So, there's been a few video leaks of the Microsoft internal beta. This is different from the public beta, mind you, sporting two more levels than what we, the public, will be getting. The two levels? Last Resort, an updated version of Zanzibar from Halo 2, and Epitaph, what appears to be a combination of levels such as Gemini, Collosus and ****ation.
What levels with the public beta feature? The three most polished; High Ground, being hailed as the new Zanzibar (not a remake though, that's Last Resort), Snowbound, a smaller map with underground caves protected by shield doors and snowy ridges, and Valhalla, being hailed as the new Blood Gulch (though not a remake. Blood Gulch, or Coagulation as it was in Halo 2, is likely to appear in the final game as its own map).
But yeah! New videos that were leaked! They contain new info, obviously.
The Halo 1 pistol is back. Sort of! The model for the weapon looks like it did in Halo 1, and is now named the M6G. It does not have a scope and can be dual wielded. Has 8 rounds per clip, takes 6 headshots to kill. You cannot fire as fast as you can pull the trigger like you could in Halo 1.
The Plasma Pistol has received treatment to balance out the usage of the Halo 2 "noob combo." Remember how you could pick up a Plasma Pistol, charge it, run around until you saw someone, shoot them with it and then switch to the Battle Rifle and cap them for a headshot? Well, the charged pistol used to reduce the battery of the weapon by 10, now it completely depletes the battery. You get one noob combo shot out of the Plasma Pistol, sorry noob combo lovers.
SMG no longer has recoil that kicked your cursor up in Halo 2. Said to be a faster shooting, but less accurate and dual wieldable version of the Assault Rifle.
Equipment in deployed with the X button. Equipment revealed by Bungie and in the leaked videos include:
- Bubble shield, a protective shield that can block any projectile, or contain any projectile if fired inside of the bubble. Lasts 20 seconds before disappearing.
- Portable grav-lift, drop it down and ascend to new heights anywhere on the map.
- Trip mine, a proximity mine. Perfect to drop right before being splattered by a Warthog.
- Power drainer, described as a twister that rapidly depletes your shields if in the area near it and will kill you if too close to it once activated. Kill registers as "Killed by the Guardians."
- Radar drainer, messes with your radar if you're in the blast vicinity. You may suddenly notice a bunch of red dots on your motion sensor while in there is only a single guy near you.
The public beta is only 13 days away, and I can't ****ing wait. Will I be seeing anybody else from here in Matchmaking?
edit: Confirmed a while ago: There are portable turrets in the game. You can fire them while they're planted on the ground, or pick them up and carry them around like a minigun, which causes your jump height to decrease and your speed to drop. While carrying a turret the view is also in third person, not first. There's a very lovely walking animation to stare at while running around with one.