characters, or just color references to the rest of them. They're all similar in terms of what they'd do, but the differences in height and personality could potentially make it difficult to include them all.


Vocaloid Stage

My idea for a potential stage is a transforming arena that cycles through different iconic stages we see Miku perform on throughout the series. These are just a few examples of the possible stages we could see, all taken from Project Diva X.

Normally I'd list a number of tracks from the games, however, with the licensing nightmare that'd be trying to obtain all her iconic tracks, I believe there's an easier way to represent the music. Original smash compositions using the software. I believe this not only makes it easier to have Vocaloid tracks in the game, but also represents an aspect about the character's origins too. Seeing as a ton of companies have their own interpretations of the character, this could be Smash's version of the character, complete with her own Smashified track list.

The Fatass of Kickassness
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Smash Lord
Jan 20, 2013
Los Angeles
Nintendo made vocaloid songs is a fine idea, but she should definitely bring in a few of her more notable songs with her at least. It’s not like Nintendo can’t get a license for music. World is Mine and Senbonzakura are among her most famous songs in Project Diva.


Smash Ace
Oct 1, 2020
Balatro Brainrot
May not be on the top of the list (heck, she's not even in my signature), but I'd be down for her inclusion. While there may be some SEGA characters I want more (particually, Jack Frost, Kiryu, and Beat) I wouldn't get mad if Hatsune was next, and she'd likely be a fun addition. Please put thy name under the list of supporters.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 3, 2018
Nintendo made vocaloid songs is a fine idea, but she should definitely bring in a few of her more notable songs with her at least. It’s not like Nintendo can’t get a license for music. World is Mine and Senbonzakura are among her most famous songs in Project Diva.
Very true! Maybe they can have a mix, like instead of remixes they compose their own alongside the music they license? Or maybe all three, it wouldn't be too out of place for a rhythm rep to have a larger track list than most the other packs.


Smash Ace
Jul 23, 2014
I think she has a 0% chance of happening due to various legal and game issues, but I would be lying if I said I wouldn't scream in happiness if she showed up.
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Smash Journeyman
Sep 3, 2018
Put me on the list as an Unironic supporter, Hatsune Miku would be glorious
May not be on the top of the list (heck, she's not even in my signature), but I'd be down for her inclusion. While there may be some SEGA characters I want more (particually, Jack Frost, Kiryu, and Beat) I wouldn't get mad if Hatsune was next, and she'd likely be a fun addition. Please put thy name under the list of supporters.
You've both been added!


Smash Master
Jul 21, 2018
This would be one heck of a timeline haha. She'd be a cool choice for a rhythm rep though! Sign me up as a supporter.


Smash Cadet
Dec 22, 2020
I've heard some people argue her being from a singing voice synthesizer isn't too different from Wii Fit Trainer being from an exercise program, which I guess makes sense, though I still think her chances are still pretty low.

I'd be for Miku if just to have a fun music-themed character, and the soundtrack she'd come with would be great.


Creator of Lego Theory
May 22, 2012
Switch FC
Surprised it took this long for a Hatsune Miku support thread.

I don't think she'll happen but I'm watching and waiting.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 30, 2018
Definitely sign me up as a supporter! Miku has been my favorite character for as long as I can remember!

As much as people say "videogame characters only!", I think Miku is in such a grey area in that regard that it can be somewhat excused in favor of having a music rhythm character which such recognizability. The games is what really popularized her image after all. And how could you say no to smacking other fighters in the face with a leek, or blowing them over with a megaphone?
I'd love to see the splash she'd make online if she were to be revealed as a fighter.
But while I recognize how unlikely it is to happen, the hope will always be there.

There was a problem fetching the tweet


Smash Lord
Mar 20, 2019
Put me in as a supporter! it would have been a cool addition to have Miku on Smash, also considering that Vocaloid isn't limited to just Crypton is it possible to see the likes of IA and Gumi as a spirit? It would have been cool but I think they will just go with the Project Diva cast.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 3, 2018
Definitely sign me up as a supporter! Miku has been my favorite character for as long as I can remember!

As much as people say "videogame characters only!", I think Miku is in such a grey area in that regard that it can be somewhat excused in favor of having a music rhythm character which such recognizability. The games is what really popularized her image after all. And how could you say no to smacking other fighters in the face with a leek, or blowing them over with a megaphone?
I'd love to see the splash she'd make online if she were to be revealed as a fighter.
But while I recognize how unlikely it is to happen, the hope will always be there.

There was a problem fetching the tweet
You've been added! I completely agree, I don't believe she'd "ruin the integrity of smash" like I've seen quite a few people state. She's definitely in more of a grey area and I believe they could justify her appearance with how big the Project Diva games became.

Put me in as a supporter! it would have been a cool addition to have Miku on Smash, also considering that Vocaloid isn't limited to just Crypton is it possible to see the likes of IA and Gumi as a spirit? It would have been cool but I think they will just go with the Project Diva cast.
Added~! I could potentially see them doing so if they wanted more for spirits, costumes, etc. I just mainly focused on the Project Diva cast since they're most associated with the games.


Smash Lord
Jan 20, 2013
Los Angeles
Here's a moveset for Miku I made

General Playstyle
Tricky lightweight floaty trapper/zoner that sacrifices some range for versatility and defensive options


Weight - 78 (Same as Sheik)
Air Speed - 1208 (Same as Mario)
Fall Speed - 1019 (Same as WFT)
Fast Fall - 2400 (Same as Mario)
Dash - 2035 (Same as Palu)
Run Speed - 2080 (between Palu and Metaknight, she glides similar to them as her run animation)

Neutral B - "VOC@LOID"
Miku shoots a laser projectile horizontally. Holding the button lets you ricochet the projectile at an angle up to 2 times (think of it like a projectile version of Pikachu's Up B)

Side B - "That One Second Slow Motion"
Miku dashes forward horizontally leaving an afterimage behind her and dealing damage to anyone she strikes in her path. This move functions similarly to Fox's Side B. If she presses B again at any time before the move is completed she will teleport back to her starting location when she initially used the move. This move will dash past shields but has a decent amount of end lag.

Up B - "Far Away"
Miku does a dancy spin surrounded by a swirl of colorful musical notes. This is a teleport move similar to Zelda's up B. If used on the ground the there will be a hitbox where Miku starts the move but not where she lands. If used in the air the reverse will happen where she'll have a hitbox where she lands but not when she uses the move.

Down B - "Sweet Drops After the Rain"
Activate to have a colorful musical note appear, which will float beside Miku for a bit then rapidly home in on the nearest enemy. This move can be held to have multiple notes appear (up to 3). The damage isn't much, this move is meant to be more of an approach tool than anything else kind of like Villager Side B.

Jab: Miku extends her arm with her finger pointed forward for the initial jab, repeatedly tapping causes small musical notes to appear from the tip of her finger which deal additional damage
Ftilt: Miku strikes an idol pose with a peace sign which has short range but hits both sides of her similar to WFT
Dtilt: A simple low kick in front of her
Utilt: Miku does a sort of dancy upward motion with her arms which sweeps from in front of her to above her (does not hit behind her)
Dash Attack: Miku continues floating forward while being enveloped in bluish energy. Functions similarly to Kirby dash attack.

Nair - Miku strikes a pose in midair and emits a quick burst of electrical energy from her body. Works similarly to Greninja or Sephiroth Nairs.
Uair - Miku does a floaty backflip, looks similar to Rosalina's nair but is slightly faster with less range
Bair - Miku rotates her waste with her arms in front of her in a dancey pose
Fair - Miku creates a colorful musical note which appears in front of her then slowly falls to the ground (similar to G&W's fair but has a larger hitbox when it spawns and descends much slower

Smash Attacks
Fsmash: Miku creates a wave of green energy which travels a short distance in front of her (it's meant to look like a DJ synthesizer).Functionally it's sort of similar to Megaman's forward smash but it travels along the ground instead
Usmash: Miku strikes a pose creating a heart symbol with both hands and an electric heart appears above her striking enemies above with electrical damage. Decent kill move but it's slow and punishable.
Dsmash: Miku creates 2 waves of green energy which travel a short distance on either side of her. It's similar to the Fsmash but each wave travels a shorter distance and deals less damage/knockback

Miku's grab is slow and has short range

Pummel: A simple slap
Dthrow: Miku pushes the opponent to the ground, a musical note appears and falls on top of them dealing electrical damage and knocking them upward
Fthrow: The opponent hovers in a circle around Miku alongside some lines (supposed to look like a musical sheet) before being launched forward
Bthrow: Same as Fthrow but the opposite direction and some musical notes follow the opponent hitting them (similar to Mewtwo's fthrow with shadow balls)
Uthrow: Miku creates a musical note than drops the opponent on it, it shocks them then launches them upward


Smash Master
Jul 21, 2018

A Miku Picross game of all things has been shadowdropped on Switch. Neat!


Smash Ace
Nov 28, 2019
I've said there's only one character that can TRULY break the internet while simultaneously being an out of left field add, and that's Miku.

Throw me in as a supporter, even if I unfortunately think it's impossible due to the licensing nigthmare.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 3, 2018
I've said there's only one character that can TRULY break the internet while simultaneously being an out of left field add, and that's Miku.

Throw me in as a supporter, even if I unfortunately think it's impossible due to the licensing nigthmare.
Do I think she has any chance? No. Do I think she'd be hype as hell? Yes.

Count me as a supporter, Miku would be amazing.
You've both been added, glad to see more support!


Smash Journeyman
Sep 3, 2018
Here's a moveset for Miku I made

General Playstyle
Tricky lightweight floaty trapper/zoner that sacrifices some range for versatility and defensive options

Weight - 78 (Same as Sheik)
Air Speed - 1208 (Same as Mario)
Fall Speed - 1019 (Same as WFT)
Fast Fall - 2400 (Same as Mario)
Dash - 2035 (Same as Palu)
Run Speed - 2080 (between Palu and Metaknight, she glides similar to them as her run animation)

Neutral B - "VOC@LOID"
Miku shoots a laser projectile horizontally. Holding the button lets you ricochet the projectile at an angle up to 2 times (think of it like a projectile version of Pikachu's Up B)

Side B - "That One Second Slow Motion"
Miku dashes forward horizontally leaving an afterimage behind her and dealing damage to anyone she strikes in her path. This move functions similarly to Fox's Side B. If she presses B again at any time before the move is completed she will teleport back to her starting location when she initially used the move. This move will dash past shields but has a decent amount of end lag.

Up B - "Far Away"
Miku does a dancy spin surrounded by a swirl of colorful musical notes. This is a teleport move similar to Zelda's up B. If used on the ground the there will be a hitbox where Miku starts the move but not where she lands. If used in the air the reverse will happen where she'll have a hitbox where she lands but not when she uses the move.

Down B - "Sweet Drops After the Rain"
Activate to have a colorful musical note appear, which will float beside Miku for a bit then rapidly home in on the nearest enemy. This move can be held to have multiple notes appear (up to 3). The damage isn't much, this move is meant to be more of an approach tool than anything else kind of like Villager Side B.

Jab: Miku extends her arm with her finger pointed forward for the initial jab, repeatedly tapping causes small musical notes to appear from the tip of her finger which deal additional damage
Ftilt: Miku strikes an idol pose with a peace sign which has short range but hits both sides of her similar to WFT
Dtilt: A simple low kick in front of her
Utilt: Miku does a sort of dancy upward motion with her arms which sweeps from in front of her to above her (does not hit behind her)
Dash Attack: Miku continues floating forward while being enveloped in bluish energy. Functions similarly to Kirby dash attack.

Nair - Miku strikes a pose in midair and emits a quick burst of electrical energy from her body. Works similarly to Greninja or Sephiroth Nairs.
Uair - Miku does a floaty backflip, looks similar to Rosalina's nair but is slightly faster with less range
Bair - Miku rotates her waste with her arms in front of her in a dancey pose
Fair - Miku creates a colorful musical note which appears in front of her then slowly falls to the ground (similar to G&W's fair but has a larger hitbox when it spawns and descends much slower

Smash Attacks
Fsmash: Miku creates a wave of green energy which travels a short distance in front of her (it's meant to look like a DJ synthesizer).Functionally it's sort of similar to Megaman's forward smash but it travels along the ground instead
Usmash: Miku strikes a pose creating a heart symbol with both hands and an electric heart appears above her striking enemies above with electrical damage. Decent kill move but it's slow and punishable.
Dsmash: Miku creates 2 waves of green energy which travel a short distance on either side of her. It's similar to the Fsmash but each wave travels a shorter distance and deals less damage/knockback

Miku's grab is slow and has short range

Pummel: A simple slap
Dthrow: Miku pushes the opponent to the ground, a musical note appears and falls on top of them dealing electrical damage and knocking them upward
Fthrow: The opponent hovers in a circle around Miku alongside some lines (supposed to look like a musical sheet) before being launched forward
Bthrow: Same as Fthrow but the opposite direction and some musical notes follow the opponent hitting them (similar to Mewtwo's fthrow with shadow balls)
Uthrow: Miku creates a musical note than drops the opponent on it, it shocks them then launches them upward
Apologies for the double post, just wanted to ask if you're alright with me using your moveset concept in the OP?


Smash Legend
Apr 8, 2015
The Metaverse
Switch FC

Sign me up as a supporter this is like a massive pipedream for me and I'd love to see this happen (I wish Megamix got a Spirit Event at least but ah well)


Smash Journeyman
Sep 3, 2018
Again, apologies for the double post but I just wanted to let everyone know that I'm taking a break from the boards. It's gotten a bit too toxic for me in most other threads, so I think I won't come back until around the next character. I probably won't add anyone to the list until then. I'll talk to you all later!

Wario Wario Wario

Smash Legend
Sep 3, 2017
Cheese Wheels of Doom
I wouldn't say I want Miku in Smash (in fact I'm against her if anything), but as a Clippy supporter I must give respect to anyone else pushing for characters that stand on the edge of the "video game character" definition.
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