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Hasbro Game Night FIGHT! - The Final Season


Smash Champion
Oct 2, 2019
New Jersey
1. Joe Colton
2. Duke
3. Scarlett

Wizards of The Coast Stage:

Icewind Dale (Dungeons and Dragons)


We do not have a stage from Dungeons and Dragons yet and there are so many to choose from. Since it's getting close to winter, I chose to do the icy location from the D&D campaign of the same name. It's a walkoff stage taking place on a frozen lake. The stage also has slippery floors. Occassionally, knucklehead trout will jump out and attack you giving you around 10% of damage. A simple, winter themed stage for the upcoming winter season.

Deleted member






Green (2017 movie)


White (Mystic Mother)


Gold (Goldar + Scorpina)


Red + Silver (Lord Zedd)


Previously 1SecondNinja
Aug 4, 2022
DAY 21
Week 3 Ending
So, yesterday, I said I would add two Joe characters if the vote was close enough. Well, I counted up the votes thus far, aaaaand... they were close enough! Though, I'm not too sure about the decision anyway, so I'm going to do something a little differently.

Firstly, the top place winner of the G.I. Joe vote, at 13 points, is...
Scarlett! Congratulations AlteredBeast AlteredBeast
Scarlett: 13
Baroness: 10
Duke: 8
Joe Colton: 5
Storm Shadow: 4
Zartan: 4
Roadblock: 3
Sgt. Slaughter: 1
Of course, reading over this vote means that Baroness is in second place; a single vote could tie her with Scarlett! How do I intend to go about this?
Strawpoll, duh! I'll let you all decide if Baroness should join with the other Joe Veterans on the roster not.
I am officially wrapping up the Costume Jobs, so no new nominations for now. As of this, both Optimus Prime and Megatron have two submissions for their costumes, so I will be wrapping those up with a votes as well.
A lot of Strawpolls in a day, I know. But I wanna get these out of the way ASAP.
I have opted to keep yesterday's stage job open for today. Kinda want more nominations to be made so I'll see how holding it open one more day goes.

Job: Nominate a WotC Stage

Job: Nominate an Assist Character

We all came to a natural consensus to not use item Assists but instead have a dedicated assist system like Fraymakers. With this knowledge, I am opening this job to allow nominations for assist-exclusive characters. Any ideas you had for assists, now is the time!

Movesets and Arcade Endings for any Character are open indefinitely!
Aug 14, 2021
Bloodsauce Dungeon, Pizza Tower, ???
Assist job:
Pinkie Pie
Pinkie Pie is one of main protagonists from MLP: FiM animated series and she is a hyperactive, sociable prank-loving earth pony who represents the element of laughter. She grew up with a family that wasn't colorful like Pinkie Pie herself. She also has a pet alligator named Gummy.
She is one of very popular MLP characters and her antics would fit in her assist role.

When summoned, she would run around the stage and she could prank the enemies in random 3 ways:
  • Cannon shot: She would put a cannon near the enemy and shoots at it, dealing huge damage.
  • Balloons: She would tie 3 balloons to the nearest opponent and they drag it to the upper blast zone (You can destroy them).
  • Pie throw: She throws a pie at one of the opponents. When the opponent gets a pie on it's face, it's controls are reversed.


Smash Champion
Oct 2, 2019
New Jersey
Assist Idea:

Sorry Pawns (SORRY!)


When summoned, the pawns will slide across the stage. Sometimes, a card will be pulled up out of random. Once the card us pulled up, the pawns will move back and forth across the stage that many times. Basically, a RNG assist.

I could not think of any assists besides this one honestly. I just thought it was too clever and that I had to submit it.


Smash Champion
Apr 11, 2022
Assist Idea: Spike (My Little Pony)

Breaths fire that damages opponents.
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Torgo the Bear

Smash Lord
Mar 30, 2019
the country where the pretty girls are from
Switch FC
Assist Idea: Spike (My Little Pony)
View attachment 365242
PinkFlare PinkFlare
I’m sorry, I don’t wanna cause any trouble here, but… should submissions be allowed if they only suggest a thing but don’t describe what they do? This is the second time I’ve noticed this and it kind of annoys me to be honest. If it’s okay, I’ll shut up. But I feel like you should really do more than just show a picture of something and expect everyone to vote for it without any information of any kind about what it will do in the game.


Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC
Assist: Ratchet

The Autobot medic - upon being summoned, he creates a healing field of energy (Energon?) on the floor that gradually/slowly heals whoever's standing in it. (I figured that would be more balanced than automatically healing whoever summoned him)
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Previously 1SecondNinja
Aug 4, 2022
PinkFlare PinkFlare
I’m sorry, I don’t wanna cause any trouble here, but… should submissions be allowed if they only suggest a thing but don’t describe what they do? This is the second time I’ve noticed this and it kind of annoys me to be honest. If it’s okay, I’ll shut up. But I feel like you should really do more than just show a picture of something and expect everyone to vote for it without any information of any kind about what it will do in the game.
For items it was pretty mandatory to have descriptions. The only reason I didn't call it out back then was because somebody else did.
For assist, it's really dependent. My preference is for every submission to have a brief description, but for Spike in particular, there is actually quite a lot of wiggle room for what he could possibly do that I'd say the potential more than makes up for the lack of description. A Sorry Pawn, on the other hand, could use explanation, yes.
But that also creates a little inconsistency when some assists are forced to have descriptions and some aren't.

Since this is our first assist job I'm gonna let it slide but in the future I will likely start enforcing descriptions.

Edit: Also before I start the new day I'm gonna sneakily throw in a WotC Stage Nomination.
Major metropolis zone from the Forgotten Realm campaign setting.
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Smash Champion
Sep 26, 2021
Menzoberranzan (Dungeons & Dragons stage)

View attachment 364769

Mensoberranzan is a "city of spiders" from Dungeons & Dragons,this city is located in Upper Northdark and it is Drizzt's birthplace.

Mensoberranzan as a stage would be the stage layout similar to Castle Siege from smash,but it's the first stage,the background is Mensoberranzan on view of the city and the stage doesn't have stage hazards
Resubmission: Mesoberranzan


Previously 1SecondNinja
Aug 4, 2022
DAY 22
Week 3 Reflection
Today is actually pretty late. I uh, I have no excuse, I just wasn't feeling very motivated to post this earlier. But I am a lot more energized currently, and since this is the transition into Week 4, I don't want to delay this any longer. Let's get this bread!

Alright, so, first things first: Strawpoll results.
Both of my costumes for Optimus Prime and Megatron will be used. This should complete the costume line-up from Week 3, and I'll be adding them into the front page post soon.

As for Baroness, the results of the poll were... a tie!
Screen Shot 2022-12-18 at 10.28.02 AM.png
I feel as if I should mention I accidentally voted yes instead of no without looking (like an idiot) and couldn't change the vote. And now we are here. A little awkward.
I could flip a coin, but... there are going to be more chances for Baroness in the future, and including her too early into the roster could create a lot of discouragement between some users who want to see other roster additions. So, as of now, my verdict is that Baroness will not join the roster at this time. I hope this is the best outcome for those currently involved.

That should be about it. Now, onward to the new votes, because boy are they interesting.
Alright everyone. Big vote up ahead, because we are now at the Assist phase of content in this game!
So, for our Assist nominations:
Very large selection so far, and I'm liking most of the ideas here.

I don't plan on having assist jobs as frequently I will for items and stages, and we only have about 20-25 slots for assists exclusive characters, so this will not be a ranked vote, but a Yes/No vote similar to the Items.
And, this is going to be the most important thing to remember: This job is for assist-exclusive characters, as in, not playable. Any characters that win this vote will not be eligible for the base game playable roster (Anything after that can be discussed). Let this influence your vote however you see fit. For me:
  • Pinkie Pie: N​
  • Trailcutter: Y​
  • Grimlock: N​
  • Doggie: Y​
  • Sorry! Pawn: Y​
  • Spike: Y​
  • Stretch: Y​
  • Ratchet: Y​
And, of course, the WotC Stage round is officially closed!
For our stage selection, our nominations are:
Just to increase the nominations list, I brought back Qwerty's nomination of the Tomb of Horrors from before. This gives us a perfectly even number of 6, and it's perfect because only half of them will be making it onto the stage list!
This will be ranked voting, as usual, so: Vote your top 3, and you can't put your own in first!
  1. Menzoberranzon
  2. Tomb of Horrors
  3. Magic Lands
I will be saving the Story Mode discussion for it's job in Week 4, so for those wondering about that, it's still going to happen, just a little later as I want to get the more important content in first.
We are back to the usual open discussions. I'm gonna be honest but I stumbled a little as Week 3 got into it's second half, with too many jobs being left open and such, though I think they ended for the better anyway. But I always like to keep this as an open discussion, so here we go.

Returning back to the reveal trailers, I think it's best to continue on with a simple character reveal. To recap, the first reveal trailer revealed:
  • Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Snake Eyes, Tommy Oliver, Rita Repulsa, Mr. Monopoly, Mr. Potato Head and Drizzt Do'Urden as the first 10 fighters.
  • The Toybox, Monopoly Board, Cybertron, Command Center, Statue of Liberty, Candyland and Battleship as stages
  • The Hasbro Boy as the game's mascot
  • A quick glimpse of the movesets
  • A quick glimpse of super moves
For this reveal trailer, you can pick up to 1 to 2 new characters and reveal them however you please; the rest of the content is entirely up to you!

Open Discussion: How do you feel about this third week?
Were the jobs I put out up to your particular taste? Do you think the activity and submissions in this thread are going at a steady pace? How do you feel about what's been done so far overall, in terms of how I'm running the thread and if you would like it to change? This is fairly straightforward; Any thoughts you have at all, you can put them out now.

Open Discussion: How are the additions to the roster?
A bit of a slowdown on the new characters front, but we are officially halfway through the roster, so this was a little necessary in my opinion. But, we did get some major additions down: 3 new characters were added in the form of Play-Doh, Lord Licorice, and Scarlett. How do you feel about these 3 and the character rounds I held this week overall?

That's about it for this week. Again, sorry for the lateness but I didn't want to rush this write-up. I'll definitely try to put in the effort to make sure Week 4 is up to par with Weeks 1 and 2.
Tomorrow's job is going to require a little bit more research ahead of time, so I'm going to let you all know now: Obscure Characters is happening tomorrow, at 9-10 AM, so get started early while you still can!
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Deleted member

Pinkie: N
Trailcutter: Y
Grimlock: N
Doggie: Y
Pawn: Y
Spike: Y
Stretch: N
Ratchet: Y

1. Gate
2. Theros
3. Tomb
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AKA nirvanafan
Oct 14, 2016
Pinkie Pie: N
Trailcutter: Y
Grimlock: N
Doggie: Y
Sorry! Pawn: Y
Spike: Y
Stretch: N
Ratchet: N

Icewind Dwale
Magic Lands
Baldurs Gate
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Torgo the Bear

Smash Lord
Mar 30, 2019
the country where the pretty girls are from
Switch FC
  • Pinkie Pie: N (I don’t mind her being an assist but I think she needs another fighter chance. She’s pretty iconic.)
  • Trailcutter: Y
  • Grimlock: N (He’s my favorite Transformer, I want to submit him as a character again later)
  • Doggie: Y
  • Sorry! Pawn: Y
  • Spike: Y
  • Stretch: N (I also agree he could be a great character later)
  • Ratchet: Y


Smash Champion
Oct 2, 2019
New Jersey
Pinkie Pie: N
Trailcutter: N
Grimlock: Y
Doggie Crueger: Y
Sorry Pawn: Y
Spike: Y
Stretch: N
Ratchet: Y

1. Tharos
2. Icewind Dwale
3. Magic Lands

Character Reveal Trailer:

Double the Trouble!

We start the trailer off with a black screen with the rating of the game and all. It starts off with Optimus Prime and Bumblebee just enjoying their time on Cybertron.

Optimus Prime: That game night fight tournament sure is interesting, isn't it?

Bumblebee: Yeah, some guy with a top hat, a literal potato head, some ponies and all attacking us? Different than some Decepticons fighting us?

Their banter gets interrupted by hearing about some sort of distress happening in New York City!

Optimus Prime then looks at all his Autobots and says "Autobots, roll out!"

We then cut to footage of all of them going to Earth and fighting off various Decepticons until....

We see a certain silverish-gray Transformer appear out of the mist....

Optimus: Megatron?!?!?

Megatron: So, I wasn't invited to this Game Night Fight campaign until I decided to crash the fun???

Bumblebee: Oh goody....

It then cuts to an "Introducing Megatron" splash screen with the announcer saying Megatron's name and then we cut to gameplay of him. We see him on the Cybertron stage and other stages alongside chilling with Rita Repulsa, etc. We then cut back to the CGI footage where characters such as Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Tommy Oliver, etc. try to take down Megatron until...we see footage of his Supers.

Back to the CGI footage.

All the characters are then blasted to the Statue of Liberty.

Tommy Oliver: He's a pretty strong foe guys...

Rainbow Dash: Even our friendship isn't working.

Snake Eyes then decides to attack Megatron with one big blow with his gun and sword. Megatron faints until....we see another villain appear being a blue suited person with a red cape.

Snake Eyes then looks in dismay.

Cobra Commander: So...this Game Night Fight Campaign needs more villains, huh? Well, I'll give you more trouble!

The trailer then cuts to an "Introducing Cobra Commander" splash screen with the announcer saying Cobra Commander's name and we cut to gameplay footage of him. We see him on the Statue of Liberty stage and some fun footage with him. We then see his Supers and we zoom to Megatron, Rita Repulsa and him all laughing evilly at the heroes.

Optimus Prime: You will never win, Megatron!

Tommy Oliver: Nothing can stop my power, Rita!

Rita Repulsa: Very welllll! Now, I got a powerful robot and a villain with an iron fist! Mwahahahaha!

We then see all the various heroic characters revealed ready to attack the three antagonists. It then zooms out to the Hasbro boy and his family playing a huge game of Dungeons and Dragons but with the Hasbro toys. It then cuts to the Hasbro Game Night Fight logo with Megatron and Cobra Commander added to it and then the copyright screen.

This trailer introduces:

  • Megatron as a fighter, his moveset and supers
  • Cobra Commander as a fighter, his moveset and supers
Also, for each trailer, it would be a part of a Hasbro Game Night Fight campaign being played by Hasbro boy and his family to stick to the theme of this being one giant clash of toys. I feel that two characters revealed in one trailer could make this game stand out amongst other platform fighters. It's not my best script but I tried.
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Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC
-Pinkie Pie: N
-Trailcutter: Y
-Grimlock: N (as far as G1 Transformers go, I'd like him or Starscream to be playable)
-Doggie: Y
-Sorry! Pawn: Y
-Spike: Y
-Stretch: Y
-Ratchet: Y

1. Baldur's Gate
2. Icewind Dwale
3. Menzobarranzon
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Previously 1SecondNinja
Aug 4, 2022
DAY 23
Week 4 Start!
Hello, everyone, and welcome to the official start of Week 4! The last 3 weeks of this thread have been extremely productive, and with what I have lined up for Week 4, it won't be any different.

Now, yesterday we held 2 simultaneous votes, and before I continue any further I'll be showing the results, as usual.

So, first, for the WotC stages, out of 6 nominations, only half are becoming stages; these picks actually crushed it in the vote, to my honest surprise. So, for our next 3 stages, we have:
Baldur's Gate
Icewind Dale
Magic Lands
I honestly didn't expect Baldur's Gate to be the top pick, but out of all the other stages it won by quite a lot! As for the other two, congratulations to AlteredBeast AlteredBeast and ssbashworld ssbashworld ! (I am using the Transport Hub to represent the Magic Lands, FYI)
Baldur's Gate: 15
Icewind Dale: 13
Magic Lands: 9
Theros: 6
Tomb of Horrors: 5
Menzobarrenzon: 4
I am hoping we can revisit the other stages in the future, but it'll have to be a "wait and see" deal.

And, for the big one: Which Assists will be making it into the game? Out of the 8 nominations, 5 of them are being included. Those 5 are...
Sorry! Pawn: Unanimous "Yes"
Ratchet: 8 Yes to 2 No
Doggie Cruger: 8 Yes to 2 No
Spike: 8 Yes to 2 No
Trailcutter: 7 Yes to 3 No

These 5 will make up our first 5 assists! Honestly, not a bad selection, and I'm glad to have these characters on board as they likely wouldn't have made it into the roster given their competition.
Of course, that means the 3 that won't be making it in are:
Pinkie Pie: 7 No to 3 Yes
Stretch Armstrong: 7 No to 3 Yes
Grimlock: 6 No to 4 Yes

There was a pretty general consensus that these 3 would make far better fighters than they would assists, and honestly I can agree with this. Here's to hoping they get their chances in the future! (I mean, I already know if they are future rounds where they'll be eligible, but you don't, so)
Honestly Yesterday was very eventful as far as votes go. A little exciting too, to see which characters would get the Assist-Exclusive treatment and who won't. But anyway, results are over now.

By default, we will be using AlteredBeast AlteredBeast 's reveal trailer for Megatron and Cobra Commander as our second trailer! I'm thinking next time we'll do something other than just a character reveal, but we'll have to see.
Other than that, no new jobs were held yesterday, so we can skip votes and jump straight into new nominations!
Hasbro has plenty, plenty of iconic characters to go around. It's part of the reason why I wanted to make this thread; It's a crossover line-up unlike any other; but not all the glory has to go to the big stars. There are some characters who are equally as interesting, sufficiently as captivating in their concepts, with a unique, rich Hasbro history, that nobody even knows exists. The type of character that makes the vast majority go "Who the f*ck is that?" And, you know what, I like these characters, maybe even more so than the big stars. So, today, set aside those framed posters of those giant icons, because this next job is dedicated to the unknown, to the surprising, the forgotten, and to the absolutely obscure characters of Hasbro's line-up.

(Micronauts was the best example I could come up with. There won't be a Micronauts round, FYI)
Job: Nominate an Obscure Hasbro Character
So, the criteria for this is a little more broad than one would expect. But I feel we can narrow it down very well; Just submit a character you feel is relatively unknown, to either the general audience or to this thread. The type of character you just know you're going to have to do a write-up for because nobody knows who the heck they are. It could be from a one-off toy, to a forgotten mascot, to any character that just never hit the mainstream. There are plenty of picks for this in Hasbro's line-up, hell I can think of like 5 or 6 right now, so uh. Get researching!

Movesets and Arcade Endings for any Character are open indefinitely!
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Smash Ace
Nov 7, 2018
Switch FC
It's re-submittin' time, cue this robot (technically) who was created five years before the famous Cybertronians.

New Obscure Fighter - ROM the Space Knight

ROM the Space Knight is the main protagonist/hero of a titular multimedia franchise, which was created by Scott Dankman, Richard C. Levy, and Bryan L. McCoy for Parker Brothers (a company which was known for board games and some of those ports on Atari 2600) in 1979 before Hasbro ultimately bought the brand's rights twelve years (1991) later, starting off as an electronic action figure toyline (like other Hasbro IPs), before becoming the comic book series published by Marvel Comics, which ironically said, managed to outlast the toy which it was originally created to support and ended in 1986 after 75 issues, four annuals (double-sized issues) & few major role appearances outside his series.

ROM himself even had a canonical history in Marvel's mainstream Earth-616 universe, also making occasional cameo roles and appearances on their official guidebooks. Recently, since July 2015, IDW Publishing has written a new comic book series of ROM's adventures (latest being ROM: Dire Wraiths in 2020), with the Space Knight himself playing an important role in the Hasbro Comic Book Universe (encountering the Transformers themselves) and a upcoming live-action film for the cinematic universe, which hasn't gotten news for quite a long time.

Coming from the far-off planet of Galador (or Elonia in IDW's comic book universe), Rom K'atsema was originally a human-like member of their peaceful, eponymous race before volunteering to sacrifice his humanity in order to transform into a leader of the cyborg warrior team called Space Knights, who is dedicated to defend the planet from an impending invasion by the shapeshifting, war-like Dire Wraiths. After two hundred years in space, ROM arrived on Earth and befriended a local woman, Brandy Clark, who assists him on his mission dealing with the Dire Wraiths, who escaped from their banishment to Limbo by his Neutralizer weapon, even having been magically bonded to the armor of a deceased female Space Knight, Starshine (Landra). Their sons (after ROM turned back into a human and was changed to Artour in name when Marvel lost the license), Balin (Terminator) and Tristan (Liberator) appeared as the main protagonists in a 2000 five issue-long sequel comic series, Spaceknights, as they train to be eponymous heroes after their father was killed on a diplomatic mission (with Balin taking in charge of the team).

During his afore-mentioned career in the original Marvel incarnation's timeline, ROM has regularly teamed up with many various superheroes such as the Avengers, Fantastic Four, X-Men, Namor the Sub-Mariner (having helped him to save a dying little girl by turning her into a water-breather with his medics - trust me, that was quite a sad story according to TV Tropes and I cannot leave my favorite Marvel hero unmentioned), etc. against their own threats/villains.

As the cosmic Space Knight, ROM wears a cybernetic Plandanium armor on his body that allows him to use various powers and abilities like incredible superhuman strength, durability (even against Wolverine's adamantium claws with no real damage to his body) and the ability to fly through the skies/space thanks to rocket pods on his back, though this makes him a heavy-weight fighter. His giant size may not be the case in this project, since the Transformers are potentially getting scaled down as well, unlike The Iron Giant in his appearance as a playable fighter on MultiVersus.

He can also utilize projectiles in the form of his weapon, the Neutralizer, which shoots out energy beams/rays or summon huge portals to banish opponents into the Limbo by dragging them towards it (likely a Super attack, akin to MagnaAngemon's Heaven's Gate in Digimon Rumble Arena 2), the Analyzer which he uses to scan normally/negate any projectiles it comes on contact with, store weapons/items with the Subspace (a pocket dimension), self-repair himself and even control temperatures by being able to freeze opponents through his cooling, absorbing energy to drain power sources/countering attacks by turning them into fire before hurling them back and summon a powerful solar charge around himself by releasing out the power of the Sun, that would deal massive damage depending on how long it's held up (unless it's one of his Supers), akin to Wario's fully-charged Wario Waft & Hero's Magic Burst in the Super Smash Bros. series and Isaac Clarke's Level 2 Super in PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale.
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Smash Champion
Oct 2, 2019
New Jersey
Not sure if this counts as obscure but…

Resubmitting Matt Trakker (M.A.S.K.)


From the hit Hasbro franchise M.A.S.K., he is the protagonist and leader of the Mobile Strike Armored Kommand. The 80s series was launched to help promote the merchandise line of toy vehicles and the liking. Matt can fight with his vehicles as well as his team. M.A.S.K. is a big part of the Hasbro multiverse as it has been mentioned in variouys Transformers TV series as well as Trakker appearing in G.I. Joe as well.

I feel we should have a rep from each of the older Hasbro toy lines as they are a part of Hasbro's history. Plus, there was going to be a Hasbro cinematic universe but that's not going to come to fruition most likely. Overall, a good retro pick to start us off.

I was going to resubmit Microman again or even a rep from Visionaries: Knights of The Magical Light but M.A.S.K. is just a super cool Hasbro franchise.
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Qwerty UIOP

Smash Lord
Feb 19, 2022
Obscure character: The Cranium Gang

Cranium is a game where everyone can show their skills (just like Smashboards!) The Cranium gang consists of Word Worm (Word Skills). Creative Cat (Art Skills), Data Head (Knowledge Skills) and Star Performer (Acting Skills).
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