@M2K: I would prefer the Oracle of Seasons/Ages over any of the DS titles or the Minish Cap for the GBA. OsS/A is pretty much Link's Awakening only with exceptions to a few item, dungeon, etc changes. So if you played any of those, I think you would find these much better.
The only reason I saw the water temple was pretty bad was because without knowing the most direct route, you end up retracing your steps. In order to get to the longshot, you have to collect 3 keys spread out through the dungeon. First off, you wander around trying to figure out what location the keys are in. When you do find what area you should go to you realize you have to adjust the water levels and go through an annoying tour of the dungeon to do so. Multiple times if you not smart about checking your locations. After getting the the long shot, you need another 2-3 keys and collect the boss key before you can finally finish the whole thing. To top it off, you have to keep putting and pulling off the iron boots.
So its more of an annoying dungeon rather than being hard.
I did not know of any hacks really other than ones for the easier to hack games: nes, snes, gba, or gbc.
@Dre.: Forsaken fortress is just another one of those annoying dungeons. If you do move, then the guard stops moving and you have to wait even LONGER before you can finish up the dungeon. I found it annoying because you have to wander around the place until you get to the right route, then realize you have to go and remove the spot light to prevent being attacked. Although, I have managed to get across without being attacked. It was only once though.