My friend has the Beta.
He says it's just Halo 2, but better looking. Anyone disagree? How does it stand out from previous Halo's?
It feels more like Halo 1 than 2. Combat isn't as fast and frantic as it was in Halo 2, and usually not as up close. With the whole dual wielding thing introduced in Halo 2, they, aside from the Plasma Pistol/Battle Rifle combo seemed to be used the most, making for close quarters battles. Halo 3 balances it, there's plenty of long range battle, made possible by increased accuracy in the Carbine, along with the Battle Rifle, Sniper Rifle, Beam Rifle and Spartan Laser being in the game, and there's also plenty of up close battles with the Shotgun, all the dual wield combos, Shotgun, Brute Shot, etc. The Battle Rifle, Assault Rifle and Carbine made for nice mid-range battles, too. The addition of the Bubble Shield, Portable Grav Lift and Power Drainer change the game the most though, I've had game changing moments because of them. Unsuspectingly come across four guys on the other team close together? Drop your Power Drainer and throw in a grenade and Battle Rifle anyone who survives. The Banshee has been attempted to be balanced... and just really ended up getting nerfed. You can use the Fuel Rod Cannon on it... but you can't aim too far down, and the thing controls like a flying brick. Yeah, it's better than Halo 2's because you actually can shoot the thing down when on foot, and if the pilot is stupid and hits, say, a tree, the Banshee blows up and he falls to the ground. The Mongoose is only useful in a few areas, such as transporting the Flag or the Bomb. You aren't going to kill a single person while on the thing, though.