Pentas? My first was with Urgot. My second was with Sivir. I've had a few quadras that have the 5th ninja'd from me by some jerk
Dominion was fun the one game I played but I wanted to work on Ranked and I'm almost 1500 now with primarily Taric, Trist and Cass (since Singed gets banned constantly).
My winning strategies for them go as follows:
Taric -- ward constantly and follow the best player on the team around, keeping them safe and getting them kills.
Cass -- **** mid, and if a lane is doing bad, go kill them when they get pushed. Also buy my own wards (because I don't trust soloQ supports) and gank their jungler or ruin their path.
Trist -- Farm, Q when a fight starts, and win. Between flash, rocketjump, exhaust, and buster shot I don't need a babysitter lol.
Can't win them all obviously but I'm doing pretty darn good so far.