Thanks for posting and keeping this thread alive, everybody! All of your dreams were really interesting.
Fortunately, I just remembered about something weird that happened to me once. It wasn't a dream, but it was either a hallucination, or something very paranormal. One time, I was in my room, but it was in my old house. I was trying very hard to get to sleep, but I just couldn't. I think I kept lying in bed until about 2:00 AM, and then I started getting really hot. However, I didn't want to come out from under the blanket, because I was little (kind of), and still afraid of bad things being in dark rooms. I finally got so hot that I decide it would probably be all right to lift up the blanket a tiny little bit. However, it wasn't all right. A dark figure jumped up and looked like it was going to attack me, and although I couldn't see much, I could see a little bit of some white fangs on the figure. It screamed at me at the same time. It scared the crap out of me, and so I hid under my blanket for the rest of the night. Until I finally got to sleep, I kept on hearing some creaking, like an old rocking chair or something.
And that's it. For some dreams, I have two. There's this one, which I had last night:
I was in a temple, which looked a lot like Ganon's Tower from Ocarina of Time. My friend was with me, and we were both aware that we were inside a video game of some sort, and that if we lost, we would literally die. We proceeded through a door, which was like the doors in Ganon's Tower as well, only they had whale heads on them. We got into the next room, and then did a lot of things that I can't remember at all. After all that, we went outside. We then saw a giant monster thingy smashing the temple. Then, an army of people who were on our side approached us. Some guy (which I think was the leader) said something like, "If that thing smashes the temple before we get that part, then we're doomed!" I have NO idea what the "part" was of, but in my dream, we both seemed to have understood it well. The leader continued, "There's a time limit, and their magic is making it unknown to us! We're all going in with you, and we have to hurry!" My friend and I nodded, and then we saw my friend's dad, who said to him, "Keep them safe, son." By that, I can confirm that he meant to not let all of the troops die. So we went inside, where some debris was falling. All the troopers were shooting at the enemy monsters, and they gave us a signal to go on to the next room. We did so, and then we saw a cross between a walrus and a pig... in a business suit. He pointed at us and said, "Hey, guys, wanna buy something here?" I remember that we really didn't want to buy anything, and we didn't have the time. So we shot him and went into the next room. Afterwards, we saw a a big, huge whale. In a cloak. And I forgot how it all ended.
Technically, it didn't end. For some reason, I apparently had to get the last "part" from another world. So, I remember walking across a deserted skatepark and into... LUIGI'S MANSION?! Yeah... So I went into the Kitchen, and it turned out that there was a secret room accessible from it. I went in there, and it was a bathroom. There was even a water elemental ghost flying around. I remember saying to myself, "Wow, I forgot all about this room for years!" I also remember that I knew there was a portrait ghost in there. So, a female portrait ghost popped out of the toilet and chased me into another room.
That's all I remember.
My wall of text is bigger than Kinzer's! Lol!
EDIT: AUGH!! I forgot my second one!
This is a nightmare I had a while ago this summer. It's the most horrible nightmare I've ever had in my life, too.
Basically, some random little kid walked into my room and forced me to erase my Smash Bros. Melee data...
Good thing it wasn't real...