Funniest **** I have EVER read in my life.
I still can't get over that ride from Matt's. I swear I was thirsty for WATER. You walk out of the door with 4 bottles of water o___0. I never even said anything about being thirsty either XD.
I can predict you like white on my rice !
Isn't it obvious? Matt's a telepath. Like durr.
tis true i have a messed up gamers instinct which lets me become beastly at games only after a few hours :D (trick is i steal your mental powers and use them as my own) kinda like xavier but only cooler like nightcrawler
He's so lucky man, he's gonna be playing with Fogel, Rimi, Locke) and Dice. O_O Like watch, he's gonna come back a beast.
i left toronto as a beast it only took one day of abuse from iceclimbers :D
unless he leaves me
plz don't leave me matt i need you!
never , did i mention ice climbers is my favorite game and its on my nintendo ds
so as gay as this sounds, i always have a part of you with me (shoot me if you must):O
ok i got a funny story for you guys to read when you wake up , might seem kinda dumb but here i was stuck in a girl residence with nowere to take a ****, like comon guys and girls cant take ****s in the same bathrooms, first off when a guy takes a **** it smells for miles and you gotta get that fan going for like 3 hours! (tbh i think girls dont **** either...its a myth) so anyways i was stuck here untill everyone went to sleep befor i had to take a crap....THE WASHROOMS DONT EVEN HAVE FANS, and the res is so close together i was like.....oh my god i am gonna stink up the hallway and there gonna know its me cause i am the only guy whos sleeping here, but thats not the worst part, the tolit paper is actually sand paper and it felt like i was ripping layers of my intestine apart. i was in there a good 30 mins befor i figured i should just wash my hands alot cause there soap was the only way to get rid of the smell....but man it hurt me cause i was holding it for like 4 hours and i wake up at 4 in the morning and try to be a silent ninja while going threw pain wiping my *** with this girly sandpapper trying not to wake anyone up.....the tolits like explode when you flush them also sounds like hiroshima just happened in the bathroom after you flush....maby its a warning signal so people dont leave there rooms....
so the real lessons/moral of this story is....dont wake up at 4am then go on smashboards to talk about how you made dooky in the bathroom of a girls residence.
enjoi ^_^ also i have joined le resistance and am heading to the french .....