Hey Bob, I knew Jesus personally. He condoned skinning puppies alive and making hats from their pelts.
There, Christianity now officially encourages skinning puppies alive and making hats from their pelts. Boy that was easy!
And before you start forming a rebuttal, understand that I just exercised
the exact same logic used to justify things like stoning.
This section of the article in particular is worth noting:
No stoning in the Quran
First things first. Although Mr. Bekdil defined stoning as an “explicit Quranic commandment,” it actually isn’t. There is simply no reference to stoning in the whole Quran. The only scripture that orders this painful execution is in fact the Torah. In Islam, stoning appeared as a post-Quranic injunction, established by “hadiths,” or sayings attributed to the prophet, whose authenticity has always been contested.
And not that I approve of the true fact, the fact is you're blatantly lying (or utterly ignorant) to say that he punishment for adultery is death.
It is, in fact, the lash. I'll agree that this is inhumane, of course, but you're still way the hell off base.
Homosexuality? Yeah. You're wrong, again.
The only stance on homosexuality that the Qur'an takes is that it's a sin. Obviously I already disagree with it, but that has nothing to do with my point. The only lines in the Qur'an that come even close to suggesting a type of punishment are these:
And as for those who are guilty of an indecency from among your women, call to witnesses against them four (witnesses) from among you; then if they bear witness confine them to the houses until death takes them away or Allah opens some way for them. 004.015
And as for the two who are guilty of indecency from among you, give them both a punishment; then if they repent and amend, turn aside from them; surely Allah is Oft-returning (to mercy), the Merciful. 004.016
Source here.
Basically, house arrest "until Allah finds a new way for them" for women. What that way out would be is not specified. On the other hand, men are simply said to be punished somehow. These are some of the unfortunate ambiguities in the Qur'an that allow someone to play fill in the blanks with whatever the hell they want.
This does
not make what they fill in those blanks WITH endorsed by the Qur'an. It simply makes it the latest diatribe being spat out by some notable bigot in the region who wants to thump a few holy texts and pretend that what he wants is what the faith directs. Which, y'know, happens every day with many other faiths, especially Christianity.
To contrast, here's a line from the Torah:
Lev.20,13 And if a man lie with mankind, as with womankind, both of them have committed abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.
Source here.
So, it seems you've misplaced a punitive action from another religion and shoveled it onto Islam -- or perhaps you just made an assumption where you didn't know what the hell you were talking about.
By the way, your completely and utterly wrong information about adultery also happens to be completely accurate for
the Jewish faith, as taken literally. The punishment for any participant in an extramarital affair is
As for sexism, this section in particular caught my eye.
The Law in Patriarchal Days.
In the patriarchal days the Adultery of the wife required no proof, for whenever the head of the family suspected her, he could kill her.
Beyond that, the adulterous actions of men would generally go unimpeded. That's a nice little bit of sexism for you.
But I'm of course not going to argue that the Jewish faith supports that. This is not representative of the faith. This is just representative of people within the faith, because people suck. Period.
If you want to say that less people should be religious in general, that's all well and good, but you seem to be taking a specific stance against Islam and muslims, and frankly, everytime you open your mouth on the subject you make yourself look more and more ignorant and biased.